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Army Page 4

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Aspen said that you needed these boxes.” Charlie put them on the bar.

  “I wanna stock the shelves and the cupboards before the evening crowd gets here. Give me a hand. I’ll be back in a few.” Army walked through the semi-full bar and slipped behind the black curtain. Several dancers ran around in various stages of nakedness, but Army didn’t pay any attention as he made his way out to the back patio.

  Leaning against the stucco wall, he dug into his cut’s pocket, took out a joint, and lit it. As he inhaled deeply, he watched the red and gold leaves tumble from the oak tree that took up more than half of the back area. Bright gaps of sunlight broke through the thick interlocking branches, which would soon be sparse and bare. Army stomped his boot on the terra-cotta tiles. “Why the fuck can’t I get her out of my mind? This fuckin’ blows.” He threw the joint on the ground and stubbed it out; it was supposed to relax him, but instead, it made him antsy and madder than ever.

  “Hey,” Eagle said as he came outside. “Taking a break?”

  “Yeah. Once the Saturday night crowd fills up the place, there’ll be hardly enough time to take a piss.”

  “Seems like it’s always that way,” Eagle replied. “Rooster’s looking forward to his birthday bash tonight. I’m sure his old lady ain’t.” He chuckled.

  “Shannon’s always on his ass about cheating. She called me last night and told me she’d hold me personally responsible if one of the dancers gives him a lap dance.” Army shook his head. “I told her he’s gonna be at a fuckin’ strip bar and if she had a problem with it to take it up with Rooster and leave me the fuck alone. She can be such a bitch sometimes.”

  “She shouldn’t be telling a brother anything.” Eagle took out a joint. “Want one?”

  “Nah. Most of the dudes from the Fallen Slayers are gonna be here tonight.”

  “Steel said we’re closing down at midnight for the party. It’ll spill over to the clubhouse after two.” Eagle glanced over at Army. “You planning to go to Durango anytime soon?”

  Army stiffened. “Why?”

  “Taylor was asking Cueball. He said you told him if the recruits were interested, you’d go up more often. Said he hasn’t seen or heard from you in about two weeks.” A cloud of smoke enveloped the two men.

  “Is that why you’re here? To relay a message that came through Cueball? How the fuck is what I say to Taylor or when I go to Durango any of yours or Cueball’s goddamn business?” Heat flushed through his body.

  Eagle threw his half-finished joint to the ground then cracked his knuckles as he glared at Army. “If you got a problem with me, then let’s go a few rounds.”

  For several seconds a tense silence filled the patio until the door swung open and Aspen stepped out.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but Charlie needs some help. Wyatt called in sick and he’s getting slammed.” Aspen smiled weakly at the two men who glared at each other.

  “I’m on it,” Army said gruffly. He turned and went to the door.

  “Is everything okay with him?” He heard Aspen’s soft voice asking Eagle. Army slammed the door behind him and stalked to the bar.

  For the next couple of hours, Army didn’t have a chance to think about anything but making drinks and running credit cards—it was a welcome relief. As he was pouring whiskey shots, he saw Brutus coming over to the bar. He jerked his head at the Night Rebels’ member.

  “It’s fuckin’ packed in here,” Brutus said as he pushed through several people leaning against the counter.

  “Tell me about it. Jaxon and Caleb are here already.” Army jerked his head toward the front door.

  “I saw them when I came in. Do you need some help back here? It looks like they’ve got everything covered at the door. I told them to let me know if they need help in throwing anyone out.”

  “I could use a break,” Army said.

  “You got it, brother.” Brutus went over to the screen and began reading orders. “Anything special I should know?”

  “No. Charlie can fill you in if you need some help with the more exotic drinks. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Army went out back and called Taylor. He’d been avoiding a trip up to see his brother because of Stiletto. A part of him was surprised she hadn’t tried to contact him through Taylor. There definitely were some sparks between them, and he knew she felt it too. It was a new sensation for him because he’d never felt such an intense connection with a woman who he’d just met. The way Stiletto had closed her eyes and parted her sweet lips let him know that her body had won over her reason.

