The Wolf You Feed Arc

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The Wolf You Feed Arc Page 2

by Angela Stevens

  Tore continued to hold her hand. “Thought I hadn’t seen you here before, I’ve just about finished mine. I turn eighteen this month.” He cursed himself. Was that all he could think of to say? Any minute now, she’d walk away and find someone more interesting to talk to. Think, Tore. Say something cool. “You…um…want to go for a walk?” Oh great, now why would you ask her that?

  “Sure, I’d love to.” She stood folding the blanket that had been across her lap.

  Oh, she does! Tore jumped to his feet slopping the soda, splashing her pant legs with fizzy orangeade. “Oh, I’m sorry…” He knelt down and used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe her legs. She was giggling. He blushed as he noticed the wet orange stains on the cream wool.

  Damn, he sure was making a great impression.

  “You ready?” She nodded towards the trees.


  She led the way through the crowds of other youths. Tore put his hand to the small of her back, not wanting to lose contact for a second.

  As they walked through the woods, she slid her hand into his. “I saw you hunt yesterday.”

  She did?

  Her hand felt warm and soft in his and he squeezed it tighter.

  “I was by the out crop. Watched your wolf come across the fields. You’re fast.”

  “It was my first solo hunt. That doe almost got away from me.” Why did he say that? He should have shrugged it off, said he’d caught loads. Now she’d think he was a loser.

  “It did? That must have felt good bringing her down, then. Haven’t tried it yet. I don’t have a clue how to read my instincts.”

  “I could take you out. We could try something small together. I’ll talk you through it. Erik did that with me a few times before I went solo.”

  “Would you? I’d like that.” She was breathless when she spoke. He wondered if she meant it, but her eyes were sincere. A burst of electricity shot through him, she meant it.

  They stopped by the river and lent against a boulder to keep out of the wind. Her golden hair shone in the moonlight. Tore was again tongue-tied but she rescued him with a question about his studies. They chatted as they skimmed pebbles across the water’s surface.

  “You’re not how I imagined,” she looked sideways, giving him another of her dimpled smiles.

  “How long have you been thinking about me then?”

  Now she blushed. She skipped another stone, “The others talk, tell stories.”

  “They do? What do they say?”

  “That you’re cocky. Have lots of human girlfriends. Stuff like that.”

  For some reason, he hated that she’d heard that. “It’s just an act…I’m not like that… just talk, with the guys.”

  “I’m glad it’s not true.” That whispered breathiness had crept back into her voice.

  Stone-skimming forgotten, he found himself gazing into her eyes. As she returned his stare, their hands reached out and connected. As their fingers laced, a fluttering in his stomach caused his heart to play copy-cat. He leaned forwards, stopping inches from her mouth.

  Annike pulled her hand away and brushed the snow from her clothes. She started to walk down the path and Tore hurried after her.

  Did he do something wrong?

  “We should get back. Nea will wonder where I went. I didn’t tell her I was going.”


  “My friend from earlier. We look out for one another, she’ll worry.”

  Tore walked her back to the campfire, wishing time would slow down, so he could have her to himself for longer. All too soon, they were back in the crowds. Nea was busy chatting to Felix, unperturbed by Annike’s absence. She surprised him by sitting down beside him once more. Tore sat closer to her as he pulled a blanket over their laps.

  Hours later, the crowds thinned. Annike watched them disperse. “I’d better head back too, I suppose.”

  They stood, the silence awkward for a moment. Tore wondered if he should ask to see her again. Before he plucked up courage, she stood on tiptoe and pulled him towards her by his sweater. Did he dare chance a kiss? Her honey scent filled his senses as she whispered in his ear.

  “Tore, Son of Isak, one day you’re going to be my mate.”

  Annike didn’t wait for an answer. She turned and left.

  A stupid grin appeared on Tore’s face. He watched her curvaceous hips sway back and forth, hypnotizing him as she walked away. With those words, she laid her claim on him, and with that smile, he accepted his fate.


  Tore shrugged off the memory. He could no longer delay. Taking a deep breath, he crept behind Annike and wrapped his arms around her. His body ached to be close to hers. Breathing in her exotic scent, his mouth traced light kisses up her neck to her ear. She relaxed into his arms and the lump in his throat tightened.

  Who will he share his dreams with?

  Since they’d first met, they’d shared everything: the good, the bad, the serious and the silly. This was the first time he wanted to keep something from her.

  Annike turned, her face playful. She was expecting good news and was eager to get to the full moon celebrations so they could announce their mating date.

  Tore couldn’t keep his despair from her.

  “Whatever’s wrong?” Her eyes narrowed.

  Hands shaking, he placed them either side of her head. Laying his forehead against hers, he struggled to find the words to tell her. When they would not come, he pulled away, turned his back as he searched for the strength to explain.

  What could he say?

  All their dreams, promises, hopes, desires were dashed because of this stupid tradition. Why had he even sought Isak’s permission? It was supposed to have been a formality, a mark of respect. But there had been no pat on the back, no congratulatory toast. Instead, Isak’s decision had changed the course of his life. Her life. Their life together.

  Tore’s eyes found hers, and she read his mind.

