Nicholas Raven and the Wizards' Web (The Complete Epic Fantasy)

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Nicholas Raven and the Wizards' Web (The Complete Epic Fantasy) Page 201

by Thomas J. Prestopnik

  Constable Brindle is attacked before dawn. Farnsworth postpones Otto’s trial, offering Katherine veiled threats that harm will come to her family and friends if she exposes his criminal deeds.

  3 Nicholas and Ivy visit Emma and show her the blue stone pendant. Brin slips a sleeping potion into Nicholas and Ivy’s water skins and kidnaps them when they later fall asleep, planning to take them to Kargoth.

  4 Nicholas and Ivy begin their journey up the Lorren River as prisoners on Brin’s raft.

  5 King Rowan and Vilna receive a letter from Prince William explaining the details of Brendan’s death.

  6 Prince Gregory and his troops depart Montavia with Caldurian as prisoner.

  7 Maynard wakes up from Arileez’ sleeping spell at the home of Emmett and Lorna Trout.

  11 Prince Gregory and his troops arrive in Morrenwood.

  Ivy is removed from the raft and handed over to Cale and a group of Northern Island soldiers who are instructed to take her to Vellan.

  12 King Justin talks with Caldurian in the Citadel and learns about Arileez’ history. The King later tells Tolapari that he will bring Caldurian along when they march to Kargoth in the spring.

  16 Nicholas is rescued from the raft by Malek and his men. A wounded Brin drowns himself in the Gray River. Nicholas accompanies Malek to his camp where he is questioned and learns that the Spirit Box had been opened fourteen days ago and that the Enâri race throughout the Northern Mountains had been destroyed.

  20 Max arrives at camp and mentions the planned spring raid on Deshla prison to Nicholas.

  23 Max leaves camp for the Thendara Wood to meet his contact from Morrenwood.

  25 Nicholas, Malek and the rest of the camp leave south to group with an adjacent camp for the march to Petaras Peak.

  26 King Justin holds a second war council at the Blue Citadel.

  28 Nicholas, Malek and the combined camps continue south to Petaras Peak.

  Mid Winter

  3rd day of month Nicholas, Malek and the combined camps are snowbound on their way to Petaras Peak.

  5 Nicholas, Malek and the combined camps resume their trek to Petaras Peak in the deep snow.

  10 As Nicholas, Malek and the others near Petaras Peak, Dunnic kills Rollin, and when trying to escape, is killed with an arrow by Malek. Max returns with a letter from Prince Gregory explaining that the armies of King Justin and his allies will march to Kargoth in the spring to confront Vellan.

  20 Nicholas, Malek and their other camp members leave Petaras Peak and begin their trek to the Champeko Forest to meet up with the other groups in the mountain resistance.

  Old Winter

  14th day of month King Justin, sensing an early spring, wants to launch an attack on Vellan as soon as possible. Leo asks Princess Megan to marry him.

  17 The armies of Arrondale and Montavia depart through the gates of the Blue Citadel for Kargoth. Megan bids farewell to Leo, Carmella and Hobin.

  19 Brendan awakens without memory in the Ebrean Forest in the spot where he was buried.

  21 The armies of Arrondale and Montavia reach the northern tip of Lake Lasko.

  22 The armies of Arrondale and Montavia pass by the village of Parma.

  Nicholas and Max leave the Champeko Forest, beginning their journey to Lake Mara.

  Brendan leaves the cabin in the Ebrean Forest and begins his trek out of the woods.

  23 The armies of Arrondale and Montavia enter the Red Mountains.

  Nicholas and Max reach the Bellunboro River on Linden’s western border at nightfall.

  25 The armies of Arrondale and Montavia enter the kingdom of Drumaya and march to Grantwick. Kings Justin and Rowan are welcomed by King Cedric. Eucádus and Ranen meet Leo and learn of his role in ridding their nations of the Enâri.

  26 Nicholas and Max begin traveling along the southwestern border of the Ebrean Forest in Linden.

  27 The armies of Arrondale, Montavia, Drumaya and the Five Clearings march south to the village of Wynhall where they meet Captain Silas and his troops from Rhiál and Maranac.

  28 The allied armies of Arrondale, Montavia, Drumaya, the Five Clearings, Rhiál and Maranac reach the northern tip of Lake Mara.