  “It’s about time I heard from you,” Taylor said.

  Army shut the back door tighter, blocking out all the noise from inside the club. “I’ve meant to call you, but I’ve been busier than hell. How’s it going?”

  “Good. I’m preparing for another fight in a few weeks. The recruit says the UMMAC wants to see me win the next couple of fights, then they’ll pick me up. I’m so damn pumped about it.”

  “They’ll be lucky to have you. Are you nervous about your opponents?”

  “Jason ‘Ironman’ Swick, I’ve fought against before. I know his strong and weak points, so I’m good with that. The other fighter, ‘New Breed,’ I’ve never been in the ring with. His name’s Chad Torrent, and he’s a real contender. I’m going cross-eyed watching all the videos of his fights over and over.”

  “That’s the best way to figure out his moves. What else have you been up to besides training?”

  Taylor laughed. “That’s about it.”

  “You haven’t gone out in the last couple of weeks?”

  “I’ve gone out with people from the gym. We usually go to Berriegood on Wednesdays and Fridays. They’ve got great protein bowls and smoothies.”

  “I’m glad you’re going out even if it’s with the same people you see every fuckin’ day.” There’s no damn way I’m asking about her.

  “Don’t you hang around the guys from the club every day?”

  “That’s different—we’re family … a brotherhood.”

  “I guess. When are you coming up?”

  “I was thinking in a few days. I have to double-check with Steel to see if I can take some time off.”

  “It sounds like you’re going to stay longer than your usual day or two. Dad’ll be happy about that.”

  Army ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah … well … I need a break. I can’t remember when I’ve been away for more than a couple of days. Maybe I’ll join you on one of your protein bowl nights. Do they put steak in them?”

  Taylor’s hearty laugh warmed Army. “That’s too funny. I’ll have to share that with the others next time we go. The bowl has peanut butter, chia seeds, whey protein, and a bunch of other high protein stuff in it. It’s really good.”

  “No meat? Damn.”

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Mia got me hooked on it. I held out for a long time, but I finally went and now I crave it. It’s fucking weird.”

  Army stood silent as the image of Stiletto in her killer black dress crashed through his mind. “How’s she doing?” Fuck!

  “Mia’s good. She’s just training right now because she had some things come up with her family. Not sure what it is. What’re you doing tonight?”

  He wanted Taylor to keep talking about the sexy fighter, but Army would just have to wait until he went to Durango. Of course, he was only going to support Taylor and see his dad.

  “Are you still with me?” Taylor’s question broke through his thoughts.

  “Yeah. Uh …”

  “What’re your plans for tonight?”

  “Oh. I’m working at Lust. Rooster’s having his big birthday bash over here, then we’ll finish it up at the club. Should be fun.”

  “I bet there’ll be a lot of pretty women.”

  “Always are. You should come to one of the club’s parties sometime. They can be wild, but that’s what makes them fun. Anything goes, you know?”

  Taylor chuckled.
“So, who’s your woman for the night?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” The truth was Army wished Stiletto were there keeping him busy.

  “I don’t know how you do it. You’re gonna be thirty. Don’t you ever want to just be with one woman?”

  “Settle down? Nah. Dad’s done it three times and he’s alone. The last one cleaned out all his bank accounts. And our mother? She took off when you were barely four years old. Nope. I’ll stick to my no-strings-attached policy.”

  “I don’t really remember Mom, but I know you do. It’s always been harder on you that she left us than on me, but Asher’s only two years younger than you and he’s married.”

  “Good for Asher. He was always lookin’ for a mommy to take care of him. He found it in Kali. She packs his damn lunches when he goes to work. No fuckin’ thanks. I’m doing just fine.”

  “I didn’t mean to piss you off.” An audible sigh hit Army’s ears. “I know Dad’s worried about you.”

