The Billionaire's Christmas Baby: A Holiday Single Dad Romance

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The Billionaire's Christmas Baby: A Holiday Single Dad Romance Page 5

by Sandi Lynn

  “Did you enjoy that orgasm?” he asked as he hovered over me and pressed his lips against mine.

  “Very much. I think I need another one.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You haven’t experienced anything yet.”

  He pushed inside me, inch by inch as pleasurable moans escaped him.

  “God, you feel so good,” he spoke with bated breath.


  The moment my cock thrust inside her, everything else in my life fell to the wayside. All my problems, my work, Ella, everything just disappeared. I was in the present moment enjoying this beautiful woman and the warmth that enveloped my cock inside her. I thrust in and out, finding it hard to control myself. The blissful feeling, the desire, and the incredible feeling of her arousal mixed with mine. Her body tightened as her sexual moans heightened and a rush of warmth swept over my cock. The buildup was intense and there was no holding back. She’d pushed me to the tipping point as I halted and moaned while my cock exploded like a rocket blasting off.

  I lowered my body on top of hers and buried my face in the flesh of her neck. Our breathing was rapid, and our heart rates were out of control. I lay there, unable to move as she softly ran her slender fingers up and down my back. Climbing off her, I removed the condom and disposed of it in the trash can in the bathroom. Before going back into the bedroom, I gripped the edge of the sink and lowered my head, taking in a deep breath for a moment.

  “I should head to my room,” she spoke as she slipped her tank top back on.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” I said as I picked up her pajama bottoms off the floor and handed them to her.

  “Thanks. That was fun.”

  “Yeah. It was.” I placed my hand on her cheek. “Sleep well, Georgia.”

  “You too, Julian.”

  When she walked out of the room, she quietly closed the door behind her. Climbing into bed, I took in the scent of her that lingered on my sheets.


  I climbed into bed and tightly gripped the top of the sheet as I pulled it over me. My skin was still on fire and I found it hard to calm the trembling of my body. Maybe I should have stayed in his bed, but he didn’t offer, and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome. Had he asked me to, I would have. It had been a long time since a man held me, not that I really got involved or invested myself in anyone. It wasn’t something I did because I knew I wouldn’t be in one place too long. Plus, the guys I dated or slept with never felt right enough to want to stay. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a deep sleep and prayed that Ella would sleep in.

  Chapter 10


  I got up early and headed to the office, for I wanted to be out of the house before Georgia and Ella woke up. As I was in the break room grabbing my first cup of coffee of the day, Kevin walked in.

  “Morning. Man, I’m still stuffed from that awesome dinner Georgia made last night.”

  I gave him a small smile as I brought the cup up to my lips. His eye narrowed at me.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Bro, you’re my best friend. I know you. So, how was it?”

  “It was good.” I walked out of the room and he followed me.

  “Just good? Come on, man. It’s me you’re talking to.”

  “Fine.” I sat down and set my cup on my desk. “It was phenomenal. That’s the only way I can describe it.”

  “Way to go.” He grinned. “And she was cool with it?”

  “She definitely was.” I smirked.

  “Well, I’m sure to her it’s no big deal because she’s a drifter. She probably has sex with a lot of guys during her travels. You did use protection, right?”

  “Of course. Do you think I’m stupid?”

  “Well…you do have an unexpected kid at home.”

  “We don’t know that for sure.” I pointed at him.

  “Think back to your weekend with Rebecca. Did you use a condom the entire time?”

  I sighed for I knew that on our last night together, I couldn’t be sure because I was brutally wasted.

  “I don’t really remember. Now get out of here. I have work to do.”

  Later that afternoon, I received a call from Martin at the genetics lab.

  “Julian Cambridge,” I answered.

  “Mr. Cambridge, this is Martin Rhodes from the Gen-U Genetics Testing Lab. I’m calling to inform you that I have the results of your paternity test.”

  “I thought it wouldn’t be ready until Tuesday.”

  “I know, but we’re backed up and worked late Wednesday night and a few of us came in this morning. I know you wanted the results as soon as possible, so I pushed your test through to the top.”

  “And?” I asked as my heart raced.

  “I’ve typed the result in a letter, and I am sending it via courier. Make sure you’re around because you will need to sign for it.”

  “Just tell me the result, Martin.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t give that information over the phone. It’s company policy. I know you understand that. You’ll be getting the results soon. Have a good day, Mr. Cambridge.”

  “Thank you. You too.”

  I turned my chair around, leaned back and stared out at the lightly falling snow that left its mark on the city. My stomach was in knots and I couldn’t calm my racing heart. The best thing to do was try to keep busy and keep my mind occupied until the courier arrived.

  An hour later, I stood in the middle of my office holding the manila envelope in my hand. Whatever the results showed, it wouldn’t change my future or my life.

  “You wanted to see me?” Kevin said as he opened my office door.

