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Electrified Page 24

by Rachel Blaufeld

  THE WEEKEND went by in a blur as Sienna lost herself further in Carson. He made her breakfast in bed on Saturday after he spent the night. A completely mundane act to anyone else, but all new for Sienna, making it close to impossible to maintain any distance.

  She liked it all.

  After Carson cleared the tray from bed, he proceeded to make love to her again and again, keeping her captive in bed for the rest of the day until it was time for her to go to work. A day unlike any other she had ever had, topped off with Carson in his most recent preferred spot at the back bar while she danced at the Tunnel.

  Mike, Asher, and Petey allowed Carson free rein in walking around the club, going in and out of backstage to visit with Sienna without an escort, making his way from the back toward the stage entrance without any hindrance.

  In just a few days, Sienna’s life had been totally turned upside down, and she was quite afraid that she was getting used to it.

  How am I going to leave?

  Carson powwowed with Asher and Mike on Sam Charles. When Asher and Mike visited the cowboy-hat-wearing guy from Jersey, he admitted to wanting to cast Sienna in his latest porno films.

  “We told him it was a firm ‘no’ in not so many words,” according to Mike. Sienna was afraid to know what that meant, but she let it go because she was so absolutely smitten with Carson, and everything fresh and new she was experiencing.

  A few times on Saturday, Sienna found Asher and Natalie talking, almost fighting, and she caught one moment when Carson was giving Asher what sounded like a pep talk. She still hadn’t found the best time to ask Asher more about his situation, but he said he’d find her when the time was right for them to chat.

  She felt bad because Asher had given her everything, and he was still busy with her problems. She should be dedicating time to him, but instead she was wrapped up in her own worries. And now Carson was involved with her troubles, and possibly Asher’s love life.

  She needed to leave soon; she knew it somewhere deep in her gut.

  Sienna didn’t know whether Sam was a big threat or not, but if not him, there would be someone else. She had to protect those around her, the people she’d come to love. They deserved that.

  It didn’t mean it hurt any less. It pained her beyond belief to say good-bye to the crazy gang she had come to call family. The pull to stay in her little nest in Las Vegas was omnipresent, but she had to admit to herself, if she stayed she would only endanger her loved ones.

  More so, she felt like an ungrateful bitch because she would be gone before she could talk to Asher about his happiness and see him make a life. Not just him, but everyone else. How would the girls do without her? Would they be smart and save money? Did Mike think his relationship was going to last forever? Why wasn’t he making a move to take it to the next level?

  And Carson. Leaving Carson was going to break her. She’d been broken before, so she knew she’d be able to pull herself back together, but this time around it wouldn’t be as easy. She was already a shell of who she was. What could she expect after being forced to give up Carson?

  There was one difference. This time around, she’d hold on to the memories of what happened before she came undone. Unlike her life with Elon, these memories were good ones, and she was going to suck up every last one of them, hide them deep in the recesses of her brain, and pull them out whenever she needed one.

  Heading onto the stage, she put her heart and soul into dancing, as if it could be one of her last times. She was wearing too-tight bright-blue boy shorts and her Superwoman T-shirt from a couple of days ago; she knew Carson liked it. With her ass cheeks peeking out from her shorts and the T-shirt secured tightly in a knot under her breasts, baring her whole midriff, Sienna left her bra and nipples a mystery that night.

  She knew Carson was wondering what was underneath the shirt, and she wanted to keep him guessing, along with everyone else in the crowd. But when she invited Carson back to her dressing room afterward, she could show him. Just him.

  The crowd couldn’t have cared less if Sienna stayed covered up, her moves were tantalizing enough. She had the entire club buzzing with sexual heat. For the first time in her dancing career, Sienna felt like she knew the meaning behind all the lust and desire floating around the Tunnel as she ran her hands up and down her very own body.

  Unlike every other night onstage, she didn’t have to fake her own passion and urges; they were right underneath the surface, dying to come out and tackle Carson.

