Shadows of Eternity: The Children of the Owls (Frost and Flame Book 2)

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Shadows of Eternity: The Children of the Owls (Frost and Flame Book 2) Page 7

by Rick Kueber

  “Okay guys, I'm not sure if this is Del, or if this is an actual e.v.p. It’s so clear, that I have to question it.” Jenn said fore-warning us that we may be listening to a clip we can easily explain away. “I'm going to just plug the speakers in for this one. It's clear enough that you won’t need the headphones.”

  Jenn plugged in the external speakers and turned the volume up. I immediately recognized the conversation. We had all been upstairs and while I was explaining to Barb about using the e.m.f. detectors to find the source of manmade energies. Then the recording played this, “Then, when I can't find a rational explanation for the energy, that's when things get interesting.” The word interesting was overpowered by another voice, crystal clear and sinister saying “Exciting!”, almost as if it were finishing my sentence.

  “That was a creepy voice, huh?” I asked the girls. “Yeah!” Katie agreed. “I don't think that was Del.” “No, definitely not.” I added. “But, not only was it finishing my sentence, it was male, and sounded very sinister, or evil... even though what it said was just a single, harmless word.” I thought for a second. “Okay, I think that is legitimate, and even though it doesn't give us any answers, go ahead and cut it down to a manageable clip and we will play it for the Owl's when we return.” We returned to our scouring of audio and when Jenn finished her audio review, she began going over the photos, and video.

  Katie listened intently to her recordings, and I could see her replaying a section of the recording over and over. A grave look of concern grew on her face and I wanted to break her concentration to ask if everything was okay. It was just about then that she drew a deep breath and sighed as she removed her headphones.

  “Do you remember when I stayed upstairs in the stairwell alone?” She asked us.

  “Yes, I knew I shouldn't have left you up there alone.” I said.

  “I remember, and you came running down the stairs like you had seen a ghost.” Jenn joked. “Sorry... I couldn't resist.” “The reason I came running down the stairs so fast was because I felt someone over my shoulder and then heard laughter in my ear. Something was right behind me, and it really kinda freaked me out.” Katie answered the humor with an honest and serious statement.

  “That would be a very frightening thing, even if you weren't alone.” I agreed with her. “Well, it wasn't just my imagination.” Katie said in a low somber tone as she unplugged her headset and plugged in the external speakers. She turned the volume up, and clicked the play button on the computer screen.

  The static played loud and clear, and minor sounds of shuffling and the sound of Katie's breath were even obvious to us. The blaring sound of her voice whispered “Hello?” and was soon followed by a low and deep “Heh heh heh...”, a chuckling sound so sinister, it made every hair on my body stand on end, and my skin crawl.

  “Holy crap!” I blurted out. “That's what you heard in your ear?” “Yeah...” Katie said slowly and quietly. “It really kinda scared me. I know it's not much, but it seems significant that I heard it and caught it on the recording.”

  “Don't discount it so quickly.” Jenn reassured her. “It's very significant.” “Yes it is. It isn't often that voices are actually heard, and it's even more seldom that those voices are actually picked up on a recording. That's an excellent piece of evidence, and it's one that shows that there may be something less than friendly here.” I added to the conversation.

  We would discover one more bit of audio evidence that evening. During our time together in the old boiler room, when I asked for any entities present to light up the different colored lights, soon after I uttered the word 'red', a wicked sounding female voice, gruff and dry, painfully mocked me by saying, 'RED'. The thought that the ghost behind that voice was close enough and powerful enough to come across on my recorder louder than my own voice, which meant it was dangerously close to me. I knew all too well that when an entity came in contact with a person, such as myself, there was no telling how intensely horrific things could become... and how quickly it could escalate to that point.

