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Mackenzie McKade

Page 13

by Black Widow (lit)

  The frustration on Tammy’s face made her appear tired, her skin pale as she released Martin and turned into Roark’s embrace. Her body was strung tighter then a piano string

  “I think she’s had enough excitement for one night. Put her to bed, Roark.” Martin pivoted to address Donne. “I’m assuming that she can’t be exposed to daylight?”

  Donne nodded.

  “I’ll oversee the protection of your home, Roark,” Martin offered.

  “Perhaps the caves would be safer,” Stephen recommended.

  There were a series of mountain ranges with tunnels and caves that many of lycanthropes frequented. Some even chose to live there instead of the small town just northwest of Heber that Roark had settled. Timberland was a secluded area surrounded by state land on three sides, a private lake on the fourth. Four-wheel drives were necessary just to reach the backwoods. Only a few forest rangers ever passed through and that’s how Roark liked it.

  “Thank you, Martin and Stephen. We’ll stay here tonight.” Roark glanced over at Donne, who nodded his agreement.

  Manny quickly stood. “Would you like me to remain behind and drive you?” The eagerness in his gaze as it landed on Tammy made Roark uneasy. Of course, Tammy was hard to resist, especially dressed the way she was.

  Roark pulled her closer wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She glanced up at him, confusion in her eyes. He smiled trying to reassure her that all was okay. “No. Just leave me a vehicle.” He gave her a little squeeze. “Come on, baby, let me put you to bed.”

  Donne reached out and placed his hand on Roark’s shoulder. “If any of your people wish to stay over, I’ll ensure accommodations are made for them.”

  “Thank you, but as you know we have several homes around the valley that will suffice.” Roark might like to live in the backwoods, but he was a business man. They had several financial ventures that made it necessary to frequent the city on more occasions then he would like. As Roark and Tammy moved to the door, Stephen, Manny, and Franc fell into place behind them.

  Stephen positioned himself next to Roark. “I’d feel better if you allowed us to stay, and escort you and the queen home tomorrow.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but I need you to get the feel of the pack. Martin’s support has helped our cause, but Layton and some of the others still concern me.” Without speaking further, they strolled through the hall and stopped before the bookshelf where the hidden entrance to the chambers, which lay below. “Ensure that the events of the evening are accurately relayed to those of our people not in attendance. Double check the arrangements Martin supervises. Your queen’s safety should be your first priority.”

  “Your safety should be at the foremost,” Franc corrected quietly, but firmly.

  Roark’s grumble of displeasure received an unexpected whack from Tammy’s right palm against his chest. His eyes, as well as the others in attendance, widened in surprise.

  “Don’t growl at him. He’s right.” Tammy raised a brow, daring him to oppose her. It seemed his mate still had some fight in her. Stephen coughed behind his hand, looking at his brother, while Manny didn’t even try to hide his chuckle.

  “Baby, you are undermining my authority.” Roark slid the surly words from the corner of his mouth. In his mind’s-eye he heard Donne laughing. “Damn vampire. I could use a little help here.”

  “Lanier, we might as well admit who wears the pants in our triad family. Good night, my pet. I have business to attend to before I can join you.”

  Roark didn’t like the sound of that. “Is everything okay?”

  “Just a few people needing further clarification as to what our relationship means to the masses. Nothing I can’t handle. Sleep well, you two.”

  “Donne?” But Donne had closed down their connection. Roark didn’t like that fact either.

  Stephen must have sensed his unease. “I still think it would be wise for one of use to stay with you.”

  Roark admired the three men who had dedicated their lives to him. He hoped one day they would find mates of their own. Tammy looked up at him with such warmth he couldn’t help taking her mouth in a tender kiss. She was so pliable. He nudged her nose with his and pressed his lips to hers once more.

  Again, Stephen coughed behind his hand. “Roark?”

  Roark’s eyes never left Tammy’s. “I’ll ask Donne to arrange a room for you.”

  “No need to bother him.” There was a hint of laughter in Stephen’s tone. “All I need is a chair outside your bedroom.”

  “If that’s the case, make it two chairs,” Manny added gleefully.

  Tammy blushed the prettiest pink, burying her face into Roark’s shoulder. He couldn’t help the amusement that touched his mouth. “Ha-ha. Donne has already posted guards outside the room.”

  “Well, then it sounds like a great opportunity to get to know my new comrades better.” Stephen folded his arms over his barrel-chest striking a formidable pose. “Besides, they can’t guard you during the day and I can.”

  “Actually I discovered that they can move about during the day as long as they are shielded from the sun.” Couple that with their magic and the fact no one knew they had this capability, they could be a dangerous foe indeed.

  “Even more reason that one of us remain behind,” Franc stated, moving beside Stephen to mirror his brother.

  It was clear that Roark wasn’t going to win this battle. “All right, you win. But I need the others to prepare the pack for our arrival tomorrow night. Make it a celebration.”

  Tammy snapped her head up. “No—” The anxiety in her expression was hard to miss. “I mean… It isn’t appropriate. Martin will be taking his son home for burial. He needs time to grieve, time for his pain to heal. I’m afraid I’ll be a reminder to him of what he’s lost.”