  Which was exactly what she did when Carson made his way into her dressing room after her performance. She could tell he was heady with lust, even though they’d indulged in each other all day.

  He turned the lock on the door, walked toward her with one eyebrow cocked, and said with a wink, “So, were you waiting to take your shirt off just for me?”

  With those words, Sienna was a dripping mess of desire. Yet another first to add to the very long list accumulated over the last twenty-four hours.

  “Uh-huh,” was all she could make out.

  “You were fantastic and, well, so absolutely gorgeous tonight. I was pretending I was the only man out there.” Carson lifted her shirt, exposing the cobalt-blue demi-bra she had on underneath, and his breathing hitched as he smoothed his hand along the satin.

  Sienna’s breasts spilled out of the cups, urging Carson to touch them, do whatever he wanted to them. Which he did, much to her satisfaction.

  With the two of them safely ensconced behind the locked door, he made quick work of removing her bra and boy shorts, taking in her whole body with his eyes. He stopped at her mouth and pulled her in for a long and luxurious kiss.

  When he finally bent Sienna over the back of her chaise, there was nothing quick as he dipped his hand between her legs, making certain she was ready. She heard the telltale opening of the condom package, and at once he entered her.

  Nowhere near the sharp entrance she remembered from her marriage, when Carson seated himself inside her in one fell swoop it felt magnificent, decadent, and her soul was complete.

  His hands smoothed down her back, taking his time, treasuring, mapping, and learning her body all over again. He kissed a path down and back up her spine, finally coming to a halt behind her ear where he nipped, licked, and whispered how gorgeous she was, while sliding all the way in and out of her tightness. Sienna felt every nerve ending come alive as Carson’s length went deep and then torturously pulled out before doing it again.

  Sienna’s back arched and her body shifted, lifting her butt, begging Carson to be one with her, to make her feel whole.

  Fool, falling for him. Completely, totally, irrevocably.

  There was nothing she could do to stop herself from grinding back on him, and when he finally pushed inside her, staying there as he pumped in and out at an urgent pace, blanketing her back with his body, bringing his arm around her middle, lifting her higher so he could go deeper, Sienna was certain there was nothing she could do to stop from falling into the abyss known as Carson.

  Right before her orgasm exploded through her, he turned her head to the side so he could quiet her screams with his mouth. Together, the two of them came, and then he bundled her in his arms and sat her down on his lap on the couch, holding her tight, not allowing anything to spoil the moment.

  He was still touching her, rubbing softly down her back, kissing her lips tenderly while looking right through her with a look that said he felt as overwhelmed as she did. That was how the two of them stayed until she had to get ready to dance again.

  The second time onstage for the evening, bubbling over with sex and the peace from her own orgasm, Sienna did fully strip out of her nightie all the way down to her bra and thong, taking the crowd to unparalleled heights with her moves. She taunted the audience with slow gyrations of her hips as she worked the pole, but kept her eyes glued on Carson in anticipation of what they might do later.

  As the fast-paced pop song blared through the club, she lost track of her fears and shook h
er shoulders with reckless abandon as the pressures of the last seven years slipped away. For a few minutes, she was only Sienna Flower, exactly as she had created her to be, but without a dark and hidden past.

  She was a carefree stripper who was having fun tormenting all the men with hard-ons, watching with their tongues hanging out. She was a girl who liked a boy. She was a woman who was free to explore what the possibilities might be with a man. She was a lust-filled, hot-blooded, independent woman who couldn’t wait to get her man home. And that was what she did as soon as she finished on the stage.

  Carson didn’t disappoint. When he brought her home, he relaxed her with a bath and coffee like the night before, growing the expectation for what was to come while he lathered each inch of her body with soap, and then he proceeded to keep her up all night, giving her pleasure she’d never even dreamed of. After what seemed like hours of positions she didn’t even know existed, Sienna relished in the way he made gentle love to her before they both drifted off to sleep.

