Sin (The Stone Society Book 8)

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Sin (The Stone Society Book 8) Page 10

by Faith Gibson

  “One of you can ride with us,” the first responder said. Urijah gestured for Vivian to be the one, but before she could climb into the back of the ambulance, he pulled her aside.

  “Don’t give them any damning information. Just tell them you don’t know specifics. I’ll have someone waiting on her when you get to the hospital.” Vivian nodded and hoisted herself up inside the transport.

  Chapter Nine

  Urijah looked around for Sinclair. Instead, he found Finley and Banyan. “Where’s Sin?” he asked.

  Finley answered, “He went on home. Said he didn’t feel good.”

  “Didn’t feel good. We don’t…”

  “…get sick. I know. Either he’s found his mate, or something else is going on with him,” Finley said.

  “I was going to get him to call Dr. Mercato and have him meet Vivian and the girl at the hospital. I don’t like the fact she was drugged. I’d rather have one of ours on this so we can keep tabs on her,” Uri told Finley. He’d yet to look at Banyan.

  “I’ve already called the doctor. Bridget’s waiting inside for you to settle all the tabs. If you want to handle that, I’m going to head on over to the hospital and wait with Viv.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Uri turned toward the door, and when Banyan followed, Uri stopped. “What are you doing?”

  “Going with you.”

  “I can handle this, B.” Fuck. Why’d you go and do that? Using his shortened nickname was not going to get the Goyle to leave him alone. Not that Banyan was actually bothering him.

  “I know you can, but I was hoping you’d give me a ride. I left my car at Sinclair’s.”

  “What were you doing at Sinclair’s?” Uri’s mind went back to the night before when Finley was on his knees in front of Sin. Surely he and Banyan weren’t hooking up too.

  Banyan leaned in and whispered against Uri’s ear, “Jealous, lover?”

  “Not on your fucking life, Sorensen.” Uri brushed past his ma… past Banyan and went to settle the tab. The employees were gathered around whispering to one another instead of cleaning like they probably should have been doing. He found the bartender and tossed a credit card on the bar. “Double the total, and add thirty percent for tips,” he instructed.

  The bartender’s eyes grew huge, but it was only right they be compensated appropriately since he was the one who wanted the bar closed down. “I bet your girlfriend loves you to pieces,” the woman fished as she scooped the credit card off the bar.

  Uri didn’t bother commenting, but Banyan didn’t let it go. “No, but his boyfriend sure does,” he said, giving the woman a knowing look. Uri glared at Banyan, but the Goyle’s smirk grew into a full-on smile right before he winked.

  The bartender returned with the credit card and receipt for Uri to sign. “So, Rocky’s your friend?” he asked while he scribbled his name on the dotted line.

  “Yeah, but she’s more than that. She owns this place.”

  Banyan took a few steps closer to Uri and propped an elbow on the bar. “The owner, huh? I heard she was looking to sell.”

  The bartender leaned closer and whispered, “She was supposed to be here before everyone’s shift started to tell them she’s selling. When she didn’t show, I got worried.”

  Banyan asked, “Is she also the manager?”

  “No, that’d be me. I do double duty most nights when we’re busy.”

  Banyan eyed the woman for a moment. Instead of responding to her comment, he told her, “They’re taking Rocky to New Angeles Medical, if you want to go check on her after you get things tidied up here.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you guys, and why are you taking such an interest in Rocky and RC’s? I’ve never even seen you in here. Well, except for your other friend. The one who bolted. He was in here last night.”

  Banyan looked to Uri for help. Urijah shrugged. “Because Rocky is a friend of Vivian’s who is a friend of Finley’s. We take care of our own.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well, thank you for the generous tip. You sure you bat for the other team?” Bridget asked, eyeing both men. Urijah ignored the woman’s flirting and once again glared at Banyan.

  “You just can’t leave shit alone, can you?” Uri asked before striding toward the door. Banyan was at his back within two steps.

  “Not when it comes to you, I can’t.”