  Nicholas and Max enter the kingdom of Drumaya.

  Year 743

  New Spring

  1st day of month Prince Brendan appears alive along the shore of Lake Mara.

  Nicholas and Max reach Lake Mara farther south of King Justin’s army.

  2 Nicholas and Max meet up with Prince Gregory and King Justin’s army on Lake Mara. Nicholas is reunited with Leo, Hobin and Carmella. Hobin learns of Emma’s location and that she still loves him. Caldurian reveals that Vellan had placed a second, secret spell in the potion that freed Arileez from his island prison, guessing that it was responsible for bringing Brendan back to life and quickly healing King Justin’s wound. Nicholas meets Caldurian and blames him for the death of his father twenty years ago.

  3 King Justin and the allied armies reach the Braya Woods.

  4 Prince Gregory informs Nicholas of Caldurian’s invasion of his village for nine days last autumn and of Maynard’s disappearance. Nicholas, Leo, Hobin and Max take their leave of King Justin and travel back into Linden. King Justin gives Caldurian permission to meet with Carmella.

  5 Carmella and Caldurian meet for the first time in twenty years, with the wizard agreeing to teach Carmella some magic and help find her cousin, Madeline, if she will help him escape from King Justin’s guards.

  7 The allied armies halt on the southwest edge of the Rhoon Forest during a severe rainstorm. Carmella learns to create smoke spheres.

  8 The allied armies enter the southern portion of the Northern Mountains, traveling a few miles north of the Drusala River. Carmella and Caldurian create colorful smoke butterflies.

  9 Using a magic smoke illusion, Carmella helps Caldurian escape from King Justin’s encampment. King Justin and the allied armies enter Kargoth.

  Nicholas, Leo, Hobin and Max meet a farmer in Linden who describes witnessing the destruction of the Enâri creatures who had been confiscating food from their community.

  10 While traveling through Kargoth, Carmella and Caldurian stop at an abandoned farmhouse near dawn to sleep. There they find the sandy remains of several Enâri creatures. They feel they are being watched.

  King Justin tells Tolapari that he purposely let Caldurian escape, hoping his dissatisfaction with Vellan’s rule will cause strife between them and aid their fight in the coming war.

  11 Carmella and Caldurian come upon a long trail of destroyed Enâri creatures, their boots, weapons and garments being all that remain. The sight of one pair of boots intrigues the wizard. Later that evening, they meet Mune who was leaving Kargoth after parting ways with Madeline weeks ago. He said that Madeline had gotten caught on purpose by some Island soldiers, hoping to be taken to Vellan. Carmella learns that Caldurian was responsible for Nicholas’ troubles in Kanesbury.

  12 Mune decides to accompany Carmella and Caldurian to Vellan’s stronghold in Del Norác.

  13 A torrential rainstorm halts the progress of the allied army into Kargoth for two days.

  15 King Justin and the allied army continue their journey northwest into Kargoth, exploring an abandoned Enâri garrison along the way.

  16 A band of Vellan’s troops attacks the allied army along the Drusala River. Ranen falls into the Drusala during a fight and falls under Vellan’s spell. To prevent another fight and spare his life, King Justin asks Ranen to go to Vellan to request a parley.

  19 Three of Vellan’s soldiers inform King Justin that Vellan will await him near Del Norác the following day.

  20 Fiery arrows are launched by King Justin’s men to signal the start of the war with Vellan.

  Nicholas, Leo, Malek and their troops raid Deshla prison, only to find it empty. Nicholas and Leo question Cale about Ivy’s whereabouts and later pursue him through the tunnels when he escapes. He later dies in a fall in a pit, after which, Nicholas and
Leo find a door at the end of the tunnel.

  King Justin’s troops enter Del Norác with Prince Gregory, Eucádus and Ramsey. King Rowan, William, Brendan and Captains Silas and Grayling take the fight to the eastern bridge. King Cedric, along with Tolapari, Captain Tiber, Uland and Torr, fight against Vellan’s troops pouring out of Mount Minakaris. Soon Malek, Max and their men join the fray from the north and break up Vellan’s initial assault near the mountain before heading into the city. King Justin is kidnapped at the garrison. Captain Silas is wounded and King Rowan is stabbed while saving his grandsons.

