Only One Night: A Fusion Universe Novel

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Only One Night: A Fusion Universe Novel Page 3

by Dani Rene

  “I need more time, please?” Shutting my eyes, I pray. I beg and plead with the gods above to help me here. To offer me some mercy, but deep down, I know I’m fucked. When Marco Gianetti wants his money, he goes to extremes to get it back.

  “Time, Bella, is not something I know very well.”

  Nodding, I sigh into the receiver. “I know. I promise you I’ll get it back to you. I just need another couple of months. Once the building is restored and I can open, there’ll be more profit than you can count.”

  “Profit? If you’re lying to me—”

  “I’m not. Marco. You’ve known me almost all my life. Have I ever lied to you?” I’m not beyond begging. This is life or death—mine.

  He’s silent for a long while, and I wonder if he’s going to refuse. I’ve never been so scared. Fear skyrockets through me, sizzling in my veins as I wait for him to say something. Anything. When I finally slump into the small chair at my kitchen table, he responds.

  “Fine. Tre mesi . . .” Three months.

  “Thank you! You will not be sorry. I promise you, Marco,” I tell him as relief is evident in my voice. I know I can do this. All I need to do now is prove to Rome he has to sell me that building. There’s no way I can fail.

  Marco hangs up before I have time to thank him once more. It’s my own fault for getting into business with a man like him, but I had no other choice. If it weren’t for him, I’d be dead right now.

  Glancing at the time, I realize I have hours to go before I have to get ready for my dinner with Rome, but I’m not sure what to wear since this is business. I don’t want him to think this is more than I agreed to. It’s purely professional, and I’m not accustomed to the correct attire. I head into the bedroom with my mind whirling with possibilities.

  As much as I find Rome Donovan handsome, alluring, and sexy, I know I’m in no position to even think of this as a date. It’s a professional arrangement. My contingency against losing both my business and my life.

  Chapter 6


  I’m staring up at the sign that reads Seduction. A restaurant I never thought I’d see because I was convinced I couldn’t make it here without my past following me. But I needed to come here and talk to Mia. I haven’t kept up to date with what she was doing, but after the show she and Camden did, I knew I needed to come to make things right. I needed to talk to the girl who offered me friendship when I needed it most.

  When I step through the doors, I’m blown away by just how beautiful it is. The layout, lighting, everything down to the servers make me smile. My heart is full, knowing she did it. We studied together at college before I left without a word. I didn’t even say goodbye.

  When my father called, ordering me home, I knew I couldn’t refuse. And that left me with nothing more than a pile of regret. My boyfriend at the time had tried calling, Mia tried calling, but I couldn’t explain that I was summoned by a man who wanted to marry me off.

  “Hi, would you like a table?” One of the waitresses smiles over at me as I glance around, looking for an empty table.

  “I was wondering if Mia was in?”

  “She is. At the moment, she’s busy in the kitchen, but if you take a seat, I can get her for you.” I nod, and she leaves me to settle myself at the two-seater that I find vacated by the patrons who’ve just paid. It’s bustling, and I realize I’ve come at the wrong time. I should’ve waited until after the lunch rush.

  Pulling out my cell phone, I notice the time—almost two—, and I hope that it will ease up soon so Mia and I can have a catch-up. If I’m going to be staying, I’d like to apologize to her for my disappearing act. For just walking out and not telling her where I was.

  “Elisabet?” My name is a question on her lips. When I glance up, I recognize her immediately. She hasn’t changed much. I smile, matching hers as she nears me. “I can’t believe it. This is such a surprise.” Mia pulls me in for a hug, and my chest aches when I recall all the nights we spent eating pizza and drinking wine.

  Those are memories that kept me going, that pushed me to open my first bakery back in New York. When we break our hold on each other, Mia’s hands grip my shoulders as she holds me steady.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, slipping into the chair opposite mine. The waitress appears before I can speak, and Mia orders us both a coffee. Once we’re alone, I know I need to explain.