  As soon as he was outside, Uri stopped, turning abruptly. Banyan grabbed Uri’s biceps trying to halt his forward progress, putting them chest to chest. Eye to eye. Lips to plump, totally kissable lips. Uri’s beast was gearing up for a fight. The shifter wanted him to put his arms around Banyan and pull him closer. Taste his lips like he had so many times before. Lick his… Uri pulled away from Banyan and crossed his arms over his chest. It was his go-to stance when he wanted to keep from grabbing Banyan and doing what the shifter wanted. Banyan knew this, but he didn’t call him on it.

  “Sorry. I promise to behave, if you’ll give me a ride to Sin’s,” Banyan conceded, holding his hands up.

  Once again, images from the previous night came roaring back. Uri did his best to keep the jealousy at bay. If he wasn’t careful, Banyan would pick up on it and think Urijah was jealous over him instead of Finley. “Get in the fucking car,” he instructed. Gods help him get through one car ride with this male at his side.

  Sinclair was getting tired of the nauseous feeling, but he was also tired of running. Every time he’d felt the strange sensation, the same man had been around. First at the gym, second sitting at the bar, and then earlier that evening, the man had been outside the bar smoking a cigarette. Sin hadn’t stuck around to make conversation with the man. There had to be some other explanation as to what was going on with him. If this shit persisted, he was going to go visit Dr. Mercato. If he couldn’t help, Sin was going to call Dominic and have Lilly make a potion for him.

  He hated bailing on Banyan, but he could grab a ride home with Fin and Uri. The two blond Norsemen had been flirting the whole time they were playing pool. Banyan had enjoyed the shit out of it, if the permanent grin etched to his face had been any indication. Urijah? Not so much. Sin would love to find out what their story was, because there most definitely was a story there. Sin also needed to find out what all the commotion had been right after he felt sick. The good thing about the night was Banyan had been able to visit the bar and give Sinclair his opinion on it before Sin met with the owner the next day. If Banyan didn’t like the place, there was no reason to meet with the woman. Sin assumed RC’s was named after the current owner, one Rocky Carmichael. Banyan had been interested, so Sin was going to go ahead with the meeting.

  Wanting to be alone, Sin had called ahead and asked Ingrid to retire to her wing for the evening. The woman wasn’t a nuisance, but when Sin got in his moods, he didn’t want to talk to or be bothered by anyone, Ingrid included. The only time he’d ever been soothed by another was when he’d been married, and even then, he’d had to tamp down the urge to send his wife away. Sin had a feeling he was a flawed Goyle in need of therapy deeper than meditation.

  He went straight upstairs to the top floor of his home and stripped down to his underwear. Sin paced the floor, trying to get rid of some pent-up frustration. He was irritated because he was having what were more than likely the stirrings of being around his mate and had no clue as to who it could be. He wasn’t positive that’s what was wrong with him, and that was why he was so agitated. Because he didn’t know for sure. The more he paced, the antsier he became. Sin dropped to the floor and did push-ups. When he lost count at over one thousand, he rolled over to his back and did sit-ups. He then went to the far side of the room where there was little furniture and did a handstand. With his feet resting against the wall, Sin did another set of push-ups.

  A car in the driveway caught Sin’s attention. He dropped his feet to the floor and strode over to the window. Sin pulled the curtain back and remained in the shadows as Urijah drove slowly up the driveway. Sin moved to the window that faced the back of the
house so he could observe Uri. Either the Goyle was dropping Banyan off to get his car, or he’d come to talk about the night before. Sinclair still hadn’t apologized to Uri. Maybe he didn’t need to. The male had seemed okay with Sin while they were shooting pool. Then again, he’d been distracted by Banyan.

  Urijah parked his car but left it running. It wasn’t long before the passenger door opened and Banyan stepped out. He leaned down into the car and said something to Uri. Banyan closed the door and watched until Uri was out of sight. Banyan’s body language spoke volumes to Sinclair. He might appear to be the laid-back Goyle with no problems, but the look on his face as he watched Uri drive off said something else completely.

  Wanting to have a chat, Sin opened the window and called down to Banyan. “You want a drink?”

