Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2) Page 16

by Kinney, DeAnna

  “I-I need a ssshower.” Before he could respond I was up and entering the bathroom. I didn’t want to tell him how much the nightmare had affected me, but it had rocked me to the center of my very being. Seeing them kill Levi was the worst part. I knew it was a dream, and yet the emotions were so real. The truth is I couldn’t seem to shake it. As soon as Levi was gone in the morning I planned to go straight to see Raven. I’d find out what his plans were and then I could sleep.

  When I finally emerged from the bathroom, some thirty minutes later, Levi was standing at the door in front of me. His eyes held mine with a look of such love I was powerless to look away. The piercing of his gaze still held the power to melt away all my thoughts along with fear, worry, logic, coherency, anger—well you get the picture. He reached for me, putting his hands into my wet hair, and bent down, covering my lips with his. It reminded me of our very first kiss, sweet and powerful. Instantly my arms were around his neck, pulling myself closer. It was as if I couldn’t get close enough.

  He chuckled into my lips. “My kitten’s eager.”

  “Oh, puppy, don’t you know me enough by now? Tonight I’m not a kitten at all, but a minx, and this isn’t eager—this is desperate.”

  We both laughed.

  Then we were crashing to the bed, turning our laughing into fire as our passion grew. Afterwards we took turns rubbing each other’s back and seeing if we could make out the images we were drawing on the other’s skin. Finally, I was able to fall asleep to the feel of his hand stroking my hair and the sound of his quiet humming.

  In the morning I was in the process of making the bed when I spotted the note on my pillow. I recognized my journal paper and grimaced. I was gonna have to have a talk with that husband of mine. I opened the note and all was forgiven.

  Good morning my angel,

  I enjoyed last night—or should I say this morning. I’m sorry I told you what I did to create your nightmare. Forgive me. I’ll make it up to you later. I love you and take care of yourself until I see you again.

  Yours Eternally,


  I laughed out loud. Only a truly wonderful man would put up with me. Just leaving me notes shows that. He would rather text me, but knowing I’m a technophobe he leaves notes instead. On occasion I open my journal to start writing only to find a note written from him. I’d be angry that he’s intruding on my privacy if his notes weren’t so sweet.

  A technophobe, for those of you who don’t know, is someone who’s afraid of technology. I wouldn’t say that I’m afraid of it really, more that I hate it. I have a cell phone, and I use my computer when I have to, but that’s it. I guess I’m becoming obsolete since I enjoy hearing the voices of the people I love on the phone.

  I met Levi at the breakfast table. He looked incredibly gorgeous, and my mind was tempted to forgo eating all together, but then my stomach growled—so loud in fact I had to look around to make sure no one else had heard. Of course everyone pretended not to. “Has Barney brought my breakfast out yet?”

  “Yes, and since when do you eat red meat for breakfast anyway?”

  “I was craving it, so I guess my body needs it, right?” I looked down at it and cringed. It was pink and running red. “Is it supposed to look like that?”

  “Well, Barney said you asked for it to be cooked lightly. I think you should send it back and have him cook it longer. I don’t want you to get sick.”

  “No, that’s okay. I like it this way,” I lied, picking up the ketchup bottle and smothered the steak until it looked acceptable. “There—see it looks good.”

  Levi grimaced.

  “Who’s the chef here anyway?” Grandmammy began. “I can cook pancakes better than these. Let me go have a talk with him.”

  “No!” Levi and I yelled in unison, as he made a mad dash, jumping in front of her. “No, Grandmammy, Chef Barney is very particular about who comes into his kitchen. You’d better leave the cooking to him.”

  “Well, I ain’t never heard a such a thang.” She continued to babble as she exited the room.

  I spotted her entering the room minutes later but thought nothing of it, as Levi and I were deep in conversation. Then the ruckus from the kitchen grabbed our attention. We stood as Grandmammy came strutting out of the kitchen with Barney tight on her heels. He was swinging his pans again and yelling at her. Of course we didn’t understand him.