  “I’m hoping to stay here. I . . . I wanted to apologize,” I tell her, meeting her gaze. “I shouldn’t have run off without a word, but . . . My family, well, my father was being a tyrant. And it’s such a long story, and I don’t want to keep you. I know you’re busy. We’ll talk in more detail, but I just wanted to pop in and see you. I wanted to tell you that I’m here. I’m looking at buying a restaurant on the other side of town and turning it into a bakery.”

  “So, you’re putting down some roots?” she questions with a bright smile that lights up her face. She looks incredible.

  “I’m hoping to.” It’s true. I’d really love to finally have a home.

  “That’s amazing. It would be so good to really catch up with you. I’m married now, but Camden wouldn’t mind if we had a girl’s night just like old times. He can watch the kids.”

  My chest tightens at the mention of marriage and children. It’s something I didn’t ever think I’d have, and even now, I don’t believe it’s possible.

  “I’m so happy for you!” I offer her a smile because I truly am happy for her. “I can’t believe we’re both all grown up.”

  “I can’t believe Camden and I finally got back together,” she tells me, lowering her voice to a whisper. “It was a long road.”

  “Is that the guy you ended up living with?” I ask. I remember when Mia told me about her roommate, who she had a crush on. They were friends until they became a little more than friends. And that was just before I left.

  “One and the same,” she laughs, shaking her head. “I have so much to tell you. After you left, I focused on finishing my studies, but Camden and I had become so much more. Only . . .” She allows the words to filter off into silence as our drinks arrive.

  The moment the waitress is gone, I look at her. “Only?”

  “We had a pregnancy scare. Well, not scare, but I was late, and we ended up married. Camden said it was the best thing to do, only I thought he was saying it to be a gentleman, not realizing he actually did love me.”

  “Oh my God, are you serious?”

  With a laugh, she nods. “Oh yeah, we got married. When I managed to see the doctor and found out it was a false positive, I packed my bags and left while he was at work.”

  That has me shaking my head. “Are you taking a page from my book?” I question, picking up the mug and taking a sip while Mia rolls her eyes.

  “Yeah, I did. I figured, if you could do it, so can I.”

  “But you’re married now?”

  “We are. It all happened when he was in town for the cooking show we did, and being near him again, I knew I couldn’t resist his charm. Even though I tried.”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m sure you tried,” I tease with a playful wink, which has her chuckling. “I am just so happy that you’ve found your passion, your love,” I tell her.

  “I have.” There’s honesty in her words, and I believe her. She’s practically glowing from love and my chest twinges with envy at what she’s found. Maybe Portland would be it for me. Perhaps I can find that too.

  “Why don’t you come to our place for dinner one night?” Mia asks. “It would be great to catch up properly, and you can finally meet Camden.”

  Nodding, I tell her, “I’d love to. Thank you, Mia. It’s so good to be here, to see you again.” We both stand at the same time, and I know she has to get back to work.

  She pulls me in for a hug before leaving me to finish my coffee. It’s delicious, and I order a second cup to take away. It’s time for me to figure out where I’m going to stay. I’ll have to scroll through some apartment rentals
and figure out just what I’m going to do.

  Chapter 7


  The office is quiet as the sun sets behind me. My door swings open, and Dom walks in. He’s still dressed in a black suit, which is tailored to fit him perfectly. The man is a walking GQ advert.

  “Donovan,” he rumbles my last name as he settles himself on the chair that the sweet Ms. Rossi was perched in earlier. I meet his gaze as his mouth quirks up into a grin. “How was your day?” he questions easily, gesturing to the tumbler of whiskey that’s sitting on my desk.

  “It was interesting. I had a rather intriguing meeting this morning,” I offer.

  “Yeah,” he says, leaning forward, fascinated. I push off the chair and head to the cabinet to pour my best friend a drink. Once I’ve given him the glass, I sit back in my chair and tell him about Elisabet. “She’s incredible. I’ve asked her to dinner tonight,” I tell him finally.