  We had finished with analyzing the audio and photographical evidence. Some of our review of the video had been completed, but the hour was late, and we all, unfortunately, we all had full-time careers that we would have to be well rested for. If only this passion were as fulfilling to our bank accounts as it was to our souls. The computers were powered down one by one, equipment was packed back into the appropriate cases, and once the girls had exited the room, I flipped the switch and put the office into a haunting darkness. There was a beckoning feeling as I closed the door. It felt as if I was missing something, but what it was had escaped me. I finished pulling the door to, and with a clicking-pop of the strike plate, I left the case and the mystery that eluded me, hidden in the inky darkness of night.

  There were certain things that I was sure of, and those things caused an uncomfortable and unsettling feeling deep in my sinking heart. First, there was definite paranormal activity at the Owl's Nest #30. Second, Not only was there activity, but the Owl's Nest was genuinely haunted. Thirdly, the ghosts of the Owl's included several children, who apparently needed our help in some way, and our time was limited for an unknown reason. And finally, I knew that the most terrifying and wonderful spirit we had ever encountered, Ashley Sue- the burning girl, was taking an active part in our investigation... a frighteningly active part. These things alone kept me awake at night, every night... until exhaustion eventually took over, allowing me a few hours of much deprived sleep.

  It was time to contact Theo, and I had a feeling we would need some serious help understanding all of the activity. More than that, we needed extra help... I had to put in a call to another friend, another Rick... Rick Hayes, who, in my opinion and many others, is one of the top psychic-mediums in the nation. I could only hope that he had some time available to join us soon...before it was 'too late'.


  The following evening, once my typical after-work routine was finished, I sent a group text message to Jenn, and Katie.

  Jenn, Katie: I will contact the Owl's Nest and set up the evidence reveal, and contact Theo, and Rick Hayes to get them on board to help us and help the children of the Owl's. Do you two mind going through the documents and photos and

  try to make some sort of time line?

  -EVP rick

  Sure, does Jenn have them?

  -EVP kate

  Got 'em! And no problem!

  -EVP jenn Cool. If either of you has a chance, could you try to get any info on

  Allison Bettiger?

  -EVP rick

  Of course. We'll see what we can find.-EVP jenn I sat down at my dinosaur of a desktop computer and began writing and email to send to both Rick and Theo. I was opening the door to them, without too much definite information, mostly because I had very little 'definite information'. So, I typed my 'generic' email, and sent it to both of them.

  *** Theo was finishing his day up at Barnes & Noble booksellers and about to clock out when he received an email notification on his phone. The familiar 'ding' was unmistakable. It had been a tiring day at work and all he wanted to do was to go home, relax, and unwind with a cup of Greek coffee, so he did not even check his phone until much later when he was sitting on his patio, enjoying the night air and the pale yellow glimmer of the waning moon as it rose.

  He found himself gazing to the heavens, contemplating the spirit world which he was so closely connected to, the vastness of the universe, and the very essence of time itself. As he meditated on these things, in the peace and serenity of his quiet haven, he was startled out of his sub-conscious thoughts by the annoying beep of his phone again. He rolled his eyes to himself for forgetting to turn it off, or leave it inside where it wouldn't bother him.

  Theo grumbled to himself as he pulled his touchscreen phone from his pocket. He had a text message from an old friend, and an email from 'E.V.P. Rick'. He quickly responded to his friend's text, and then moved on to open up the email. He im
mediately noticed it was sent, not only to him, but to another psychic-medium as well.

  Good evening friends, The team and I are working on an investigation at the Owl's Nest in Evansville, and we could really use your help. We feel pretty certain that there are multiple entities here, including several child spirits. I don't want to go into to too many details just yet, but I will say, we have good reason to believe that these children desperately need help. I will be setting up another night of investigating soon, and I would really like both of you to join us if at all possible. Please respond as soon as possible to let me know if and when you will be able to help.

  Sincerely, Rick Kueber- Founder, EVP Investigations.

