Harlequin Romance April 2015 Box Set

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Harlequin Romance April 2015 Box Set Page 53

by Michelle Douglas, Jessica Gilmore, Jennifer Faye

  Even though he was happy for his brother, Stefano couldn’t shake the dark cloud hanging over him. He knew what it was—it was Jules’s impending departure. He’d been pretending that there was plenty of time to make peace between them before she left, but now the moment had arrived, and he didn’t know what to say to make things better.

  The minister clasped his hands together. “And now the bride and groom will share the vows that they’ve written for each other.”

  Her hand in his, Lizzie peered up at Dante. “I never ever intended to fall in love with you. When we met, you were so stubborn and irritating.” She smiled at him. Happiness danced in her eyes. “And did I mention stubborn?”

  Dante’s brows rose, but he didn’t say a word as he continued to stare at his bride. Stefano’s focus strayed back to Jules, whose eyes looked a bit misty as Lizzie continued to recite her vows.

  “But then you showed me your patience, your generosity and your heart. It was then that I knew I’d at last found what I’ve been looking for my whole life—a home.”

  Stefano’s heart leaped into his throat, blocking his breath. It was as though Lizzie had looked inside his heart and read his feelings for Jules. She was his home. How in the world was he going to live without the sound of her voice, the contagiousness of her laughter or the excitement he found in her kiss?

  Stefano had no clue what his brother’s vows were because the next thing Stefano knew the minister was saying, “And do you, Dante DeFiore, take Elizabeth Addler to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?”

  Without hesitation and in a loud, clear voice, Dante said, “I do.”

  The minister smiled. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Dante didn’t waste any time gathering his bride in his arms. A round of applause filled the air. If the heat of their first married kiss was any indication, it wouldn’t be long until he was a proud, doting uncle. They made a great couple. And he couldn’t be happier for them.

  As the reception kicked off with tissue-paper flowers everywhere and upbeat music filling the air, Stefano stood off to the side. His gaze followed Jules around the dance floor. It appeared he wasn’t the only one to notice her beauty. He’d swear every one of his male relatives had paid her a compliment or two. And the single ones were all lining up to dance with her.

  He’d done nothing but think of her this past week to the point of his father chasing him out of the office after screwing up an order for an important customer. Stefano didn’t make mistakes—well, he hadn’t before Jules stepped into his life. Now he seemed to be making one after the other.

  Jules truly was something special, and he’d let her get away because of his guilt over Gianna’s death. He didn’t think anything could wipe that memory away, but Jules might be right, too, that this self-imposed punishment wouldn’t help Gianna or himself. Nothing would bring her or their baby back. It was time that he let the past rest and move forward. After all, there was plenty of room in his heart for both the past and the future.

  Dante gestured to him from the side of the dance floor. What could his brother possibly want now? Stefano had smiled for all the pictures even though there wasn’t an ounce of him that was in a jovial mood.

  Like the dutiful best man, he made his way across the crowded dance floor, trying not to stare at Jules as his cousin Roberto held her a little too close. Stefano made a mental note to have a talk with his cousin later. Averting his gaze, it came to rest on Papa smiling broadly as he held Maria in his arms. It would seem that his father truly was giving love a second chance and in public for all the extended family to see.

  “What do you need?” Stefano asked his brother.

  “Have you forgotten that you’re the best man?”

  “No.” His focus was drawn like a magnet to Jules, wishing that he was the one holding her close and that she was smiling up at him.

  Dante shoved a champagne flute in his hand. “Stefano, did you hear anything I said?”

  “What? Sorry I was distracted.”

  “So I noticed. Well, don’t worry—you’ll have your turn to dance with her soon.”

  “Really?” He realized too soon that he’d let his anxiousness show, and that was not a good thing around his brother. He glanced over to see Dante laughing. Stefano frowned at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “You are, big brother. Looks like I better take some notes tonight about being the best man because you have it worse than I first thought—much worse.”

  Stefano turned away. He didn’t like being the center of Dante’s amusement, especially not when he knew that his time with Jules was severely limited.

  “I’m not dancing with her.” He wasn’t going to torture himself. Standing here watching her in the arms of these other men was enough torture.

  “Yes, you are. As soon as you give the toast.”

  He’d forgotten about the speech. He’d taken the time to write one out. He searched his pockets. The note card. It was missing. And the words escaped him.

  “You do have the toast memorized, don’t you? Because they’re going to make an announcement as soon as this dance is over.”

  “Yes, I’ve got it.” Stefano lied as he frantically searched his memory for what he’d been planning to say before he let himself get distracted.

  The music stopped. Before he was ready a microphone was shoved in his hand. He cleared his throat and hoped he could think of a toast on his toes.

  “Could I have everyone’s attention?”

  Silence fell over the crowd. He immediately spotted Jules. She was staring at him. His heart slammed into his chest, and his palms grew moist.

  “I know you’re all having fun, and I promise this won’t take long. I’d introduce myself, but seeing as most of you are family, I’m guessing you already know my name. At least I hope you do.” The audience laughed and a few hassled him.