  “I thought you vowed never to mix business with pleasure again. Has this pretty little princess dragged you into her web so easily?” He gulps down the drink and heads to pour another for both of us.

  “I don’t think I’m the one caught in her web. I want to fuck her, yes. I’m not saying this is love, Dom.” I school my features, waiting for him to look at me. It’s how he’ll know I’m lying, only this time, I won’t allow my best friend to see how much this woman has gotten under my skin with just one meeting.

  He turns to me then, stalking back to my desk. He sets the glass down before smirking at me in that knowing way. “So, you’re telling me you’re just going to fuck her, take her money, and then move on?” His head tips to the side, intrigue written all over his face.

  “Yeah. Why not?” I shrug, but it’s not enough. Dominic Hale will see through every ounce of my lie.

  “Because I know you, Donovan. There’s nothing you do that’s without purpose. There’s more to this woman, and for some reason, you're not telling me what.”

  “Look, she’s fuckable. I need to get my dick wet. Why else would I even look at her?” He regards me warily before flopping into the chair opposite my desk.

  “You’re not one to tell me about women. Unless it’s one we’d both wanted and she chose you, which you enjoy using to piss me off. This time, this is different.” He sits back, watching me with those forest-green eyes. They’re dark, the color reminding me of something sordid. That’s Dominic Hale.

  “I want her. She’s headstrong, and you know I want someone who’ll challenge me.” He nods then. “And she has a mouth that I could practically live with my dick inside. Elisabet Rossi is different. She’s special.”

  “You mean she told you off, and now you’re turned on by her fiery nature?” He chuckles darkly, knowing how much I love a challenge in a woman. Someone who’s not just going to lie there and take what I give her.

  “Yeah,” I respond easily because I can’t deny him that.

  Sighing, my best friend rises and nods. “Fine. I’ll go. You get yourself all dolled-up for the pretty Italian,” Dom taunts, and I’m ready to knock him the fuck out. It won’t be the first time we’ve come to blows about something. But as many times as we’ve fought, we’ve always remained friends.

  “Don’t be an asshole, Dominic,” I retort with a smirk.

  “I’m not trying, that comes naturally. I’ll head out and find some pretty girl to entertain me tonight. Don’t get too caught up in this woman. She’s a client,” he warns, his eyes sparking with amusement.

  “Go get your dick sucked or something, Hale.” With a loud guffaw, he stalks out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts of what I’m going to be doing with the delicious little Elisabet.

  Grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone, I head out of my office, shutting the door behind me. As soon as I’m in the elevator, I push the button for the parking garage. Without thinking, I tap the call button on the phone, and after three rings, her soft voice comes across the line.


  “Ms. Rossi, I’ll be at your place to pick you up for our dinner in twenty minutes. I trust you’ll be ready?” Her silence makes me smile. I love to challenge a woman, make her think, heat her blood, and make her body quake. It’s not how big your bank balance is or how hard you can fuck her. It’s how you make her quiver with a whispered word or a small gesture.

  “Mr. Donovan—”

  “I take that as a yes. See you soon.” I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, I hang up as the elevator doors slide open, depositing me on the ground level. Once in the driver’s seat, I settle back, start the engine, and turn on the radio.

  My body is tight with tension, sexual tension, and I am definitely planning on releasing it on the statuesque woman this evening. Dinner, a bottle of champagne, and my fingers trailing over her tanned, silky skin.

  A perfect night.

  Chapter 8


  When the knock comes, my heart leaps into my throat. This isn’t a date, I remind myself, but my body doesn’t agree. I take a deep breath before opening the door. Once it swings wide, my gaze drinks in the man before me. Rome Donovan is the epitome of sex. He’s raw, primal, and he’s standing on my doorstep.