  “He’s worried about you, too, but we each have our own lives. Anyway, when’s the last time you had a girlfriend? And don’t give me that MMA shit. Plenty of fighters have a woman.” Army took out a joint and lit it.

  “I’m still getting over Penny.”

  Army snorted. “She married the fucker she cheated on you with. Damn, dude—grow some fuckin’ balls.” He kicked the side of the building.

  “I’m sorry women are such a sore spot for you. We can—”

  “Chicks aren’t anything to me but a good time. They’re warm and soft and I couldn’t live without them, but I have no intention of hooking up with one just because you, Dad, or Aunt Rosemary think I should. I’m just fuckin’ sick and tired of having to explain that all the time. Live your life and let me live mine.” It took all the willpower Army possessed to keep from throwing his phone against the wall then stomping on it. Why did his family have to keep butting into his life? His aunt Rosemary had stepped in when his mom had abandoned them, and he loved and respected her for that, but he hated when she’d call him up and try to fix him up with another “perfect” woman. Fuck! He kicked the wall again and dust from the stucco finish glowed under the patio light as it floated in the air.

  “Chill, dude. Let’s change the damn subject,” Taylor said.

  “I gotta get going. I’m helping tend bar. I’ll send you a text to let you know when I’ll be coming.”

  “Are you staying with Willow?”

  Army cleared his throat. “We’re done. I’ll figure it out. Later.” He shoved his phone in his pocket and stretched his arms high above his head then dropped them down, shaking them out. The small clock on the wall next to the door told him he had at least five more hours before he could cut out and go for a long ride. Army needed to lose himself into the darkness and have the chilly wind invigorate him as it whipped around him. Once two in the morning rolled around, he’d help clean and lock up, and then he had a date with his bike.

  The cacophony of music and chatter spilled out when he opened the back door. Scrubbing his hand over his face, he walked inside.

  * * *

  Army sat at the back of the room watching the last of the members as they filed in and quickly took their seats in the meeting room. Steel and Paco stood at the front of the big wooden table, and the minute the second hand hit twelve, Steel hit the gavel on the block. All eyes were on the president as he called church to order.

  “We’re going to put off talking about the fall rally until next week. Paco, Sangre, and Diablo all got some disturbing news about the fucking Satan’s Pistons. They got this shit from different sources, and Chains has been doing his computer magic to make sure it’s true.” Steel picked up his beer bottle and drank then set it down with a thud. “It is. The word is that the Pistons are trying to get a hold of the drug money in Colorado.”

  “When the fuck are they gonna learn that they need to stay their asses in Arizona? We already warned them a couple of years back. We never should’ve left until we knew each one of them was dead,” Army said.

  “They’re sonsofbitches. We have to stomp them out for good.” Crow jerked his head to Army. “He’s right. We shouldn’t have let anyone live the night we attacked them. Now we got this shit to deal with. Again.” He slammed his fist on the table.

  “Are they still trying to get in with the 39th Street Gang in Durango?” Muerto asked.

  “Yeah. That’s what the grapevine is saying.” Paco splayed his hands on the table. “We gotta shut them down for good. They don’t have many members, but since we hit them, they’ve opened a couple more chapters. They’re hell-bent in getting a foothold in our territory.”

  “Banger’s not gonna like this shit,” Army said, and several members yelled out in agreement.

  Steel held up his hand. “The Insurgents know what’s going on. They’re on board if we need them. Considering the size of the punk gang in Durango, we may need them and the Fallen Slayers. If things go the way I think they’re headed, it’ll be an all-out war.”

  A contemplative silence descended over the room. Going to war with a rival club meant total lockdown for women, children, and even siblings and parents. The Night Rebels couldn’t leave anything to chance. Satan’s Pistons MC and the 39th Street Gang had the reputation of dirty warfare—taking out family members and children. Lives would be lost, and the war could drag out for years. No one wanted it, but the Night Rebels wouldn’t sit back and let any other MC or gang come into their territory. The 39th Street Gang was involved in dog fights, sex trafficking, and drugs, and the Night Rebels didn’t want any of that on their turf.

