Settling For More

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Settling For More Page 5

by Aria Grace

  “Yeah, I know how it feels to have him treat you like family.” I get a warm feeling in my belly when Asher’s fingers intertwine with mine, glad for the contact. Although, I’m not sure if he’s doing it because of the other night and what we shared…or if he’s just a guy who needs a friend during this difficult situation.

  Either way, I’m happy to be here for him.

  Although I really hope it’s as more than just a friend.

  “So, what brings you out here with Tanner tonight?” Asher studies my face as he waits for me to reply.

  I can’t tell if his curiosity is casual or not. Not sure what to say, I try to think of the least clingy answer that doesn’t end with “I wanted to see you so badly that my insides hurt.”

  “I figured Tanner needed to stay focused on making calls, so I offered to drive him over.”

  “That was considerate of you.” Asher almost looks disappointed by my response, but it’s hidden behind his eyes, making it difficult to tell. He’s definitely a hard man to read. He seems to hold his feelings close to his chest. I hope one day he’ll be able to trust me enough to share more of his life with me.

  “Dr. Wilkins thinks he’ll be okay.” Tanner’s voice comes from the hallway entrance.

  As soon as he speaks, Asher drops my hand and stands up. “That’s good news. Minimal scarring?”

  “I think so,” Tanner replies stoically. “You did right tonight by taking care of this and calling me. I’ll make sure Mr. Jackson is banned for good.”

  “Already handled, boss.” A bit of pride shines from Asher’s grin. “I had Johnny escort him out and Daniel marked his file accordingly.”

  “Good.” Tanner steps over and places a hand on Asher’s shoulder. “Thanks. You should get back to work now. I’ll see about Mateo and make sure he gets back home when he’s ready.”

  “Sure thing, Tanner. If you need me, just give me a call.”

  “Will do. Thanks again, Asher.”

  Asher turns toward me and extends his hand. “Good to see you again, Ian. Thanks for helping us out tonight.”

  “No problem,” I say, feeling the warmth building in my cheeks from his touch. “Be safe.”

  “I will.” He winks at me before walking out the door.

  I don’t turn away from his retreating form, wishing I could accompany him wherever he’s going.

  And I don’t just mean for tonight.



  Having Ian in my life has been better than I thought it would be. Spending time with him lifts the weight of the world off my shoulders for a little while, and I just have fun. He gets me and appreciates me for who I am without me having to put on any pretenses.

  I don’t have to be responsible or tough or in charge of anything. I just can relax and have conversations with Ian without judgment. Over the past week, we’ve spent every spare moment together, getting to know each other intellectually, emotionally, and physically. The physical part is amazing because he’s so eager to learn and wants desperately to please me. But even more than that is getting to know him emotionally. Hearing about the pain he went through when he lost his mom, and the way he acted out to hurt Rod when he found out Tanner was his natural birth father, reminds me that I’m not alone in the pain I’ve suffered in my life.

  Ian is in a great place right now, and he’s helping me to get in a great place too. At least when we’re together.

  Unfortunately, we can’t be together every minute of every day.

  And that’s when things fall apart. Shit at The Vault is getting harder and harder to deal with on my own. I just got off the phone with Rainier, a friend of ours who is into all that cyber security shit, and he just intercepted a phone call about Brady Andrews. The man was found dead this morning. It appears to be natural causes and is not being ruled as foul play, but my suspicions about Cayson Dixon seem to be founded in some truth.

  Johnny and Tanner have given me strict instructions to not approach Cayson for any reason. I’m expected to carry on with business as usual while they deal with that situation. Which is fine with me. I’m more than happy to step aside because I’ve got my own shit to deal with.

  The lost money is still unaccounted for, and I still can’t find any explanations as to what’s happening to it. I came in at 4 AM this morning, hours after we’d closed down last night, and installed some hidden cameras in the lobby and underneath the front counter.

