The Art of Taming a Rake (Legendary Lovers #4)

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The Art of Taming a Rake (Legendary Lovers #4) Page 29

by Nicole Jordan

  “My family will forgive us. After your ordeal, you need to rest.”

  “I am not an invalid, Quinn.”

  “No, but I require you to remain here with me. I am in great need of succoring—a condition that may last all day and into the night.”

  Her mouth curved in amusement. “It would be scandalous, staying abed all day.”

  “Perhaps, but that is what makes you my perfect match. You are willing to be scandalous with me. Isn’t that so?”

  She laughed softly. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  “Yes, but not for food—” He caught himself as he remembered the trauma she had endured. “You need sustenance, though, to regain your strength. I will ring for breakfast.”

  When he started to extricate himself from their embrace, she stayed him with a hand on his bare chest. “Could we wait a moment? This is too enjoyable.”

  “Yes, of course. Whatever you wish.”

  Venetia sighed contentedly and laid her head on his shoulder.

  Quinn tightened his arm about her, feeling a similar contentment—as well as awe at the drastic nature of his fall. He had guarded his emotions closely for many years, until Venetia had barreled her way into his life. Even when he’d begun succumbing, he’d ignored the danger signs, telling himself he wouldn’t burn when the flames touched him.

  And her feelings had been even more guarded than his. In the beginning he’d had some thought of healing her wounded heart. Yet he’d freed his own heart in the process. Now he wondered how he ever thought he could live without her.

  She gave him joy and delight and pleasure. He wanted to make her happy, to protect her and cherish her always….

  If barely a month ago he’d been told he would treasure all these maudlin sentiments, he would have scoffed outright.

  Quinn pressed a light kiss against her hair before musing out loud, “I think I loved you from the moment you threatened to shoot me to prevent my courting your sister. I can’t imagine my life without you now.”

  Venetia’s muffled spurt of laughter was followed by a note of skepticism in her voice when she asked, “Truly?”

  “Yes, truly. Who will argue with me and set me straight when I need it?”

  “You have a point.”

  Another few heartbeats passed before he continued his reflections. “You are more than enough woman for me, Venetia. You are intriguing and challenging and strong and inspiring. You make me want to be a better man. Why would I ever want anyone else?”

  He was teasing her lovingly, yet he wanted to make certain she understood his gravity. Quinn put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up so that he could see her eyes when he repeated his vow of fidelity.

  “I swear on my life to be faithful and never betray you, Venetia. Will you believe me?”

  “Yes,” she answered softly. “I believe you.”

  Quinn rewarded her reply with another long kiss before he let her rest again. That she’d chosen to trust him filled him with a fierce sense of gratitude.

  It was another quarter hour before they stirred again. He wanted to see that she was fed, and she wanted to thank his family for all they had done for her—as did Quinn.

  “If I know them, they will be eager for a family conference. Our gatherings became a tradition when our bachelor uncle, Cornelius, tried to raise five unruly orphans.”

  Still feeling a bit wan, Venetia accepted his help in donning a brocade dressing gown and didn’t object when Quinn insisted on giving his arm for support as he escorted her downstairs. On the way there, he directed a footman to have Mrs. Pelfrey deliver breakfast to the drawing room, and in an hour have a warm bath filled for her ladyship in his bedchamber.

  When Venetia entered the drawing room with Quinn, Skye was the first to see her. Rising quickly, she crossed to the door and took both of Venetia’s hands in a warm greeting. “How are you feeling?”

  Venetia returned her smile. “As if I was trampled by a horse.”

  Skye dimpled. “Don’t tell Maura or Hawk that. They both would come to the horse’s defense. Come, you must meet Maura and Ash. Their adorable baby is sleeping upstairs in the nursery. By the way, you just missed your parents and sister. They called to make certain that you were all right. And Hawk has brought us up-to-date about that villain Montreux. I cannot believe he got away with multiple murders all these years.”