  “When would we attack?” Eagle asked, breaking the silence.

  Steel shook his head. “Not sure yet. We’re monitoring the situation, but knowing Shark, he’s chomping at the bit to start his shit with us.”

  The president of Satan’s Pistons was ruthless and vindictive. He survived the attack on his clubhouse along with the vice president, Demon, and a couple of club members. He’d been slowly recruiting new members to bring the MC back to life. Diablo had been monitoring it along with Chains. The Night Rebels knew it was only a matter of time before they’d have to deal with the Pistons again. The Pistons’ recent alliance with the 39th Street Gang would make the fight more challenging than when the Rebels had kicked their ass the last time.

  “Right now they’re in the talking stage. The fucking punk gang is only hooking up with the Pistons because they want to get into southern Arizona. They can’t be trusted, so that shows what a bunch of dumbasses the Pistons are,” Steel said.

  “We already knew that about the fuckers,” Goldie said, and the members guffawed and cheered.

  “Let’s hope we can still have the rally. I know the biker community looks forward to it as well as the women and kids. It also brings in some good revenue for Alina,” Paco added.

  “What if they start their shit at the rally?” Tattoo Mike asked.

  “We’re gonna have security tighter than Fort Knox. I’m working with the Insurgents. They said they’ll hit up their chapters in Nebraska, Kansas, and Montana for help. Maybe even in California. The Fallen Slayers are on board, and even the Twisted Warriors in Ohio said they’d help out. We got allies in Louisiana, Utah, and Idaho. We’ve got this.” Diablo crossed his large arms against his chest and rocked back on his heels.

  “Any questions?” Steel asked. When no one answered, he hit the gavel down on the table. “Church is over.”

  The scraping of chairs and heavy footsteps bounced off the walls as the brothers left the meeting room. Army hung back until everyone but Steel, Paco, Diablo, and Chains had gone. The four members huddled in the front of the room no doubt discussing the impending declaration of war.

  Paco looked up and motioned Army to come over. “What’s up, bro?”

  “I don’t know if this is the right time now that all this shit about the fuckin’ Pistons has come to light, but I wanted to take about a week or so to visit my family in Durango. It’s not that far, so if so
mething blows, I can be back here in under an hour.” Army shifted from one foot to another. “If it won’t work out, that’s cool. I can just go for the day.”

  Steel and Paco exchanged looks, then Steel said, “I don’t see a problem. You can help out and meet with our snitch to see what he knows about the punk gang. We can get another brother to cover you at Lust.”

  “Brutus does a kickass job, but you’ll need to get another brother to help out with the door and kicking assholes out.” A rush of excitement surged through Army.

  “I could help out,” Diablo said.

  “When are you thinking of leaving?” Steel asked.

  “In a couple of days.”

  “Wednesday?” Paco said. Army tilted his head. “I’ll talk to Brutus. Have a good trip if I don’t see you before you leave. If you find anything out, let us know.”

  Army bumped fists with the brothers then walked to the main room and sidled up to Crow and Patches. The prospect, Ink, put a bottle of beer in front of him.

  “You’re actually cracking a smile. First time in a while,” Crow said as he picked up his glass.

  “I’m gonna take a week off and visit my family. I need the fuckin’ break.” He pushed down the strands of anticipation that knotted in his stomach at the prospect of seeing Stiletto again.

  “I heard Willow’s history. Who’s her replacement?” Patches asked.

  Stiletto, if things go the way I’m planning. “Just there to see the family.” Army guzzled the rest of the beer. “Gotta get to Lust and make sure everything’s set up.”

  “You up for going to Cuervos tonight, or do you have to be at Lust all night?” Crow said.

  “What time are you guys going?” Army pulled the keys out of his jacket.

  “Nine or ten,” Crow replied.


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