The Marquess's Maddening Dilemma

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The Marquess's Maddening Dilemma Page 15

by Ginny Hartman

  “Not now,” she sobbed. “I can't bear to hear it right now.” She knew that whatever he decided could not be changed by her anyway, so there was no use in him voicing it.

  Ignoring her protests, he continued regardless, “I could never live with myself if I knew I had the power to remove this pain from you and yet did not. I'm releasing you from the contract.”

  She couldn't believe her ears. “What?” she asked, shocked by his words, yet searching his gray eyes for sincerity, which she of course found.

  “I'm willing to sacrifice my own sure future in order to bestow happiness upon you and my father. I saw something in him today, something I've never seen before and it startled me with how powerful it was. My father is passionate about you, Lady Alexandra, a trait I believe he's never possessed. I would be doing you both a great disservice if I sat back and allowed the agreement to remain in effect.”

  Alexandra could hardly breathe. “You would do that for us?”

  “In a heartbeat. I have the contract with me. I felt the urge to retrieve it when I went to Tisdale Manor. As soon as your brother arrives, I will summon our solicitor and see that it is legally, lawfully, and promptly dissolved.”

  New tears formed in her eyes, ones of sheer gratitude and happiness this time, a stark contrast to the painful ones of moments before. “Samuel, I will remember your act of selflessness until my dying day. Someday you will fall in love, and you will understand just how important this decision was.”

  “I can only hope I'll be as lucky as you and Father.”

  “Someday you will be,” she vowed, for a good man like Samuel deserved all the happiness this uncertain world had to offer, she was sure of it.

  Two months later

  “Darling, have you seen my diamond stick pin? The one you gave me for a wedding gift?”

  Alexandra sat watching Percival ready Aaron for the ball they were set to attend that night. She'd never tire of looking at him and was still in such awe that he was her husband.

  Feigning alarm, she exclaimed, “Please tell me you haven't lost such a priceless and sentimental item!”

  Percival finished tying is cravat into the mathematical and Aaron promptly turned, so he was looking at her. “I'm certain it isn't lost, merely misplaced. Right, Percival?”

  Percival looked flushed, clearly embarrassed that such a special item had managed to become lost on his watch. “Certainly, my lord. Allow me to go into your dressing room and look for it once more.”

  “Please do that.”

  As soon as Percival disappeared, Alexandra let out a giggle. Aaron looked at her curiously; one dark brow raised high on his forehead. “You're hiding it,” he accused as he stalked towards her.

  Alexandra slowly backed away, shaking her head. “Never. Why would I do such a thing?”

  “Because you're a tease, that's why. Come here, you little vixen, and give me my pin.”

  Clutching the spot where she had hidden the pin, Alexandra turned on her heel and fled, laughing as he chased her from the room. She quickly glanced over her shoulder only to see him quickly approaching before deciding to turn into the library so as not to be seen doing something so indecorous in front of the servants.

  Aaron followed her into the room and quickly shut and locked the door behind him. Turning, he attempted to give her a stern look as he said, “Not the wisest choice, my dear, for now I have you cornered.”

  “And what do you plan on doing to me? Spank me for my naughtiness?”

  Aaron growled as he took slow, marauding steps towards her. “If I must, though I'd much prefer it if you simply told me where my pin is.”

  It was a game they played often and one that both of them quite enjoyed. Alexandra was constantly taking his things, causing disorder to the orderly existence he still tried to maintain, though he had relaxed much since meeting her. She always pretended to be innocent at first but would eventually divulge the truth, though she never told him where on her person she had hidden his belongings. The search was half the fun.

  “Don't tell me you are getting dull in your old age, mister,” she teased. “If you really want your stick pin, you must come find it.”

  “So, you admit you took it?” he asked, playing along like always.

  “Yes, though I don't quite remember where I placed it. You'll just have to search me.”

  Aaron's eyes darkened with passion as he came near, anxious to do as she said. His hands roved over her person, pausing at certain parts of her body to enjoy the way she felt. “Give me a hint, or I'll be forced to start undressing you.”

  Alexandra's mouth widened into an o as she gasped. “Say it isn't so. I would hate if you did that, seeing as how I'm all ready to leave for the ball.”

  “Would you truly hate it?” he asked as he spun her around and began unlacing her gown. He paused only long enough to place scorching kisses to each newly exposed inch of flesh, causing her to prickle with desire.

  “Yes, very much,” she lied breathlessly, not convincing anyone with her act.

  Her silk gown slid to the ground and crumpled into a heap at her feet. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her forcefully into him and began kissing her neck, then working his way up to her ear. “Do you remember now where you put it?”

  “I can't say that I do,” she whispered airily.

  “Then I will have to continue my search.”

  So the game went, layer after layer being removed until he forgot altogether what he was looking for. Soon, Alexandra forgot they'd even been playing a game, so consumed she was with her husband's ministrations.

  They made love on the rug before the fireplace, neither one of them the least bit concerned with the fact that they were now going to be late for the ball.

  As soon as they were done, Alexandra laid on Aaron's chest, staring into the mesmerizing flames and smiled. Running her hand along the course hair scattered across his chest, she confessed, “I suddenly recall where your stick pin is.”

  He breathed deeply into her hair and said, “But of course you do. Where is it?”

  “In my reticule.”

  Aaron began tickling her sides, causing her to laugh and squeal as she tried to get away from him. “No wonder I didn't find it on your person, you little vixen. You didn't have it on you the entire time.”

  “Sorry,” she said with mock contrition.

  “No, you are not,” he insisted as he continued to tickle her.

  “Stop,” she yelled in between laughs. “I hate being tickled.”

  “And I hate being teased.”

  “No, you do not.”

  Finally, he stopped and gathered her once more into his arms. “You're right, as usual.”