  “I got the results of the paternity test.” I held up the envelope.

  “What? I thought you weren’t getting them back until Tuesday.”

  “So did I until Martin called and said they were ready.”

  “Did you open it yet?”

  “No. Not yet.” I walked over to my chair behind my desk and sat down.

  “Well, open it.”

  I gripped the envelope tightly and stared at it. Taking in a deep breath, I picked up the letter opener from my desk and slid it across the top of the envelope. Pulling out the paper inside, I held it in front of me and read it. A sickness formed in the pit of my stomach as the results showed Ella was in fact my daughter. I set the paper down and rubbed my face.

  “She’s yours, isn’t she?” Kevin asked.

  I gave him a nod, for I couldn’t speak.

  “Come on, man. You knew deep down she was. You just didn’t want to admit it.”

  Looking at my watch, it was four-thirty.

  “Go grab your coat. We’re hitting the bar,” I said.


  I bundled Ella up in her snowsuit, grabbed her stroller and the diaper bag and headed down to the lobby.

  “Good day, Georgia. Hello there, little Ella.” Louis smiled at us.

  “Hi, Louis. We’re off for a walk. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?” I smiled.

  “You sure are right. Have a nice walk.”

  It wasn’t too cold out, and the snow was lightly falling. I had Ella bundled up tight, and I worried she might sweat to death. As we were walking down the street, I smiled while I admired the windows elegantly decorated for Christmas as I passed by each store. I could feel the hustle and bustle of the city now that the Christmas season had officially begun. There was so much I wanted to do here in the city. I wanted to take a carriage ride through Central Park, ice skate at Rockefeller Center, watch the lighting of the tree and visit Radio City Music Hall. I wanted this Christmas to be special, but I feared of what was to come once Julian got the results of the paternity test back.

  I took a cab to Target and picked up some Christmas decorations for the penthouse. I only bought what I could carry home with me and the rest I would have delivered later. I was sure Julian
didn’t decorate, and I wanted to make his home cozy and merry. But I had my doubts he would see it that way. Once I put Ella down for her nap, I started decorating. I hung up the lighted garland around the penthouse and decorated the kitchen and the foyer. When I was finished decorating the living room, I stared at the perfect corner where I envisioned a large, beautiful tree would sit. Since I couldn’t do that by myself, I’d have to talk to Julian about getting one.

  When Ella woke up from her nap, her eyes lit up when she noticed all the pretty lights. We walked around and I showed her how beautiful Christmas was. I’d had a lot of horrible Christmases growing up, and I vowed when I left Chicago, I’d never have a bad Christmas again. Even being alone, I made it as special as I could.

  It was nine o’clock and Julian wasn’t home. I was getting worried, so I grabbed my phone to call him. But before I could, my phone rang, and his name appeared on my screen.


  “Georgia, it’s Kevin.”

  “Kevin? Is everything okay?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that Julian is staying at my place tonight.”

  “What? Why?”

  “We went to the bar, and he’s completely wasted. My place was closer, so I brought him here.”

  “Did something happen?”

  “Yeah. He got the results of the paternity test back. Ella is one hundred percent his daughter.”

  “I knew she was.” I sighed.

  “He’ll sleep it off and I’ll send him home tomorrow. But you better brace yourself for when he comes home. He’s not in a good place mentally right now.”

  “I can handle him. Thanks for letting me know, Kevin.”

  “No problem. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve dealt with worse. Remember where I came from.”

  “Yeah, me too. Bye, Georgia.”

  “Bye, Kevin.”

  I ended the call and looked over at Ella who was sitting on her blanket on the floor playing with her toys. The one thing I needed right now was a Christmas miracle.

  Chapter 11


  I opened my eyes and looked around. Placing my hand on my aching head, I let out a groan.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” Kevin said.

  “What the hell happened? Why am I at your place?”

  “Maybe because you got totally wasted last night, and it was easier to bring you here.”

  “That’s right. I did drink a lot, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah. More than I’ve ever seen you drink before.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Noon. Don’t worry. I called Georgia from your phone last night to tell her you were staying here.”

  “You told her about the paternity test results?”

  “Yeah, I did, but she wasn’t surprised. She knew, Julian. We all did. All you have to do is take one look at the kid and know she’s yours. She looks just like you.”

  “Stop it.” I struggled to get up from the couch. “I’m in no mood to listen to one of your lectures. I have to go.”

  “You can run from it all you want, but it won’t change the fact that Ella is your daughter. The sooner you accept that, the better off you’ll be.”

  “I don’t have to accept anything,” I said as I walked out the door.

  The moment the elevator door opened, and I stepped into the foyer, Christmas décor smacked me in the face.

  “What the hell is all this?” I shouted.

  “Will you be quiet. I just put Ella down for a nap,” Georgia scolded as she ran into the foyer.

  “I don’t give a shit. Why did you do this, Georgia?”

  “Because it’s Christmas.”

