Mackenzie McKade

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Mackenzie McKade Page 15

by Black Widow (lit)

  Tammy raised her middle finger, flipping Stephen off. This time he flashed a wolfish smile as he caught her gesture in the rearview mirror.

  A scornful expression pulled Donne’s brows together. He shook his head discouragingly. “Not quite how I pictured my queen to act.” The mirth in his voice exposed his ruse, when he said, “How about you, Lanier?”

  Roark moved to the passenger side, grasped the roll-bar and climbed into the vehicle. “It does seem that Stephen brings out the worse in her.” There was a strange relationship developing between Tammy and Stephen, but there was something about it that didn’t bother Roark. He couldn’t quite say why, it just felt more like a brother and sister’s playful bickering—a friendly camaraderie. Besides, unlike his other guards, Stephen and Franc had been his closest confidants since they were children. He trusted them to guard his back as well as his heart.

  “Me?” Stephen feigned innocence. “I’m just doing my job, boss. She’s the one causing trouble. Do you want the top up?” he asked, before adding, “The wind might mess the little princess’s hair up.”

  “Bite me,” Tammy snapped, glaring into the rearview mirror at Stephen, before she puffed her hair up with her palms and looked away.

  “Isn’t that your thing?” Stephen teased, before he turned the key over. The engine began to hum, the oily scent of gas rose.

  Roark twisted in his seat to look from Stephen to Tammy. “Look here, you two. I refuse to listen to you squabble the entire way.” He tried to hide his grin, but he knew Tammy saw right through it.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe you should muzzle the mutt. Better yet, put a leash on him and he can run beside us.” Biting her bottom lip, she tried to hide her giggle, but couldn’t. Her joyous laughter was intoxicating. He had never heard anything so lively, so beautiful. The melodic sound wound around his heart and squeezed. If he lived a life time he would do whatever it took to hear her laugh again and again.

  Donne threw his hands in the air. “Lord have mercy. What happened to the sweet girl we all know and love?” His arms plopped down to his side brushing his slacks.

  Tammy raised her chin. Her voice sassy when she quipped, “She had Mr. Tons of Fun sit on her last night.”

  “Only after you did your imitation of Count Dracula,” Stephen countered.

  Donne threw back his head and roared. He slapped Roark on the back. “Can’t say that I envy you.” They shook hands, Donne’s warm against Roark’s. When their eyes met, Donne’s laughter died. “Keep her safe.” There was more in his expression, but Roark couldn’t read it. “I’ll try to join you as soon as I can.”

  Roark attempted to tap Donne’s mind, but Stephen shifted the Jeep into gear. A sudden release of the clutch, the vehicle lurched forward pausing briefly, before he gassed it and took off. Roark knew the rough start was for Tammy’s benefit as the jerky motion flung her back then slid her forward. She caught the back of the seat before she landed on the floorboard. A tight squeal was followed by a derogatory comment that escaped Roark, but it resulted in Stephen’s grin deepening.

  “Dumb shit.” She struck the back of Stephen’s head lightly with her palm, causing him to flinch and laugh out loud.

  Roark wondered if this new side of Tammy revealed that she was becoming more comfortable with her situation. Her acceptance meant everything to him.

  For the first time since he arrived in Phoenix, Roark leaned back in his seat and began to relax. He even took the opportunity to take in the beauty of Donne’s mansion. Blue Christmas lights hung from trees and netted bushes, presenting a cold, but dreamy effect. Every eave and window of the manor was traced in lights. Even the light posts aligning the driveway cast a blue hue. It truly was a spectacular sight.

  As they drove beyond the gates and down a deserted road, the city lights glowed like a halo. Roark had always preferred the wilderness to the chaos the valley represented. Acres of lush grasses, pine trees and nature were what most lycanthropes craved—he was no different. The weight on his shoulders rose with the knowledge he was headed home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  At the first patch of snow dotting the highway, excitement bubbled up inside Tammy. She loved the snow, especially at Christmastime. Not to mention, the mountain air free of smog made the night crystal clear and it smelled heavenly. As she breathed in the scent of pine, she looked to the cloudless sky. Stars so bright they glistened in the velvety blanket above. The moon was a picturesque view of craters and landforms so vivid its glow cast a spell around her.

  Happy, Tammy leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Roark’s neck and hugged. Things seemed so different from this side of humanity. From the small seedling sprouting in the soil, to the night owl that screeched before landing on a tree branch high above, everything was alive. New sights and sounds sprung up all around her making her giddy to experience them all.

  Perhaps being a member of the undead made all things living so precious or maybe it was the beast inside her that brought nature to the forefront. Whatever it was, Tammy felt free for the first time in her life. Free from the invisible chains society held around her. Free to explore worlds she thought only existed beyond the television screen. The world is at your fingertips, were Marcellus’s earlier words.

  Tammy buried her face into the crook of Roark’s neck. The masculine scent of his skin urged her to sample him. She kissed him, her tongue caressing his salty flesh.

  “Mmmm…” she hummed. “You taste so good.”

