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Army Page 7

by Wilder, Chiah

  She wanted to slap the arrogant smile right off his face. “I’m only called Stiletto in the ring, and Peyton just wanted to meet up and have dinner with us.” She took a small sip of water.

  A low chuckle escaped Army’s lips before he took a mouthful of his drink. “Then it’s a hookup.” He studied her over the rim of the glass. “Right?”

  His words goaded her. The bastard’s enjoying this. Mia lifted her chin and met his intense gaze. “It’s whatever you want to call it.”

  They stared at each other until Taylor cleared his throat. “Uh … to me, it’s just friends—Mia and me—getting together with my brother and her friend. I can get to know Peyton and so can you.” He lifted his chin at Army.

  “And”—Army ran his finger up and down the side of the glass then threw back the whiskey—“Stiletto and I can get to know each other as well.”

  “I already know one thing about you,” Mia said, gesturing to the waiter for another drink. “You don’t listen. I told you, Stiletto’s my ring name only.”

  “I listen just fine, sweetheart. Stiletto suits you better—slender and lethal, like the knife.” His gaze drifted to her lips.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” Peyton said, breaking the intensity between Army and Mia. She put Mia’s clutch on the table then sat down. “Have you ordered yet?”

  From the slight tremor in Peyton’s voice, Mia knew she was nervous as hell. “Just our drinks.” She nodded at Taylor. “You remember Taylor,” she said. “And his brother, Army.”

  Shifting his eyes to Peyton’s face, he tilted his head then looked back at Mia.

  “This is going to be so fun,” Mia lied as she picked up the menu. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starving.” She looked down at the selections, ignoring the insane chemistry crackling between her and Army.

  “What do you recommend?” Army asked.

  Mia’s amber eyes glanced up, and as they connected, the heated stare from Army’s blue ones made her squirm. “This is my first time here.”

  “It’s too expensive for our … or at least my budget,” Peyton said breathlessly.

  Poor Peyton was a basket case, but if Army kept looking at her that way, she’d be joining her. Crap! The toe of Army’s boot was running up and down her calf, leaving a trail of electric sparks in its wake while it dampened her lace panties. It’s just a physical reaction. It doesn’t mean anything. She pulled her legs in and wrapped them around the bottom of the chair.

  “I thought you’d been here,” Taylor said.

  Mia smiled softly. “After buying my townhouse, I’m on a pretty strict budget, but I’ve been wanting to try it out. Good choice.” She lightly touched his hand and thought she heard Army growl low and deep from his chest. When she glanced over at him, his gaze was hard, like glacial ice, and she met it, challenging him with the tilt of her chin.

  “What’re you going to have?” Taylor asked Army.

  “I’d like something raw and tender,” Army said, staring at Mia.

  And he didn’t stop. He just kept it up—blatantly eye-fucking her in front of Taylor and Peyton. From her peripheral vision, she saw Peyton’s smile frozen on her taut face.

  Leaning forward, Mia cocked her head to the side. “Then order the steak tartare. It should satisfy your carnal, caveman-like appetite.”

  “Shit,” Peyton whispered at the same time Taylor said, “Where the hell is the waiter?”

  Army jerked his head back and flashed Mia a wicked grin. “You do know me, Stiletto. I’m fuckin’ touched.”

  A collective sigh of relief escaped Taylor’s and Peyton’s parted lips when the waiter came over to the table to take their order, and Army chuckled, his damn boot finding her calf again. Mia focused on her order and tried to ignore the sizzling undercurrent of desire connecting them, mad as hell that she was feeling anything more than annoyance for this man. Sneaking a quick peek, she was met by his now familiar smug look, and she couldn’t think of anything more tempting and appealing at that moment than knocking it off his face for good.

  This is going to be a very long night.

  * * *

  “Army’s not into me,” Peyton said as she combed her hair in the ladies’ room at Sound Nightclub.

  “I don’t think he’s the type to gush over any woman,” Mia replied.

  Peyton caught her gaze in the mirror. “Are you kidding me? He’s totally into you.”

  Damn you, Army. “I don’t think I’d say that. He just feels more comfortable with me because I’m friends with Taylor.” That doesn’t even make any fucking sense.

