Fairy in Danger

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Fairy in Danger Page 1

by Titania Woods


  To the Fairy Protection Squad,

  with love and thanks



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8



  Chapter One

  Hurrah, we’re back at Glitterwings Academy! Twink Flutterby smiled as she and her little sister Teena landed on the green, grassy lawn.

  The giant oak tree that housed their school towered above them. The grand double doors at its base stood open, and arched windows spiralled up its trunk, sparkling brightly in the sunshine. Everywhere Twink looked, there were returning fairies. They swooped about calling to each other, or flew in and out of the school in a busy stream.

  Twink sighed contentedly as she put down her oak-leaf bag. ‘Glitterwings is so pretty in the summertime,’ she said.

  Teena laughed. ‘You sound just like Mum!’

  Twink grinned as she realised her little sister was right. Their mother had also gone to Glitterwings as a young fairy, and was always exclaiming over its beauty in every season.

  ‘Well, it is, though,’ insisted Twink. ‘Look how green its leaves are!’

  ‘You look – I’m going to go and find Zuzu,’ said Teena, referring to her best friend. ‘See you later, Twink!’ She sped off towards the second-year section, her long pink hair and lavender wings looking very like Twink’s own.

  Twink stood where she was for a moment, still gazing upwards. Suddenly her violet eyes widened. What was that? There had been a flash of light at the top of the school, like a wink of fire!

  Wings fluttering, Twink lifted up from the ground. She could just make out a slender branch growing right at the tree’s peak. The light she’d seen was a window, catching the sun.

  Twink stared at it in surprise. She’d been going to Glitterwings for over three years now, and she’d never known that there were any branches with windows that high up! What was the little branch used for?

  ‘Twink!’ cried a voice. With a flurry of gold and silver wings, her best friend Bimi Bluebell came fluttering up, skimming over the grass.

  Twink forgot all about the strange branch as she and Bimi hugged. ‘It’s so good to see you!’ she cried.

  ‘I know, it’s been ages,’ said Bimi happily. ‘Come on, let’s go and check in with Miss Petal. Then we can fly up to Bluebell Branch and grab our beds.’ Their branch this year had the same name as Bimi’s surname, which caused a lot of good-natured teasing for her!

  Soon the two friends were swooping through the double doors into their school. Glitterwings rose above them like a tall, golden tower. Fairies fluttered in and out of its branches for as high as the eye could see.

  Twink and Bimi flew upwards, passing sleeping branches and empty classrooms. Remembering the funny little branch she’d seen, Twink described it to Bimi. ‘Isn’t that strange?’ she said when she’d finished. ‘What do you think is up there?’

  Bimi shook her head. ‘I don’t think there are any branches with windows that high up,’ she said, banking to avoid a cluster of second-year students. ‘Are you sure, Twink? Maybe the sun was in your eyes.’

  ‘Maybe,’ said Twink doubtfully. She had certainly thought she’d seen a window, but she supposed she could have been wrong. It seemed very odd, though.

  The two fairies landed on the ledge of Bluebell Branch. Pushing open the door, Twink smiled to see their familiar home. Bluebell Branch was like a little tower, growing straight up and down with two loft spaces encircling its walls. A bright cluster of bluebells dangled from its ceiling, like a chandelier made of flowers.

  Some of the other fairies had already arrived, and a chorus of hellos greeted them. ‘Opposite! You and Bimi can join us up here; we’ve got two beds left!’ called a voice from the upper loft. Glancing up, Twink saw Sooze and Sili waving at them.

  Twink and Bimi grinned at each other. It would be lovely to have beds on the top level for a change – and without the snooty Mariella, who had been up there last term!

  They fluttered quickly upwards. Sooze flung herself at Twink in a hug. ‘Hello, Opposite!’ she said cheerfully. It had been her nickname for Twink since their very first term together, because her lavender hair and pink wings were the exact opposite of Twink’s.

  ‘Hi, Sooze!’ said Twink, returning the hug.

  ‘Isn’t it glimmery up here?’ said Sili, bouncing on her bed. She was an excitable fairy with silver hair and a breathless way of talking. ‘I bet we have loads of fun this term!’

