Promising You (The Jade Series #4)

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Promising You (The Jade Series #4) Page 2

by Everhart, Allie

  “Are they doing something right now?” I stand up and try to balance on my good leg, unable to find my crutches. “If they hurt Lilly or Garret, I swear I’ll—”

  “No, his children won’t be harmed.” Arlin comes over, helping me back down on the couch and sitting beside me.

  “But you just said Mr. Kensington has to pay. And if you know he killed your son, then why aren’t you punishing him yourself?”

  “Pearce is an integral part of the organization and it’s not up to me to decide his punishment. That’s not how it works.” Arlin grips my hand, his eyes suddenly desperate and pleading. “But Jade, for my own piece of mind, please tell me what happened that day. I need to know what Royce did. Did Pearce really shoot my son to save you and Garret? I’ve only heard Pearce’s side of the story and I don’t know if I believe him. You’re the only one who knows the truth.”

  “Yes,” I say with conviction. Arlin softens his grip on my hand. “Royce came there to kill me. He said he had to get rid of me because I looked too much like Sadie and people would start putting the pieces together and find out what he’d done. He didn’t want me destroying his chance to be president.”

  “And he wasn’t just threatening you? He really had a gun?”

  “Yes. He pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger. I’d be dead if Garret hadn’t pushed me down. And Royce would’ve killed us both if Mr. Kensington hadn’t shot him.”

  Arlin pulls me into a hug and I immediately stiffen up. “I’m so sorry that happened. But thank you for telling me. I needed to know the truth.” He lets me go and I scoot farther back on the couch. “I wish Pearce had found a different way to stop Royce, but if someone pointed a gun at my child I’d do the same thing.” I feel his eyes on me as I keep mine fixed on the wall behind him. He sighs. “Jade. Would you please look at me?”

  My gaze returns to Arlin. He sits back a little, giving me some space.

  “I’m not a violent man and I don’t understand how my son ended up that way. His brother’s not that way. I didn’t raise either one of my boys to be like that. But Royce had issues. Once he got his mind set on something, he wouldn’t let anything stand in his way. This offer to run for president was the worst thing that could’ve happened to him. It consumed him. I wish they never would’ve chosen him.”

  “So your son was chosen to be president? By this secret organization?”

  Arlin looks down and fumbles with his tie. “When I said that Pearce and his family were safe I meant it, but Pearce will still pay for interfering like that.”

  Arlin has apparently decided to completely ignore my question.

  He continues. “The loss of my son isn’t a personal loss to the organization like it is for me, but it’s a loss of a great deal of time and effort from a group of very important people.”

  “What’s his punishment? Will they destroy his company?”

  “They could, but the punishment being discussed is bigger than that. There are rumblings that it involves Garret.”

  My pulse shoots up again when I hear Garret’s name. “You just said he was safe! Were you just lying to me so I’d sit here and listen to this?”

  “Calm down. They’re not going to harm him. In fact I shouldn’t call it a punishment. It’s more of a plan. A plan that involves Garret. His father doesn’t know about it and if he did, he would never approve of it. He never wanted his son involved in anything this group does. So if this plan indeed happens, it will serve as a punishment for Pearce. That’s all I can say.”

  “Are you kidding me? You can’t say something like that and not tell me more. What are their plans for Garret?”

  “I don’t know the details yet. I’ve only been in on a few discussions. I don’t even know if it’s been finalized.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He’ll never go along with whatever it is. And I won’t either. I’m dating him and we’re getting more serious. We’ve talked about being together in the future. Maybe even getting married someday.”

  Arlin takes a deep breath and lets it out. “That brings me to the other reason we needed to talk. You need to end things with Garret.”


  “Are you serious? You don’t even know me and now you’re telling me to end things with Garret?” I shake my head, annoyed. “Yeah, well, I know you rich people have these rules about only dating other rich people but Garret and I aren’t following your stupid rules. His dad has accepted that and so should you, or your group, or whoever else wants us to break up.”

  “This isn’t an option, Jade. And it’s not my rule. It’s their rule.”

  “Whoever these people are, they can all go to hell because I’m not breaking up with Garret.”

  He grips my arm. “Listen to me. This is serious. You’re getting caught in the middle of something very big and you need to get out before something happens.”

  “Caught in the middle of what?”

  “This plan involving Garret. You’re not a part of it and right now you’re considered an obstacle. And yes, it’s true that your background is the reason for that but you can’t—”

  “I’m half Sinclair. Shouldn’t that buy me some points with these people?”

  “They don’t know you’re half Sinclair. I told you, Royce somehow kept that a secret from everyone. The organization just thinks you’re an underprivileged young woman from Iowa.”

  “But Royce is gone now, so they shouldn’t care what he did. Just tell them I’m half Sinclair.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t. They’d be furious if they found out Royce lied. Members are supposed to disclose all information. Royce violated the rules and there are serious consequences for that. And since he’s no longer here, the organization would punish my son, William, or me.”

  “So I can’t date Garret because I’m poor?”