  Before sleep took them, Carson snuggled her into him like the night before, their legs entwined, a delicious soreness settling throughout her body as his hand wrapped in her long blonde locks.

  He opened his mouth, then took in a breath before he said, “Sienna, honey, I need to go back to the East Coast again for three or four days tomorrow. I wish I could put it off, but I can’t.” He spoke softly, tenderly, as if the words were painful, even for a grown man.

  Unable to open the dam of emotions she was feeling, Sienna only replied, “Shh, let’s not ruin this perfect moment.”


  THE NEXT morning, over coffee standing on the edge of Sienna’s patio overlooking the garden, Carson brought all her mixed emotions back to the surface when he tried to talk about his trip. It was midmorning, and the sun made his black hair shine. She couldn’t help running her hands through it while she said, “It’s all right. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”

  As do I.

  Standing face-to-face, she focused her thumb on the tiny spot of gray along his temple, thinking it only made him more handsome, rugged, and full of experience in life. All of which she wished he could share with her forever.

  “I really wish I could stay and work from here, but I can’t. I’m going to try and wrap this up as quickly as I can, and then come back and spend a whole month with you. Wouldn’t that be fun?” He slid behind her, placing their mugs down on the ground, forcing them to look out at the rocky terrain, then wound his arms tight around her middle while leaning over her side to plant a kiss on her cheek.

  While her heart sank knowing she wouldn’t be here for that, Sienna couldn’t let on about her plan. She leaned back into his embrace and lifted her arms behind her, sifting her fingers through his hair. It was a quiet and contemplative moment between a man and woman considering what may or may not lie ahead of them.

  After they finished their brief solace, Carson swiftly lifted Sienna and flung her over his shoulders. “Let’s go back to bed and stay there until you have to go to the Tunnel. I want to soak up my fill of you.”

  Me, too. If that’s possible.

  Unable to speak, Sienna enjoyed the view of Carson’s ass from her vantage point and let him carry her caveman style to her bedroom. Once inside, the pair abandoned any serious conversation and allowed passion to take over the hours before she had to go back to work.

  It felt like minutes.

  Time wasn’t on Sienna’s side. She felt it slipping away as she started to doze in Carson’s arms in the early-afternoon light. She woke to Carson pulling her closer to him, his arms reaching for her as though he hadn’t had her twice hours earlier.

  She didn’t care. When it came to Carson, she was as insatiable as he obviously was.

  Suddenly, Sienna was fully awake and sliding one of her legs over Carson’s hip, giving his fingers easy access to touch her. She was a little tender, but in a delicious way—a reminder of how intimate they’d been earlier into the wee hours of the morning. Sienna ran her fingers down his muscled abs, dropping lower to wrap around him. She began to stroke him evenly, smoothing her thumb over his tip, wetting the rest of him while they made pillow talk, sharing secrets that would stay inside the four walls of her bedroom.

  Never the selfish lover, Carson slid his finger deeper into Sienna while she continued to work his length. He added another finger, taking her right to the crest before gently flipping her on her back and sliding his tongue down the whole length of her body. Then he spent a little time biting her nipples, sucking, nipping, and cooling each one with his breath before dipping down to her belly button, and then lower. He didn’t tease her like he did that morning when he ran his tongue along the crease in her thigh, hinting at what might come next. This time, Carson went straight to her heat, a quick learner, picking up on what she liked the most.

  Sienna burst into hot chills with only a few licks of Carson’s tongue. Tiny waves rippled through her whole body as he continued to lightly massage his tongue over her core. Never had she felt more heated for someone or something in her life. As the orgasm rode through her body and she shuddered with pleasure and passion, she felt him holding on to her hips, steadying her while she fell into the black hole of pleasure known as Carson Graham.

