Of Heaven and Hell

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Of Heaven and Hell Page 31

by Anthology

  Callum saw Steve hesitate, and then a light shone through his eyes. Steve shook violently and fell to the ground. Rory quickly bent down, put a finger to Steve’s neck, and smiled. It appeared Steve was going to be fine. This, apparently, did not sit well with Red-Eyes.

  The demon screamed. Every frat boy present fell to their knees, their hands pressed to their heads, screaming silently. “You are all being tested! You know what you must do!”

  Callum sprang into action. He unfolded his wings, thrust upward, and flew to Rory, landing between him and the demon. It was a good plan, except Rory had a different idea. The frat boys were busy training their own weapons on themselves, ready to cut or shoot each other, or in some cases themselves. Rory yelled out, “Stop!” with such vehemence that every single frat boy, including Steve, who was now awake, looked up at him. “You are all being lied to by that creature standing over there. It is evil! It has distorted facts. However, it isn’t the only one. You all believe in things that have been distorted by beings like this demon before you... many things! Look at him. See him for what he truly is... a vile, disgusting, lying creature!”

  Callum could see a sneer surface on Red-Eyes’ face. It appeared as though he realized Rory was trying to save anyone that he could. Callum figured the demon would try to take advantage of that. Sure enough, Red-Eyes shouted, “Remember your Bible. Rory is a sinner. He must be turned or be destroyed!”

  Before Callum could stop him, Rory ran toward Red-Eyes. “The Bible was made by man. Some of the laws in it have no place in today’s world. Some were distortions. Things change. The important thing is to love one another!”

  One of the frat minions stood up. His eyes were red like the demon’s. He had a knife in his hand—a knife he sent flying through the air toward Rory’s heart.

  Callum rushed forward and stopped the knife with his sword. Red-Eyes was less than impressed. “You are interfering, Warrior. Leave this plane and I might let you continue to exist.”

  Callum growled at the demon. “My mission is to protect this human in his quest to right the wrongs that you have caused, demon. You are the one who should leave, while you can.”

  Red-Eyes’ sneer grew larger. “That goes against the agreement. Humans must have the ability to choose—even if it is the choice to die.”

  Callum couldn’t help but laugh. “Your definition of choice is absurd. One cannot choose if one does not have the proper information to do so. Your side has been getting away with that for millennia. This stops. You won’t succeed with Rory, or with me. We plan on giving these young men information to choose wisely.”

  Callum saw Rory demonstrate his latest statement by raising his arms and exclaiming, “Everyone! Look at your leader and see him for what he truly is!”

  Callum saw an unusual energy flowing from Rory. He wasn’t even sure if Rory was conscious this was happening. When the energy reached a person, the expression on his face changed, going from neutral to alarmed. In some cases the redness in their eyes just disappeared.

  Red-Eyes was so alarmed by this that he snarled, screamed, and ran forward, a sword suddenly in his hand. Callum flashed toward the speeding demon, his own sword held aloft. Rory’s face contorted in surprise, and then alarm, as he tried to move away from the demon’s blade.

  Callum’s sword made contact with the demon’s just inches from Rory. Callum managed to push the demon back and stood in front of Rory, trying desperately to protect him. The demon parried with Callum for some moments, but abruptly jolted rigid, as if struck from behind.

  Red-Eyes’ face warped, and Callum thought he was about to say something because his mouth opened. Unexpectedly, flames spurted out from his mouth and began to envelop the demon whole. There was a sudden explosion and the demon was gone. In his place was Steve, holding a blade that appeared half-eaten from acid.

  Steve looked stunned and distraught. His knees started to buckle. Callum strode forward and caught Steve with his wings, placing him gently on the cave floor. Callum noticed Rory going from person to person, touching their heads. As soon as they were touched, they fainted to the ground, immobile.

  Callum shook himself and his wings folded into him, virtually disappearing. He walked up to Rory, a questioning look on his face. Rory smiled. “I’m letting them all sleep it off. I put a suggestion in their minds that when they wake up they’ll just think they partied too hard. I’m not sure how to handle the fact that their leader no longer exists, though.”