  Bimi and Twink took two beds side by side, with a large window between them. Placing her favourite drawing of her family on her bedside mushroom, Twink looked around her with a contented sigh. Pretty clusters of bluebells hung over their mossy beds, and a soft carpet of lighter moss lay underfoot. Oh, it was lovely to be back!

  ‘I can hardly wait for tomorrow,’ said Sooze. ‘I’ve got a great idea for my bluebell dress!’ Putting a hand behind her head, she waggled her hips with a grin.

  Twink and Bimi laughed. Fourth-year fairies were allowed to make their own flower uniforms with fairy dust – and last term Sooze had horrified Mrs Hover, the matron, with a flouncy skirt and feathery boa! ‘What is it this time?’ asked Twink eagerly.

  But Sooze shook her head. ‘It’s a secret – you’ll just have to wait and see!’

  Once everyone had unpacked, it was time for the opening session in the Great Branch. The breeze rustled through Twink’s lavender wings as she glided with the other Bluebell fairies down the trunk, joining long lines of fairies from other branches and year groups.

  The Great Branch was the largest branch in the school. It had shining wooden floors and was filled with long rows of mossy tables, each with a different flower hanging over it. Sunlight dazzled through its windows, making the Branch look like a glorious garden.

  Twink folded her wings behind her back as she and her friends settled at the Bluebell table. She spotted Teena sitting with the Daisy Branch fairies, and the two sisters exchanged a friendly smile.

  Once all the students had gathered, Miss Shimmery took to the air at the front of the Branch, hovering above them. ‘Welcome back!’ she said in her low voice. Her rainbow wings gleamed in the sunlight. ‘I’ve just a few announcements . . .’

  As the HeadFairy gave her usual talk, Twink gazed out of the window, wondering again about the strange branch she’d seen. Despite what Bimi had said, she didn’t think she’d been mistaken. What could the little branch be used for, so high up? It would be much too small for a classroom or dorm.

  Suddenly Twink’s pointed ears perked up as Miss Shimmery said, ‘Finally, we’re going to do a special project this term. I’d like each student to find out something about Glitterwings that she never knew before, and write a report on it. The most interesting reports in each year will win prizes.’

  A special project – how glimmery! The Branch erupted into excited murmurs. With a smile, Miss Shimmery raised her arms. ‘Now then, I think it’s time to eat. Butterflies commence!’

  As the HeadFairy drifted back down to the platform, the doors to the Great Branch swung open. A bright stream of butterflies floated in, each carrying a tray of seed cakes or an acorn pitcher of fresh dew.

  The Bluebell Branch fairies burst into conversation. ‘The project sounds like fun, doesn’t it?’ said Ivy. She had light green curly hair, and was very artistic.

ki, her best friend, nodded. ‘I think I’ll research what sort of uniforms the students wore when Glitterwings was first founded,’ she said.

  ‘Ooh, yes!’ said Ivy. ‘We could even make models of them!’

  Mariella sniffed. ‘Well, I think we have enough on at the moment, without doing special projects, too,’ she said, flipping back her silvery-green hair. ‘After all, we’ve got our Sapling Exams coming up this year. It’s not very considerate of Miss Shimmery to –’

  ‘Oh hush, Mosquito Nose,’ said Sooze cheerfully. She helped herself to a seed cake. ‘It won’t hurt you to stretch your brain a bit. Who knows, it might enjoy the exercise!’

  Pix, the cleverest fairy in their branch, tapped her yellow wings together. ‘There must be loads that nobody knows about Glitterwings,’ she mused. ‘It’s such a large school, and so old! I’ll have to go to the library tomorrow and do some research.’ Her eyes sparkled at the thought.

  Sili shook her head. ‘Pix, it’s not supposed to be something that nobody knows about Glitterwings – just something that you don’t know.’

  Pix looked surprised. ‘What’s the fun of that? I want to have the best report of all!’

  ‘We’ll see about that,’ sang Ivy with a pointed smile. Pix pulled a face at her, and everyone laughed. The clever fairy loved earning the highest marks in their year, and often did – unless Ivy’s twin sister Jade beat her!