  (P.S.- Theo, it seems that Ash is somehow involved here...just an FYI!) The breeze took a chill, and Theo felt his heart almost skip a beat when he read the lines about there being child spirits who so desperately needed help, and he nearly dropped his phone when he read the post script that mentioned Ash. His mind raced as he recalled the transcendental dream, or vision he had experienced just a week or so prior. His pulse quickened and irrational thoughts and questions filled his mind. Struggling to add up the correlation between the Owl's Nest and Ash, he began to contemplate certain metaphysical things that I had not even begun to understand. Spiritual connections and astral travel, and how these things could tie Ash to Theo, the team, and the child spirits.

  He sat soaking in the weight of the information he had received for quite some time, as the moon grew ever higher in the starry sky. Wisps of low clouds drifted by in the growing breeze, while Theo stared up to the sky wishing and praying for an answer to this paranormal perplexity... what help do these children need, and when will it be too late...and why?

  He began to type a short response, and sent it straight away. I would be happy to help you out again. I am off every saturday night and sunday. Just let me know when! And, BTW, I have seen Ashley...she told me to 'help the children before it's too late.' does that make any sense to you? i'm not sure what she means, but I am anxious to find out Always ready to help!

  Theo He sipped his now cool coffee, and the fears of another malicious entity began to consume his thoughts. Theo couldn't help but think that if Ash had become involved and these children needed some kind of help that was beyond her powers, it was more than intimidating.

  He felt the need to meditate and connect with his spirit guides. With candles lit, he placed a smoldering sage stick in the half shell he had used during his smudging rituals. Though the breeze continued, the candles kept their flames, flickering wildly in some sacred dance of fire, and the billowing smoke from the sage filled the air with the scent of earth, the most ancient temple of all. Picking up a small cup, he poured out a thin stream of water, forming a circle around himself. Theo sat down in the midst of all of the elements... sage to represent earth, candles for fire, the circle of water, and the night breeze for air. Soon the ceremony would be completed by the spirit guides joining him.

  Theo's meditation caused the harsh world around him to melt into a comforting fog, filled with dull colors of orange and mauve, chartreuse and teals, that all seem to swirl, layered against, or on top of, each other. He could feel the presence of the spirit guides drawing near. While many spiritual people have a spirit guide they follow, or ask for help and advice from, Theo had what he had always thought of as his spirit council, a group of a dozen beings which he could gain insights and direction from.

  An unmistakable feeling came over him as the figures began to materialize, though never completely, in the swirling colors of the foggy mist. Some of these spirit guides took on a female persona, nurturing, gentle, and even sensual, in their own way... while others were more logical, strong, and defensive (when Theo had needed to have his guard up) and were obviously male. Other spirit guides that formed this council seemed to be neutral in gender, as if they had no need or reason to project anything as worldly as sexuality. Their appearance was another subject, and could fill a book all on its own.

  As they gathered to him, he began to convey to them his needs. They could feel his questions and concerns about the spirit children that haunted a place he had never been, and was not even familiar with, though the spirits knew his most unsettling concern was focused on the ghost of Ashley Sue. Theo had brought her existence and malicious ways to their consciousness before, asking their help in ridding her of the shadow demon that she was plagued by.

  The spirits didn't communicate as much with words as they did with feelings and ideas. As Theo thought of his questions and concerns the spirits answered him with only vague revelations. He knew in his soul that the children needed to be reunited with their family and pass on from our world to an eternal home, though they did not give him a reason for the urgency. There was also the undeniable feeling that Ashley was there to help. She would not cause trouble, at least not to him... not intentionally. His thoughts absorbed these truths while he built his own conclusions based on the wisdom of his guides.

  There was another feeling that the guides had given to Theo. Though he knew Ash meant him no intentional harm, he could feel that there was a malevolent presence that he would have to guard himself against, perhaps more than one. He was also given the knowledge that this undertaking would require the help of many people... psychics, spiritualists, paranormal researchers, and everyday folks.... and love and compassion... most of all, love and compassion.

