Settling For More

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Settling For More Page 3

by Aria Grace

  “I’m just… I’m thinking about the people he’s been with.” I stare meaningfully at Asher, not wanting to ask him the question but desperate to know the answer.

  “Um, I have no idea. Not me…and I’m not aware of him and Tanner, but that’s not any of my business.”

  I exhale and relax my shoulders, suddenly feeling a thousand pounds lighter. “Yeah, I know. It’s just weird to imagine your boss having to pay for sex…”

  Asher gives an incredulous nod then lifts his cup with both hands, avoiding eye contact with me.

  “I’m not judging. Seriously, I’m not. It’s just a little weird. But he’s a cool guy. How he gets his kicks is not my concern.”

  “Regardless, you can talk to him about it. If our clients are at risk, that means he could be too.” Asher finally turns back and looks right at me. “And we’ll need to talk to Tanner.”

  I don’t want to talk to Tanner about anything related to The Vault because it makes my dad uncomfortable and weirds me out a little too. “Are you sure? We could wait a bit longer to see if anything actually happens.”

  “Well, that’s the thing. Something did happen that could be just a coincidence but could be more.”

  “What?” I take a sip of my hot drink then blow across the top to cool it further. “Did someone get hurt?”

  Asher’s faces pales and he swallows hard. “I think we should get Tanner and Chase and Johnny all together to talk about this so we aren’t repeating ourselves over and over again.”

  “Okay, when?”

  Asher glances at his watch then looks out at the strangers meandering around as they wait for their orders or chat with their friends. “Do you think everyone would be free tonight?”

  I consider Dad and Tanner’s schedule then try to remember if Professor Ryan had anything on his calendar. “As far as I know, they might be.”

  “Then let’s do it as soon as possible.” Asher takes another drink of his coffee before reaching for his phone. “See if Tanner is free and I’ll call Chase.”

  I groan and close my eyes. “He’s gonna fire me.”

  “Why?” Asher pauses before hitting the send button on his phone. “You could be saving a life. His life, even.”

  “That survey is confidential. I shouldn’t have given you any information before asking his permission.”

  Asher lowers his phone and considers it. “Yeah, you’re right. What if Johnny and I pretend we don’t know what’s going on and you can tell us all together.”

  I’m not sure if that’s better, but it’s worth a shot. “Okay, I’ll ask Tanner if we can meet at the condo. With some of the furniture gone, there’s a lot of open space to gather.”



  We all meet back at the condo at eight PM. Johnny can’t leave The Vault, but he gets on a conference call while watching the floor from their surveillance room. Seeing Professor Ryan in my living room, chatting with Dad and Tanner like they’re buddies, is a little awkward, but having Asher there makes me feel much better about what I’m about to say.

  With a deep breath, I turn to Professor Ryan. “I know the survey is confidential, and it’s none of my business, but one of the responses was…troubling.” Reluctantly, I turn to Tanner. “I’m afraid it could be from someone who works at The Vault.”

  Tanner’s eyes narrow as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “What are you talking about, Ian?”

  I quickly explain the survey to Tanner, my dad, and Johnny so they’re all caught up. Taking a deep breath, I sit down and continue. “One male student said they signed a twelve-month contract with a brothel outside of town, but he hates himself for it. He feels like he needs to harm his clients in order to justify their unethical behavior.”

  “Who said this?” Tanner says, standing up and walking in front of the window.

  I can hear Johnny whispering under his breath and a keyboard typing in the background from the speaker phone.

  “I don’t know, but if it’s someone from The Vault, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Especially clients.” I glance at Professor Ryan, and he doesn’t seem at all ashamed by the suggestion. He probably assumes Tanner told me he was a client when I started working for him.

  “How can we find out who it is?” Tanner asks, sitting back down next to Dad.

  Professor Ryan runs his hand through his hair. “The results are anonymous. We might be able to dig backward from the IP address, but that’ll take some time.”

  Tanner crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ve got a guy who can do that.”

