The Immortal door

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The Immortal door Page 2

by Lyra heart

  Her smile cut deeply.

  “Hey George, hope you don’t mind me bringing a friend. This is Tim,” Jasmin saidinnocently.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Tim took George’s hand to shake.

  “You too,” George replied, feeling bitter. “So where are we going?”

  They strolled through the town, checking out shops and a grabbing a bite to eat. George observed how Tim and Jasmin related to one another. They were obviously good friends.

  “You two go to school together?” George asked cautiously.

  “Yeah. We met a few weeks ago. I was going out with one of his mates,” she replied.

  “Who dumped her,” added Tim in a mocking tone.

  George’s hope rekindled. It was late and as the three planned to go he hugged Jasmin goodbye. With the exception of his kills, embracing her was the first real physical interaction he had experienced with another human being in almost ten years.

  “What, don’t I get a hug?” protested Tim jokingly.

  George coldly stared at Tim and left without saying another word.

  * * *

  “What did you think of George?” asked Jasmin as they walked home.

  “He seems nice. I think he likes you,” Tim replied.

  “Shame he’s ugly,” Jasmin said bitterly.

  “It would be beauty and the beast.” Tim joked.

  “Ha! He says he’s a vampire, you know. A real life vampire. Can you imagine if vampires really looked like that?”

  “Your so rude Jasmin!” He laughed. His tone grew serious. “But, you know, there’s something I’m sensing about him. I don’t think he’s lying.”

  “Oh, you and your love of the paranormal. Everyone gives you some sort of ‘vibe’,” Jasmin scoffed.

  Tim did think there was something “off” with George. The idea of him being a “vampire” didn’t seem that farfetched, for some reason. He didn’t know much about vampires, but he was open-minded. At least, until he was proven otherwise.

  When Tim got home he sat in his room avoiding his mother and father who were screaming at each other downstairs. His brother was downstairs as well, probably somewhere in the middle of it all, being criticized for his lack of achievement in school and how he was such a great disappointment. He felt uncomfortable, but not because of the tension in his house—he couldn’t stop thinking about George.

  The look in his eyes...

  There was something animalistic swimming in those shark-like grey voids. It was the look of something bad, devoid of the human beauty that every soul should possess. He couldn’t sense any real kindness in George’s aura. Tim truly believed that he possessed psychic powers. With this ability he felt he had a duty to help people. His friend could be in danger. The way George had just coldly walked away and refused a hug was unnatural to Tim. There was something off about Jasmin’s new friend and it made Tim very uncomfortable.

  * * *

  Over the course of a few weeks George became acquainted with Tim’s friends, Lance and Jay. George had met Jay at a church youth group he had joined at Chloe’s urging, thinking it was a good way for George to expand his circle of influence. Jay’s dedication to his faith had been impressive. George could feel the passion radiating from Jay, and his love of the “almighty.” Jay was seventeen and normal looking, yet rather geeky at the same time—he was a person who held onto the idea of the inherent goodness of things.

  Lance worked at the bookstore where George was employed. He was from Eastern Europe and had lived in several countries as his family had moved about. He was intelligent, handsome, and popular, speaking several different languages. Lance was the kind of guy that annoyed George.

  Over the course of a month George came to know the two young men well enough to introduce them to Chloe. Lance was to be the first. Chloe was glamorously dressed, as always in a cherry red pencil dress hugging her slender figure with its perfect curves.

  “You must be lance?” Chloe asked, looking into his eyes.

  Lance smiled at her and shook her hand. “Yes. Nice to meet you.”

  “You too. It’s great to see George meeting new people. Ever since our parents died he has been a bit shy.” She smiled warmly at Lance.

  “Yeah. He’s a cool guy,” Lance replied.

  “I hear that you work in the bookstore?” As she talked to him she used her powers to enslave him to her will. “Lance, are you okay? You look as if your about to faint?”

  “Mmm? Yeah. I think I might.”