  *** The passion that my team and I had for learning and researching the paranormal, and being able to help people (both living and those passed on), was a force that drove us from somewhere deep in our souls. There is a part of each and every person in the world that is pure passion, in some it remains hidden, while others have left it sleeping, afraid they will awaken a monster that will define who they are. Still, others let their passions out in whispers when they want to scream out to the world. We found that while life without passion may be easy, predictable, and painless, allowing our passion to flourish made our lives not only exciting and fulfilling, but rewarding on a level that most will never understand.

  It was the mutual drive that everyone on my team shared, that made us great in our own ways in the paranormal field, and though I am undoubtedly bias, our combined passion as a team made us phenomenal. No egos, no slackers, just three or four team mates who worked together towards a common goal, like a well-oiled machine.

  There was soon to be another cog in our timepiece, as the moments ticked away, another facet that would join us in our endeavor to understand the enigma of the shadow children, and gain the knowledge we would need to help them. I would have never thought that so many amazing people would unite to show these lost souls that they weren't as lost as they believed. They weren't lost at all...they were hiding. It was our task to find them, and to let them know they are loved, and not forgotten.

  I soon received another email reply. The core of our team would be joined by Rick Hayes, and give our team five points of view, and five unique tools to uncover clues and hopefully understand our latest perplexity. Theo had committed to helping us on literally any weekend, and Rick was going to be available on possibly a few weekends. Though the schedules differed and at this moment nothing seemed to make any sense, I had this feeling deep in my heart that everything was about to come together. Like scattered yarns weaving themselves together, what was starting out as a few messy skeins, would slowly intertwine to become something useful and beautiful. Disconnected clues and disenchanted spirits would, hopefully, soon be on their way to a beautiful eternity, and Ashley seemed to already be showing us her desire to be helpful and useful.

  *** It was Wednesday after work, when I made the first phone call of many. As always, Jenn was my first call, after all, she was my lead investigator, and my second in charge of the team. If we had three members, or ten, Jennifer was a cornerstone of the team, and I confidently put my faith in her.

  “Hey there E.V.Prick!” She said gleefully answering the phone. “What's up?”

  “Just w
anting to set up an 'evidence reveal' for the Owl's Nest investigation… I haven't talked to them, or Katie yet, but I was thinking this Saturday afternoon would be good. What do you think?” I asked, genuinely wanting her input.

  “Saturday's fine with me. Let me make sure Alan hasn't made any plans I don't know about, but I think it will be fine.” She seemed confident that she would be available.

  “Great. Let me give Katie a call, and if it works her, I will get in touch with Barb and see if that's good for them. I'll let ya know what time.” I knew that whether it was just me, or the whole team, the Owl's would be amazed at the evidence we had caught. I also knew that seeing the amazement and disbelief on the faces of both the believers and skeptics was one of the highlights of an investigation, and I didn't want Jenn or Katie to miss out on that bit of gratification.

  I ended the call with Jenn and immediately called up Katie.

  “Hello?” Katie answered with a sound in her voice of curiosity or surprise.

  “Hey Katie. How's things going?” I asked casually. “Okay, I guess...typical work week. Nothing special. What's up?” She asked, fishing for a reason for my call. “I was calling to see if you had any plans for Saturday afternoon.” I paused and before the silence became too awkward, I continued with, “I'm trying to set up a meeting at the Owl's nest. If you can make it, that would be great. If not, I can try to find another time.”

  “OH!” she replied with enthusiasm. “I'd love to go! I don't have anything really planned, so I'll keep Saturday open for sure!”

  “Great, I haven't set it up with Barb and Del yet, but that's my next call. I will shoot you and Jenn a text after I talk to them.” I finished. After we said our good-byes, I took a moment for myself. I put my phone down and headed to the kitchen for a cold soda, Mt. Dew, of course. I took a few gulps of my Dew, and was back to my phone.


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