  Roark cupped her face in his palms. “Baby, you have already helped to ease his sorrow. Martin has accepted you as his daughter, his only living relative. You carry his son’s blood, therefore his. Our children will be his grandchildren.”

  Something close to fear brightened her eyes. She swallowed hard, but remained silent. He was just about to ask what was wrong, when Franc interrupted. “We have a long drive. Manny and I should leave now.” He made a slight bow. “Welcome to the pack, my queen.”

  “Thank you,” Tammy murmured, forcing a smile.

  Manny reached for her hand, holding it to his chest. “It will be my pleasure to serve you.” He released her, making a bow toward Roark as he moved quickly to catch up with Franc. Stephen stood back, watching the scene unfold with interest.

  “Let’s go, Stephen.” Roark turned toward the bookshelf filled with ancient writings. He pushed and then pulled on one of the shelves as he had seen Donne do and the shelf sprang open, revealing the hidden passageway.

  Stephen glanced down the sparsely lit staircase. His brows rose. “Who would have thought? I’ll go first.” He moved past them cautiously, looking around with each step. Roark guided Tammy in front of him and they began to descend.

  “Shit.” Stephen glanced over his shoulder at Tammy. “Excuse me, my queen.” He quickly took in the maze of hallways at the bottom of the stairs and hesitated. Shadows bounced off the walls under the flickering candles that lined them. “This doesn’t look good. Damp. Cold. And a little spooky.”

  “Oh, you big coward.” Tammy pushed by him and started down one of the hallways.

  “Uhhh…Roark, your mate did not just call me a coward, did she?”

  Roark barely held back his laughter. In all the time he had known Stephen, he doubted anyone had ever called him a coward and lived. Yet, Tammy felt so comfortable around people that she tended to say just what she liked. For some reason that pleased him, he had never wanted a submissive mate, but one that could rule beside him.

  Roark moved past Stephen to catch up with Tammy. “Hey, if I have to take her sass so do you,” he tossed over his shoulder

  Stephen’s footsteps echoed down the hall. “Yeah, but I’m no
t bound to her.”

  Tammy had a wonderful sense of direction as she led them down one corridor and then another, stopping in front of their bedroom door. Down the hall a ways stood two of Donne’s guards. It concerned Roark that the previous guards from last night, Anton and Henri, were absent. They were Donne’s most trusted sentry. The two vampires he had never met nodded to Roark, releasing a slow hiss when Stephen came into view.

  Stephen wiggled his fingers in their direction and their dour expressions deepened. “Looks like fun.” He turned the doorknob and opened it to allow Tammy and Roark to move inside.

  Tammy glanced back at Stephen. “If you get scared, you can climb in bed with us.”

  “The hell he can.” Roark slammed the door shut. Stephen’s laughter was drowned out by Tammy’s. Roark pulled her roughly to him. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Make love to me, Roark.” She tilted her chin up to receive his kiss.

  Chapter Twelve

  The air was thick enough to slice as Marcellus entered the training yard behind his mansion. A slight breeze stroked his hair as several of his sentries walked beside him. They had risen in ranks of his trust over time. Some of them, like Anton and Henri who walked closest to him, had shared the same Maker, Benoît.

  For them the tie was broken when one night the powerful vampire had been ambushed—outnumbered by his adversaries. It wasn’t easy to kill an immortal, but with enough blood loss anything was possible. After his Maker had perished, Marcellus had taken over his reign. He had held onto the power throughout the centuries. Tonight would be no different.

  Titan loomed in the shadows of a barren oak tree. The leaves had fallen earlier in the season. Its branches like fingers reaching toward the sky. Three of Titan’s cronies, new arrivals, stood around him while several dozen other vampires filtered into yard.

  Marcellus dreaded the confrontation. He would rather be lying beside Tamanen and Lanier. He sent them both comforting thoughts even though his were anything but cheery, remembering to close the mind path between them. Tonight someone would die and he didn’t want to bother Tamanen or Lanier with the details.

  Titan stepped forward, the wind rustling through his hair. Moonlight shadowed his features. Even still, Marcellus saw him look about the crowd and a cocky grin slid across Titan’s face. Marcellus could sense the vampire’s confidence grow with the assurance the throng followed him, but he only fooled himself. Vampires were no different than werewolves when it came to a struggle for power. The possibility of a fight drew them like flies to honey.

  Marcellus’s people had pledged their oath to serve him. Only a fool would challenge him.

  Titan spoke loudly as he announced, “You no longer have our people’s best interest in mind.” Once again he gazed around the group assembled. “The Lamia has tainted our leader. He is trapped in her web.”

  Marcellus couldn’t contradict that he was trapped in Tamanen’s web, but he still ruled. His people meant everything to him. He had devoted his life to them. He was known as a fair sovereign. His empire had grown on his reputation. His people wanted for nothing. He guarded and fought for those under his protection.