  Anger clouded Skye’s brow, but she shrugged it off as she shepherded Venetia into the room to join the company. Venetia was indeed glad at last to meet the eldest Wilde cousin and his lovely wife, Maura. Lord Jack and Sophie and Katharine were present also, as was Lord Hawkhurst.

  When she was settled comfortably on the sofa, with Quinn sitting beside her, Venetia effusively thanked everyone, especially Hawk, for coming to her rescue last evening.

  When he brushed off her gratitude, Skye explained her husband’s modesty. “Hawk is accustomed to such heroics. He once rescued our aunt Isabella from a Berber sheik in the Kingdom of Algiers.”

  An amused Lord Jack chimed in. “The rest of us are not trained in espionage or versed in dangerous enterprises, but we always look after our own.”

  “Yes,” Sophie added fondly. “You are a Wilde now, Venetia.”

  “Which means,” Quinn said with a pointed look at his cousin Kate, “that interference in one another’s lives is a given, whether you like it or not. But at least you will never find yourself alone.”

  The reminder heartened Venetia. “I should like that a great deal.”

  “I almost regret missing the excitement last evening,” Ash jested.

  Maura sent him an arch glance before turning to Venetia. “I only regret that we didn’t arrive in time to be of help to you.”

  “Undoubtedly,” Katharine interjected, “there will be other occasions in the future. You should prepare yourself to be swept up in all manner of scandals and adventures, Venetia. Perhaps when we are old and gray we can look back on this ordeal as an adventure. Meanwhile, you should have something to eat. Ah, here is Mrs. Pelfrey now.”

  The housekeeper directed two footmen to deposit laden trays on a side table, then appeared to delight in fussing over her latest patient, Lady Traherne.

  Venetia was soon fortified with hot tea and toast, and Quinn a more substantial breakfast. While they ate, she listened as Maura told an amusing tale about their infant son and found herself reveling in the warmth and laughter and familial feelings that pervaded the drawing room. Before this, such a loving family scene would have engendered an unbearable ache of loneliness. Now she was part of it.

  Relishing the thought, Venetia let the discussion wash over her while she observed her new family. They were all charismatic, intriguing characters with strong, lively personalities, and she could imagine the pleasure of sculpting each one of them.

  The conversation eventually turned to retrieving the remainder of the de Chagny jewels from Montreux and the need to establish ownership. Venetia only half paid attention until someone mentioned that the jewels were not entailed and that Skye was Angelique’s heir.

  “But Venetia is Quinn’s wife now,” Skye said hesitantly.

  In the pause that followed, Venetia realized that Skye was looking at her questioningly, as if waiting for her to comment.

  “You should have your mother’s jewels, Skye,” Venetia said at once.

  “Are you certain?”

  “Of course. They rightfully belong to you. You would have inherited them had I not married your brother.”

  “I confess I would very much like to have them since they were my mother’s.”

  It was only fitting, Venetia thought. She most certainly did not want the pendant that currently belonged to Quinn’s former mistress. Admittedly she was still profoundly jealous of the dashing Lady X. Venetia would have liked to be more gracious now that she could claim Quinn as her true husband, her love, but it would probably take a while before she could fully overcome her long-held apprehensions.

  When she caught Quinn’s
eye, she realized he had guessed what she was thinking, for he reached over to take her hand and interlaced his fingers with hers.

  Evidently he also approved of her generosity to his sister, for he leaned closer to murmur in her ear, “I will make it up to you. I will buy you a fortune in jewels if you like.”

  “I don’t need jewels to be happy,” Venetia whispered back.

  His eyes glimmered. “I know. That is one of the many things I love about you.”

  While he was reassuring her, the subject changed to the shipwreck that had taken the lives of their parents and the crew.

  There was no new information from Macky as to the site of the tragedy, nor was there a legal need to prove sabotage, but if the wreck was ever found, Kate thought they should mount a salvage effort, since she wanted a proper burial for her parents. At the very least, she wanted to journey to France to find her mother’s pauper’s grave and provide her a decent headstone.

