Michael: Michael

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Michael: Michael Page 4

by Phillip Gwynne

  ‘This last hundred for The Cup,’ I said.

  ‘You bet, Quinlan,’ he said.

  When the red hand touched zero, we both pushed off hard from the wall.

  I hadn’t swum for a week, I hadn’t done any warm-up, I felt stiff, and I felt sore, and I felt fantastic. I felt free.

  We tumble turned, and we were swimming stroke for stroke.

  I turned my head to breathe and I could see Dad, Coach, and Mr Jenkins all pacing along the side of the pool.

  ‘Go boys!’ yelled Coach.

  Bev Jenkins surged – what happened to him not having his usual speed? I dug deep, and moved past him. Then he moved past me.

  I took one last breath, put my head under, and swam as hard as I’d ever swum.

  And I touched the wall.

  I wasn’t sure who got there first, but Bev Jenkins look over at me and said, ‘The Cup’s yours, then.’

  ‘You sure?’ I said.

  ‘Yeah, you just got me, Quinlan.’

  I hurt everywhere but I felt great. I had won and I had wanted to win. I wanted to swim. I couldn’t stop smiling. I got out of the pool, and Dad was waiting with a towel. He was smiling too.

  ‘I’m not even going to ask what you were doing,’ he said.

  After I’d had a shower, got changed, and came back outside, Dad was standing with Coach. ‘Coach, Michael has got something to tell you,’ Dad said.

  ‘Yes, Michael?’ said Coach.

  ‘I wonder how you’d feel about me doing less training when I come back,’ I said.

  ‘Less training?’ said Coach, as if he’d never heard the two words in the same sentence.

  ‘Yes, less training,’ I repeated. ‘Before my accident I felt like I was getting bored with only swimming all the time.’

  ‘Well, we can’t have that,’ said Coach. ‘So let’s talk. Some swimmers do go better with a bit less work.’

  ‘And there’s something else,’ I said.

  ‘Yes,’ he said warily.

  ‘I was thinking of doing some cross training.’

  ‘Well, some of our more senior swimmers like to ride bicycles.’

  ‘I was thinking more of downhill skating,’ I said.

  ‘Downhill skating?’ said Coach.

  ‘Sure,’ I said. ‘But nothing gnarly. Just thought I’d tool around on the flat.’

  Coach said nothing.

  ‘Because let’s face it,’ I said. ‘You gotta cruise before you shred.’

  I got that now. I was happy to cruise for a while.

  Phillip Gwynne had stuff happen to him at school, too. Once, for a dare, he ate a worm . . .


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  First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2014

  Text copyright © Phillip Gwynne, 2014.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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  Series editor: Susannah McFarlane

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  ISBN: 978-1-74348-293-3


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