  “Leroy, you need to teach this crazy man some manners! He ain’t gonna talk to me like this!”

  “Grandmammy, what did you do?”

  “I just told him to let me do some a the cookin’, that’s all.”

  Levi rolled his eyes. “It’s best if you let Barney do the cooking. If you have a request, give it to me and I’ll see that he gets it. He’s slightly sensitive about his cooking.”

  “I can see that. Fine! I’s just tryin’ to help is all!” She waddled off, mumbling something, and I couldn’t help but be amused.

  Levi turned to me with a grimace on his face. “If I didn’t have silly things to deal with I could actually run this place effectively.”

  I smiled. “Oh Levi, you’re doing a wonderful job. This is part of it. How many packs are out there that have all sane people in them? If there are any I don’t want to be a part of them. Talk about boring.”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  After breakfast I waited until Levi went back to his office, sure he’d be too distracted to think of me, before heading to visit Raven.

  He answered the door after only one knock. “Hey, Raven, mind if I come in for a minute?”

  “I would be honored, my queen.”

  “Okay—not that I mind the whole queen thing, but why are you calling me that all of sudden?”

  “Well, you are the queen of the werewolves—are you not?”

  “Um, I guess that’s one way to put it.”

  “Since I am now a pack member that makes you my queen. It is that simple.”

  “O-kay. I don’t want to bother you, but I need to ask you something. And I need you to be totally honest with me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Are you spying on us in order to tell the vampires where we are so they can kill us while we’re sleeping?”

  He laughed. “If you would have given me the opportunity only a few months ago I would have jumped on it. But things are different now.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, I did not know you then.”

  “And what do I have to do with anything exactly?”

  “You have everything to do with everything.”

  “I think you better start explaining, Raven,” I said, eyebrow raised and hands on hips.

  “Well, there was a time where, as the youngest, I was the most feared of my brothers. I spent the first hundred years very angry; angry with what I had become, angry at the fact that I lost Rose—and my mother. I was brutal at times. But once I met you that all changed. It was like I had a piece of my Rose again. I know you look nothing like her, but your personalities are almost the same. After I kidnapped you and you almost died, I knew then that I would never be happy again unless you were alive. I know that sounds strange, but it is all of her I have to hold on to. When that vampire was about to kill you I had a choice to make. I could let you die and live without any remembrance of Rose, or I could kill the one thing that was threatening to take that away.”

  “But those vampires that died were your friends, right?”

  “Not exactly. I have never really had any friends. Most of the ones who died were from other covens. Griffin was somehow able to convince them to join him. Not very many of the other covens even liked my brother, Steven. Most were happy he was killed. He was the oldest of us and very ruthless.”

  “Raven, I have to know—are you in love with me?”

  “My feelings for you are hard to explain. I am not sure I even understand them myself. I can only truly love Rose. But I do have strong feelings for you and for some reason
I need to be close to you. I am not really sure why.”

  I picked up his only photograph of Rose, sitting on his dresser and studied it. She was very beautiful, and she looked happy. She had big, beautiful, brown eyes. I remember seeing this picture at his home when he kidnapped me. He had told me then how much I reminded him of his long lost love. I was sad for him.

  “Thank you for telling me this. Before I go I have one more question. If you feed on me, would you be able to tell if I’m carrying a male or a female child?”

  “I suppose that might be possible, but I promised Levi I would not feed on you again.”

  “I understand. However, if Levi asked you to, would you?”

  He smirked. “It would be my pleasure.”

  With that I left his room, happy and hopeful. As a matter of fact, I was so happy that I made a call to Ashley, planning a day at the pool, and went to my room and put on my new bathing suit. Feeling playful, I decided to go into Levi’s office and show it off.

  He was busy with some paperwork and didn’t look up when I entered.