  “It’s more than that. Someone like Garret needs to be paired with someone who has had the proper upbringing. Gone to the right schools. Been immersed in this culture.”

  “Garret’s dad got over the issues he had with my background so obviously it’s possible.”

  “I know this is isn’t what you want to hear, but I’m telling you this for your own good. I know how these people work. I’m one of them, and even when I don’t approve of their techniques, I can’t stop them.”

  “Why are you part of this group if you don’t like what they do?”

  “I wasn’t given a choice. My father forced me to join just like he was forced to join. And once you’re a member you can’t get out.” He shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. The point is that you need to know what’s going to happen if you don’t end things with Garret.”

  I sigh, rolling my eyes. “So what’s going to happen?”

  “If and when this plan regarding Garret is approved and finalized, you will get a visit from someone. This person will tell you to break up with Garret and will offer you a large sum of money. If you refuse to do as you’re told, you will get another visit. These visits will continue, and as they do, they’ll become less cordial and more threatening. Eventually you’ll do as they say because you’ll have no choice. And to punish you for your earlier disobedience, they’ll destroy your future.”

  “How exactly would they do that?”

  “They’ll destroy your reputation. Get you kicked out of school. Make it so you’ll never get a decent job. All it takes is a few fake photos. A fake story in the media. They can even fake evidence that links you to a crime. You could end up in jail for a crime you didn’t commit. Even years later they can make sure an employer never hires you. Your life will be over, Jade. You’ll end up like—”

  He doesn’t say it, but he doesn’t have to. If this guy wanted to scare me he just did it. My biggest fear is turning out like my mother. It’s not like I’d be an alcoholic or addicted to pills. Royce is the reason she turned out like that. But she had nothing in life. No job. No hope. No future. I can’t live that way.

  “If you stay away from Garret, you’ll have a go
od life. You’re a very smart girl and you can do whatever you want if you get away from all this. And I can help you. I’ll send you to whatever college you’d like. I’ll pay for everything. After college, I’ll get you a place to live. Help you with whatever expenses you have.”

  For a moment he has me considering it. Then I come to my senses again. “No. I’m not leaving Moorhurst. And I’m definitely not leaving Garret. I don’t even know why I’m listening to you. I don’t even know you. Can I leave now? Garret’s going to wonder where I am.”

  “I suppose you should be getting back. But please think about what I said. I’m not a crazy old man. Everything I told you is true. If you have questions or would like to meet to discuss this more, please call me.” He gets up and pulls a business card from his pocket. “Here’s my number. When you dial it, you’ll be asked to input a security code. Everyone who calls me has a unique code.” He smiles and again, it’s a warm, kind smile which confuses me because I still don’t trust this guy. “The code I’ve assigned to you is 1008. Your birthday. I’m sorry I missed it for so many years, but I hope we can celebrate it together in the future.”

  He seems really sincere and I’m starting to think that maybe he’s not so bad after all. But that doesn’t mean I want to see him again. I don’t want a relationship with him or any other Sinclair. “Does anyone else in your family know about me?”

  “My wife does. She’s the only one. We should probably keep it that way for now. Grace wanted to come meet you today, but I told her I needed to talk to you first. But if you agree to it, she would love to meet you. You have her eyes, you know. You both have the same jade green eyes.”

  I give him a half smile as I scan the room. “Do you have my crutches somewhere?”

  “Oh, yes.” He gets my coat from a hook on the wall and hands it to me. As I put it on, he goes behind his desk and brings the crutches over. “Do you need some help?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I use the crutches to make my way to the door. I’m surprised to find it isn’t locked. It opens to a long, empty hallway. I search for the security guys but they aren’t there. Arlin leads me outside to where a car is waiting.

  “Goodbye, Jade.” Arlin pats my back. “I hope to see you again soon. Please call if you need anything.”

  I say I will, even though I have no plans to ever call him. Or see him. He seems like a nice old man and he is my grandfather, but none of that matters. His son destroyed my mom’s life and mine. And telling me to break up with Garret certainly didn’t win the old man any points.

  As the driver takes off, I try to assess where we’re at. It looks like the back of a strip mall. When the driver turns around the side of the building, we pass the drive-thru for The Burger Hut, a place that Garret and I sometimes go to eat. What is a rich guy like Sinclair doing with an office in a strip mall next to The Burger Hut?

  I get my phone out to call Garret but there’s no signal, which is odd because I always have a signal here. The driver sees me holding the phone in the air.

  “The signal is disabled in the car,” he says.

  Arlin didn’t want me using the phone? But why? It’s another reason I shouldn’t trust him. None of what he said made sense. He belongs to a secret society? The same one Garret’s dad belongs to? I guess it’s possible, but I still don’t know what they do. Help rich people run for office? Keep people like me from marrying people like Garret?

  The driver parks in front of my dorm, helps me out of the car, hands me my backpack, then drives away.

  My phone immediately starts ringing. It’s Garret. I’ve been gone for hours and he’s probably been calling nonstop.