  “I’d like to take a moment and thank the maid of honor for her tireless effort to make this day perfect. Everyone, give Jules a hand.” They gazed into each other’s eyes as the applause rose.

  “And now for the happy couple. Don’t they just make the perfect pair?” Another round of applause filled the air, and the couple kissed. “Now, with me being the older brother, it’s my responsibility to keep Dante on the right path, so I’m going to give him the only advice he’ll ever need to maintain a happy marriage. Are you ready, Dante?”

  Dante laughed and nodded. “Give it to me.”

  “Okay, repeat after me, ‘Yes, dear.’”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “There. You’ve got it. That’s all you have to remember.”

  Lizzie smiled. “Very good.” The guests laughed some more.

  “And that is the extent of my knowledge about women. You’re on your own for the rest of it, little brother. Now for the toast.” He raised his glass. “To Lizzie, for never giving up on my brother. And to Dante, I don’t know how you got so lucky, but you’ve gotten yourself a great lady. Never forget it. Here’s hoping both of you have a lifetime of happiness.”

  In that moment, as his brother kissed his bride, a revelation came to Stefano. He realized that in all his effort to push Jules away, it hadn’t been about her happiness. Sure, he wanted her to fulfill her dreams, but his inability to hear what she was telling him was due to the fact that if he let her into his heart, then she might later realize that he wasn’t what she wanted. The thought of her rejecting him scared him senseless. He couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to make her happy.

  But as Dante looped his arm through his bride’s so that they were linked as they sipped their bubbly, Stefano realized that love was a leap of faith. Without trust there could be no love. And he trusted Jules. So
mewhere along the way he’d gotten to know the girl hiding behind all the makeup and funky clothes.

  Life was full of risks. And life could change in a heartbeat. If his father and brother were willing to put themselves out there, even though they knew the risks, what was he doing playing it safe and letting the woman he loved get away?

  His mouth grew dry, and he took a sip of champagne. In the next moment, someone whisked the mic out of his hand. When he looked up, Jules was headed his way. His heart pounded, his pulse raced and his hands grew clammy.

  This was his moment—his chance to win over the woman he loved. The thought didn’t strike him as sudden or earth-shattering. Instead the acknowledgment came easily and calmly. It’d been growing over time, but he’d been doing everything to fight it.

  * * *

  Jules clenched her teeth tight as she forced a smile on her face. This was going to be the last time she was in Stefano’s arms. She blinked rapidly. Now wasn’t the time to get emotional.

  All too soon, he stood before her. He was so tall that his gaze went over her head. She didn’t know what to say to him. Did she try again to make him see sense? Or did she just let it go and accept that this wasn’t going to happen for them?

  Before she could make up her mind, a photographer was in her face snapping their picture. As they started to dance, she chanced a glance at Stefano, who surprisingly looked at ease. His smile made her heart flip-flop. Eventually he was going to make some woman a good husband. Too bad it wasn’t going to be her.

  “I’ve been wanting to talk to you.” The sound of Stefano’s voice startled her from her thoughts. “But you’ve been busy dancing.”

  “Yes. It’s been nice, especially since I’ll be stuck on a plane tomorrow.”

  “You’ve decided to go ahead with grad school?” When she nodded, it was like a light went out in his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll be happy with the choice.”

  She shrugged. “We’ll see. Anyway, I have to get back and find someplace cheap to live before classes start.” When he adjusted his hold, her heart did a rapid tap-tap-tap. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Uh, nothing important. I just wanted to offer you a ride to the airport.”

  “Thanks, but I’m getting a lift with Dante and Lizzie.”

  “Have a safe trip home.”

  This was killing her. The last thing in the world she wanted to do was say goodbye to him. “Is that what you really want? Me to leave?”

  They stopped dancing, and his hand lifted to her cheek. His long, lean fingers caressed her as he stared into her eyes. “I—”

  A round of applause drew her attention. What in the world? She looked around and realized the music had stopped a while ago and they were the only couple left on the dance floor. Heat rose in her cheeks. She didn’t know if it was because she hadn’t noticed the music stopping or if it was because she’d broken down once again and asked Stefano to change his mind about them.

  But what she wanted to know more than anything was what he was about to say. “Say it. Say whatever it is.”

  “Come on, Jules! It’s time for the bridal bouquet toss.” Lizzie waved frantically to her from the other end of the dance floor, where a group of single females was anxiously waiting.

  “Go. You are needed. We can talk about this later.”

  Later? How was she supposed to concentrate on anything until she knew what he was going to say? Her intuition told her that he was about to say he loved her. But was that just wishful thinking?

  She walked closer to the group of excited young women. Their faces were all aglow with hopeful smiles, but there was nothing but turmoil lurking behind Jules’s smile. The wedding may be in Italy, but Lizzie insisted on mixing traditions between those of Dante’s family and what they were used to in New York. That had included the Chicken Dance, which had succeeded in getting everyone laughing.

