The Wolf You Feed Arc

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The Wolf You Feed Arc Page 10

by Angela Stevens

  “Beats me! Though it would be better if he took the medicine.” David said.

  Erik nodded. “Think you need to make up a stronger batch.” He stubbed out his half smoked cigarette.

  “How strong?” A silent agreement passed between them. “Okay, I’ll make up the final dose, but you’ll have to make sure he takes it.”

  “Get it to me before he sees Tore tomorrow. I have a bad feeling about him seeing my baby brother. Father’s gone soft in his old age, I don’t want to risk him pardoning Tore.”

  David stubbed out his own cigarette. “I’ll have Marc and Luca ready to follow your brother if that happens. Tore won’t get far. As soon as your father breathes his last breath, we’ll have him back.” David strode back to the commune, leaving Erik looking out over the fields.


  The no-longer familiar noises of everyday clan life woke Tore at dawn. Stiff and sore, he’d struggled to sleep during the night. He found himself jolted awake by every sound, felt eyes watching him from all around the commune. Tore had forgotten how isolated the compound was. The inky blackness and the remote location had once comforted his Lycan nature, but now they only emphasized the hopelessness of his situation.

  A cabin door opened and a group of people spilled outside. Tore squinted through the shadows, glad that his wolf had little trouble seeing in this half-light. Moments later, his friends emerged. A clan member had his hand curled around Nea’s bicep and another walked shoulder to shoulder with Felix. They made their way up the slope to Isak’s cave.

  Tore searched the watching crowd for Nea’s son. Relief washed over him when he spotted Nea’s mother, Emma, holding the tearful Rune in her arms. As the child’s distress grew, Emma walked towards Tore. Luca stepped in front of her, placing his hand to her shoulder. A private in-head conversation took place. Emma shook him off. She glared at the man as the silent argument continued. Eventually, he stepped back and she moved towards Tore.

  She placed Rune on the floor by the cage. As soon as he saw his dad, he stopped crying and started chattering. Tore struggled to touch Rune’s tiny hands, his bindings limiting his movement. Emma called to the guard. As Rune began to cry again, the guard agreed to remove them.

  Pins and needles rushed down Tore’s arms and into his fingers as he pulled them in front of him. Rubbing his muscles and clenching and unclenching his fists, he worked to get his circulation moving.

  Tore examined his captors. His eyes widened as he noticed the small revolver tucked into the waistband of one of the guard’s jeans. Jeez, since when did the clan have guns? Tooth and claw had been the only weapon allowed in the commune when he’d lived here. Even the hunting knives they owned were never used for anything other than gutting and skinning.

  The sight of the gun left him cold. His heart sank. What other changes had his father made? He glanced at the other guard. He also carried a weapon. Why did they think he was so dangerous? He’d never threatened the clan. In fact he’d only ever had that one stupid altercation with his brother. When he talked with his father, he hoped they could iron out this stupid misunderstanding.

  Tore forced himself to concentrate on his son. He held Rune through the bars. “Thanks, Emma.” He dropped his eyes, embarrassed. Nea’s mom had been his teacher when he was not much older than Rune.

  She placed her hand on his. “There’s no need to thank me, Tore. I should thank you. You took care of my little girl when she was in trouble, and from what she’s told me, you’ve been an amazing provider. You took on the responsibility of being Rune’s father and have been Nea’s protector and friend. Thank you for looking after her and for bringing her and my grandson back to us.”


  An hour later, Felix and Nea walked hand in hand back down the slope. Both their faces were strained and Nea’s was tearful. They picked their way down the path and walked towards his cage. Several clan members patted Felix on the shoulder. Nea held out her hand, and Rune scrambled to his feet.

  “Bye, Daddy,” his small voice happier now that he could see his mother. Rune waved his tiny hand before running back to her.

  She swept him up, crushing him to her chest as tears streamed down her face. Henrik stepped forwards and took the boy from her arms. He handed him back to Emma and escorted Nea and Felix away.

  Something wasn’t right.