  The warm, heady atmosphere proved too tempting, and soon they were in each other's arms once more.

  “Blast it all,” Aaron blurted then smiled at her languidly, “I didn't want to go to the ball anyway.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean if we start this again, we will not be going anywhere tonight.”

  Suddenly, Alexandra stiffened in his arms then bolted to her feet. Aaron rolled on his side and watched her as she struggled to re-dress. “We can't miss the ball, I promised Lydia I'd be there.”

  “Send your apologies tomorrow and come back here at once.”

  She slid into her chemise than began doing up her stays. “Haven't you already had enough of me tonight?”

  Aaron pulled himself off the floor and went and wrapped his arms around her then placed a tender kiss on the top of her head. “Never, my love. I'll always be left wanting more.”

  “Me too,” she said with a smile.

  Nearly an hour later, record time for the couple, Aaron and Alexandra arrived at the Whitworth ball and were shown to the ballroom where they were introduced by a footman to the crowd.

  “Lord and Lady Emberson.”

  Aaron led Alexandra into the room where she at once began looking around for Lydia.

  “Why is it so i
mportant that you find your friend?” Aaron asked, a little worried what the pair was up to.

  “She told me she had something important she needed to tell me.”

  “And she couldn't have sent a missive?”

  Alexandra rolled her eyes. “It's not the same as talking in person. Oh, look, there she is. Excuse me while I go speak to her.”

  She let go of his arm and hurried across the room to where Lydia was standing next to her mother, drinking a glass of ratafia. She was dressed in a jonquil gown that looked quite fetching with her pale skin and dark hair.

  “Alexandra, you came!” she exclaimed as Alexandra approached.

  “I told you I would.”

  Lydia laced her arm through Alexandra's and turned to her mother, “Can I have permission to walk around the room with Lady Emberson?”

  “Of course, my dear.”

  Alexandra smiled at Lady Phelps then the two slowly walked away. Lowering her voice, Alexandra asked, “What is it you wanted to tell me?”

  With a sparkle in her eye, Lydia confessed quietly, “I'm planning on allowing myself to be compromised tonight.”

  Alexandra gasped.

  “Shush,” Lydia scolded as she swatted her arm with her fan. “Don't draw any attention to us. I won't tell you the rest if you are going to react in such a manner.”

  “I'm sorry, but I cannot believe I heard you correctly. Whyever would you wish to be compromised?”

  “To teach a certain gentleman a lesson.”

  Alexandra shook her head, not seeing the genius behind Lydia's plan. “Who do you wish to teach a lesson to, and how would allowing yourself to be compromised do that?”

  “I can't answer the first question, but the second one is simple enough. I wish to show this man that I can do whatever I wish and that he has no power over me.”

  “But do you have to do so in such an extreme fashion? You do realize if you're caught, your father will demand satisfaction and you will be forced to be wed to...who is the lucky gentleman anyway?”

  “Lord Whitworth.”

  Alexandra groaned. “You are playing with fire, Lydia. You do realize this, don't you?”

  “Look, I do not seek your approval, I only wish for you to aid me in my plan. If all goes accordingly, the only person who will know of my ruin is the gentleman I wish to teach a lesson to.”

  “And Lord Whitworth, of course.”

  “Oh,” she said, waving her fan in front of her face, “I do not worry about him, he helped me devise this scheme. He has no intentions of wedding me, nor I him, so it will all work out splendidly.”

  A sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach made Alexandra doubt that. “What is it you need me to do?”

  “I need you to occupy my mother and make sure she isn't aware of my prolonged absence. That is all.”

  “Oh, Lydia, that's simple enough, but I'm still uncertain whether your idea is wise.”

  “Alexandra,” Lydia said condescendingly, “there was a time when you would have been the mastermind behind such adventures. Please tell me marriage has not made you so dull.”

  Alexandra flinched. She remembered all too well accusing Aaron of being dull. “No,” she finally sighed. “If anything, it has made me more adventurous.”

  “Well, now is your time to prove it. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?”

  What could possibly go wrong?

  Alexandra played the question over and over in her mind as she went to find Aaron. She waited patiently for him to finish up his conversation with Lord Furthingham then linked her arm in his and began strolling along the edge of the ballroom.

  “Shall we dance, my love?”

  “Not now,” she said with regret. “There is someone I must find.”

  “Who? Miss Phelps? I swear I just saw you conversing with her.”

  “Yes, we've already spoken. I'm looking for her mother now.”

  Aaron looked at her curiously. “Whatever for?”

  “I'll explain everything later. Suffice it to say I simply wish to speak to Lady Phelps in regards to inviting her and Lydia to tea.”

  “Why do I have the feeling you are up to no good?” he asked as he stared down at her.

  Alexandra couldn't meet his eyes. “Because,” she said wearily, “I believe I am.”

  The End...for now!

  Coming soon...

  Ginny Hartman has always loved writing, and when her love for the regency era blossomed, she decided to combine the two, resulting in her first published novel, Deceiving the Duke of Kerrington, which became an Amazon Historical Romance bestseller. After completing her first Regency Romance Trilogy, she decided to venture into other eras of historical romance, enjoying the journey back in time.

  Ginny's favorite thing about writing is the escape it gives her and the people who read her stories. To be among the first to be notified when her new books are released, sign up for her newsletter at As an added bonus, you will also receive Mrs. Tiddlyswan's Gossip Column, an exclusive addition to Ginny's newsletter that will feature periodic updates on all of your favorite heroes and heroines. You can also like her Facebook page at

  Besides writing, Ginny enjoys reading and spending time with her favorite people: her husband and three beautiful children. She also enjoys traveling the world with the love of her life and gaining inspiration for her books. She currently resides in Northern Idaho.




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