  I’m sorry.

  Her hope crumbled as incoherent words tumbled from him.

  She clasped her hands over her mouth. “Oh my God! What did I do? You…you accepted me Tore,” she sank to her knees. He grabbed her, wanting to be her rock, but his legs were no stronger than hers. They slumped to the ground, clinging together, hearts broken.

  As he held her, his world stopped turning. As it ground to a halt, he glimpsed a truth. Isak might have denied him, taken what was his, but there was nothing his father could do to control Tore’s heart.

  “Please, you have to understand, I did accept…I do. Nothing’s changed. My love for you is real, it belongs to you and always will.” He cradled her head to his chest. “This is my fault, not yours. I pushed Isak too far. I’m so sorry Annike. My arrogance caused this.”

  She stood, shaking her head, disbelief making her clutch at straws “We can change his mind!”

  He brushed his lips along her hairline. She’d hate him for what he’d done. “No. It’s not possible. I attacked Erik.” His voice was laced with contempt. A contempt for his father, for his brother and for himself.

  Annike leaped to her feet and grabbed hold of his arms, twisting him this way and that, examining him for injuries. “What did he do to you, are you hurt?”

  His arms tightened around her, trapping her flailing limbs, as he tried to subdue the hysteria bubbling up inside her. “It’s okay, nothing happened.” Her tear stained face tugged at his heart.

  Damn it! He should have fought harder, should have sunk his teeth into his brothers neck while he had the chance. Giving up Annike was far worse than any reprisal his father and brothers could have doled out. Tore wished he’d been brave enough to chose death over saying goodbye to the woman he loved.

  But he hadn’t.

  So now he had to deliver the hardest blow of all. “I’m leaving at first light.”

  Tear filled eyes lifted to his, but she didn’t scream or shout as he’d thought. Instead she grew strong. “Will I go with you Tore?”

ke, it’s too dangerous. You’re promised to my brother.” Erik’s angry face flashed through Tore’s head. “If we leave together, he’ll follow. We’ll be on the run forever. Nowhere will be safe.”

  She placed her hands to his face, refusing to let him look away.

  “Six months ago, I made my choice. It’s you or no one, Tore. Today I’d still choose you, even knowing what I know now.” A glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes. She saw the spark and the relief that accompanied it. “How could you think, I’d be able to be Erik’s mate? You are everything to me. Everything.” She stroked his face, one finger settling on his lips. “Please let me spend the rest of my life with you. If that turns out to be a few days or weeks, instead of the decades we’d hoped for, I’m okay with that.”

  Tore pulled her hands from him. He couldn’t look at her. She was willing to give up everything for him?

  “Tore, look at me.” Ashamed, he obeyed. “Answer me one question. Do you still want me as your mate?”

  Horror crossed his face. Did she even need to ask?

  Her tears disappeared. “That’s what I thought.” She put her hands in his. “I’ll go with you.” This time it wasn’t a question but a simple statement of fact.


  Tore arrived at their meeting place just before sunrise. Annike was waiting for him. She threw herself into his arms, and he placed his lips on hers. “Did you tell anyone?”

  “Only Nea.”

  “Annike!” He knew she would.

  “I know I promised, but I met her on the way back to my cabin. I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  Tore nodded, he’d had similar feelings himself. At the last moment he pulled back from telling Felix. A secret like this was too big a burden. There’d be too many repercussions for his friend.

  A noise startled them and they pulled back into the shadows. Nea appeared, breathless.

  Annike swung around in alarm. “What are you doing here?” she hissed. “You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”

  “I won’t,” Nea replied.

  “What’s going on?” Tore looked to Annike for an explanation but her startled expression told him she had no idea why Nea was there.

  “I’m coming with you,” Nea slipped into the shadows next to them.

  “No, you’re not! You’re going to mate Felix the day after tomorrow.”

  Nea’s face grew solemn, “You have to take me, Tore,” she begged. “You don’t understand.”

  “No. We…”

  “I’m with child.”

  She couldn’t be, she must be mistaken. Tore leaned in, scenting the air. The change in her hormones was undeniable. “So what difference does that make Nea?”

  She began to weep.

  What did she expect him to do? Speak to Felix? Tore didn’t have time for that. “Look, it’s just a few days until you’re mated, no one will care that you celebrated early. We can’t take you with us.” Why was she making such a fuss, she wouldn’t be the first to be pregnant when she took her vows. “Annike, we have to leave now.” Tore grabbed her hand.

  Nea hung her head. “Felix and me, we never…” She lowered her voice, “we never did it.” She blushed scarlet.

  Tore’s mouth gaped open, “What? How is that possible?”

  “It was last full moon, down by the river. I had a bit too much to drink. Felix left early after we argued about something stupid. This other guy came over. He was older, experienced. He was nice to me and I was drunk and upset…” She threw her hands over her face. “I’m so ashamed… I love Felix, please believe me Tore.” She was sobbing. “But this can’t be undone. I have to come with you.”

  “Who was it?” What male would do such a thing knowing she was promised to Felix?

  Nea shook her head, “It’s of no consequence. Telling you his name won’t remove my shame.”