  Asher clears his throat. “I don’t know if it’s related, but one of our clients died recently.”

  All eyes turn to him and my stomach falls. “Really?” I whisper.

  Tanner looks furious as Asher speaks directly to him. “There’s no reason to believe they’re related, but Drew Draper died. His wife called to cancel his appointment because she saw it in his calendar…but when Johnny initially looked at his account, all his appointments for the past month or two were marked as canceled.”

  “I don’t understand.” Tanner looks between Asher and the phone where Johnny’s disembodied voice could come through at any moment.

  “But we establish that was a mistake on my part,” Johnny says from the speakerphone.

  “Maybe,” Asher says. “But maybe not. A few minutes later, Daniel ran the report again and Mr. Draper’s appointments were clearly listed.”

  “Who was he with? Tanner asks.

  Asher turns to the phone. “Johnny, do you still have that report?”

  “If it’s not still on your desk, I can ask Daniel to print another one.”

  Professor Ryan finally speaks up. “Who’s Daniel?”

  “He’s the new receptionist. Just started a couple weeks ago, but he’s picking up everything pretty quickly,” Asher says.

  Professor Ryan turns to Tanner and they share a meaningful look.

  Tanner nods and turns back to Asher, speaking loud enough that Johnny can overhear him on the phone. “Let’s not mention any of this to Daniel just yet. Got that, Johnny?”

  “Yeah, boss. But I don’t think Daniel has anything to do with this. He’s a good guy,” Johnny says.

  Asher nods to us in the room, but the lines in his forehead display his concern.

  “I’m sure he is, guys. But he’s new. This is inner circle only until we know what’s going on.”

  A few nights later, I’m curled up in front of a movie when there’s a knock on the front door. When I open it up, I’m surprised to see Asher standing on the other side. “Hey, Asher.”

  He seems nervous as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “Ian, hi. It’s good to see you. Is Tanner home?”

  “No, he and my dad had to check some stuff at the new house. It’s not done yet, but it’s getting close to move-in ready.”

  “Oh.” Asher’s face drops. “I had some documents for him to sign. I guess I’ll catch him in the morning.”

  “You can wait if you want. They should back in a bit.” Not sure why I say it, I step back and make a path for him to walk through. Dad and Tanner only left about an hour ago to head to the property, and if they stop to eat after, it will be several hours before they get back.

  But the chance to spend time with this beautiful man seems too good to pass up.

  “Yeah?” he asks while stepping through the door. “If you’re sure it’s okay.”

  “Of course.” I run my fingers through my hair to make sure it’s not sticking up in crazy directions. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  “Thanks.” Asher follows me to the couch. “What are you up to?”

  “Just watching a movie. Can I get you a drink?”

  Asher shakes his head as he sits. “I’m good, thanks.”

  I’m careful to sit toward the edge of the sofa, not wanting him to be uncomfortable while we watch the screen. I’m barely paying attention to the movie playing, obscenely aware of Asher’s proximity to
me. “Busy day at the office?”

  Asher turns toward me, adjusting slightly so he’s facing me. As a bonus, he slides an inch closer to me on the cushion. “Yeah, it actually was. I don’t know how Tanner does it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get the hang of everything.” I turn toward him, crossing one leg under my opposite knee so I’m facing him too.

  “I hope so.” He picks some lint off his shirt. “How about you? What did you do today?”

  “More research work for Professor Ryan.”

  Asher seems to relax a bit, resting his arm on the back of the sofa. “Cool. Are you enjoying it?”

  I can’t keep the corners of my lips from rising as I nod my head. “I really do. The hypothesis we’re testing is very interesting. I’m anxious to see the results.”

  “Sounds like you really like what you do.”

  “I do. I’m thinking this may be the field of study I want to focus on…which I’m sure will make my dads happy.” I mimic his position, resting my arm across the back of the couch in his direction. Our fingers are practically pointing at each other with only an inch between us.

  “They just want what’s best for you.” Asher seems to sincerely care about my relationships with Tanner and my dad.