  She looked over her shoulder at him. I’m sorry…

  Felix cut in, It’s not safe for us to talk to you.


  It was mid afternoon when they came for Tore. His hands were rebound, and he stumbled up the hill to Isak’s cave. The sight of his father lying on a cot shocked Tore to the core. Isak was unrecognizable as he struggled to sit up.

  Erik sat on a huge chair across from his father, his arms folded against his chest, a scowl on his face. Henrik and Georg flanked him. Tore sent out a panicked message to Annike, using their private frequency. She replied that she was safe. Erik raised an eyebrow. He knew. Tore cut the conversation short, not wanting him to tap into it.

  “Never thought you’d come back,” Isak said, his voice weak. “I warned you to stay away, you should have listened. You always thought you could get away with anything, Tore. Just because you were the baby, always wormed your way out of trouble playing the cute card.” Isak paused. He was having difficulty catching his breath.

  After a few minutes, he continued. “Nea told me she begged you to take her with you. She also told me you took on Rune, no questions asked. Takes a certain kind of man to step up and care for someone else’s illegitimate son.” Isak shook his head in disbelief. “Not sure if you’re noble or a fool!”

  Pity consumed Tore, he couldn’t look at his father. He was nothing more than a skeleton. Tore didn’t want to remember him like this.

  “I’ve spoken with Felix.” A violent coughing fit wracked Isak’s body. “He never got over Nea after you all left. Damn fool, wants to take her back. We’ve come to an agreement. Since David admits his indiscretion, I’ll be lenient. Nea can stay with us.”

  Tore looked up at his father, he waited to hear about Rune. As the silence drew out, he could wait no longer. “What about her son?”

  “Well, that’s the thing, there’s no way we can bring that boy into the clan. Felix isn’t his father. David’s mated, with young of his own and his mate is distraught as it is. Nea’s indiscretion could influence those transitioning. I have moral standards to uphold. I’ll have no illegitimate offspring in my clan. What Nea did was unforgivable. I’m sure you can understand that allowing her to keep Rune, would send the wrong message.”

  Tore bit his tongue. What Nea did? He noted that David was not apportioned any blame. “So what will you do with the child?” Did Tore want to know?

  “You take him.” Isak collapsed into another coughing fit as he spat out the words.

  Lydia wiped a damp cloth across his father’s brow. She hesitated and stole a furtive look at her son.

  Tore was stunned. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard right. Rune could go with him? Did that mean he was free also? Nea couldn’t have agreed to this? Tore looked over at his brother. Erik’s fangs protruded over his bottom lip, his eyes blackened with hatred as he snarled at Tore. Erik was not on board with Isak’s decision.

  “You mean I can leave? Take Rune with me and walk away?”

  Isak nodded. Raspy shallow breaths took away his ability to speak for a moment. “I was always weak where you were concerned. But listen up, Tore. I’m not gonna be around much longer. Erik and I don’t agree on this but, as I’m still drawing breath, my decision stands.”

  He nodded at the two guards who’d brought Tore in, and they stepped forwards and released his hands.

  “Get as far away from here as you can. Don’t come back again. Take the boy and leave before I change my mind.”

  Isak developed a coughing fit. Lydia lifted water to his mouth. She held the glass for Isak as he was unable to grip it by himself. Tore moved towards her, wanting
to help. Fear flashed across his mother’s face as Erik rose from his chair. “Get out of here.” He snarled. “If I’d had my way, you wouldn’t be leaving. You sealed your fate when you chose to run off with my mate and abandoned your obligations to this family.”

  Erik knelt besides Isak and took out a small flask from his pocket. He held it out to their mother. “Make sure Father takes his medicine.” He thrust the bottle at her.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Tore asked.

  “You still here? You need to have more regard for your own safety, little brother. Our father is dying and if he does, before you leave, I will revoke his orders.”