  I have no idea what’s happening or how, but I’m hoping whatever it is it’s taking place in the lobby. If it’s happening in the cloud or at the bank level, I’ll need to call Rainier to assist with that. But I’m giving myself forty-eight more hours to figure this out on my own before I call in reinforcements.

  Ian and I have plans to go out tonight, and instead of waiting until seven when I’m supposed to pick him up, I show up at six because I just really want to see him. I never take nights off from The Vault, especially on a weekend, but Johnny has noticed that I’ve been more stressed than usual and insisted I take the night to myself.

  I feel guilty as hell doing it, but I need the escape tonight. Just for one night. And I need to see Ian.

  I’m just about to knock on the door when Rod opens it up, startled to see me standing there. “Asher, hey. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

  “Oh, sorry. I’m early. Is Ian around?”

  “Yeah, come on in. We’re on our way out, so I’ll let him know you’re here.” Rod waves me inside while he runs to Ian’s room to let him know I’m here.

  Tanner appears beside me with his coat over his arm and offers me his hand. “Asher, it’s good to see you.”

  “Hi, Tanner. Big plans for the night?”

  “Yeah, you can say that.” Tanner smirks. “How’s everything at work?”

  I force a casual smile and meet his gaze. “Okay. I’ve got a few fires I’m dealing with, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ll keep you posted if that changes.”

  “You do that. You know I’m only a phone call away.”

  “I know, Tanner. Thanks.”

  Ian follows his dad out of his room and walks straight into my arms, giving me a warm embrace. “Hey, I’m glad you’re early.”

  “I couldn’t wait.” I kiss his temple softly then we turn back to Rod and Tanner to say our goodbyes.

  As soon as we’re alone, Ian presses his mouth to mine in a proper hello kiss. It’s only been a few weeks but he’s definitely falling into the role of affectionate boyfriend with ease. I still can’t believe he wants me, but I’m enjoying it while I can.

  “Have a seat.” He pats the back of the sofa as he passes it. “I’m gonna get a drink.”

  Ian returns a minute later with two small bottles of Gatorade. “Pregaming, you know.”

  I take the plastic bottle and raise an eyebrow. “You plan on getting drunk tonight?”

  “Maybe. As long as you’re there to take care of me.” He winks and takes a long pull of his blue drink. “But I don’t want a headache tomorrow.”

  “Then drink up, buttercup.” I tilt the bottle toward him in a salute and take a drink. “I want you in perfect form in the morning.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He slips onto the cushion beside me. “Got plans for the morning?”

  I shrug. “Not much beyond waking up next to you…”

  Ian nods and rests his head on my shoulder. “Yeah, I can see that requiring a clear head.” He kisses me quickly then pulls away. “So, you want to tell me why you were given the night off work and why you’re here an hour early—willing to risk the wrath of my dad and Tanner?”

  I exhale slowly then pull him closer to my chest. “There’s some shit going on at The Vault that I might be responsible for…or at least I’m responsible for fixing. And I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “What’s going on?” Ian nuzzles my neck with his forehead and rubs his palm over my chest.

  I probably shouldn’t say anything to him yet, but I can’t keep this issue to myself any longer.
I need to get it off my chest so I can think clearly. And Ian is a smart guy. Maybe he can help me figure out what’s going on.

  Without looking him in the eye, I let it all out. Starting with the first bank statement of lower deposits and ending with me installing cameras in the lobby earlier today so I can see what’s really happening up front.

  When I’m finally done, Ian is facing me with a sympathetic expression. “Asher, you have to tell Tanner. He won’t blame you. Things like this happen all the time. The sooner you make him aware of the problem, the sooner he can fix it.”

  I kick off my shoes and put my socked feet against the edge of the coffee table. “I know but I don’t want to let him down. I want to fix it myself and then tell him it’s all taken care of. Right now, I’m just dumping yet another problem into his lap, and he doesn’t need that.”