  “I know they do. I just don’t want to disappoint them.”

  Asher’s hand slowly covers mine, and he gives me a gentle squeeze. “I don’t think you could ever do that.”

  The feel of his hand on mine has my belly tightening and my eyes locking on the point of our contact. Warmth flushes me, and I’m almost dizzy from the rush.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, quickly pulling his hand away from mine. Before he can move away, I stop him, grabbing his hand in mine.

  “No, it’s okay.” Our hands drop down between us on the couch. When I get the nerve to look at him, Asher’s face is full of lust. I’m not sure what to do next, so I stop thinking and let my instincts take over. With my focus completely on Asher’s lips, I realize they’re closer to me than they were just a few seconds ago.

  And then Asher’s lips press against mine, finally giving in to the need building within us both. His skin is soft as he pulls away, his eyes focused on mine, searching for a reaction.

  Even as he moves back, I follow after him, not wanting Asher to pull away. What I feel is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Sure, I’ve kissed a few guys and had some crushes, but the feelings I have for Asher are intense and unfamiliar and desperate.

  Just like the fire roaring in my belly.

  “Is that okay?” His voice is deep and breathy.

  “Definitely.” I take the initiative to move into him, covering his lips with mine. This time, the kiss deepens as Asher parts his lips and I follow suit. His tongue slips into my mouth as he explores me. My body responds, easily joining my tongue with his and wanting to taste every part of him.

  His lips leave mine, trailing kisses up my jawline until he reaches my ear. “God, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”

  “You did?” I can hardly breathe, still in shock that we’ve finally kissed. I’ve wanted it too, but I never dreamed he felt the same way.

  He pulls away, surprised I’ve asked about his authenticity. “Couldn’t you see how I’ve been fawning over you for months now? Ever since the night we met, I’ve dreamt of being with you.”

  “Be with me?”

  He covers his face with his free hand and laughs, trying to hide his embarrassment. “Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean…kiss you. You know. To see what our chemistry would be.”

  “And?” I smile, wondering if he feels the same flush of desire that’s bubbling inside me, so I can earn another kiss.

  He doesn’t respond with words, leaning into me again instead. His kiss is desperate this time and ten times harder. The pressure of his mouth on mine has me leaning against the armrest as his strong frame settles over me.

  The warmth of his body and feel of his firm, muscled chest on mine has my heart beating wildly. His lips travel away from my lips, moving down my neck and to the opening of my t-shirt. “Asher… I…”

  Asher pulls up quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to force myself on you… Oh, God. I wasn’t thinking…”

  “No, It’s not that.” It absolutely isn’t that. “I’ve just… Well, I’ve never…”

  He stares at me quizzically, the previous look of fright and disappointment changing to one of comprehension and understanding. “You mean, you’re a…”

  “Virgin. Yeah.” I roll my head to the side, not able to hold his gaze. “You probably want to go now.”

  “Why would I want to go?”

  I snap my head back to him, making sure he understands what I’ve just said. “Because I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Asher just shakes his head and kisses me softly again. “That doesn’t matter. I was just scared you didn’t want to…” he says against my mouth.

  “I do. I swear. I just don’t know what I’m doing here.” I force a smile to hide the shame threatening to knock me on my ass.

  “Just do what feels good. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” He slides his palm up my thigh then back to my knee. “When you’re ready to stop, we’ll stop.”


  “Should we go to your room?” Asher puts his arms around me and pulls me up into a sitting position then glances at the front door. “I’m not sure I want Tanner walking in on us.”

  “Yeah, good call.” I take his hand in mine and pull him toward my room. I don’t bother turning on the light even though I really want to see what Asher’s rock-hard body looks like naked. But with my inexperience weighing over me like a black cloud, I don’t want to do anything that might cause him to question his decision to stay with me.

  As soon as we’re in the room, I shut the door and turn to Asher. His lips are instantly back on mine as he begins pulling the clothes from my body. He only pulls his mouth away from mine to yank my t-shirt over my neck. I fiddle with the buttons on his shirt, working each from the fabric and revealing the hard flesh beneath.