  He turned in her arms and she captured his mouth. As she stroked his bottom lip with her tongue, he growled, spearing his fingers through her hair to take control. What started as a seductive exploration turned hungry, urgent when he firmed the kiss. Just knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him hardened her nipples. A flutter erupted low in her belly. There was something different about Roark’s kiss. It was more primitive—the other half of who he was. She knew immediately that he was at home—at ease in this place that was unburdened by civilization.

  “I want to run with you,” he murmured against her mouth. “Show you the night like it’s meant to be experienced.” His eyes were disarming.

  Tammy wanted Roark naked, his body pressed to hers, limbs intertwined, his cock buried inside her. The image made her fangs burst through her gums. The taste of blood on her tongue, the scent caressing her nose, was all she needed to entice her to stroke the throbbing vein in his neck.

  Stephen cleared his throat, breaking the spell that had bewitched her. He jerked his head backward, his dark mane brushing his shoulders. “Ice chest in the back.”

  “What?” Her voice held an edge of irritation that she couldn’t hide. Even still, she glanced behind to see there was indeed a blue and white cooler just within her reach.

  “Donne packed supplies for you. I suggest you partake of one of the packets inside instead of Roark.”

  Blood wasn’t the only thing that was on her mind as the temptress inside her emerged to slide her heated gaze over Roark’s impressive physique. He was a beautiful man. She loved the way his hair was mussed by the wind, appearing wild and unrestrained. She was dying to feel him beneath her palms, between her legs.

  “My queen.” Stephen’s tone was clip. “Ice chest. Now.”

  Tammy snarled, her beast responding to the guard’s aggression. The animal inside pushed against her skin, prickling her flesh. The muscles in her neck and shoulders tightened. The thing that pissed her off the most was that Stephen was right. Two sets of headlights rushing up behind them only validated the fact they needed to keep going. Pulling off the road would attract attention. Not to mention if anything went wrong—

  She held the beast and temptress restrained as she unsnapped the hinge to open the cooler. A block of ice sat in the middle surrounded by numerous white plastic containers of blood. Her hands trembled as she reached for one. The minute her fangs pierced the sack and the rich liquid flowed down her throat, her eyes closed on a sigh. With long pulls, she sucked every last dro
p from the bag. That was good, but not as good as Roark’s or Marcellus’s essence and definitely not as good as drinking embraced in the midst of an orgasm.

  Hunger appeased, her body still hummed with the need to be fulfilled. She squirmed against the seat, needing to quiet the burn of desire heating her body. Fingers of sensation played at her sex, teasing and taunting her to seek what she needed—Roark.

  He must have sensed her unease as he reached back and squeezed her hand. “Hold on, baby. Just a little further. As soon as we’re through Heber we’ll be free to run.”

  She raised a brow in question. Roark was crazy if he expected her to run alongside the Jeep to keep the edge of her desire at bay.

  He must have heard her thoughts, because a burst of laughter met her confusion. “Not exactly.” Lifting her hand to his mouth, his lips were warm against her skin. “There’s nothing more exhilarating than a night run in our wolf forms.” His voice became raspy, as he continued. “I can’t wait to run beside you. Exercise our muscles and race until our lungs sting from exhaustion.”

  That wasn’t the only thing that excited him. Tammy smelled his arousal, as well as Stephen’s. The masculine scents were like a love potion, an aphrodisiac which awakened the temptress and caused Stephen to hit the gas.

  Tammy stretched her lithe body across the seat, arching her back, her eyelids growing heavy. “Venez à moi, mon prince.” Her French accent was perfect as she pronounced every syllable to beckon Roark to her. For good measure she released the strong, penetrating perfume of her body that would entice him. From the rearview mirror, she saw Stephen take in every one of her seductive movements. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel.

  “Holy shit, Roark. How do you deny her?” Stephen was breathing hard. She could hear the swish of his blood race through his veins and pump through his heart. He was aroused and that pleased her.

  But the subject of her assault hadn’t moved, hadn’t crossed the distance between them. Roark remained seated, watching her intently. Slowly she began to unfasten her sheepskin coat to shrug out of it before she moved a booted foot off the floorboard and placed it on the seat, slowly inching her legs apart. She tossed back her head allowing the wind carry her hair on the breeze. With a swipe of her tongue, she smoothed it across her bottom lip to lure him.

  Roark’s voice was coarse when he answered Stephen’s question. “It isn’t easy. I’m one lucky man. Now if you don’t mind, go faster.” Then he did the unthinkable. He turned around and ignored her.

  With a huff, Tammy planted her feet on the floorboard. She leaned forward and nipped at Roark’s ear. When she slid a hand inside his jacket to caress his chest, he captured her wrist holding on tight.

  “Don’t,” he breathed. “Baby, I’m holding on by a thread here.”

  “Let go and give in to my desire,” she whispered against his ear, nuzzling it, and then tugged the lobe between her teeth.

  “Behave, you wicked wench.” His laughter was strained. “We don’t have much further.”

