I'm in Love With My Best Friend

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I'm in Love With My Best Friend Page 4

by Fearless Pinoy



  It’s been 2 weeks since I and Nick have sex and if you’re thinking that I’m pregnant then happy to say that I’m not! And part of it, it’s been also 2 weeks since Nick left me I mean the village. He didn’t mail, he didn’t text nor call. Mom, Nin and Dad have trusted me to be alone in the house for the whole month! Mike and Mich used to stop by every day just to make sure that I’m okay. I also told them what happened and they’re both angry and at the same time sad. If you’re thinking where the hell is Myka; well she also go back to New York. Maybe they’ve continued their relationship! I really wanted to forget about Nick! I mean I’m a girl and he’s the boy. If he really is a true man then he must face me but worst if he forget about me.

  I heard a doorbell and I ran downstairs, as I open the door I was shocked that in front of me Mom, Dad, Nin, Nick’s parents and NICK! “Hey big sister! I miss you so much!” Nin shouted full of happiness. I just smiled and hug her including mom and dad. “Hey Nikki, aahh! I have a task for you and Nick” said dad. “huh?” I mumbled. “Do you remember our house near the lake? We used to go camping there when you and Nick were both kids” dad reminded. “Yes? Why?” I asked. Mom smiled including Nick’s parents, I kind of wondered and curios about their actions; Nick on the other hand just remain silent. “You’ll know why dear, but for now prepare the things that you need because tonight you’ll go there” mom smiled. Without any questions I walked upstairs into my bedroom and grab some personal and important things, unfortunately that house of ours beside the lake has no signal and no internet connection! Now that he’s back I’m planning of not talking to him anymore! Yes I love him but I don’t want to be hurt again. As I’m in the middle of packing my things in my closet I heard a clearing throat behind me and I don’t need to turn around because I know its mom. “Nikki?” she started. “Yep?” I replied. “We just wanted you to have fun there with Nick” she smiled. If only she knew what did Nick did to me. “Hey honey, Nick talked to us and he wanted to spend time with you” she smiled. “hmm” I just nodded as a sign of hearing her. After I finished packing my things, mom and I walked downstairs. “Bye dad!” I bid. They just respond with have a great week. Nick grabbed my things and put under the trunk it’s a big black car that well which can handle a trip.

  This will be a 2 hour drive luckily I brought my ipod! I don’t want to talk to him duh! But the weird things was, he himself don’t bother to talk to me. Inside the car was really awkward I mean it’s very quiet! There’s no music. I think Nick felt it too because he began a conversation. “Nikki, how are you?” “Good” I replied. “Uhm!” I cut him off “I wanted to sleep”.


  We arrived at their safe house, I wanted to wake Nikki up but I know she’s tired. I just carry her bridal style to our room. Their safe house is just a simple but nice mansion. I remembered the time when Nikki and I used to stay here every summer. We both sleep in the same room, the house is still clean because Nikki’s dad used to pay some people to take a look and clean the house. I lay her down to the bed. I heard a knock and saw an old woman, she looks familiar then I knew that she was the one who took care of me and Nikki when we go to the lake. “Nick, you’ve grown” the old woman greeted. “Nana! How are you?” I replied. We used to call her nana she’s like our grandmother. “Well, still looking and cleaning here” she smiled. “Well at least you’re still okay right?” I smiled back. “Yeah! Is that Nikki?” she asked. “Yeah! She’s tired” I explained. “Well, you better take a rest and I’ll cook some food for both of you” she said. “Is that okay? I mean” she cut me off. “Well of course after all I’ve been serving your family and Nikki’s in my entire life and your families were so nice to me and to my family” she explained. “I just miss you Nana” I hugged her. “Me too” she smiled. She closed the door and walked towards the kitchen, I heard Nikki groaned. “Hey! I didn’t wake you up because you sleep soundly” I said. “As if you didn’t do that to me” she gives me a fake smile. I really need to explain! But I don’t know how to begin.