  Ian runs his fingers through my hair, soothing me with just his touch. “He’ll understand.”

  I shake my head. “But he won’t trust me.”

  “Of course he will.” Ian’s fingers trail down to the lines across my forehead, running along the ridges with his fingertips. “He wouldn’t have left you in charge if he didn’t trust you.”

  I don’t want to tell him about my past, but I know it’s going to come up anyway so it’s better he comes from me. “Well, there’s something you should know.”

  “What?” Ian’s caring expression has turned to concern. “You know you can tell me anything.”

  “When I first met Tanner…I was mugging him.”

  Ian’s jaw drops, and he pulls back a few inches. “What?”

  I nod and meet his gaze. “I’d been living on the streets for close to a year. I was afraid to sell my ass like most of the guys did so I had to steal to survive. I never hurt anyone seriously, but I was pretty good at stumbling into someone and lifting their wallet or phone.”

  “You did that to Tanner?” he asks incredulously.

  “Well, I tried.” I chance a smile. “He waited until I had his wallet completely out of his pocket before he grabbed my arm and dropped me to the ground. After a long lecture and a cup of coffee, he offered me a job.”

  “Wow.” Ian pulls away and staring out the window onto the city of Las Vegas. “That’s crazy.”

  I sit quietly, giving him time to absorb my admission.

  “But that doesn’t change anything.” He turns to me and pulls my hands into his lap. “Tanner cares for you and trusts you. You have to trust him with this.”

  I can’t say no to Ian, so I merely nod. “I will.”

  I just hope to have a solution in place before I do.

  “Let’s get a drink first.” I holler over the pounding bass of the music as Ian and I walk into the dance club. The techno-remix beat of a new pop song has the dance floor jammed with sweaty bodies. And because it’s Saturday night, all the hot go-go boys are dancing around on various platforms throughout the club in their underwear and cropped polo shirts.

  “Okay,” Ian shouts over the noise.

  I take his hand to ensure he doesn’t get lost behind me in and lead him to the bar. A hot bartender who looks shockingly similar to Clark Kent approaches us with a smile. “What can I get you guys?”

  I order a beer and Ian orders a Coke. Since he’s under age, he isn’t wearing a hot pink wristband to indicate he’s old enough for alcohol. We find a spot in the far corner to stand in and observe the crowd. Ian’s attention is split between the go-go boys in their Andrew Christian jocks and the shirtless guys on the dance floor.

  But my attention is fully on Ian.

  “Do you want to dance?” I ask before taking a sip of my beer.

  “Yeah.” Ian grabs my hand and pulls me forward before I can change my mind.

  Ian loves to dance, so I figured he would take me up on the offer. We slip between several people and find a clear spot on the dance floor before we start moving to the fast-paced rhythm of the song that’s playing.

  Ian’s much better at this than I am, but I don’t mind watching him dance, especially when he’s shaking that hot ass and grinding it against my cock. I try to keep things PG as I watch his form move to the beat but nothing about the way Ian moves is PG. Even fully dressed, he’s like a porn star.

  After several high-energy songs, we take a break for some water and another drink. Standing at the side of the bar, we catch our breath and do some more people watching before I tug him up a staircase to the upper level of the club.

  Leaning against the railing, we watch the dancing crowd below us while a breeze from an open window cools us off.

  “Having fun?” I whisper into Ian’s ear, knowing the answer with just a glance at his smiling face.

  Ian leans into me for a kiss then takes another swig of his water. “Yeah. This one’s the best clubs we’ve been to yet.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” So many of the clubs on the Vegas Strip are designed to entice tourists, but if you’re willing to travel off the Strip, you can find the places where the locals go for a fun night.

  “You know all the good spots.” Ian is half complementary and half pouty.

  “I know where they are…I just don’t get to them very often.”

  Ian seems reassured by that as he swallows the last bit of water in his bottle before swapping to the fresh beer I got for him. “Should we go back down and get a closer look?”