  Tore didn’t recognize what Erik had become. Even though they’d quarreled before Tore had left, he’d clung to the memories from his childhood. Erik had been a doting brother when Tore was small. But facing Erik now, there was no compassion, no sibling connection. The Erik that stood in front of Tore was cruel and vindictive. Realizing he was on borrowed time, Tore left. He jogged back to the commune and searched for Emma. The sooner he found Rune, the better. She was by the entrance, the boy clutched to her hip. He ran to her and grabbed his son. He held him tight in his arms shaking with relief. “Where’s Nea?”

  “It’s too dangerous for her to see you. She’s said goodbye to her son. She knows he’ll be safe with you. Forgive her. She has no choice. If Rune stays, they’ll kill him. If she tries to leave with him, they’ll kill both of them.”

  Holding the boy tight to his chest, Tore kissed Emma on the cheek. “I’ll take good care of him. I will raise him as my son and I’ll tell him about his mother everyday.”


  When Tore reached the rental cabin, Annike ran out and flung her arms around him. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Nea, Rune? Oh my goodness, what happened to your face?”

  He put his finger to her lips. “Rune’s in the car. I’ll explain the rest on the way. We need to go, now.”

  Annike, had expected trouble. She’d already packed. Within minutes of loading up the car, they were on the road heading towards Denver airport. Once there, they’d catch the next flight out. They couldn’t risk the regional airport that they had flown into. The next flight wasn’t due until tomorrow. Tore couldn’t trust his brother keeping to his father’s agreement. It would be better for them to get as far away from the commune as possible.


  Tore waited until they were just outside of Casper before he pulled over. The boys were exhausted and tearful. They shivered with cold and fright in the back. He hoped it was safe enough to stop and get a blanket from the trunk so they could sleep. The roads had been quiet and they’d made good progress. Tore waited for a black SUV to pass them before he climbed out of the car.

  On the way to the trunk, he looked around. By his calculations, they should be outside the clan’s exclusion zone. But Tore didn’t want to take any chances; he preferred to put as many miles as he could between himself and the commune. As he hunted for the blanket in the trunk, distant voices caught his attention. A few hundred yards from the road was a small rambler. Two people stood near a truck, parked at the front. Tore’s acute hearing picked out the voice of a woman and a man. He toyed with the idea of asking to use their phone. He wanted to ring Liam, let him know what had happened, ask him to organize air tickets from Denver.

  The couple noticed him watching and the man raised his hand. Tore waved back and closed the trunk. Dropping the blanket in the car, he walked towards their driveway. High beams danced along the road in front of him; their strong light dazzling him. A few seconds later, the same vehicle that had passed them a few moments ago, pulled up on the opposite side of the highway.

  A door slammed.

  Their scent hit Tore’s nostrils before he saw them. Panic rose in him as he saw his brothers and David cross the road towards him.

  “Time ran out, Tore. Father’s dead. You’re no longer free.” Erik yelled. The Lycans shifted to wolf and leapt through the air, overpowering Tore as he began his own transition. Two of them sank their teeth into his front legs, another lunged at his throat, while the fourth attacked his flank.

  Lock the doors, Annike!

  Tore’s only thought was to keep her and their children safe. Snarling, he snapped at anything he could reach. Lashing out, he tried to keep his attackers at bay. But four on one was poor odds. Within seconds, they’d pinned him to the ground. A frenzy took over as each of them ripped at his flesh. He squirmed and wriggled beneath them, trying to break free.

  Tore! Annike screamed, as the wolves took it in turns to lunge at her mate. She grappled with her seat belt, staring in horror as a blur of heads and necks twisted in front of her. She knelt up in her seat, struggling to see Tore, as the bodies rolled and writhed. Fur flew in all directions, and from out of the carnage Tore emerged, jaws opened wide, teeth snapping. Her heart raced, he was going to get free. Within seconds, he was overpowered once more. Reaching for the door handle, Annike watched in horror as sharp teeth ripped into Tore’s flesh and claws sliced through him. Her hands flew over her mouth. Blood poured from her mate, there was nothing Tore could do to protect himself.

  As Tore disappeared under the pile of bodies, a fifth wolf came from nowhere.