  Nicholas and Leo meet Vellan and Madeline in the upper chambers of Mount Minakaris. Vellan casts a dying spell upon Leo when learning he had opened the Spirit Box.

  An impostor King Justin is thrown from the garrison roof as a diversion, enabling Luboc’s troops to spirit away the real King to Mount Minakaris. Eucádus meets Ranen, still under Vellan’s spell, along the river.

  Leo revives from Vellan’s spell, learning that he will be dead by dawn. Later, after eating the stew Caldurian had served him, Vellan passes out and Madeline suspects treachery on Caldurian’s part.

  King Rowan dies and then Meegs, a soldier from Kargoth, apprehends Brendan and William when he learns they are the King’s grandsons.

  Caldurian admits he drugged Vellan to gain control of Kargoth before the war destroys his only chance. Then Madeline feels faint and Caldurian tells her that he drugged her tea with some of the potion Vellan gave him three years ago to release Arileez from his island prison, having originally planned to use it on Vellan, but never finding the right opportunity. He says that he may have led Madeline down the wrong path in life and wants her to start over again, mentioning that his earlier talks with Carmella helped lead him to this decision. Madeline is angered at him and Carmella for destroying her life and runs off, passing out as Caldurian chases her down the corridor.

  Prince Gregory chases his kidnapped father into an apple orchard north of the city and runs to him after he is wounded by an enemy soldier whom Malek pulls off the King and kills. King Cedric and Ramsey plan to ride to the aid of King Rowan’s men in the eastern field.

  Caldurian frees Nicholas and Leo on the condition that they deliver a letter to King Justin informing him that Caldurian will end the war and hand over Vellan if King Justin’s army leaves Kargoth. Nicholas agrees after Caldurian promises that Ivy and Carmella will be released.

  Eucádus and Ranen fight on the central bridge in Del Norác. Ranen pins him against the western rail and chokes him as Eucádus will not turn to Vellan’s side.

  Caldurian awaits Gavin’s report from Vellan’s balcony overlooking Del Norác.

  Mune stabs Vellan to death after making Nicholas promise to deliver a message to King Justin in exchange for helping him find Ivy and Carmella. Mune wraps the bloody dagger in Vellan’s head cloth and gives it to Nicholas to deliver to the King as proof he killed Vellan in exchange for a pardon for all his crimes throughout Laparia.

  Madeline orders two guards to take Ivy to the Drusala River and then argues with Carmella in one of Vellan’s open chambers on the mountainside. Though Carmella vows to help her turn her life around, Madeline realizes that her magic abilities and her dreams have both disappeared and kills herself by falling backward out one of the open arches, falling into the rocky stream below. The pumpkin color on Carmella’s hands begins to fade.

  Nicholas, Leo and Mune search for Carmella and Ivy. Nicholas gives Leo the amulet from Frist which helps to restore his strength.

  King Cedric, Tolapari, Ramsey and their troops rescue William and Brendan from Meegs as the full Fox and Bear moons begin to rise. Moments later, a tremor rumbles across the landscape.

  Nicholas, Leo and Mune locate Carmella and then see that Ivy is being taken away outside the mountain. Nicholas follows her, and after battling one of her two captors, demands that Ivy be released. Just then, a tremor rumbles across the landscape.

  Gavin locates Caldurian on Vellan’s balcony, being suspicious when he will not tell him of Vellan’s location. Gavin flies away into the mountain and finds Vellan’s dead body. When it starts to fade to mist, he returns to Caldurian who said he drugged Vellan to sleep but didn’t kill him. When a large tremor hits, Gavin flies off. Caldurian is killed when an ice and rock slide takes him out, and then afterward, the stronghold below.

  Eucádus and Ranen fight on the bridge when the tremor occurs. Ranen pushes him against the bridge rail and they both fall into the water which begins to coldly boil as Vellan’s spell on it weakens. After a wall of fog engulfs them, the river calms but a mist remains. Eucádus swims to shore and finds Ranen asleep. When he awakens, Ranen recognizes his friend, no longer under Vellan’s spell.