  “But I need you now,” she whimpered, the temptress refusing to relent. “Let me strip you naked, ease the tension in your body with my touch, my tongue, my mouth.”

  “My respect for you has risen ten-fold, Roark.” Stephen shifted his hips, drawing her attention to the bulge in his slacks that matched the one in Roark’s jeans.

  “Pull over, Stephen.” She purred, “Puleez…”

  “Keep going,” Roark retorted, increasing the hold he had on her wrist.

  “I need to feel your cock inside me,” she moaned, not caring if Stephen heard.

  “Woman, if you keep talking like that I can’t be responsible for my actions.” Stephen released a pent-up growl. She could feel his beast close to the surface.

  “Keep your hands on the wheel—your eyes on the road,” Roark grumbled as the lights of Heber appeared in the distance. “And you, you little minx.” He pinned her with a glare as he gave her hand several firm shakes. “Keep your mouth shut.”

  Tammy felt a smile beam across her face. “But—”

  “Shhh… Quiet now or I’ll turn you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  “I just might like that,” she cooed.

  “Not what I have in mind for you. Stop tempting Stephen,” he snarled, baring his teeth. He wasn’t teasing. In fact, he appeared angry.

  They shared a tense moment as they entered Heber. Silently, they drove down the main street. Even nestled in the pines, Christmas was evident in lawn ornaments and decorated Christmas trees shining brightly from the windows of the homes and the businesses they passed.

  When they were several miles beyond civilization, Roark said, “Pull over at the next exit.” The strain in his voice concerned Tammy, but not enough to stop her from burying her nose into his hair and inhaling his fragrance.

  As the next exit came into sight, Stephen gently steered the Jeep over until it came to stop, the engine still running. The passenger side door moaned as Roark flung it open, gravel popping beneath his boots. In seconds he was standing outside the vehicle and pulling her over the side into his arms. She released a startled cry as her feet hit the snow-ridden ground and he pressed his nose to hers.

  His eyes were liquid gold, so intense she felt their burn. “I ought to pull your jeans down to your knees and spank the pretty ass until it’s red-hot.”

  His words heightened her arousal. She tried to get closer to his heat, her beast screaming for his, but he held her inches away.

  “We are animals, Tammy.” As if to prove it, his canines dropped. She smelled the blood that tinted them, until he licked them clean. There was a slur to his words as he continued. “Do not taunt the males of our pack because they will answer your call. When I get my hands on the offending party the results will be deadly.” His warm breath washed over her. “You are mine—never forget that.” A shiver assailed her as he firmed his hold on her. “I share you with Donne only because fate has declared it to be.” He was trembling when he released her. “Now strip.” It wasn’t a request, but a demand that infuriated and thrilled her at the same time.

  Tammy thought to defy him, but a gleam in his eyes, something wild and untamed, made even her temptress take a step backward and sulk in the background. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. Evidently, she didn’t move fast enough because his hands jutted out with lightning speed, gathering her shirt and tearing. The ripping of material, the popping of buttons and the cool night air as it hit her chest made her mind whirl. Her heart was pounding against her breastbone, when he extended a single finger, the nail elongating to a sharp claw. With one swipe he cut through her bra, baring her breasts. Immediately, her nipples drew into taut, aching nubs.

  “Roark, do you think this is wise?” Stephen’s question jerked Roark’s head around. A rumble filled his throat. “All am saying is that—” A snarl and a hiss hushed Stephen.

  Although being manhandled by Roark was hot, Tammy knew the moment was volatile. It was in the predatory way he stalked her as he moved around her, and in the angry glances he shot toward Stephen. Using her vampire gifts, she removed the rest of her clothes, including Roark’s. Stephen didn’t dare a look, instead he kept his gaze forward, his beast pacing and itching to emerge as hers was.

  “Leave us,” Roark issued the command, his cock rock-hard, arching against his abdomen. Stephen didn’t hesitate as he shifted the vehicle in gear. The back tires spun, spitting gravel and black snow from beneath them as the Jeep jumped the curb and hit the asphalt. The red taillights were fading when Roark murmured, “Come here.”

  When she was within his grasp, he yanked her to him, chest to chest, hips to hips. She felt his arousal hard against her belly. Her nipples were sensitive against the rasp of his chest hairs, the spot between her thighs moist and aching. His fingernails bit into her flesh. There was no tenderness in his touch or his kiss as his mouth descended upon hers. He didn’t ask for admittance, he stabbed his tongue between her lips taking what he
wanted. Their tongues dueled. A fang pierced her bottom lip and he captured her cry.

  The next was a whirlwind of sensation. Knees and palms pressed against a soft bed of pine needles and snow, he thrust forward and parted her folds, burying deep. She cried out, almost losing her balance at the exquisite feel of him moving in and out, hard and fast. His throaty groans caressed her ears and stoked her desire, drowning out the sounds of a startled deer quickly moving away. It was only Roark and her under a blanket of stars.

  Currents surged through her body as the muscles inside her pussy contracted around him. His reaction was to pick up the pace, fuck her with an intensity that bordered on the edge of pain and pleasure.

  And she loved it.


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