  “Please. Take a seat,” said Chloe.


  “May I ask you a personal question Lance?”

  “Errr... Sure. I guess so?”

  “What do you desire more than anything in this world?” She smiled her dazzlingly wicked smile.

  “I desire to serve you,” he replied in a monotone voice.

  “It worked. Your friend’s on our team!” she cooed looking up at George with a triumphant smile.

  Chloe and George looked upon Lance for a moment in silence. She smiled warmly at George for the first time. Lance stood before them, hypnotized. She didn’t plan to give him free will—that was a gift she had given to George alone. They left Lance in the living room, still in a trance. Chloe wanted to wait for night to end before she brought him into their world.

  “Is that how he is meant to be? Just standing there?”

  “Yes, Georgie, of course. What do you take me for? He’ll be at my command, always waiting for his next task. Though he might want to, he will never have the power to rebel against me. Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “But I have freewill and freedom to speak my mind?”

  “That’s true. You’re lucky. I wanted someone to keep me company on my journey. You think having a bunch of zombie vampires around is any fun? But they do make the best henchmen. You, though, you’re the eyes and ears into this world.”

  “You must miss your home a lot?”

  “I miss the people I cared about. But, I wasn’t anyone or anything in my world. Here I am. You reminded me of my former place in my home world the moment I saw you.”

  “A loser,” George stated.

  Chloe sensed that he hated her seeing him as worthless in so many respects.

  “Yes, a ‘loser.’ Not anymore though, at least for me. When my plan goes into action those words will never belong to me ever again.”

  “I still don’t understand what your ‘plan’ is?”

  “First of all I bring back my beloved. I will be like a god in this reality. I also wish to bring other vampires from my family into this world.”

  “When you made me. I thought you were one.”

  “Just a vampire, George.”

  “Is there a god?”

  “I don’t know. C’mon watch me make a vampire.”

  Chloe inspected Lance’s eyes, making sure he was still under her control. There was no sign of any emotion. She revealed her sharp fangs; her bright blue eyes like a summer sky, were now deep like the ocean. Her touch was harsh as she held the teenager, sinking her fangs into his neck. Pulling away from the wound she lifted his left wrist to her mouth and bit once again. His true emotions overtook her—misery, anger, and fear swept over her like a hurricane. These feelings would lie dormant and unspoken in his heart from this moment on. She withdrew from his wrist and let his body fall from her grasp to the floor. Chloe regarded him for a moment as a work of art in all of its human complexity, now to be nothing more then her immortal toy.

  “Your mine now, for as long as I need you.” She smiled a cruel smile.

  Kneeling down beside Lance, she cut her forearm deeply with a knife and lowered the bleeding wound to his mouth. Lance had no option but to drink the nectar from her veins, the spell of forever to be upon him.

  “Sweet dreams, my slave.” Chloe looked up at George impatiently. “I expect to see your other new friend tomorrow.”

  * * *

  The following morning Lance awoke from his unnatural sleep.

“I live to serve you,” he said as Chloe entered the room.

  “Exactly what I like to hear in the morning. I need you to do something for me.”

  “What shall I do?” Lance replied.

  “Kill someone. It really doesn’t matter who. I want you to have the taste of blood.”

  “Can I do it next time?” George asked.

  Chloe couldn’t fully read thoughts. Vampires had their personal strengths and weaknesses. “Do what?”

  “Turn the next person into a vampire?”

  “George. Don’t ask stupid questions.”

  “Why not? I mean you don’t want him too powerful anyway. Surely I have the ability?”

  “If you could, wouldn’t you have already turned Jasmin?” She mocked. “Oh please! Think I can’t tell that you’re infatuated with her? I bet she’s pretty, like Max’s girl was? You know something, Gerogie. I’d really like to meet this Jasmin to see what all the fuss is about. As assets go, I think she might be one too. But we shall see what she’s made of first.”

  That night George emailed Jasmin.