  Catching the bridal bouquet was one tradition that Jules could do without. A happily-ever-after didn’t appear to be in the cards for her. As if fate wanted to teach her a lesson, the bouquet of pink, orange and white blossoms landed squarely in her hands.

  While everyone clapped, her gaze strayed to Stefano. He wasn’t clapping, but he was staring directly at her. She wished she could read his mind.


  STEFANO’S HEART SLAMMED into his chest as he stared at Jules’s holding the bridal bouquet. She stared right back at him.

  She was trying to tell him something, but what? He had to get this right. He couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes.

  Had she forgiven him? Was she willing to give him another chance? Live in the moment—her words echoed through his mind. He needed to trust her and her decisions—no matter what direction they led her. Although he prayed that it would be toward him.

  Stefano straightened his shoulders. This had been put off long enough. He would let her know that he loved her and then he’d accept whatever decision she made.

  He started toward her only to have her pulled aside for more wedding photos, this time holding the bridal bouquet. There was no way he was intruding on that moment. He’d had enough photos of himself taken to last him the rest of his life. But he also wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

  He didn’t know how much time passed as he talked to one distant relative after the other—some he didn’t even recall their names and had to fake it. And every time he was free, Jules was having more photos taken or being escorted around the dance floor. Even his father had taken his turn dancing with her.

  “What are you waiting for, boy?”

  He turned to find Nonno behind him. His grandfather’s gaze moved from him to Jules, who was getting a drink of punch. How did his grandfather know what he was waiting to say? Was it that obvious?

  “I...I didn’t want to bother her.”

  With the aid of a walker, his grandfather moved next to him and lowered his voice. “You aren’t going to bother her. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Don’t let her get away.”

  “You...you think she’ll want me after I messed up?” His grandfather nodded and Stefano added, “Thanks, Nonno.”

  “Go. Be happy.”

  Jules didn’t see him approaching, and she started to walk in the opposite direction. He wasn’t going to turn back, not until he got this off his chest. He continued following and inwardly groaned when she approached Dante and Lizzie. The last thing he wanted to do was lay his heart on the line in front of his brother. There had to be a better way, but he was running out of time. Determined not to lose his chance, he continued over and joined the small group. They were deep in conversation.

  Jules looked directly at her sister. “I wanted to let you two know that I won’t need a ride tomorrow morning to the airport.”

  “What?” Lizzie’s eyes opened wide. “But why not?”

  “You know I love you.” Jules’s tone was low and firm. “And I know that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be standing here. You’ve been the most amazing sister, but there’s something I’ve been trying to tell you. For one reason or another it was never the right time. I’m beginning to think there’ll never be a right time, so I’m just going to say it.”

  No one moved. Stefano wasn’t even sure that Lizzie breathed as she stood transfixed on her sister. Mentally he urged Jules onward. It was finally time that she spoke up for herself.

  “It’s past time I start making my own decisions and for you to respect them.”

  Lizzie sent her a worried look. “I have a feeling I’m not going to like this.”

  “Probably not. But here it goes, anyway. I’m not going to grad school.” Lizzie opened her mouth, but Jules held up her palm, silencing her. “I know that you already paid the tuition. Whatever isn’t refundable, I’ll pay you back.”

  Lizzie looked more stunned than
upset. “But why? I thought this is what you wanted—to help the kids like us.”

  “I do. But social work isn’t for me.” Jules glanced down and wiggled her sandaled foot on the floor. “The thing is I can’t follow all of their rules all of the time. Sometimes they just don’t make sense. And, well, I spoke up one too many times, and they let me go from my internship early.”

  “Oh. Jules, I’m sorry. But that doesn’t mean—”

  “It means that I wasn’t happy there. And I will find another way to help less fortunate children. I already have some ideas.”

  Concern creased Lizzie’s face. “I...I don’t know what to say. Are you sure about this?”

  “I’m absolutely certain. This isn’t a decision I made lightly. I’ve thought about it for a long time.”

  “Then I guess there isn’t anything else to say, except I love you. And I’m here if you need me.”

  They hugged. And though everyone else wore serious expressions, Stefano couldn’t help but smile—his first genuine smile that day. He was so happy for Jules to speak up for herself. Now it was time that he did the same thing. Whether his brother witnessed his groveling or not, he was speaking his heart, here and now.

  He cleared his throat. “Jules, can I speak with you?”

  She spun around, and her expression was perfectly serious. “Not before I have my say.” She pointed a finger at him. “And I’ve made a decision about you.” She poked at his chest. “I’ve decided that you are stubborn and irritating, but that I love you, anyway. And I’m not giving up on you because I think you love me, too.”

  The way she gazed at him, it was as if she could read his every thought. And though not so long ago that would have scared him, now he found comfort in someone knowing him so well.

  Stefano wrapped his hand around hers and pressed her palm to his pounding chest. “Thank you for being so insistent and giving me a chance to come to my senses because I do love you. I love you with all my heart.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.”


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