  “Nikki, Nick, dinner is serve” a call from Nana. “Is it Nana?” Nikki asked. “Yeah! She’s already here when we arrived” I replied. “Coming Nana” we shouted. We went to the kitchen and saw Nana smiling at us. “You’ve grown now Nikki” Nana said. “Well, it’s weirder if I’m still a kid” Nikki teased. She gave Nana a big hugged and smile. “Are you staying with us Nana right?” Nikki asked. “Well, only daytime but at night time…” she cut Nana off. “Well Nana it’s up to you if you’ll stay or not” she smiled. “You’re still the same. You and Nick are really perfect for each other” she said. We both stare to one another. “Uhm! Nana we’re just friends” I said. “Well, you’ll stay here for a week I don’t know if what will happen” she grinned. “HAHA! That’s really funny Nana” Nikki interrupts. We all sat down including Nana; the dinner was great! We have time to talk to one another; and the problem between Nikki and I was forgotten that very moment. After we finish eating, we helped Nana cleaning the kitchen. “Well, I have to go now I’ll be back tomorrow morning” Nana said. “Let me drive you to your house Nana” I stated. “No, I can walk” she smiled. “It’s already night Nana” Nikki said. “Well, alright!” Nana agreed. “I’ll just wait here!” Nikki smiled. I led Nana to the entrance door and I followed, Nikki was the only one left in the safe house.

  As we go along I noticed Nana is staring at me “What is it Nana?” I asked. “Well, I’m just happy that I saw you and Nikki again” she muttered. “You really miss us, right?” I smirked. “Well of course, half of my life was taking good care of you two” she said. “Thanks for the care Nana” I smiled. “Do you love Nikki?” I suddenly hit the foot break after she asked it. “Sorry about that” she said. “Why did you ask Nana?” I muttered. “Well, I just want to know” she smiled. I started the car engine again. “Well, yeah! I love her as a friend” I muttered. “Is that all?” she asked curiously. “Yes” I stated. After Nana could respond, we arrived at her house. A single storey house that has beautiful garden at the left side with a nice façade and white gate; Nana will really do anything just to have a nice life. “Thanks to your parents, I manage to design my little house” she smiled. “It’s nothing Nana” I smiled back. “You better keep going now, it’s dark and Nikki is just alone in the safe house” she stated. “Yeah! See you tomorrow Nana” I bid.



  I’ve been driving slowly because I’m still thinking of how I will explain everything to Nikki. I also wanted to think if I really love Nikki more than a friend. My feeling is too complicated. I don’t want to hurt Nikki, I don’t want to ruin our friendship! If I love her so what! While I was in the middle of thinking it suddenly rains. I step the accelerator of the car until I almost hit the tree; that was too close luckily I arrived safely. I get out on the car and walked to the porch, I press the doorbell and Nikki opens it quickly. “Hey! What are you doing?” I said. She seems uncomfortable which gives me a reason that I must proceed to the shower room. I walked upstairs to our room and look for my stuff before I found it Nikki slammed the door and locked it. “What the heck was that?” I shouted. “Let’s get it straight to the point Nick! What are you up to?” she muttered. “What do you mean?” I ask innocently. “You know what I mean! Don’t be in denial!” she shouted not even keep her eyes of me. “Whatever! I’ll go take a shower” I bid.

  I don’t want to sound jerk but I don’t want to give up! Since I left her in the bed and choose to follow Myka in New York I felt guilty! I don’t really want to be here with her, but our parents want us to spend time together and this is not the right time to disappoint them. I turn on the shower and just take a deep breath.