  I was wondering would you like to come over for dinner next week if you’re free?

  I haven’t seen you in a while. It’d be cool to catch up.



  “This must be it,” Jasmin said looking at Tim as they waited outside the flat.

  “So this is where a vampire lives?” Tim smiled at her. He was curious to see whether he would sense anything new when he saw George again. He had been working on channeling energy and his skills were improving. He really didn’t trust George.

  George answered the door, dressed in black. As soon as he noticed Tim his expression sobered. He beckoned for them to enter.

  “Chloe we have guests.”

  George’s voice sounded strangely worried to Tim.

  They walked into a room decorated as though it belonged in the seventies. A woman dressed in thigh-high black boots, a short black skirt, and a lacy white top was standing in the middle of the room.

  This woman doesn’t belong here, Tim thought.

  “This is my sister, Chloe,” George mumbled.

  “It’s always a pleasure to meet George’s friends,” Chloe said.

  “Nice to meet you,” Jasmin said.

  “George has told me so much about you. I couldn’t wait to see the girl behind all the talk for myself! And who are you?” Chloe looked at Tim in a more provocative way than an older sister should probably look at George’s teenage friend. “I don’t think George has mentioned you?”

  “My name’s Tim.” His skin crawled—Chloe was creepy.

  “Ah… Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. What’s your poison?”

  “Excuse me?” Tim asked.

  “Drink?” she replied.

  “Oh, I’m not much for drinking. Thanks. It’s not good for spiritual progression,” he said.

  “Spiritual progression, eh?” Chloe raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, I’m a spiritualist,” Tim replied

  “Interesting. Are you both…spiritualists?” Chloe asked, curiously.

  “It’s more my thing, but yeah. Jasmin has taken an interest,” Tim glanced at Jasmin who nodded her agreement.

  “Nice. You and Jasmin take an interest in a lot together?”

  Tim shrugged. “Not that much.”

  “Shame. I imagine you’re very good friends though?”

  “The best.”

  “Best friends. Maybe more one day?” She turned to George.

  George’s expression had settled from uncomfortable to territorial.

  “I doubt that!” Jasmin laughed.

  “You say that now. But when I look at you two, I see a lovely couple. I think you will end up together. Call me psychic?” Chloe winked.

  “If anyone’s psychic in this room it’s me,” Tim announced, sensing how Chloe was taking pleasure in Jasmin’s discomfort.

  It felt to Tim as if Chloe was utilizing a hypnotic mental rhythm to churn Jasmin’s will until it quickly broke leaving her open to her suggestions.

  “Isn’t Tim attractive, don’t you just love him so much?” Chloe cooed. “I would like to see you kiss your new boyfriend Jasmin.”

  Nodding and obeying Jasmin went to kiss Tim. He looked at Chloe, shocked and confused.

  “Kiss her back,” Chloe said looking into his eyes, trying to control him.

  “Fuck you, bitch,” he replied to her attempt to control his mind. Before Chloe could respond he grabbed Jasmin’s hand and bolted for the door, dragging her behind him as he screamed, “Vampire!”

  * * *

  Chloe shouted countless profanities as she threw the TV onto the floor. George watched in silence, scared of what she might do to him if he approached her. He watched as she tore at her hair, throwing pictures and books at the window until finally her attention turned to him.

  “What made him think I was a vampire? Why a fucking vampire, George? Was it something you said? Did you think it would impress her? Well?!” Chloe’s voice rose.

  “I told her I was a vampire. I’m sorry. I didn’t think she would believe me, let alone tell anyone else,” George protested.

  “She may not have believed you, but she sure fucking told him!”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking…” George shook his head.

  “You’re lucky I haven’t killed you for this!”

  “I’ll never disappoint you again, Chloe,” he pleaded.

  “Have there been other times when you betrayed me? To whom else have you told my secrets?”

  “Never. No one. I swear I didn’t think anything would come of it! Please. I’m so sorry!”