  Callum shook his head, astonished at Rory’s seeming acceptance of everything. He could feel Rory’s calmness, almost as if it were his own. “We have awhile to figure that out, Rory. Right now, I want to make sure you’re okay. Please take my hand.”

  Chapter Nine

  THE JOURNEY into In-Between lasted mere moments. Callum wasted no time in checking Rory for any injuries sustained during the melee with the demon. His search was thorough. Callum’s hands clung to many intimate parts of Rory’s body. Rory started to laugh. “Callum, this isn’t really necessary, is it?”

  Callum’s face turned an adorable shade of crimson. “It was for the most part. I admit that I wanted to do a little bit of exploring. This is all new to me, and you intrigue me, Rory.”

  Rory smiled shyly. “This is new to me too, Callum. I mean... did you see what I did back there? What have I become? Am I still human?”

  Callum smiled sympathetically at Rory. “You are as human as you were yesterday. You are as human as any other, Rory, but you are special. My meeting you must have opened up your abilities enough for you to be able to link with God on a much more personal level than is normal for humankind.”

  Rory put an arm around Callum’s neck and lightly touched lips. “Callum, I want to do some exploring as well, but not here. Can we go back to my room, please?”

  Callum tilted his head. “Rory, you do realize you have the ability to pass through the dimensions on your own, don’t you? You don’t need me.”

  Callum grinned as he witnessed Rory’s beautiful astonished look, his eyes almost wide with wonder. “Rory, all God’s creatures have this innate ability. One simply has to be willing to use it, once one knows it’s there.”

  Rory’s shoulders hunched forward slightly. “I’m not sure I’m ready....”

  Callum embraced Rory tightly once more, whispering in his ear, “It’s okay, Rory, we’ll take things slow.”

  Callum lifted an arm and a wall of images appeared. He felt Rory shiver as they both shifted from the misty corridor to the earthly plane, but not entering immediately. Callum heard Rory’s short intake of breath as he realized he was both outside his dorm, and not. He heard another gasp and felt hands tightening around his arms as they floated into the building, up to Rory’s floor, and through his dorm door. As they entered the room, Callum concentrated, and he could feel his feet touch solid floor.

  He felt Rory turn around in his embrace. “Wait. What about...?”

  Callum smiled. “Steve is fine. A Guardian is looking after him. He’s safe, Rory.”

  Rory looked into Callum’s eyes, astonished and slightly confused. Callum sniggered. “You can know this too, Rory. It’s all accessible in your mind. You just have to be willing to trust and open yourself up to God.”

  Rory smiled. “I’m human, Callum. I’m not used to any of this. It will take time. Although I can say this, without a shadow of a doubt—I trust you.”

  Callum kissed Rory lightly on the lips, letting his tongue linger before releasing. “Father... and I... are satisfied with that... for now.”

  Rory giggled. His eyes twinkled and his voice was soft as he whispered, “Callum, is there a way to turn Father off? In our heads I mean.”

  Callum smiled, knowingly. He sensed what Rory was thinking, but he knew that Rory needed to say it aloud. “Why would you want to do that, Rory?”

  Rory smiled shyly. “There are just certain things that are private... that’s all.”

  Callum tilted his head, smiled gently, and gestured for
Rory to sit on his bed. Callum sat near him, making sure his knees were touching Rory’s. He could hear Rory’s excited breathing. “Rory, it’s more than that. You need to tell me, please.”

  Rory sighed. “What if what we do disgusts or angers God. He could take you away from me. I’m not sure how I would cope if you left me.”

  Callum felt a strange sensation come over him. He was overcome with joy at the revelation. He felt a tear forming at the corner of his eye. He wiped it. He knew what Rory said was true, but he also knew there was more to Rory’s apprehension.

  There was a knock on the door before Callum could voice his concern. He sensed a familiar presence, as well as a guiding hand in the form of another Guardian. The knocking was aggressive. The voice sounded worried. “Rory? Rory? Are you there? If you are, please come to the door. I know it’s late. I need to make sure you’re okay.”