  Banyan shoved his keys in his front pocket. “Yes, thanks.” He headed toward the patio, and Sinclair slid his jeans and shirt back on before making his way downstairs. Their conversation before they went to the bar had been light and not about anything specific. Sinclair was ready to find out a little more about the Goyle and his relationship with Uri.

  Sin met Banyan on the patio with the same bottle of whiskey they’d been drinking earlier and two more cigars. Banyan was sitting in one of the lounge chairs, rubbing his eyes. “Everything okay?” Sin asked.

  “Sure. If by okay you mean going ten rounds with my beast on the drive back from the bar. I don’t know how much longer I can stand it.”

  “Uri is your mate, isn’t he?” Sin held out a glass of liquor.

  Banyan scrubbed his hands down his face before he took the proffered glass. “Yes. But Uri hates me and has vowed to never let me get close to him again.”

  “I take it your time in New Orleans wasn’t all beads and parades?”

  “It wasn’t all bad. As long as I kept my distance.” Banyan downed the whiskey in one long gulp, and Sin poured it full again. He set the bottle between them on a small, glass table.

  “Cigar?” Sin asked.

  “Thanks. Maybe I can choke my beast with the smoke.”

  Sinclair knew the feeling. His own shifter had been quiet since he returned from the bar. While they had been at RC’s, that was a different story altogether. “I understand. Mine fought me every step of the way until I got home. So, how do you know Uri is your mate?”

  “Because he’s the only male or female I can’t resist. Over the years I’ve watched mates together. Seen the need. The want. The jealousy. I feel every bit of it when I’m near him. When we were young males, I didn’t realize why I was reacting to my best friend the way I was. He would get mad when I approached him about it. Uri has spent his life running from us, and I’ve chased him all over the godsdamned world. After New Orleans, I gave up.”

  “What happened in New Orleans?”

  “He tried to take my head.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I wish I were. I was trying to make him jealous, and it obviously worked. Too well. I decided after that to stop making a fool of myself. I resigned myself to the fact I would be alone forever.”

  “And now?”

  “And now he still hates me. He made it clear he wants nothing to do with me.” Banyan inhaled on the cigar he’d been holding. Sin waited for him to exhale. Banyan had either swallowed the smoke, or he truly was trying to choke out his beast.

  “I saw the way he looked at you tonight. He did not look like a male who hated you. He looked like a male who wanted to throw you down on the pool table and fuck your brains out.”

  Banyan finally expelled the smoke and shook his head. “You’re wrong. He knows he can have me. Three little words, and I’m his. But he will never say he wants me. So, I’m biding my time until he returns to New Atlanta. Now, enough about me. What about you?”

  Sin knew the conversation would eventually circle around to him, but he didn’t have an answer. “No idea. I’ve encountered what the others who have found their mates have described feeling, but I have yet to figure out exactly who is causing the disturbance within. There has been a male present all three times, but I am certain it is a coincidence.”

  “How can you be so sure? I mean, you have been with males, right?”

  Sinclair thought back to the night before and how Finley had sucked his cock. “Yes, but not often, and it has always been when a female was around. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against males being together, but I prefer the softer sex. If I find out the fates have decided a male is for me, I will remain without a mate. I can no longer stomach watching a human wither away into old age when there’s nothing I can do to stop it.”

  “I can understand that. I’ve held out for so long praying to the gods Uri would come around, but I’m ready to move on with my life. Once he’s finished with the weapons, he’ll move back east, and I can get back to forgetting about him.”

  Sinclair doubted Banyan would be able to forget Uri. Not if they were truly mates.

  “I appreciate the whiskey and the cigar, but all this talk of Uri is making me want to punch someone. I’m going to go mope in the privacy of my own home.” Banyan set the glass on the table. “Oh, I meant to tell you. The owner of RC’s came in while you were leaving. She was in pretty bad shape, so you may have to wait a day or two before you can meet with her.”

  “What was wrong with her?”

  “According to her friend, the woman’s ex-boyfriend drugged her. She was losing consciousness when the paramedics arrived.”

  “I can see why the douche is an ex if he is drugging her. Who is with her now?”

  “Her friend rode in the ambulance with her, and Finley followed them to the hospital. He called Dr. Mercato to meet them there. Better to have someone we know calling the shots.”