  “Garret, I’m—”

  “Jade, where the hell have you been? Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Actually I’m not fine. I’m feeling really dizzy all of a sudden. Stress must make the concussion worse, like the doctor said. And I’ve been under a lot of stress the past few hours.

  “Where are you?” Garret asks.

  “I’m just outside our dorm. Are you in your room? Because I could use some help down here.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right down.” When he meets me there seconds later, I’m leaning against the building so I don’t pass out. “What happened? Is it your head?”

  “I feel kind of dizzy. I just need help with my bag.”

  “Something’s wrong. I’m taking you to the doctor. Can you make it to the car?”

  “I just saw the doctor. I’m fine. I just need to sit down.”

  “You saw Cunningham? That’s where you were? How did you get there?”

  “It’s a long story. Let’s go inside.”

  We go to my room and he helps me to the bed, sitting right beside me. He looks so worried. Nobody’s ever looked that worried for me. Frank and Ryan worry about me, but not the same way Garret does.

  He fastens his arm around me and kisses my forehead. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go to class.”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m feeling a little better now.”

  “Dr. Cunningham called me earlier and said you’re not supposed to go to class for the next few days. He knows you won’t listen to him, so he called me to make sure you take some days off to rest. But he didn’t mention you being at his office. Did you take a cab there? And why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  He gets an even more worried look on his face. “What is it?”

  “After class today a man approached me outside of the Student Services building. It was the same man who bumped into me at Rockefeller Center. And I was right. He is connected to Sinclair.”

  “Are you joking here because this isn’t funny.”

  “No. I’m serious. He had these men with him and I thought for sure he was there to kill me and then I passed out.”

  “Jade! What the hell? Why didn’t you—”

  “Just let me finish. I woke up at an office and Dr. Cunningham was there. He said I’m okay so you don’t need to worry. Anyway the old man came into the room and said he wanted to talk to me.”

  “Who is this guy?”

  “Arlin Sinclair. He said he’s my grandfather.”

  Garret looks surprised and a little confused and then it suddenly hits me. “Do you know this man? Your family is friends with the Sinclair family and you dated Sadie, so I guess it’s possible.”

  “Yeah, I know him. He’s been to my house a few times. So that’s who bumped into you in New York? I don’t get it. How did he know about you? Does he know what Royce did to your mom?”

  “He claims Royce told him it wasn’t a rape and that my mom just made up that story to get money from him. Arlin said he didn’t know anything about me until just recently. I don’t know if I should believe him. Do you know anything about this guy?”

  “He’s retired. Does a lot of charity work. When I dated Sadie, she said he spends a lot of time with his grandkids. Takes them each on a trip every year.”

  “So do you think he was telling me the truth?”

  “I really don’t know him that well but my dad does.” Garret gets his phone out. “I’ll call him. We should tell him about this. I don’t like Arlin just showing up like that.” He starts to call his dad but I stop him.

  “Wait. Let me tell you what else he said.”

  I start from the beginning and tell Garret what Arlin said about this secret organization and his dad’s involvement in it.

  “Do you know if any of this is true?” I ask him when I’m done.

  “It’s true that my dad is involved in some kind of secret organization, but I don’t know much about it. I only know it exists because a few years ago I heard him talking about it with my grandfather. When I asked my dad about it, he admitted he’s a member but he wouldn’t tell me anything else.”

  “I think they do stuff to get people elected. Like maybe rig elections to get whoever they want in office. Like Royce.”

  “There’s no way my dad or
this group could pull that off, even if they wanted to.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. If you heard Arlin today and saw the way he looked when he talked about it, you’d know something strange is going on there.”

  “Did Arlin come out and say they were rigging elections?”

  “No, but he acted like the organization had spent years getting Royce set up to be the next president. Something about him being chosen. And then your dad ruined their plans.”

  “So Arlin knows my dad killed Royce?”

  “The whole organization does. They helped him cover it up.”

  “Then why haven’t they done anything to him? Why hasn’t Arlin done anything to him?”

  “Arlin said it isn’t up to him to punish your dad. It’s up to the entire organization. He said they’re definitely going to punish your dad for what he did to Royce but that they wouldn’t harm you or Lilly.”

  “So what are they going to do? Does he know?”

  “He said they have plans. For you.”

  “Me? Like what kind of plans?”

  I scoot back on the bed and lean against the wall. “I don’t know. Apparently they aren’t final yet. He just said they have plans for you. And for me if I don’t cooperate.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “You should really talk to your dad. I need to know if any of this is true.”

  “Jade. You’re not telling me something. What is it?”

  “He said if this plan they have for you gets finalized, I have to break up with you or they’ll ruin my future. They’ll get me kicked out of school and they’ll destroy my reputation so I can never get a job.”

  “Okay, I’ve had enough of this asshole.” Garret gets up and puts his coat on. “Where did Arlin take you? I need to go see if he’s still there and have a little chat with him, man to man. Straighten this thing out.”

  “No, don’t. Just talk to your dad.”


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