  “Speak to Felix, maybe he can forgive you or go to the other guy, tell him to stand up to his responsibilities.” Tore didn’t know what else to suggest.

  Nea was his friend but so was Felix. It would tear Felix apart knowing what she’d done, but Nea had to think of her future and the well being of the pup. If Felix couldn’t claim it, then the other guy needed to.

  Nea wept, “It’s not possible. He has other responsibilities.”

  Other responsibilities? Did she mean the guy already had a mate? What a mess. His father would crucify them. Her only way out was with Felix. There was no way she could go through a pregnancy unmated. It had never happened, ever. Tore looked at Nea. What she’d done was beyond forgiveness but he was fond of her and Annike loved her like a sister.

  “There’s no choice. I have to go with you,” Nea hung her head.

  Annike looked at Tore with tears in her eyes. She wanted him to help her friend.

  Damn, why does this have to be my call?

  It was getting light. They were out of time, they had to leave before the commune began to wake.

  “Okay.” Tore regretted his decision before the words left his mouth.


  They made their way to the main road. Annike’s heart pounded as realization sank in. This was it. They were no longer part of the clan.

  Tore’s hand tightened around hers. “Are you sure about this Annike? There is still time for you and Nea to go back. Neither of you have to leave with me. I’ll understand.”

  How could she not be certain? Life without him was unthinkable, “I love you, Tore.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I love you too, Annike.”

  Nea pushed passed them. “Oh please! You two had better not be this mushy all the time.”

  Tore rolled his eyes and called after her. “I hope you’re not going to be this much of a pain in the ass all the time either, Nea. You can always go back, you know.”

  “No, I can’t,” Nea’s eyes filled up and she walked on ahead.

  Tore ran to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “I’m sorry. You’re right. There is nothing back there for any of us.”

  She gave him a halfhearted smile and shrugged. “Come on then, let’s not waste anymore time.”

  They reached the edge of the woods and slipped through the trees.

  “From here, we’ll shift. Our wolves will cover the ground faster and easier. Once we reach town, then we’ll use our human forms again to blend in.”

  Annike gulped. Could they pass for humans?

  “We need to put as much distance between us and the clan before nightfall,” Tore said.

  She removed the small drawstring bag from her back. The warm May sun had allowed them to wear simple, light clothing. Tore stripped off his tee, athletic shorts and flip-flops and placed them in the bag. He shifted and turned his back to give the girls privacy. They slipped out of their light cotton dresses and ballet flats. Once she slid the clothes into the bag, Annike drew the drawstring tight and gave it to Tore.

  Taking steadying breaths, the girls shifted.

  Although blonde as a human, Annike’s fur was a rich chestnut. Nea, several shades darker than her, had a long coat with a thick ruff. She was small compared to her friend, not much larger than an Alsatian.

  They travelled east, out of Yellowstone Park towards Cody. As they got closer to town, Annike’s stomach churned. Growing up, she’d only had limited contact with humans. The men from the clan often sold their furs and meat to the townspeople, and the boys attended the local high school. But the women and girls rarely left the commune; they went to the clan school run by Nea’s mom. Isak didn’t think it was safe for females to be around human men.

  Rumors were rife amongst the girls. Exaggerated stories about men and how they treated their women circulated the clan. The boys added credence with their wild tales about promiscuous human girls. They bragged about their conquests. If what they said was true, humans had no morals.

  As they reached the city limits, Nea eyed the road into town. Are we going to stay in Cody?

  No. I’m aiming for Thermopolis. It’s too close her
e, Isak will check Cody first. We won’t be safe. Tore trotted down the side of the road. The girls falling into pace by his side.

  How far is that? Annike had never heard of the place.

  About eighty miles. The girl’s faces dropped. Even in their wolf forms, that was two days travel.

  O..okay. So from Cody, we head north to this town and then up through Wyoming and Montana? Annike tried to envisage the route through the northern Rockies.

  No, Thermopolis is southeast. Erik will expect us to go through Yellowstone and follow the mountain range. But we’re going east to Nebraska.

  Are you sure that’s wise? Wouldn’t we be safer in the mountains? We know the territory there.

  Tore shook his head. He didn’t dare stick to the Rockies. If he did, the clan would find them in days. It would be better if they moved out of wolf territory. No one in the clan would expect them to do that. We need as much distance between us and the commune, as possible. But Dad will expect us to keep to what we know best, if we go cross-country it buys us a few days, maybe a week. By the time anyone figures out we left Yellowstone, we’ll be long gone. We can worry about where we settle, after we lose the clan.

  But how will we travel so far in one day, Tore? Nea looked like she might cry.

  When we get to the other side of Cody, we’ll hitch a ride on the I-20, Tore said.

  Is that safe?

  Yeah, I’ve done it loads of times.

  Swallowing their nerves the girls fell silent. Taking their lead from Tore they followed him along the side of the road. They didn’t dare dawdle, time was of the essence. Tore was right, the further they could get from the clan the better.


  After leaving nearby Cody, they hitched a lift on the back of a truck. The driver took them fifty miles to the intersection with the 431. It was more than they’d expected, and their progress gave them renewed energy for their journey.


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