  “Ms. Rossi,” he says in that rich baritone that seems to caress my skin as much as it savors my name. “You look lovely.” Those eyes, the color a blend of blues and greens, trail over me. Slow and methodical. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Fire blazes in them, and I know my choice of dress was a good one.

  The black and silver of the knee-length sleeveless dress hugs my curves. I’m by no means skinny. I’ve always been self-conscious about my appearance, but the way Rome’s gaze pierces me, I don’t just feel beautiful, I feel like a rare gem. Exquisite and striking.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr. Donovan.” I smile, offering him an olive branch. He didn’t need to take me to dinner. This could’ve been done in his office, but I decide right then and there I’ll enjoy tonight.

  His suit jacket is black with a silver tie against a charcoal shirt. His slacks match the jacket, and they hug his muscular thighs like they’ve been custom made just for him. When my eyes reach his face, a satisfied smirk graces his lips. Caught staring at the man I’m meant to be doing business with.

  “Since you’re ogling is complete, shall we go?” He gestures with his head. His dark tousled hair makes my fingers tingle. I want to run my hands through the dark curls.

  “I don’t ogle, Mr. Donovan,” I retort, stepping out of my hotel suite into the hallway. Once I’ve ensured the door is locked, we head out toward the staircase, which will lead us down to the exit. His body is close to mine. So close, in fact, I can smell his spicy cologne wafting toward me. It’s a scent I’d love to bathe in, to smell on my clothes after he’s pinned me against the wall.

  Shaking my head, I allow him to open the door for me. When the fresh air hits me, I find my body cooling, only until his fingers find the small of my back. He guides me with the slightest of touches toward his car.

  “Tonight, I trust you’ll enjoy the dinner for what it is,” he murmurs in my ear. His lips feathering along my hair, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.

  “And what is that, Mr. Donovan?” I ask, fearing his answer, but also needing it. Hungry to be wanted by a man again, I turn to him, waiting for more.

  “Time to get to know each other,” he says simply, but there’s desire dancing in his eyes, and I know this is so much more than a damn business dinner.

  “Why is it that you need to get to know me? All I’m doing is buying property from you. After that, there’ll be nothing more between us.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ, Ms. Rossi,” he says, casting a quick glance my way. “Or can I call you Elisabet?” He coos my name in his thick English accent, which only accentuates his full lips as he pronounces it. The way he says it sends a warm shiver over me.

  “You’re welcome to call me by my first name, but since this is a business dinner...,” I respond, allowin
g the words to trail to nothing. His eyes shimmer in the dimly lit car. Amusement. Mischief. And desire.

  “Since this is a get-to-know-you dinner. . .,” he counters slowly, allowing his explanation to fall between us. It hangs heavy with innuendo, and I find myself wanting to play along. I want to flirt with him. I must give him that. He’s good.

  I shrug, glancing at him swiftly. “Only if I can call you Rome,” I quip playfully. His easy nature has calmed my nerves, and I relax back into the seat.

  “Darling, you can call me anything you like,” he smirks. “As long as you enjoy your evening, I’ll ensure you have that building in your possession within the week.”

  “What do you get out of it? I mean, besides the money,” I question. His mouth curls into a sinful grin as he pulls into a parking lot. Once he kills the engine, he turns to me fully.

  “I get you.” It’s a simple statement. Three words. But they do something to me. They make my stomach flutter with excitement, and my nipples harden with desire. The need to feel his lips on my skin heats my blood, and my panties are dampening by the minute.

  “That’s only if I give in. And I’m not easily swayed, Rome Donovan.” My retort earns me a chuckle. His eyes dance with mischief.

  “I can be very persuasive.” He shrugs nonchalantly.

  He exits the car easily, rounding the hood, opening my door, and offers his hand. As soon as I slip mine in his, a current of electricity shoots through me, causing me to gasp. Our eyes meet in a moment of knowing. This is obvious. There is something between us that seems to magnetize me to him.


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