  William, Brendan, King Cedric, Tolapari and Ramsey witness the avalanche on Mount Minakaris from the eastern field. Moments later, the enemy soldiers awaken from Vellan’s spell and cast aside their weapons.

  King Justin, Prince Gregory and Malek wander through Del Norác, hearing stories from the former enemy about the last things they remembered before succumbing to Vellan’s will.

  When Vellan’s spell is broken, the soldier holding Ivy at knifepoint remembers who he is and drops his knife, sorry for what he has done. Nicholas and Ivy tell him to go find his family and he leaves. Then Nicholas and Ivy embrace, at last reunited. Leo, Carmella and Mune show up shortly after and they head down the mountain. When they discover Madeline’s body washed up along the stream, Nicholas and Mune bury it. Mune decides to remain at her gravesite for a time, not sure where he will go afterward. Nicholas, Ivy, Leo and Carmella continue down the mountain.

  21 Nicholas, Ivy, Leo and Carmella approach the northern border of Del Norác where a tent city had been set up to tend to the injured and dying soldiers. There they meet Hobin who had been searching for them. He tells them King Justin has been injured and is unconscious due to an infection from his wound. They travel to his tent, meeting King Cedric and Tolapari. Leo sits with the injured King and falls asleep in his chair. Tolapari offers Carmella an apprenticeship. Nicholas and Ivy help to assist with the wounded soldiers. Nicholas later meets Malek, Max and Sala along the river while delivering firewood among the tents. Leo awakens refreshed and places the amulet from Frist into King Justin’s hand who then immediately begins to recover in his sleep.

  24 King Justin and Prince Gregory tour Del Norác as it undergoes repairs.

  27 The allied armies depart Kargoth, stopping at the burial field to pay their respects to the war dead.

  Mid Spring

  8th day of month The allied armies reach the village of Wynhall in Drumaya. Captain Silas and his troops depart across the Swift River and head back home to Rhiál and Maranac.

  9 The remaining allied army arrives in Grantwick to rest for a few days.

  14 King Justin and Prince Brendan leave Grantwick and lead their armies north.

  21 Prince Brendan’s army bids farewell to King Justin and continues east through Arrondale to Montavia. King Justin leads his troops northward to Morrenwood, arriving home near sunset.

  26 Festivities are held throughout Arrondale to celebrate the end of the war in Kargoth. Megan and Leo announce their engagement to their friends.

  Old Spring

  1st day of month King Justin holds a farewell dinner for his family and close friends.

  2 Nicholas and Ivy leave the Blue Citadel and head for home.

  4 Nicholas and Ivy leave King’s Road and turn onto River Road, passing Graystone Garrison along the way. After stopping on their way up Orchard Road, Nicholas asks Ivy to marry him. Nicholas and Ivy visit Leo’s parents in Minago.

  5 Nicholas leaves Minago and heads home to Kanesbury, spending the night in the village of Mitchell during a severe rainstorm.

  6 Nicholas arrives in Kanesbury as darkness falls. He secretly meets with Katherine in the Stewarts’ ice cellar and discusses how to expose Zachary Farnsworth’s crimes to the village. He later goes to Emmett and Lorna Trout’s farmhouse
to see Maynard and Adelaide and explain his plan to defeat Farnsworth, recruiting their son, Gilbert, to deliver a secret letter.

  7 Gilbert Trout leaves to deliver Nicholas’ letter to Prince Gregory at the Graystone Garrison.

  10 Nicholas returns to the Water Barrel Inn to the surprise of everyone there. Constable Brindle arrives and escorts him to the lockup to hear his story. With Zachary Farnsworth’s permission, Nicholas accepts a trial date in one week.

  19 Nicholas’ trial takes place in the Kanesbury village hall. Adelaide Cooper and Maynard Kurtz reappear in public and testify on Nicholas’ behalf. King Justin appears and makes a statement verifying the existence and capabilities of the wizard Arileez. Zachary Farnsworth is implicated in the crimes against Kanesbury and for conspiring with Caldurian. He is arrested, all charges are dropped against Nicholas, and Otto Nibbs is set free. Farnsworth breaks free and escapes to the bell tower roof where he sees Prince Gregory with King Justin’s troops surrounding the village hall, having already captured Farnsworth’s men. Farnsworth then slips back inside the bell tower and hangs himself.


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