  “You must relinquish your leadership. The Lamia must be destroyed.” Titan’s words were like a match to a fuse. It ignited a flame inside Marcellus, but he kept his composure calm as he leaned against a wall that surrounded the yard.

  Marcellus yawned behind his fury. “Titan, I tire of your babbling. No one is caught in a web, except you—a web of deceit.” There were some chuckles from the crowd when he stopped speaking. As he pushed from the wall, his voice lowered. “You have offended me.” The few people who murmured fell silent when he moved from the wall so quickly his form was a mere blur. Titan stumbled back as Marcellus came so close they were almost nose to nose. Through clenched teeth, he growled, “Threaten my mate again and you will die.” This time he released his anger letting it fill the air so that it vibrated around him.

  Titan nodded. “Forgive me, Master.” He took a step backward.

  Had Marcellus won without a fight?

  His thought was dashed when two of the vampires who had flanked Titan attacked. Marcellus barely eluded their grasps by springing into the air, hovering above them. They floundered for a second, looking around and then up when the third vampire’s feet left the ground. He lunged forward, hitting and bouncing off an invisible barrier Marcellus erected around him.

  Marcellus wasn’t so lucky with Titan.

  The vampire had slipped through the barrier before it was intact, body slamming Marcellus to the grassy surface. As they struck the ground hard, air squeezed from his lungs. Before he could take a breath, Titan caught him with a talon that cut through his side like a razor. The burn was excruciating, causing him to drop his guard for only a moment. All the time needed for his enemies to attack.

  Marcellus was quick, rolling and jumping out of the way, slicing the throat of one of his assailants with a sharp talon as he made a turn and ducked the hand of another. The vampire’s shriek was bloodcurdling as his life essence squirted from between his fingers wrapped around his neck. He fought uselessly to staunch the flow. For a mere second everyone stopped and watched the vampire sway and then fall. His body jerked several times before laying motionless.

  When Marcellus’s enemies lunged again he found Anton and Henri at his side. Even though the odds weren’t to his liking, he knew that if he were to win the respect of his people this was a battle he had to fight alone.

  “Stand down,” he yelled as he waved a hand, sending Titan through the air. He crashed against a tree, limbs breaking and falling, but Titan was back on his feet before Marcellus could bat an eye. Both of his guards obeyed, but not before they drove their talons deep into their opponents, wounding them. They shared a grin before stepping aside.

  Once again, Marcellus felt a burn to his side. His teeth crashed together as he bore down and tried to erase the pain. He barely dodged a killing blow to his throat as Titan’s talon almost made contact. The sharp movement sent soul-wrenching agony throughout him.

  The crowd remained quietly watching, but he knew what bloodlust did to them. Tonight they would have a whirlwind of sex and feeding. He wouldn’t be so lucky.

  Catching one man by the neck he twisted, snapping bone. The compound fracture tore through skin—jagged bones covered in blood that flowed like a river from the injury. Head dangling to the side, the vampire tried to raise it, but it was no use. His eyes glazed, he wandered aimlessly before falling to his knees. Two sickening gurgles percolated from the wound in his throat as blood oozed from his mouth, and then he fell forward.

  The odds were better now, two to one, but Marcellus was beginning to feel the chill from his injuries. He’d lost too much blood. The only satisfaction he felt was his two remaining foes weren’t moving very fast. They breathed heavily as they dealt with their own injuries and loss.

  Something from the corner of his eye caught Marcellus’s attention. One of the vampires had pulled Deirdre into his embrace. Sasha started to run to her assistance, but Henri held her off.

  The vampire’s claws pulsated against Deirdre’s breasts, too close to her heart. “I’ll kill her,” he threatened. Blood streaked her white gown from his hands moving across her, but her face showed no fear.

  “My life is worth yours,” she said, making something tighten in Marcellus chest. “Finish this.”

  A hiss pushed from the vampire’s lips now curled into a snarl. His fangs pressed against his bottom lip until he slowly began to open his mouth. “Bitch,” he grunted as he angled his head and started his descent to bite down.

  Marcellus had had enough. With a roar of fury, he called to his strength, unleashing hell.

  He moved like a streak of lightning in the sky, snapping a branch off the tree and sending it soaring through the air. It struck true, impaling itself in the vampire’s mouth, knocking him backward as it penetrated through the back of his head. Deirdre stumbled forward, free. Th
ere was no sound as the wounded vampire’s eyes rolled back into his head.

  Before Marcellus could celebrate his victory, Titan attacked from behind. His hand pushed through bone and muscle straight for Marcellus’s heart. As the vampire with the branch through his head fell, Marcellus felt the cold fingers of death wrapped around his pulsating organ. His sight dimmed as he reached behind him. Titan’s head now in his grasp, he pressed his thumbs into the vampire’s eye sockets, pushing harder and harder.

  The result was a horrifying shriek, but it worked. Titan released his hold to allow Marcellus to suck in a much needed breath, but the damaged had been done. He would die tonight if he didn’t end this now. With what strength remained, Marcellus twisted around, his hands reaching for Titan to pull him to him. Without delay, he buried his fangs deep into the vampire’s throat.


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