  Peyton stopped combing her hair and turned around. “It’s okay. Really. I think my idea of going out with a bad boy is more fun than actually being with one. Taylor’s nice and cute, though.”

  “He’s a sweetheart. Totally not like his jerk brother.”

  “I think you keep badmouthing Army so you can convince yourself that you aren’t interested.”

  “I’m not interested,” Mia replied.

  “I should’ve taken a video of the way you two were checking each other out during dinner. I don’t know why you’re fighting it. You haven’t had a date since you broke up with Jorge, and that was over five months ago.”

  “When’s the last time you had a date?”

  Peyton smiled. “Last night with the guy who works at the smoothie place next door to the nail salon. We’ve been sort of flirting with each other on and off for the last six months. I never thought of going out with him, but I actually had a really good time. I guess that’s why I kind of freaked out about meeting Army tonight. Will is just a plain ol’ guy. Average looks, body, and height, but he has a real good sense of humor and we had a fun time. After last night, I didn’t think I could hold my own with Army. He’s intimidating and definitely not average.”

  “Are you going to see Will again?” Mia asked.

  Peyton shrugged then turned back to the mirror. “I don’t know. He’s nice, but I think he’s more in the ‘friends’ category. I’d give my number to Taylor if he asked me.”

  “I hope he does, but if he doesn’t, it’s because he’s totally focused on going pro. I’m surprised he skipped training to make tonight happen.”

  “I’m glad he did. I’m having a good time, and I like getting to know Taylor. He said we’d dance when I get back from the bathroom.” She put away her comb and smiled. “Let’s get back to our table.”

  Mia sat stiffly while she watched Taylor and Peyton on the dance floor. Army stood up and held out his hand. “Let’s dance,” he yelled.

  Pretending she couldn’t hear him, she shrugged her shoulders and pointed her finger to her ear then diverted her gaze back to the crowd. All of a sudden, she was yanked to her feet, the surprise of it taking her breath away. Army clutched her wrist and dragged her through the labyrinth of people.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she yelled, but the loud music swallowed her words. Beams of red, green, yellow, and blue lights flashed all around as she stumbled behind him. The doorman stamped the insides of their wrists then Army pulled her outside. The cool night air felt good after the stuffiness in the club. When they rounded the corner, Mia jerked her hand away from him.

  “What the fuck’s your problem?” she asked, rubbing her wrist.

  In a sharp catch of her breath, he yanked her to him so hard, the purse in her hand dropped to the ground as she thudded against his chest. “Are you crazy? Let me—” Her outrage was lost in his mouth as he seized hers in a furious, possessive kiss. She brought up her knee and pushed him back, then hauled off and rammed her fist into his hard stomach.

  Army flashed her a wicked smile. “Fuck, baby. You’ve got a good punch.” He pulled her back into his arms and crushed his mouth down on hers again as his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair.

  His lips were firm and demanding, sending needles of pleasure to every nerve in her body. Mia’s protests died a quick death with a groan of surrender, and her fingers gripped his shoulders as she leaned i
nto the kiss. He tasted like whiskey and dark temptation, and his scent of crisp night air and heated male skin swirled around her.

  Lips open, breaths melding, they sank deeper into the kiss. His tongue darted inside, and hers met it halfway, tangling together in a frantic dance of lust. The sound of his groan in her mouth was like an electric jolt, turning her to mush.

  It was unlike any kiss she’d ever experienced. Passionate. Urgent. Wild. Hot.

  What the hell am I doing? Mia’s mind screamed, but her body shut it up, and she pressed closer to him, rubbing against his erection as tingles skated up and down her spine.

  “Fuck, baby. You taste and feel so damn good,” he smothered her mouth.

  Army’s rough hand skimmed down her back then raked up under the hem of her dress and squeezed her ass.

  He takes what he wants without asking. Don’t do this! When his fingers inched toward her aching mound, she pushed them away, but he tried again. Another push. Another try. He’s a persistent bastard. I’ll just be another woman who he’s fucked.

  Mia used her strength and shoved him back. For a few seconds, Army looked startled then confused. She straightened out her dress and picked up her clutch, retrieving a wand of lip gloss that had rolled out of it.