  “So, what do you think of my new bathing suit?” I asked with a huge smile.

  He looked up then. “Whoa, mamma! You’re not gonna wear that out in public, are you?”

  “Of course. I’m gonna wear it now. Ashley and I are gonna lay out by our new pool.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh get a grip—will ya? It’s summer. You’ve got a tan and I want one too.”

  “Yeah, but I was born with one. Your body is for me, and I like it pale.”

  “Well I don’t. I’ll see ya this afternoon,” I called to him as I strutted out the door and down the hall, fully aware his eyes were glued to my backside.

  He was instantly at his door. “You’ve got something to cover up with—right?”

  I lifted my cover-up into the air.

  “Well, put it on! Right now, please!”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Levi keeps texting me to make sure we’re okay,” Ashley said. “This is the third one. You shouldn’t have shown him that bathing suit. We’ll have no peace at all.”

  “Yeah well I couldn’t help myself. Besides, the look on his face is what gave me the confidence to wear it out the door. Hey, you want to go for a ride in my new car?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Why not?”

  “Charity, are you all right? You’re acting a little strange.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I did notice my feet wouldn’t stop tapping. “I feel great, and I’ve got more energy than I know what to do with. I’m restless. Let’s go.”

  “I don’t think so. I think we should stay here and take it easy. Maybe you should eat something.”

  “Oh come on. Let’s go have some fun.” I got up and put on my cover-up and slid my feet into my flip-flops. “Well, come on!”

  “Fine, but I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Okay, now who’s been watching Star Wars? Relax, it’ll be fun.”

  “The last time you said that was on our way to have my tooth pulled—there was nothing fun about that.”

  Once in my car, I pulled out my lip balm and noticed it getting low. “Ash, let’s make a stop at the Westside Drug for some more lip balm. Do you need some?”

  “No, I’m still good.”

  “I don’t understand it. This tube was full this morning. How could I have used so much in one day?” I saturated my lips, wiped it off, added some more, and then offered her some.

  She laughed, taking the tube from me. “Gee, I wonder how.” She pulled off the lid and lifted it to her nose, smelling it once, then twice. “You know, I think my watermelon smells better than this raspberry. You should switch.”

  “What?! No way. Watermelon is your fragrance and raspberry is mine. Besides, Levi almost counts on it.”

  “Yeah, he must be addicted to it too. That’s why he kisses you so much, because it rubs off on him.”

  I laughed. “Trust me—that’s not why he kisses me so much.”

  “Well, if raspberry is your fragrance then why do some of the other girls in the pack use it too?”

  “They used to, but I made them all pick out their own fragrance. Some use pumpkin, muscadine, or banana, but I’m the only one allowed to use raspberry. You know, as alpha female sometimes I have to use my authority.”

  “Yeah, and I’m glad to see you using it properly.”

  Oops. I whipped into the parking space a little too crazy, scaring Ashley to the point of anger.

  “You should be more careful!” she snapped. Then she got out of the car, mumbling something about me acting weird.

  After all five tubes of the raspberry ice lip balm were purchased, we were back in the car and on our way. We had only driven a few miles when we spotted the flashing of blue lights.

  “See—I told you we should’ve stayed by the pool.”

  “Shut up, and give me that.” I snatched her phone and tried to text Levi. “What? Do you have to have a degree now in texting? How on earth do you do this?”

  “At that rate we’ll be out of here on our own before he even knows we’ve been in here. Oh give me that!” She snatched the phone back and in seconds she was finished.

  “Did you tell him where we are?”

  She grimaced. “Unfortunately.”

  Too soon he showed up at the jail to spring us, and he was not happy. He didn’t even look at me. Though once we stepped out of our cell and started past the other cells, guys began whistling and howling, but one look from Levi silenced them instantly.

  He waited until we were in front of my car to begin the scolding. “Okay—what were you thinking?! I told you to slow down!”