  Although somewhat relieved by Steve’s voice, Rory was still annoyed by Steve’s presence. He had a feeling what was coming. He stood up, walked to the door, and opened it. “Steve? What are you doing? We left the party because we couldn’t find you.”

  Steve looked incredulous. “You brought the guy home? What were you two planning on doing?”

  Callum saw Rory’s indignant face as Steve abruptly pushed him aside. Callum smiled inwardly when Steve addressed him directly. “You and I need to have a little chat.”

  Rory actually grabbed Steve by the shoulder and turned him around. “Steve. Don’t talk to Cal like that. I’m an adult. I get to make my own decisions. We weren’t doing anything, anyway. We were just talking.”

  Steve harrumphed. “I know his type, Rory. Heck, I am his type. He’s moving way too fast for someone who has your best interests at heart. Where the heck did you two go, anyway? I was looking for you at the party.”

  Callum sent a mental note to Rory. “He doesn’t remember the cave thing at all. He only remembers a private initiation, and that you were there.”

  Rory nodded to Callum, and then addressed Steve. “I thought it was over.”

  Steve shrugged. “I wanted to celebrate. It’s a shame about Fred’s parents and that he had to leave so suddenly, but I think things will be a lot calmer now that he’s gone. I got a new Big Brother too. Everyone wants you to come by when you can to say hi. Anyway....”

  Callum’s eyes narrowed as he saw Steve turn toward him. “As Rory’s oldest friend, I want to know what your intentions are with him. He’s not experienced in certain things and it’s my fault, really... but I won’t stand for him being taken advantage of.”

  Rory looked at Steve sternly. “Steve... do you mind?”

  Steve looked at Rory, slightly embarrassed and contrite. “Rory, you are inexperienced. And it is my fault. I know how you feel about me. I’ve taken advantage of that, by leading you on and manipulating your feelings. I thought I was protecting you. I thought that, given time, you’d find a woman you liked and you wouldn’t be gay anymore. I was wrong to do that. I’m glad you found somebody, Rory, but I need to make sure he knows you aren’t a sure thing. Also, if he hurts you, I will find him and hurt him... and so will my frat brothers.”

  Rory rolled his eyes in frustration. Callum could tell, through his bond, that Rory was pleased that Steve was so protective of him, but at the same time he was frustrated Steve felt that he needed protection. “Steve, has it occurred to you that Cal could be even less experienced than me? And that maybe I’m the one taking advantage of him?”

  Callum blushed slightly. Steve saw the blush and reacted. “That can’t be possible.”

  Callum smiled shyly. “It is, in a way. I promise you, Steve, that Rory and I will take things slow. I am here for the long haul, as the saying goes. Even though we may have just met, I feel a true connection to Rory... and I don’t want to blow it.”

  Steve mumbled audibly, “I’m sure there will be blowing at some point.”

  Rory was about to become indignant, but Steve stopped it. “Fine, I get it. And I won’t interfere unless Rory asks me to, or I feel he is being hurt. Someone needs to protect Rory. He’s special—always has been and always will be.”

  Callum smiled mischievously at Steve. “Finally, we can agree on something.”

  Steve yawned and explained that he had had a big day. He told Rory he would see him in the morning. He nodded to Callum and said, “I don’t expect to see you.”

  Rory rolled his eyes as he said goodbye to his best friend. He then walked up to Callum, flung his arms around Callum’s neck, looked into Callum’s eyes, and said, in a sexy-raspy voice, “Okay. Where were we?”

  Callum smiled. “We were discussing your insecurities.”

  Rory rolled his eyes as he let go of Callum’s neck and walked back to his bed. “Fine. How are we supposed to do this? Are we dating? How does one even date an angel?”

  Before Callum could answer, there was a knock on Rory’s door. Rory walked over and turned the knob to find one of his floor mates standing excitedly at his door. It seemed that he had just found a letter of acceptance from a university he wanted to attend, on full scholarship, and there was still time to accept. So it looked like there was going to be a vacancy on the floor soon.