  “Why is Fin getting involved?”

  “Because he knows the girls. At least the friend who brought the owner in. Curvy redhead. Vivian or something like that.”

  Sin was surprised he hadn’t noticed them when they came in the bar, but he had been dealing with his own problems at the time. “I will call Fin and check in.”

  “Sounds good, and thanks again for the company.”

  Sin stood and embraced the male. Banyan was tense, and Sin understood his need to be alone. “Take care, Brother. I will talk to you soon.”

  Banyan clapped Sin on the back before heading to his auto. Sin didn’t bother watching the other male walk away. He sat back down and refilled his glass. Sin thought he had it bad not knowing who his mate was or if he had, in fact, met his mate. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to know who your mate was only to have them reject you. That would suck.

  Sin pulled out his phone and sent Finley a text since hospitals frowned upon phones being used inside. How’s the female?

  It took several minutes for Fin to respond. She was roofied by her ex.

  Have the cops been there?

  Yes. I called in one of ours. After what Vivian told me about the ex, I didn’t want to take any chances. He’s still waiting for her to come around.

  Sin wanted to hear the whole story. Call me when you can.

  Will do.

  Something about the whole situation nagged at Sin. For some reason, he felt the need to get involved even though he didn’t know the female. It could be because she was a friend of Vivian’s, but deep down, he knew it was more than that.

  A couple of hours later, Finley called and filled Sin on everything he knew, which wasn’t a lot. Finley had called in Everett Murdock, a cop who was also one of the Clan. Rett was one of the best detectives Sinclair had ever met, and the male was overly protective of all females. If anyone could get the evidence needed to put this piece of shit behind bars, it would be Rett.

  “I’m going to keep watch overnight, and tomorrow I’ll make sure she gets home safely. If I can, I’m going to talk her into coming home with me where I know she’ll be safe,” Finley told him.

  “What will Uri think about having another house guest?” Sin asked before he thought be
tter of it.

  “Considering it’s my house, he shouldn’t have a problem with it. Besides, our duty is to protect humans, especially the weaker ones. And Rocky is pretty weak right now. I hate a bastard who would take advantage of someone the way he did her. He didn’t just roofie her. The concoction he shot into her veins contained traces of heroin,” Finley seethed.

  “Easy, Brother. Let Rett do his job, and she will be out of your hair before you know it.”

  “Trust me, it’s not a hardship. This girl is beautiful.”

  “Even more so than Dana?” Sin had thought the blonde was a knock-out, but she wasn’t his type. He wasn’t sure what his type was any more, but he knew she wasn’t it.

  “There’s something about her. Maybe it’s because she’s a victim and my heart is being pulled toward her, but yeah, she’s special.”

  “But not your mate?” Sin prodded.

  “No, nothing like that. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s there.”

  “Well, you go stand watch, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I doubt I will get much sleep tonight.”

  “Will do. Later.”

  The phone disconnected leaving Sin alone again. He wondered what Finley found so interesting about Rocky Carmichael. If the woman recovered quickly, he’d get to find out for himself when he met with her about the bar. Now, he was actually looking forward to it.

  Chapter Ten

  When Rocky came to, she was coherent enough to tell Vivian and Finley what happened before Vivian found her sitting on the sidewalk beside the door to RC’s. Rocky explained going to the beach, waking up in the club, Blake injecting her with something, and Vivian finding her. At first, Rocky was on the defensive, but Vivian assured her she believed what happened. What they couldn’t understand was why Blake had dropped her off at the bar instead of taking her back to the beach or keeping her locked in the club.

  Rocky was still woozy, but she had enough sense about her to talk to the doctor as well as the cop. She was thankful Vivian was there with her to act as a buffer if she needed one, but for some reason, they were nice to her. She was pretty sure it had something to do with Finley. She could understand a cop being built like an MMA fighter, but the doctor? If she hadn’t sworn off men the rest of her life, Rocky might have given the man her phone number. He was just as hot as the cop and Finley. It was like everyone in the man’s life had to meet a certain criteria or they weren’t allowed in the club. Not only were they nice to look at, they were just plain nice.


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