  Army reached out for her and she moved away from him. “Don’t touch me.” Her tone matched the chill in the air.

  He glowered at her. “You didn’t have a problem with it a minute ago. You were clawing and rubbing against me like a cat in heat.”

  His words lashed at her, but she feigned indifference. Mia shrugged then put the lip gloss back in her purse and snapped the clasp. “We obviously find each other attractive. It was inevitable. I got it out of my system.” She ran her palms over goosebumped arms. “When you so rudely yanked me out here, I didn’t have my jacket.”

  He took his off and started to walk over to her. Mia lifted up her hand. “I don’t need anything from you. I’m going inside.”

  Army quirked his lips and slipped on his jacket. “I disagree. The way you were kissing me, sweetheart, showed me you need a lot more from me.”

  Tossing her head, she stared at him. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve had a stressful week. Any good-looking guy would’ve fit the bill tonight.”

  “Bullshit. You don’t fool me one bit. And the shit about Peyton wanting to meet me is so fuckin’ high school. Just grow up and admit you want to hook up with me. You know I’m in.”

  “What is it with you? Are we all just living in your world? I’ve met men with egos, but you’re in a league of your own. Newsflash—not all women want you. Sorry to break it to you.” Mia stalked away, ignoring Army’s deep chuckles behind her. How could I have kissed him like that?

  Taylor and Peyton were at the table when she returned. Mia picked up her blazer and leaned over to her. “I’m taking off. I had a great time.”

  “It’s only eleven o’ clock,” Peyton said, a slight frown lining her forehead.

  “I have a client coming in early tomorrow morning. If you want to stay, that’s cool.”

  “I’ll stay for a while longer.” Peyton glanced at Taylor. “We’re having fun.”

  “That’s great.” Mia smiled then tapped Taylor lightly on the arm. “I’ve got to go. Early appointment in the morning. Thanks for arranging all this.”

  Taylor leapt to his feet. “Let me walk you to your car.”

  She shook her head. “I’m good. I can defend myself, remember?”

  “Even so, I insist.” He bent down and said something to Peyton then gestured for Mia to go ahead of him.

  She waved at her friend and made her way to the front entrance. When they got outside, Mia opened her bag and took out her keys. “You didn’t have to escort me, but I appreciate that you did.”

  “You’re in heels and a pretty dress. No sense in risking your wardrobe.” He laughed and Mia joined in. “Have you seen Army?” he asked when they stopped at her car.

  She hit the fob and opened the door. “He was outside a little while ago. Thanks again.”

  “Are you going to be at the gym tomorrow night?”

  “Maybe, but I may go out with my friends. We have plans, but Ronica and Danielle texted me during dinner and said they may have to reschedule. If we do, then I’ll be at Champion. I’ll definitely be there on Sunday. I have to get back on my schedule.”

  “Goliath and Rick understand. You have a lot on your back.”

  “Yeah.” You don’t know the half of it. She slid inside the car. “I better get going. Bye.” Taylor shut the door and Mia drove away.

  After she finished taking off her makeup and changing into her fuzzy green robe, she turned on the gas fireplace, poured herself a glass of white wine, and cuddled on the couch with Snickers and Pumpkin. The cats purred as she scratched under their chins and behind their ears. Looking at them, she shook her head. “I’d say tonight was a disaster. I did the one thing I told myself I wasn’t going to do—let him get to me.” Mia picked up the glass of wine and took a big gulp then set it back down. “And damn did I let him get to me.” She dipped her head and kissed both of her pets on the head. “Do you know what I did that was totally insane and stupid?” They looked up at her. “I fucking kissed him. Yeah … that’s right … I kissed the jerk.” She took a bigger gulp of wine. “And the worst part is, it was the best kiss ever!” Pumpkin jumped down and Snickers’ eyes widened at Mia’s sudden loud voice. She giggled. “Sorry. No one’s in trouble.”

  Mia finished her drink and threw her legs up on the couch then sank back into one of the decorative pillows. It was true: Army was an amazing kisser. As he held her in his strong arms, their mouths fused, static charges jumped through her. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t control her body around him. It was like it was magnetically drawn to him.