  Rory congratulated his friend and promised he’d be around to say goodbye. He walked back to his bed, a puzzled look on his face. Callum was sitting there patiently, smiling. “You’re going to be a student?”

  Callum nodded. “For as long as you need me to be, I will be a student. As of now, I’m on special assignment, as are you. Your services will be required, and you will have to choose whether or not you wish to accept.”

  Rory scooted close to Callum, touching knees once more. “Do you even age, Callum? I’m really not sure how this is all going to work.”

  Callum looked Rory deeply in the eyes. “The question you need to ask yourself is... are you going to age? You also need to remember that souls are eternal, Rory. I will age as you do. It will depend on the choices that you... and I... make, together.”

  Rory scowled. “This is all happening so fast.”

  Callum smiled. “I know... and we have time to decide what to do. We have time to get to know each other. For now, though, can I have a kiss?”

  Rory laughed. “That I can do.” He leaned in to give his Guardian angel the most sensual kiss Callum had experienced... yet.

  EDDIE LEFEY started reading m/m romance fanfiction a few years ago. At one point, during a crucial point in the soap opera storyline of his favorite gay couple, the story went on hiatus. He needed a fix and decided to write his own version of what he wished would happen. Friends wanted to read it, so he plucked up his courage. Pressing the submission button was nerve-wracking, but he did it. People liked it. He wrote a few more.

  Up until that point Eddy had tried his hand at writing many times. The delete button was his friend, as was starting over, and over, and over, but he could no longer do that if he wanted people to read his works.

  A few of his writing friends decided to create original stories, and feeling brave, Eddy did the same. The stories were shared among a select few. They encouraged him to submit one of them. Low and behold, it is now being published.

  Eddy lives in Canada with his husband Ken and his cat Oscar Wild. He is busy writing many more stories.

  EDDY LEFEY can be found at:

  Email: [email protected]

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/Author_E_LeFey

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EddyLeFey?ref=ts&fref=ts

  Chapter One

  HE HAD been human once.

  Once, a long time ago... so they told him. They said he had a family, people who cared about him, loved him.

  That was what they said when they wanted him to suffer.

  Sometimes he thought he remembered sorrow, that sharp stab that tore through his insides when they told him these things, but he was not so sure anymore. It was difficult to feel much of anything now.

  He knew with certainty they were lying. But, truth or
lie, it did not matter much after so long.

  With every blink, every breath, time passed. Time was a puzzle in this realm, twisting around his fingers like a cat’s cradle, spilling like marbles from his hands. Every yesterday was tomorrow, and every tomorrow was already gone, hissing away like smoke on the breeze. There was only now, the unceasing, never-ending reality of this particular moment.

  This moment alone could last eons. That was why they called it Hell.

  HE NEVER knew what drew him to those he chose to play with when he finally fought his way to the world Above. He never knew, but they were always similar—cast in nearly the same mold with only slight imperfections differentiating them from the others.

  Tall... so tall... soft black hair falling across the brow and eyes that shifted color like the sea—from a hard, sun-bright blue to the darker reflection of a storm-clouded sky; these were the things that called to him.

  They told him this was what his husband had looked like, the husband they told him he once had. He did not think he should believe them because lies were the very air they breathed—spoon-fed like bitter drops of poison, trying to make him hurt, trying to make him feel.

  Trying to see if he was still touched by human anguish.

  The thing was, his kind didn’t feel, not in the same way humans did. Humans felt love and anger and sadness. Their bodies felt the discomfort of cold and heat. But his kind were wrapped in a smothering blackness that numbed them from the inside out.

  Humans could see it in their eyes, those two little windows into the soul—or lack of one. That was what made them scream until their throats bled.

  They all wanted to feel something, anything that reminded them of what they once had. For that, they all tried to claw their way back through the hidden portals of Hell, though none would dare admit it. Wanting such a thing was a show of weakness not allowed in their realm. Only shredded bits and pieces of memory were left if one were lucky, acid-eaten and grated away over eons, harbored in nearly-forgotten recesses where they could not be found.


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