  I chuckle at his adorable transparency. “You just want to dance again.”

  “Possibly.” He gives me a wink, knowing I won’t deny him anything.

  Back on the main level, several people are milling about, drinking and laughing with friends. A woman standing nearby seems a bit panicked, searching around the area where she and her friends are standing.

  She walks closer to Ian and points to the floor. Ian leans in closer to her, trying to see what she wants. I can’t hear what she says to him, but then he begins looking down at the floor as well.

  I tap his shoulder to get his attention. “What are you doing?”

  “She’s lost something.” He points toward the floor, indicating that they’re looking for something on the ground.

  “What?” I ask, finding myself looking around the space we’re in. “What are we looking for?”

  “An earring, I think. I’m not really sure.” He laughs and continues to look around.

  The dim lighting makes it difficult to see much, and when the strobe light glitters, small rays of light bounce all around us.

  At least one full song plays before Ian points to something in the corner that seems to gleam a bit brighter than the rest of the area. The woman follows the line of his finger and bends down before popping back up with a huge grin on her face and a shiny earring in her hand.

  “Thank you,” she says, jumping over to Ian and giving him a hug.

  “You’re welcome,” Ian yells out. Then he turns back to me. “Let’s dance again.”

  I nod and follow him back onto the dance floor. Another fast song has us jumping around like idiots in love. And although the thought seems foreign when it first enters my mind, I don’t completely dismiss it because I know that’s exactly what I am.

  My shirt is sweaty and clinging to me uncomfortably, so I pull it off and tuck it into the back of my jeans. Ian’s eyes light up as he gets closer to me, running his hands down my chest. Then he turns around and grinds his ass into my crotch, quickly causing my dick to become hard.

  With my hands wrapped possessively around his waist, I pull him against my hard shaft, grinding into him. If he didn’t know it before, he definitely knows now that I’m interested in having a little fun tonight.

  Ian turns around in my arms, pressing closer to me and kissing me as his hands explore my exposed skin.

  “Frisky tonight?” he says against my ear before nibbling the lobe and sending a current of fire straight through me.

  I moan and take his lips in mine again. I love being with him and just hanging out. But when we take things further and can express how much w
e care about each other physically, I can finally understand what it’s like to have a soulmate.

  I could hold him all night long but as soon as the song finishes, the woman from earlier comes toward us, pushing a shot into Ian’s hand. “Thank you again!” she says, clinking the glass he’s now holding with her own and taking her shot.

  Ian starts to lift up the glass to his mouth, but I stop him, taking the glass from his hand and giving it back to the woman. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  Ian looks at me like I’ve slapped him, but I don’t care about some stranger’s hurt feelings. I only care about keeping Ian safe as I drag him closer to the door.

  “What was that about?” he asks, folding his hands over his chest.

  “You can’t just drink things people give you,” I say. “You don’t know her or her intentions.”

  Ian looks both embarrassed and annoyed. “She seemed nice. I don’t think she’d try to drug me.”

  “Maybe not, but you still need to be smart. It’s not worth the risk for a shot.”

  Reluctantly, he agrees as I ask the bartender for two bottles of water. We stand there for several moments taking sips from our bottles before Ian turns to me with a curious expression on his face.

  “What?” I furrow my brows, wondering what he’s thinking.

  “I take drinks from you all the time.” He fakes a suspicious glare.

  “True,” I say, pulling him closer to my side. “But I think you know me pretty well by now.”

  “And your intentions… Although, knowing you really are trying to get in my pants should have me concerned.” He laughs even as he gives my half-hard cock a little squeeze.

  “Be afraid, my sweet. Be very afraid.” I press against him as we shimmy to the beat.

  Fuck, he’s perfect. And as we dance to the pulsing rhythms, all I can think about is getting this gorgeous boy back to my place tonight and in my bed until morning.


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