  Bimi leaned her head close to Twink’s. ‘You should do a report on your mystery branch,’ she whispered. ‘If it really exists, that is.’

  Twink smiled as she drizzled honey over her seed cake . . . and then thought that, actually, that wasn’t a bad idea at all!

  The next morning a pile of fresh bluebell blossoms was left on the Bluebell Branch ledge by one of the school birds. Kiki brought them in with a smile. ‘Flowers, everyone!’ she called.

  Still wearing her dandelion-fluff dressing gown, Twink fluttered down to the main level with the others. ‘Ooh, these are pretty ones,’ said Bimi, picking up a blossom. ‘Look, Twink, here’s a nice dark one to go with my hair.’

  ‘Glimmery!’ said Twink, choosing one of her own. Taking a bit of fairy dust from the pouch at her hip, she thought for a moment, imagining the dress she wanted. Then she sprinkled it over the flower in a flurry of pink and gold.

  Pfff! The blossom changed into a pretty blue dress with short, tight sleeves, a plain bodice, and a skirt made of tiny bluebell flowers.

  Twink changed into her new outfit, admiring herself in the mirror that hung on the wall. She was so glad to be a Fourth Year, and able to make her own dress each term. It was much more satisfying than having Mrs Hover do it for her!

  All around Twink, there were similar flashes of pink and gold as the other fairies made their uniforms, too. ‘What do you think?’ said Bimi, pressing next to Twink in the mirror. Her dress was very like Twink’s, except that the sleeves were a bit longer.

  ‘Lovely!’ Twink assured her. ‘It really suits –’ She broke off as Sooze’s voice echoed loudly through the branch.

  ‘Ta-daaa!’ cried the lavender-haired fairy, drifting down from the top level with her arms out. ‘What do you think of my creation, everyone?’ Landing, she struck a pose with a flourish.

  ‘Sooze!’ squealed Mariella. ‘You can’t wear that!’

  ‘Why not?’ said Sooze innocently, as the rest of the branch howled with laughter. ‘Don’t you like it?’

  ‘It’s very you, Sooze,’ said Pix finally, between guffaws.

  Giggling helplessly, Twink thought that that was a very tactful way of putting it! Sooze’s new outfit had a bikini top, and a bluebell skirt that was short at the front and long at the back. Around her head was a headband with a long feather in it, and there were frilly armbands just above each elbow.

  ‘Well, I think it’s glimmery,’ said Sooze. She tottered over to the mirror on high heels, with her skirt swishing behind her. ‘Look, everyone, it’s even got sequins!’

  ‘Not for long, it hasn’t,’ said Mrs Hover grimly. The Bluebell Branch fairies jumped. None of them had noticed the matron’s arrival, but now she stood just inside their doorway, shaking her head.

  ‘Honestly, I have to watch you like a cat,’ she scolded Sooze, fluttering over and snatching the headband off her head. ‘Now, go and change that horror into a proper dress!’

  ‘Oh, Hovey, can’t I just wear it to breakfast?’ pleaded Sooze. ‘Please? I’d love to see everyone’s faces!’

  ‘Away with you, you shameless thing,’ ordered Mrs Hover, giving Sooze a light push between her wings. She shook her head with a smile as Sooze flapped off to the top level again.

  ‘Right, I’ve got your timetables, my dears,’ she announced, holding up a sheaf of rose petals. The fairies crowded around her as she passed them out.

  Twink scanned the pink petal with her name on it eagerly. Star Magic II, Advanced Creature Kindness II, Advanced Flower Power II . . . her classes were just the same as last term. And, as she’d hoped, she had a free hour after her Advanced Creature Kindness lesson.

  That’s when I’ll go looking for the little branch, decided Twink. Her wings tingled with excitement at the thought. What would she find up there?


  Chapter Two

  Twink’s lessons that day seemed to drag past, until finally it was time for Creature Kindness. Though this was usually Twink’s favourite class, today she could hardly wait for it to be over, so that she could begin looking for the strange branch.

  ‘Now, ah . . . when dealing with larger mammals, it’s essential to, ah . . . gain their trust,’ mumbled Mr Woodleaf.