  I really don’t know what’s going on! I don’t even have any idea what’s in his mind! I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. I’d rather sleep here than to sleep beside him. I want to let him r
ealized that playing my heart is not good! I can’t deny that I love him now more than ever, he’s the one took everything in me and now he is such a jerk! I lay down on the couch and turn on the TV. I bet he’s finished taking a shower because I heard his footsteps tracking the way downstairs. “Hey! You’ll sleep here?” he asks innocently like there’s no scene happen lately. “Why? Is there any problem?” I muttered. “No, not at all I’m just checking you know” he answer. I long silence occurred, he sat on the mat and also watch the movie. “Do you mind if I sleep beside you?” he smirked. “Knowing that you’ll be gone the next day, I’m pretty much sure NOT!” I shouted. “Pissed off?” he asks. “Not obvious?” I asked back. “Well, I’m just making fun with you. You’ve been so serious lately and uhm! I don’t want to be with a serious person! I’ve changed you know!” he said. “I don’t need your explanation so why don’t you shut your mouth! You JERK!” I stated. “I’m not a Jerk!” he yelled. “And why are you yelling?” I yelled back. We look at each other and I can see in his eyes that he’s pissed off! He punches the floor and stands up straightly and walked upstairs! I really don’t mind if he’s pissed off! Now, my plan is to stay here for a week, do my part and I’ll forget about him! He’s not worth it! He maybe fucked other girls before that’s why he didn’t mind fucking the hell out of me!


  It’s already morning and I’m tired to get up, I’m still pissed off about Nikki calling me a jerk! Well, I know I’m a jerk but only to her! The truth is, I don’t know if I love her or not or whatever! So until I can’t make up my mind I will hesitate to get involved into a romance relationship that may tear not only our friendship but rather our families’ closeness as well! I try to get up on the bed only to find a piece of sticky note beside the clock and it says:

  I’m going to feel some fresh air! Don’t go look for me! Nana is with you!


  I crumpled the sticky note and throw it on the floor; I walked to the bathroom and do my stuff. After I finished making myself look presentable I heard a weird knock on the door. As I open it Nana is standing nervously in front of me. “What’s the matter Nana?” I asked confusingly. “An ----- an accident, Ni---- Nikki…” I didn’t let her finish the sentence instead I grab her arm and led her to my car. “Where is she?” I asked panicky. “Hospital” Nana replied. She told me the direction which I seriously follow, about a 20 minutes’ drive we arrived in the hospital. I went straight to the reception area and ask “Where can I find Nikki Fairy White?” “Oh! The new patient, she’s in the room 38A” the nurse said. I even forgot to thank her because I freak out mixed up with confusion. Nana was the one who go back to the Reception area and thank the nurse, as I was about to open the room of Nikki I heard a boy’s voice. I open the door only to see Nikki sleeping and a guy who is sweating like a pig and the doctor. “Are you the family of this girl?” the doctor asked. “Just a family friend, we’re here for a vacation” I stated. I sat down beside Nikki who was still unconscious. “What happen to her?” I ask. “Well, she fell off the crick luckily this handsome young man was walking there and save the day” the doctor replied. “Will she be alright?” I ask. “Yeah, she can go home if she’ll woke up” the doctor said. “Thanks for your help” I turned to the guy. “No worries, everyone will do that…” he didn’t finish the sentence because of Nikki who woke up confusingly. “Where am I?” she stated. “Hospital” I answered. “Where is the guy who saved me?” she asks. “Hey! Uhm now that you’re up and in the good hands well, I want to say I better be going now” the guy replied. “Wait! I owe you my life, what’s your name?” Nikki asks back, as if I’m not in the room. The doctor cleared his throat which was a sign that he must leave and be right back after the conversation, I nod and he evaporates. “Clint!” the boy said. “Huh?” I hissed. “My name is Clint Moore” he smiled. “Well, thanks again Clint!” Nikki smiled. “Well, I guess I better get going” Clint bid. “Wait! Can I invite you tomorrow? Go fishing?” Nikki asks. Well! Hello! I’m over here, can’t you see it? “I don’t know, maybe?” Clint replied. “Oh well, I’m going to wait! You know where” Nikki smiled. “What about your boyfriend?” Clint nod at me. “We’re just friends” Nikki and I replied quickly. “Sounds good, do you mind if I’ll invite some of my friends?” he asks. GREAT! He’s not stepping the line right? “Of course, meeting new people is good!” Nikki smiled. “Uhm! Ok then, I have to go! My mom’s gonna be sick looking for me” he bid. He walked towards the door and glanced once more, he close the door gently. “What’s up with you?” I mumbled. “Why you care?” she replied angrily. “Are you mad?” I asked. “No! Why would I be mad? We’re friends right? And nothing more!” she replied. I was so pissed off! And now she’s doing some innocent actions?! “Well, I’m fine! You can go back to the safe house. After all, it’s not your obligation to look after me” she faced away from me and sighs. I walk outside and head to the cafeteria just to refresh my mind.