  He smoothed his finger over her scar, the one from the candleholder piercing her body. The same one she expertly hid behind lotions when naked onstage. She didn’t want his hand there. Not because she didn’t want to talk about it; she could easily make up a small fib as to where it came from.

  She knew it was unfounded, but she felt like his hand being there brought him together with Elon, and the two of them couldn’t be farther apart in looks, hearts, or minds. She wanted him to move. She didn’t want him to even breathe the same airspace that Elon once occupied with his iron fist. Sienna grasped at Carson’s broad shoulders, pulling him toward her.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  “You don’t even have to ask, love.”

  With those words, Carson was once again buried deep inside Sienna, and she never wanted him to leave.

  The problem was, she had to go.

  WHILE SIENNA napped, Carson pondered going back east, which he wanted to do about as much as he wanted to blow his foot off. He had to put this whole thing to rest, and prove he was wrong. Sienna wasn’t the woman he’d been looking for over the last few months. He was letting his mind run away with him.

  Either way, he had to get himself off this case.

  Perhaps he could have Alex refer someone else. There were too many unknowns with the current information he’d been handed, and he knew that the miserable family was full of shit. There was a reason why the parents weren’t the slightest bit forthcoming. In fact, he’d bet money they were withholding information. But why?

  If they really wanted their daughter back, why were they paying him to go on a wild-goose chase? He didn’t need the money, and they clearly did, so why were they wasting the cash?

  One thing was clear—they wanted their daughter less than they desperately wanted their in-laws back. Geez, they were so messed up. To love indifferent in-laws more than their own child was a crime. Was it that crucial they be related to these people in their community?

  Carson had a number of stones to uncover as soon as he touched down in New York, but first and foremost, he wanted to assure himself he was wrong about everything regarding the case and its potential connection to Sienna. Then he wanted to get the hell back to her on the first plane to Vegas.

  He could pick up several lucrative government contracts, spend his free time watching Sienna dance, and end his nights in her bed. Sounded like fucking perfection. He needed to be rid of this awful case, and fast.

  Carson couldn’t reveal any of this to Sienna, nor could he let on he noticed a strange expression pass over her face in the morning. It was when she told him to do “what he needed to do” in discussing him going back east. What was it about? Did she not believe him that he had to l
eave? Was she making her own secret plans?

  He pretended to not see her indecision, but planned to ask her about it and look fully into it later.

  No way I’m losing her.

  At the moment, he was rubbing Sienna’s back and wanted to let her continue to doze. Her sleeping in his arms had suddenly become his favorite way to pass idle time. However, suddenly he was in no mood to be idle.

  He nuzzled Sienna’s neck, breathing in her scent, allowing her hair to tickle his nose while his hands traveled around front, making their way south.

  “Mmm, Carson,” she said as she scooted back even closer, her tight ass grazing his dick as she turned and threw her leg over his hip.

  “Nothing better than hearing you say my name, baby.”


  He smiled. He knew she couldn’t see it because his face was buried in her mass of blonde hair, inhaling her scent, but still he smiled to himself.

  “I like hearing you say mine, too,” Sienna admitted to him.

  Sometimes she was so open with her thoughts, and he liked that. Were there no games because she had never learned to play them in the first place? He found it hard to believe, but it seemed as though she was the real deal, telling the truth when she claimed to be inexperienced with dating.

  “Good, baby. I like saying it, especially when I’m deep inside you.”

  Something else altogether took over Carson in that moment, and he spoke without thinking. “I never asked, is Sienna your real name or a stage name? Your secret is safe with me, if you care to share,” he said with a wink.

  Carson realized he was only half-joking.

  Shit, I just put my foot in my mouth.

  He expected Sienna to stiffen and pull away. What happened next stunned him.

  Sienna continued to touch him, stroking his abs while obviously reveling in his touching of her when she said, “Lila. Sienna’s been my name for so long, and everyone calls me that. I barely remember my birth name, but Lila, that’s what it was.”


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