  Tonight’s over. He’ll go back to Alina, and I can get back to my routine.

  Mia closed her eyes, and her mind conjured up images of Army with stubble on his strong jaw and his mesmerizing, ocean blue eyes that bore into her as he came closer, drowning her in a pool of scorching sensation.

  Then she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  The president of Satan’s Pistons pushed the party girl off his lap, and her ass hit the floor with a thud. As she glared at him, she grabbed her top off the couch and pulled it on over her head.

  “Why’d you do that?” she asked as she stood up, her hand rubbing her backside.

  “I’m done with you.” Shark zipped up his jeans and stretched out his legs.

  “You could’ve just told me to get off.” She tugged at the hem of her skirt.

  “I wanted to hear your ass hit the floor.” Shark narrowed his brown eyes at her. “I’m done talking.”

  The woman opened her mouth as if to say something then closed it and walked away.

  “You didn’t like Ginny?” Chip asked as he looked at her retreating figure.

  “She’s a whore like all the others. I was done with her. She’s been to enough of our parties to know the fucking score. If she doesn’t like it, her ass doesn’t need to come around.”

  “But I heard she’s real tight. She does those exercises bitches do to keep their pussies like that.” Chip turned around and looked at him.

  “I said she’s okay. I didn’t even remember her damn name until you just said it. If you want to know about her pussy so bad, then go get her. She won’t say no … she’s easy.” Shark took out a cigarette and lit it. He was bored out of his fucking mind. It seemed that each day blended into the next, and he was itching for something new to keep his adrenaline pumping.

  “Blueman called when you were fucking Ginny,” Demon said, sitting down next to Shark.

  The president jerked his head back. “Why the hell didn’t you get me? I can fuck her anytime. Shit!” He kicked the scratched-up wooden table in front of him with his boot.

  The VP inhaled deeply then slowly exhaled as a cloud of smoke wrapped around his head. “He wanted to know whe
n we’re coming to Durango.”

  “When he has the fucking shipment. Haven’t we told the dumbass that like a million fucking times?” He put the cigarette out on the floor. “I don’t trust these fuckers one bit.”

  “None of us do, but we need the shipment to get back in business,” Demon replied.

  Shark ran his fingers through his long brown hair. “I’ll call the fucking idiot. I’d like to close this deal in a month.” He knocked over the table. “I’m so damn bored. We should go to a rally. New faces, fresh meat, and new scenery are what I need.”

  “The only rally in the area is the one the Night Fucks put on at the end of October. We should go and kick their fuckin’ asses for what they did to us,” Demon said.

  “Just wait ’til we start selling smack. We’ll get us some big-ass weapons and decimate the fuckers and their goddamn families.”

  “And have some fun with their women,” Demon added.

  “Yeah, before we slit their throats. I can’t fucking wait to get revenge on those motherfuckers.” Shark pushed up from the couch.

  “It’ll be damn sweet and long in coming.” Demon offered a joint to Shark.

  Shark’s phone pinged and he smiled. “Noe’s passing through,” he said to Demon as he texted his friend to come to the clubhouse.

  Noe and Shark had been best friends since they beat the crap out of each other in the alley behind their school. They were eight years old, and Noe had been the new kid in town. After the fight, they became fast friends. They’d formed Satan’s Pistons, but his buddy and fellow club member stepped away when his dad fell ill and Noe moved them both to Phoenix for better medical care. Noe and his dad were close as hell, and Shark often envied their relationship, wishing that he’d had that with his dad.

  “I like it,” Noe said as he walked into the large room. Shark met him halfway, and they hugged each other; it’d been at least a year since he’d seen Noe.

  “It took us a fucking long time to get this place livable,” Shark said, motioning the prospect to bring over two beers.

  Since the Night Rebels had burned down their clubhouse two years before, Satan’s Pistons made due with a few double-wide trailers, but a year before, one of the brothers—Bandido, had inherited some land and a ramshackle hacienda from his grandfather. After months of work, the clubhouse looked pretty damn good, and there were enough rooms to accommodate all of the members. Most of the brothers lived at the club, with only a few having places of their own in town. The club girls lived in three double-wide trailers behind the hacienda.


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