  “It is not Christmas!” I shouted, making my headache ten times worse than it already was. “Christmas is a few weeks away! And I don’t decorate! Take it all down now! And give me back my fucking credit card!”

  She grabbed her purse off the sofa table in the foyer, took out my card and threw it at me.

  “There’s your stupid card. I’m taking Ella and leaving for the day. We’ll be back when you calm the fuck down, Julian.”

  Shaking my head, I went up and took a shower. By the time I got out and changed clothes, Georgia and Ella had left. I went downstairs to the medicine cabinet, shook three Motrin in my hand and chased them down with a glass of water. Looking around, I couldn’t believe she decorated my home for Christmas. There was a reason I never decorated and why I became so angry when I came home and saw it. Walking over to the bar, I poured myself a scotch. As I brought the glass up to my lips, I stopped and set the glass down. My head was still pounding as it was, so I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and laid down on the couch. For the first time in days, the penthouse was quiet. Closing my eyes, I knew I had a decision to make. I wasn’t fit to be a father. I never wanted children and finding out Ella was my daughter, didn’t change that. She’d be much better off without me in her life. The only thing I could offer her would be of monetary value, nothing else. Just like with the women I saw.

  I had fallen asleep and slept for several hours. When I awoke, it was seven o’clock. Getting up, I looked around the house and saw Georgia still wasn’t home. Grabbing my phone from the coffee table, I checked it to see if I had any messages, specifically one from her. I didn’t. I was hungry, so I went into the kitchen and heated some leftovers from yesterday. Just as I took the plate from the microwave, I heard the elevator ding. Setting it down, I walked to the foyer and saw Georgia step out with Ella in a stroller.

  “You’re back,” I spoke in a calm voice.

  “Unfortunately. We can go if you’re willing to put us up in a hotel.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I’m far from being ridiculous, Julian,” she said as she took Ella from her stroller.

  “When you get her settled, we need to talk.”

  “She’s already had her bottle. I’m going to give her a quick bath, put her to bed and then I’ll be down.”

  “I’ll be in the kitchen eating dinner. Can I heat you up something?”

  “No. I’ve already eaten.”

  She took Ella upstairs, and I heard the bedroom door slam. As I was cleaning up from dinner, Georgia walked into the kitchen and began cleaning a few bottles.

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  “I know Kevin told you that Ella is my daughter.”

  “He did. But he didn’t have to. I already knew she was.”

  “I’ve thought long and hard about what I’m going to do, and I can’t be a father to her.”

  She slammed the towel down on the counter and walked out of the kitchen. I followed her into the living room where she went over to the bar and poured herself a glass of scotch.

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Of course I heard you. Why can’t you?”

  “Because I’m not father material. I’m a very busy man and I don’t have time to raise a kid.”

  “I know you don’t, because money is the only thing that matters to you.”

  “That’s not true, Georgia.”

  “Yes, it is!” She slammed the glass down on the bar. “It’s the fucking truth and you know it!” she shouted at me. “Being in foster care your whole life really fucked you up, Julian.”

  “ME?! What about you. All you’ve done since you were eighteen years old is travel the country looking for the perfect place where you felt like you belonged. You don’t have a steady income, you don’t have a home, and you have nowhere you can go back to. Your life is nothing but one city after another. You’re following a pipe dream, Georgia. There is no perfect place where you belong. You settle. That’s what you do. You pick a place and you make the best of it every single fucking day.”

  “I may not have millions of dollars or a fancy penthouse, or any place that I can call home, but I have something you don’t have.”

  “And what is that?” I asked as I stood there with my hands tucked tightl
y into my pants pockets.

  “I have a heart.”

  I looked away from her when she said that.

  “You want to put your daughter up for adoption and give her the kind of life we both had growing up? You want her to get lost in the fucking system like we did? Any sane and emotionally stable person with a heart wouldn’t want that for any child, let alone their own.”

  “She’ll be fine. I won’t let her go until I personally meet the parents who will adopt her! I will make sure she will be given the best life possible!”

  “All the money in the world can’t guarantee that, Julian. I want to raise her as my own.”

  “You’re crazy. You don’t have the means to do that.”

  “No. But you do. I love that child and I’m not willing to let her go. If you force my hand, I will take her, and I will run. She already had one mother run out on her, and I won’t let that happen to her again. In fact, we’ll leave tomorrow morning.”

  I stared at her for a moment, and I didn’t have the energy to discuss this any further.

  “I’ll think about it, okay?” I spoke in a calm voice.

  “Fine,” she spoke as she stormed passed me and went upstairs.


  I could tell by the look on his face and the abrupt tone of his voice that he wanted to shut the conversation down. He wouldn’t think about anything because he’d already made up his mind. I knew what I had to do. God, I’d hoped I was making the right decision. But it was the only way to show him he was making the biggest mistake of his life. As I packed my suitcase, my stomach twisted in knots.


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