  The week is finally over and I’m fully recovered about my falling after the incident Clint and I became so close which pushes Nick to stop reacting but go with the flow. I noticed that he wasn’t that over protective and over trying friends with me anymore. Packing my belongings and peak one last look to the room I felt relieved, I promise Clint that I’ll see him the next time but he also promise that he’ll visit if he’ll got a chance. I put on my jacket and walk downstairs dropping my bag on the couch, Nana smiled at me genuinely and give me a hug. Nick popped in from the kitchen and grab my bag, Nana also give him a bear hug. “Be careful on your way, and you two come visit me often” she smiled sweetly. I kiss her right cheek and wave goodbye; I climb into the passenger’s seat and buckle my seatbelt. Nick on the other hand climb on the driver’s seat and do the same.

  The road is smooth, no head hitting and no bumping rocks, I suddenly felt awkward inside the car, Nick haven’t talk to me since the fishing time with Clint and two girls. I try not to talk to him but I want to know why he’s acting strange. “What’s with non-talking?” I mutter, I looked at him and he frowns. “What do you mean?” he shrugs. “You’ve been so weird lately, no talking, no caring or whatsoever…why?” he just focused in his driving and not intended to answer my question. I didn’t mind it anyway, I’m tired of him though I still love him more than a friend. Since he took my virginity I couldn’t stop but think that he would love me too. “You better take a sleep, a 30 minute drive and we will be at your house” he said. “You’ll stay at our house?” I asked curiously. “I’ll just drop you there” I frown and sigh, why? Should I ask him? “But don’t worry, I’ll just want to go home but tomorrow we can spend time together if you want” he smirks. “Honestly, I don’t know how to picture your behavior! Are you mad or whatsoever?” I hissed. He frowns but smirk “I’m just trying to study my best friend, lately you and Clint became close I just thought you want to be alone with him” I blush and giggle. How can he say that? Is he jealous? I just remember the conversation between me and Clint…

  “Do you love him don’t you?” Clint asked. “Who?” I muttered. “Don’t play games with me here Nikki, the way you looked at him, the way you smile when he’s around, the way you blushed and giggle every time he felt embarrassed! It’s a sign that you love him” I gasps and flush am I that obvious? “Lookie here kiddo! He loves you too, why don’t you just make the first move?” he smirk. “No way! I’m the girl here Clint” I replied. “Though why him? Why not me?” he smirk. “What do you mean?” I giggle. “You know I like you don’t play stupidity around me” he hissed. “Now who’s talking, Clint….” He suddenly shook his head and smile genuinely “I know Nikki, I know!”