  Twink held back a smile. As usual, Mr Woodleaf seemed terrified of his students!

  He cleared his throat. ‘I’ll just, ah . . . get a patient, and show you what I mean.’

  The girls glanced at each other curiously as Mr Woodleaf flitted off behind the Creature Kindness log. Twink had been as surprised as the others to learn that their Creature Kindness lesson was taking place outside that day – but she suddenly understood why when Mr Woodleaf reappeared from behind the log, leading a badger!

  A startled gasp ran through the class. Badgers had a reputation for being fierce. They were certainly large – this one was easily ten times the size of a fairy. The black and grey creature glared at them with red-rimmed eyes.

  Twink swallowed uneasily . . . and then felt a pang of sympathy as she saw that the badger had an injured paw. The poor thing! No wonder it was cross.

  ‘You see, he’s quite nervous,’ said Mr Woodleaf, reaching up and stroking the badger’s grey neck. ‘So before we can help him, we need to, ah . . . calm him down. Does anyone know how?’

  Pix raised her hand. ‘Shall we sing to him?’ she suggested. Several girls nodded in agreement. Fairy song was magical, and many creatures found it soothing. It was used for healing sometimes, too.

  But Mr Woodleaf shook his head. ‘No, badgers hate singing, I’m afraid! Think, girls . . . what do badgers like best of all?’

  Twink’s pink eyebrows drew together as she tried to recall everything that she knew about the striped mammals. They usually came out at night . . . they liked to eat all different sorts of things . . .

  Suddenly Bimi’s hand flew up. ‘I know!’ she cried, fluttering her wings. ‘They like being in their setts, don’t they?’

  Mr Woodleaf beamed, and seemed to forget his nervousness. ‘Exactly!’ he cried. ‘Badgers love being in their underground homes, which are called setts. Well done, Bimi.’

  Twink felt a rush of pride as she and Bimi smiled at each other. Her best friend had worked very hard to get into this advanced class, and now she did just as well as any of them.

  ‘So to calm him down, we need to make him think that that’s exactly where he is,’ continued Mr Woodleaf, patting the badger’s chest.
‘Who’s good at casting glamours?’

  Glamours were a special kind of spell that made you see things that weren’t really there. ‘That would be you, Mosquito Nose!’ said Sooze, nudging the pointy-faced fairy with a grin.

  Mariella’s cheeks turned pink with pleasure as she stepped forward. It was true, thought Twink. Though lazy at most of her studies, Mariella was brilliant at Star Magic, the art of illusion. She could cast the most convincing glamours of any of them!

  Murmuring to herself and moving her hands about, Mariella quickly cast the spell. All at once everything went dark as the sunny glade seemed to turn into a snug underground hole. Peering around her, Twink’s eyes widened in admiration. Mariella had even thought to put roots in place, and the rich scent of the earth!

  Though all of the fairies could see through the glamour, the badger blinked in surprise to find himself suddenly transported underground. Sniffing deeply at the clammy air, he stretched out on the ground with a happy sigh.

  ‘Good work!’ said Mr Woodleaf. ‘Now we can tend to his paw.’

  By the end of the lesson the badger was snoozing peacefully, his hurt paw neatly bandaged. Twink smiled in satisfaction as she and the other students fluttered back to school.

  ‘Are you going to try and find your mystery branch now?’ asked Bimi.

  Twink nodded. ‘Definitely!’ She looked towards the top of the tree, trying to remember exactly where she had seen the strange branch. But though she saw lots of leaves, and even a bird’s nest or two, she couldn’t spot the little window.

  ‘Well, I don’t think it’s there, but good luck anyway,’ laughed Bimi as they swooped into the school. ‘If you don’t find it, then come and join me in the library.’

  ‘All right,’ agreed Twink, adjusting her petal bag over her shoulder. ‘But you’ll see, Bimi – there is something up there, I just know it!’

  Saying goodbye, she took off, spiralling further and further up the tree. The number of fairies dwindled, until at last she was the only one flying so high. She felt a thrill of excitement as she passed the entrance to the star-gazing platform. This was as far up the tree as she’d ever gone!


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