  Ash offered to fund the search for the ship’s remains, but with his son so young, he preferred to remain at home until the wreck was actually found. Jack, who had been born in Paris and spoke fluent French, was the logical choice to lead an expedition to the southern coast of France, but Sophie was expecting their first child, and he disliked the risk of her sailing abroad.

  In Skye’s opinion, Hawk had spent too many years living in exile on a Mediterranean island, and she wanted him to come to know his newly reconstructed English home. And Quinn thought Hawk had done more than enough already.

  Kate ventured to suggest that Uncle Cornelius might wish to be involved in a salvage endeavor, since Steven Wilde had been his older brother and Lionel Wilde his distant cousin.

  As for Quinn’s preferences, his steamship was in the final stages of construction, but he promised that after the launch this summer, he would be pleased to help. “For now I mean to take Venetia to Tallis Court to recuperate,” Quinn concluded.

  Eager to see her new home, Venetia liked that idea also. But then she recalled her sister. “What about Ophelia?”

  “What about her?”

  “Until she settles on a suitor, I ought to remain in London, if only to prevent my mother from dictating her life.”

  Quinn shook his head. “With Kate and Skye to help her marriage prospects, Ophelia can manage on her own. You’ve done more than enough for her, including risking your life.”

  “Perhaps so.” Just then Venetia also remembered Cleo. “I must tell Cleo she will have to find another companion when she returns to France.”

  “I predict she will understand.”

  Venetia arched an eyebrow. “I am not so certain. She is not your most ardent fan…although I know she will be happy for me once I persuade her that we have made a love match.”

  “That should not be difficult. I am really quite humiliatingly in love.” A smile lurked about his mouth as he brought Venetia’s fingers to his lips. “I had every intention of controlling my own fate, but destiny intervened in my plans.”

  “And so did I,” Kate injected with a self-satisfied smile. “I am glad you finally overcame your cynicism, cousin.”

  Quinn amiably acknowledged her aid. “Although I am loath to admit it, I am supremely grateful for your persistence, Kate. If not for you, I would have missed the love of my life.”

  “Oh?” she said archly. “Do tell. I was right, wasn’t I?”

  “Yes, you were right.” Venetia saw the self-mockery in Quinn’s beautiful blue eyes, the suppressed laughter, yet he seemed entirely serious when he declared, “The truth is, love can readily be denied, until you meet one person who changes your life forever.”

  Venetia gazed back at him adoringly, happiness welling inside her. With every word he bound himself more firmly in her heart.

  Quinn turned back to his cousin. “But you should not be so smug, sweet Kate. Your turn is next. You are the only unattached Wilde left.”

  When she wrinkled her nose, Ash threw a fond glance at his sister. “It is easy to advocate for a love match when someone else is your victim.”

  Quinn chuckled, and Jack joined the teasing against her. “Yes, it is your turn to be tortured, my scheming Kate.”

  Skye took Kate’s side, however. “Your future soulmate is somewhere out there waiting for you.”

  Amazingly, Kate looked uncertain, perhaps even concerned. “I once thought so, but now I’m not sure I believe that any longer.”

  Sophie also expressed her support. “If your legendary lovers theory is correct, Kate, your story will be Pygmalion.”

  “I sincerely hope you are wrong.” A frown turned down her mouth. “Yesterday I received a letter from Aunt Bella with a request on behalf of a friend who recently inherited a barony. She wants my help in turning him into a proper English lord.”

  “Who is it?” Skye asked curiously.

  “Mr. Brandon Deverill…The American cousin of Trey Deverill, one of Hawk’s former colleagues, I believe.”

  Hawk nodded. “I know both Deverills well. I served with them in the British Foreign Office. We were fortunate to have Brandon’s contributions for several years, despite his American citizenship.”

  “Is Brandon Deverill such a heathen, then?” Skye wondered.