  “Why are you smirking Nikki?” I frown automatically. Shit! “Why you care?” I snap. “Well, we’re already here” Nick sighs. “Thanks for the ride, see you then” I climb out the car and close the passenger’s door; I walk to the porch when I feel a rocky arms around my waist. “Too f
ast for that Nikki” Nick smirk, I flush and now I think I’m redder than the rose. “What do you mean? And what the hell are you doing?” I hold my breath then suddenly Nick pulls me closer to his body, I felt electricity running through my veins. OH MY! Can I just die today? “Just grabbing the moment that I can hold you ‘til I bid goodbye” he grins. Just now and then, I can look him closely he really has the finest nose, a remarkable lips, I can also see his beautiful bluish-greenish eyes he’s so perfect. “Amuse with my looks best?” he smirk again. “Amuse yourself! You look disgusting you know that?” He frowns and laugh, actually we both laugh. We stop laughing when we heard the door opened, Nick quickly untangled my body to his and smiles. “They’re here!” My mom hugged me and so did dad! “We missed you two so much, hey Nick your parent’s are here” dad grab our things and put it inside the house, we follow him until we reach the living area sitting on the couch were Nick’s parent’s and? Myka? “Hey babe, I missed you” Myka gave Nick a grateful bear hug “I miss you too” Nick replied. “Nikki” Myka nods at me “Myka” I respond a nod for acknowledgement. “How’s your stay there?” Nick’s mom asked. Nick told them everything, specifically everything! I wonder why Myka’s here, are they together again! If that so, then why did Nick grab me about an hour or so ago? Mom walked in front of me and smile “Nikki, we’re both planning to send you to New York, with Nick and Myka” “Mom? Why?” I chilled, with them? Is there any pain that I need to bear? “Nick’s parents have decided and so as we that you and Nick will become a perfect business partner, well of course because you were best friends since God knows when!” she smile sweetly. Mom if only you knew! “When?” I asked. “Tomorrow!” she replied. “Why is so sudden mom? We just came back here! Give me a break!” I snap. Nick walks towards us with Myka all over his body, can this be more embarrassing moment? I want to kick them both but I don’t have the guts to say my reason for kicking them I giggle. “Why is there any giggling best?” Nick snap! “Can you two get some room? Just to remind you, this is not your house” I hissed. “Jelly?” Nick smirk. “Why would I? Besides Clint is the most perfect buddy!” I teased. Two can play the game. “Who’s Clint?” Mom snap “The guy that helped her the time that she falls on the crick” Nick explained. “Really? You met him?” Mom asked amuses. “Why so amused mom?” I give my mom a confuse look “We know he’s dad! Don’t you remember Nikki?” mom replied. Is this a bad news or good news? After I can reply, dad is walking to where were talking; I looked at Myka who still hell wrapping her arms around his boy! For fuck sake can she just stop? “I heard a Clint name here” dad smiled. “Yeah? And am I in trouble or what?” I furrow. “Well, if you two don’t remember him then let me enlighten your memories” mom stated. “Picture this out, a boy who wants to marry the girl he liked but was stop by an over protective colleague; the boy cried and ran towards his parents telling them that someone stole his bride” I think at the moment and memories flowing over my brain, now I remember! Clint was the boy who wants to marry me but Nick doesn’t want to let him win my heart because of being his over protective friend! THE WORLD IS SO SMALL! “I remember it!” Nick and I say it together. We stare to one another then the doorbell rang. Dad walks towards the door to look who’s the visitor, Nick and I still stunned about the flashback memory, if he’s the guy then why he didn’t approach me or tell me about the past events? Does he still remember it? I hope yes! He’s the first guy I love and Nick knew it! But since Nick’s family left the village, my parents have no time to visit the safe house that’s why I forgot the boy with a ring. He’s my first love, my first crush! I was back into the reality when I saw the visitor in the kitchen! CLINT! He’s here, CRAP! I’m so messy! “Good evening falling girl” he smirk. I flush and felt embarrassed, why he’s here? “Nick” “Clint” they both exchange nods, “Clint! What a visit? Why didn’t you tell us?” mom hopped out from the stool bar and give Clint a warm welcome hug. “I thought the girl who lived here told you that I’m going to visit her” he looked at me and I blush again. What’s this feeling, I just blush when Clint say something. “What are you talking about Tita?” Clint asked. “I just bring them back to the olden days, they forgot you don’t you know?” mom so talkative, ugh! “Sad to say but I knew it Tita!” Clint sighs but smirk. Is he teasing me? Ugh! Ground get absorb me now! Nick’s parents popped out from the kitchen and gasp when they saw Clint. They too give Clint a heart welcoming hug!


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