  I opened my mouth to speak but Ashley spoke first. “Oh, it wasn’t her speeding that got us locked up, it was her mouth.”

  “Hey! It’s not my fault that all the cops are talking. They recognized my car. Do you think we could trade it in for a different color?”

  Levi was uncharacteristically beginning to lose his temper when Ashley pulled him aside and began whispering.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I called.

  “You’ve got a point, Ash.” He turned to me. “Charity, Ashley and I agree that you’re not acting like yourself. I think it might have something to do with what you ate for breakfast. Something told me you shouldn’t eat that steak so rare, but I didn’t listen. You’re acting like you’re on speed, or something.”

  So that’s why they asked me to pee in a cup.

  “And why do you say that?” I snapped.

  “Charity, you told off a cop for cryin’ out loud,” he admonished.

  “And what makes you think I wouldn’t have done that regardless of eating a piece of meat oozing with blood. Ick, I see your point.”

  “Lets drop Ash off, and then we’ll go talk to Doc. Now—can you follow me without speeding?”

  “Of course. I’m not a total idiot.”

  By the time we got to the clinic I was wired beyond control. I had so much energy I was shaking. It felt like the time I was studying for an exam and drank three cups of coffee to try to stay awake. I didn’t sleep all night, but I passed the exam.

  “Doc, what do we do?” Levi asked.

  “I called Barney and he’s cooking her some homemade oatmeal. We need to get some good food in her and see if we can counter her breakfast. I don’t know if it’ll work, but let’s start there.”

  It did work. The oatmeal was hot and smothered in fresh blueberries. It was delicious. And after only ten minutes I felt much better. Maybe that Barney likes me after all.

  I rose from my seat and approached Levi leaning against Doc’s desk and began to snuggle up to him, burying my face in his chest. “I’m so sorry, Levi. I didn’t mean to tell off that cop. He was a jerk though.”

  “I know,” he said, wrapping his arms around me in a loving embrace. “He probably deserved it. I’ve actually told him off myself.”

/>   “So, you’re not mad?”


  I sighed. “Thank you. By the way, I talked to Raven this morning.”

  “Now I’m mad.”

  “Oh stop. He’s not a spy. I know that for sure now.”

  He glared down at me. “You talked to him about that?”

  “I believe it was you who taught me to come right out and ask somebody what I want to know, so I did. And he’s not a spy. I remind him of his long lost love, Rose. And he feels like he’s connected to her somehow when I’m around. He needed to keep me alive, and that’s how he could kill that vampire.”

  “So he’s in love with you?”

  “I asked him that. He said he feels a strange connection to me. It’s like he has hope or something. He couldn’t explain it, and I don’t think he should have to. But he’s not going to betray us.”

  “Well, I guess if you believe in him I should too, so I’ll try.”

  I smiled. “Thanks. Oh, he said he thought he might be able to tell if I’m carrying a male or not, but he won’t try unless you give your permission. So can he?”

  He was looking at me in shock.

  “What?” I reached up and closed his gaping mouth.

  “I said I’d think about that, not for you to go behind my back and ask him.”

  “Well, I was already there so I figured why not.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  I snuggled closer. “So does that mean yes?”

  He growled and left the room with me hot on his trail. “So, does that mean yes?” He ignored me. I asked again—and again.

  Three days passed before he finally agreed.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked him.

  “Does it really matter?” he asked with a crooked grin.

  “Of course…okay no.”

  “I thought so.”

  Raven was waiting patiently for Levi and me to finish our little discussion. Doc was sitting quietly on the sofa, and Hector was standing at the door looking like his best friend was about to get the worst news of their life. I guess that friend was me, although I was hoping for good news. The truth was I’d be happy regardless, but I couldn’t help but want our first to be a male child, for Levi’s sake. At the same time I was in uncharted territory and was a little scared about what it meant for me for the next nine months. If the past few weeks were any indication of what I was in store for—Levi—and this pack, were in big trouble.


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