  Kate winced and continued her lament. “I suppose he is a gentleman—of sorts. Appallingly, he turned to privateering and fought against England when hostilities broke out between our countries some years ago. But Aunt Bella asked me to put my matchmaking talents to good use and find a bride for him. Believe me, I am not happy about the prospect. But for our aunt, I would do anything.”

  Venetia wondered if Mr. Deverill was the same American who had humiliated Kate years before by rejecting her. If so, there was bound to be conflict between them, which would not auger well for a legendary romance.

  Then Kate shrugged off her unease and smiled at Venetia. “At least your story was a grand success. You have tamed your rake.”

  “It would be nice to think so.”

  Maura spoke then. “Take it from me, a reformed rake makes the most devoted of mates.”

  Ash laughed, and Venetia looked up at Quinn thoughtfully. “Perhaps I was wrong. You are not so much a rake after all.”

  The glint in his eyes was full of affection. “Thank the saints. I have endeavored to convince you of that for weeks now, and you are finally coming to agree.”

  When his arm slipped around her, Venetia laid her head on his shoulder. She felt cloaked in warmth and safety. She felt cherished. She felt raw with love for him—and gratitude as well. Quinn filled the aching emptiness that had plagued her for so long.

  Her fears had dissipated also, yet she would not leave her future to mercurial fate. She would love Quinn so much he would never give a single thought to another woman.

  After a while longer, he tugged on her hand. “Come, darling. I will escort you upstairs. You need proper rest.”

  Once they said their farewells, Quinn ushered her from the drawing room and upstairs to his bedchamber, where a copper tub filled with steaming water stood in one corner.

  As soon as he shut the door behind them, Quinn turned and gathered her close. “I have wanted to hold you like this for hours.”

  She laughed softly. “It has not been that long.”

  “It feels like an eternity.” His arms wrapped around her in warmth as he gazed down at her. “I shall take great pleasure in helping you bathe and soothing your injuries. I plan to kiss every delectable inch of your naked body. And afterward, I intend to take you back to bed.”

  A smile curved her mouth. “I thought you said I needed proper rest. If we retire to bed, we are unlikely to get any rest.”

  “Which is exactly how it should be. We are newlyweds. Since our marriage vows, we’ve had little opportunity to enjoy the nuptial bed and need to make up for all the lost time. Besides, you are still in need of reassurance, my love.”

  “Indeed, I am.”

  The tender heat in his voice warmed her skin, as did the fire in his eye
s. Venetia felt another powerful rush of love for him, a love that she knew was wholly reciprocated.

  When Quinn lowered his head, she opened her mouth to him, her invitation wanton and inflaming. He responded by kissing her with a fierceness that stopped her breath—which, as he’d said, was exactly as it should be.

  For my dear friend and colleague, Ann Howard White, with heartfelt thanks for your priceless friendship and support over the years. Love you bunches.


  Legendary Lovers

  Princess Charming

  Lover Be Mine

  Secrets of Seduction

  The Art of Taming a Rake

  The Courtship Wars

  To Pleasure A Lady

  To Bed A Beauty

  To Seduce A Bride

  To Romance A Charming Rogue

  To Tame A Dangerous Lord

  To Desire A Wicked Duke

  Paradise Series

  Master of Temptation

  Lord of Seduction

  Wicked Fantasy

  Fever Dreams

  Notorious Series

  The Seduction

  The Passion



  The Prince of Pleasure

  Other Novels

  The Lover

  The Warrior

  Touch Me With Fire


  NICOLE JORDAN is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous historical romances. She lives with her real-life hero (her husband) in the Rocky Mountains of Utah, where she is at work on her next enthralling tale about the sparks that fly when Regency lovers play the matrimonial mating game.

  Read on for a sneak peek of the next Legendary Lovers book

  My Fair Lover

  by Nicole Jordan

  London, May 1817

  The last time she’d visited Brandon Deverill in his hotel rooms, she had climbed into his bed naked—a foolhardy scheme that ended in utter disaster.


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