  It takes a second of hesitation before I allow myself to explore him, moving my fingertips gingerly over his chest while my lips continue to feast on his. His nipples are hard and an overwhelming need to lick them overcomes me. I’ve seen enough porn to know nipples can be sensitive, so I follow his advice and do what I think will feel good.

  As soon as my tongue glides down his neck and to his chest, those moans have my dick rock hard and begging for attention. Wanting to elicit more of those sounds from Asher, I drag my tongue all the way to his chest then take a deep breath before swirling around the hard tip of his nipple.

  When it’s clear he likes what I’m doing, I dig my fingertips into hips then slowly slide them to the waistband of his jeans. I’ve felt up a guy over clothes, but I’ve never gone below their clothes. And I’ve never let anyone get that far with me. But as soon as I feel his hardened steel pulsing underneath his zipper, I realize I want it all from Asher.

  Asher moves his hands to my shorts and pulls at the mesh-cloth. He easily slips his hand between my stomach and the waistband, taking hold of my throbbing shaft. A shiver flows through my body as a low growl pierces the silence of the room.

  “Fuck, you’re hard.” Asher’s words only excite me more as I quickly unzip his fly.

  I need to get my hands on his cock as soon as possible. Every second our clothes are still on feels like an hour. By the time I have his shaft free, he’s already stroking my cock, spreading the leaking pre-come all over the tip.

  His meaty cock is more than a handful as I grip it in my palm. The thickness startles me at first, but I’m not surprised this gorgeous man has a huge dick. One hand isn’t enough for me to really grasp him, so I layer one over each other and begin to stroke him by rotating my hands in opposite directions.

  Asher thrusts up into my grasp while I lower myself to my knees.

  I’ve imagined what it would be like t
o have a cock in my mouth a million times. But now that the opportunity is in front of me, literally, I’m nervous about doing it wrong. Or worse, not pleasing Asher.

  I try to conjure images of every blow-job porn video I’ve watched so I can mimic the scenes. I start by licking the tip of his wide cock. There’s a bead of juice waiting for me, so I taste it, bracing myself to be disgusted. It’s salty and unique but I find myself desperate for more. Knowing his body is producing pre-come because of me makes a burst of liquid seep out of me as I savor his flavor before sucking the full head of his cock into my mouth.

  After taking the crown in, I swirl my tongue around his silky skin, trying to encircle his thickness.

  When I hesitate because I’m not sure what to do next, a slight pressure on the back of my head guides me down more. I try to relax my throat muscles to expand them and take the massive cock down but it’s just too much. I gag slightly, and the grasp in my hair releases. I want to make Asher feel as good as any of the other guys he’s been with, but I can’t take him all the way in.

  I don’t know if he can read the disappointment I feel in myself, but Asher pulls me up and presses his mouth to mine. “Damn, that feels so good.” He kisses me again before pushing me back onto my bed and dropping down in front of me. “My turn.”

  Any thoughts of not being good enough for Asher disappear when his lips close over my shaft and he swallows me down to the root. The feeling of his hot, wet mouth over my solid cock is greater than I ever thought possible. Electricity runs through my body as I find myself clutching the blanket in ecstasy. Asher moans around me as he slides up and down me.

  The fact that he’s enjoying giving me this pleasure excites me to no end. “Asher, that feels so good.”

  He moans his agreement while bringing me closer to a climax. But before I get to the exact point of release, Asher pulls off my dick, breathing heavily. “Since this is your…well, you know…first time. Do you want to top me?”

  His sentiment is sweet, but it’s unnecessary. Even though I’m inexperienced, there’s one thing I’m sure of. I want Asher’s massive shaft inside me. I want to be as close to him as I can be. “No, thanks.” I hold his gaze, making sure he hears me my words—the ones that I’m saying and the ones that I’m not. “I want to feel you inside me for my first time.”


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