  Catching a glimpse of her chocolate brown coat, Tore yelled to his mate. No! Our boys, Annike. Help our boys, they need you. But it was too late. Annike had sunk her teeth into Erik and was hanging from his scruff. She pulled at the huge male, trying to peel him off her mate. Her small size, was no match for Erik. In seconds, he’d flung her to the ground. She writhed, yelping in pain, as she skidded across the blacktop. Before she could find her feet, Erik and Georg threw themselves on top of her.

  With each tear of her flesh, Tore’s heart broke. Rage and despair surged through his veins. He tried to get to Annike but their attackers were merciless, keeping them apart.

  Annike’s last conscious thought flashed into Tore’s head, I love you. Look after our sons.

  Her body went limp. Erik and Georg backed away, turning their attention back to Tore. His mauled body shivered as the icy fingers of death caressed him. Surrendering to his fate, he closed his eyes.

  So this was it. They would die together.

  A loud clap of thunder came from nowhere, echoing around the empty landscape. The sky lit up as forked lightning streaked across it. With a deafening crash, a fireball erupted on the asphalt nearby. The wolves leaped backwards. A shout came from somewhere and another lightning bolt struck the ground.

  If the Goddess has sent this, she is too late. Tore’s eyes closed. There was no hope.

  A third strike landed beside him, sending Erik and the others fleeing into the woods. Dazed and confused, Tore wondered why the lightning hadn’t hit Annike or himself.

  The storm continued to roil and a strange figure stood silhouetted against the sky. His arms outstretched, face towards the heavens as he chanted exotic words, in an ancient language. His arms moved as if he was orchestrating the storm itself. His long dark hair flowed out around him, dancing as if it was alive.

  Tore peeled his eyes from the ethereal figure and searched for his love. Annike lay twenty feet from him, slumped on the road, her blood seeping into the ground. Her body barely moved as she took shallow, halting breaths. Tore watched as she attempted to shift into her human form. Her face and torso almost made it. For a few seconds, Annike remained suspended in a partial transition before she lost control of her human form. Slipping back to wolf, Tore realized she was dead. A single howl escaped from his throat as he lamented his loss. Without Annike, he could never be whole again.

  Tore shifted to his human form and crawled across the bloodied ground to his mate. While the thunder crashed all around them and the lightning scarred the sky, he pushed his fingers into Annike’s fur. Laying his head on her chest, he waited for his own death.

  From out of the storm, a young woman appeared and knelt besides him. Her hair was as black as the night that surrounded them. Her features remained hidden as the
storm retreated. She laid her hand to his face. Her mouth opened and closed but his ears were deaf to her words.

  Was this an angel that had come to take him?

  Tore closed his eyes. He was ready. Death couldn’t come soon enough, for without Annike his heart was dead already, the Goddess might as well take his body too.


  At dawn, hushed whispers pulled Tore back to consciousness. A deep voice murmured strange phrases. A quiet female replied, “The pain must be excruciating, can’t you give him something else?”

  The male switched to English. “I need to go into town, speak with Oden and see what will help him. Will you be alright alone here?”

  “I’m not afraid, Father. Here, let me clean his wounds, you go. I can manage.” Tore pried his eyes open. The gray haired man handed a basin to a young woman. “Let me set this first. Hold him still.”

  The man lifted Tore’s arm, and the pain lanced through his shoulder, making him cry out. He tried to rise. Firm hands gently pushed and supported his head and chest, easing him back against the bed.

  A soft feminine voice called to him, “Hold still. We’re almost done. It’ll be more comfortable in a minute.” Tore tried to focus on her face. He blinked at the dark haired angel before him. He always believed that when he met the Goddess, he’d walk to her. Strong and healthy, irrespective of the way he’d died. It seemed wrong that he should take his earth bound pain with him to the next world.

  A warm hand smoothed hair from his eyes, and she calmed him with a smile. “Just one more...” Another surge of pain wracked Tore’s body and he blacked out.



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