  Chloe looked away from her minion and at the mess of the living room she had created. The room smelt of the alcohol she had poured onto the carpet. The sky outside the window was a cold and unloving dark night.

  “You have failed me, George. I’ve given you so much: immortality, free will, and strength beyond your human body’s expectations. I am not so much concerned with your little friends. No one will believe them if they say we are vampires. But, you must be punished.”

  “What are you going to do?” George said meekly.

  “When I think of Jasmin, I think of how you imagine her: young and beautiful. What could be better than to have you kill her? That will be your punishment Georgie. You will kill Jasmin.”

  Chloe knew he couldn’t reject her orders, no more than he could stop himself from loving Jasmin. He may have had free will, but never had he exercised it.


  George loved nothing more in this world than Jasmin, from her pale white skin, to the eyes that he could fall into for the rest of forever, if only she would let him. Did he love Jasmin more than he had loved Max’s girl? Was she more beautiful than he recalled his first unrequited love to be? He had killed before, killed for blood, killed for Chloe, and even his own best friend. None of it haunted him. It made him feel bleak to think of killing Jasmin.

  Closing his eyes he thought of a perfect world where he was mortal, good looking, and lovable. He thought of kissing her, telling her he loved her. Imagining her making love with him, the touch of her caress, the feel of her body in the heat of the act. If God was out there then maybe redemption could also be part of his existence. Maybe George could pray hard enough to turn back time on that murderous night all those years ago and say, “Please God, let me be born in a time when I am not this monster.”

  * * *

  Love for Nolan overwhelmed Chloe. Still awake, she listened to the sound of cars go by, the random passing of drunken strangers, and the hoot of an occasional owl. She would do anything to see her love, his beautiful face forever imprinted in her mind. If she failed at this, she would be alone and confused in a place where she didn’t belong and forever.

  She sat at the end of George’s bed waiting for him to awaken. She was wearing the same clothes she wore the previous night, her hair still a mess with makeup bleeding down her f
ace. It was the first time she would allow him to see her unpolished. As George started at the unexpected sight of her, she could read his feelings—he felt alone and broken.

  “I want you to do it. Don’t come back until she’s dead,” she said and left, giving him a moment to collect his thoughts.

  Looking around the disheveled flat she found the knife she had used to kill the young girl for the first sacrifice. Taking the blood of someone close to your heart was “spiritual” for a vampire. Chloe liked the idea of George killing Jasmin with the sacrificial blade.

  She returned to his room and handed him the knife.

  He looked at the knife, caked with dried blood. “Why do I need this?”

  “Think of this as a ‘special blade’,” she said. “Do you remember how I plunged it in that little red-headed girl? Well, now I want you to stick this knife into Jasmin’s heart. Ok?”

  He took the knife, put on his leather trench coat, and made for the door. Chloe escorted him out.

  “Try and make it bloody. I wouldn’t mind reading about this in the newspaper.”

  * * *

  George was beginning to despise Chloe. He had always been grateful for her presence in his life, but now he saw her as his oppressor. As he walked around London, the sun felt like an angelic ray as it kissed his skin. Unconsciously, he found that he was near Jasmin’s house. It was part of his hunter’s nature.

  He could sense his beloved inside—she was tired and depressed. He waited patiently from afar, watching people walk past her home, until she finally emerged. She was walking a large brown dog on a leash. Her hair was tied back in a messy bun and her makeup looked as though it had been applied the previous day.

  He followed her silently as she walked towards the park and down a winding tree-lined path. She solemnly threw a ball for the dog. Her emotions radiated from her—she was exhausted from the previous night and uneasy about the world that surrounded her. It looked different to her now.

  Her dog barked in alarm. She spun around, but the dog was only barking at a squirrel in a tree. A small smile spread on her face. George hid from her view as she turned back and continued on her way around the park. She would remain in his heart forever, yet another girl who didn’t love him, another tragic ending to an unrequited love, but she would not die that night. That, he knew.


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