King Cobra (Naga Brides Book 2)

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King Cobra (Naga Brides Book 2) Page 21

by Naomi Lucas

  “Babies. Call them babies, I don’t like you using the term litter. It makes me squeamish.”

  “Babies,” I correct, holding her gaze. “It doesn’t change my answer.”

  “I know.” She sighs. “I have more important things to worry about. Still—”

  “You will do nothing, nothing, until they are out of you safely.”

  “The pod says I’m healthy and fine. The babies are healthy and fine. I am gestating normally…” Her brow wrinkles. “Which is strange for the pod to say considering the circumstances.”

  “But I’m not,” I tell her. “I am not fine.” The corner of her lip twitches and the concern in her eyes diminishes. Grabbing her to me, I hold her close, shielding her with my body. “I am not fine and I won’t be until I have you and our young coiled within my limbs.”

  The pinging continues.

  “Zaku, you’re emotionally manipulating me. I had a terrible case of morning sickness yesterday, that’s all.”

  “Morning sickness is still sssicknessss.”

  Any sickness is bad in my mind. All sickness. Nagas don’t get sick. It’s a human thing. I’ve known Daisy was delicate since the moment I laid eyes on her, but illnesses never occurred to me. They didn’t even occur to me after her crash. My mate can be hurt by things unseen, things I can’t stop. This bothers me.

  When the pinging of the door abruptly halts, Daisy pulls out of my arms. “The door.”

  “Stay here,” I warn, pulling back. “Do not let whoever, whatever is out there see you. Not until we know it’s safe.”

  Facing the entryway, I leave her in the shadows of the hallway. Outside, on the lawn, I see a flash of red.

  Vruksha. I’d know his coloring anywhere. There is no naga left in the land that has his coloring. Slipping closer, his female comes into view. She’s got her eyes shielded as she tries to peer through the window and into my den. She pulls back and steps away from the outer door when she sees me.

  Of all the beings to disturb Daisy and me, at least it is the other human female and a naga I He helped me bring Daisy safely home. Regardless, I do not want them here despite this. Daisy is stressed, she worries greatly, and though seeing Gemma will bring her joy, it will ultimately cause her pain when they inevitably leave.

  Because no one is allowed to live in my den that is not part of my nest. Especially another male who is not of my blood.

  “Zaku!” Daisy yells, “What’s outside?”

  “Your friend.”

  She dashes out of the hallway and towards me. I knew she would.

  Gemma throws her hands up into the air, clearly upset I have not let them in yet. Cowl flaring, keeping Daisy behind me, I unlock the door.

  “Finally,” the other female exclaims, barging in. “We have a problem.” Vruksha’s tail wraps around her middle, keeping her from going too far into my space. He slips forward and presses to her back, wrapping an arm around her as he meets my gaze.

  “King Cobra,” he says.

  “Pit Viper.”

  We glare at each other. Muscles straining, we size each other up.

  “We don’t have time for this! The facility has been destroyed,” Gemma says, pushing out of Vruksha’s arms and going straight to Daisy, cupping her face. “I’m glad you’re safe… you’re mending fast.” She pauses. “Really fast,” she says, checking Daisy over.

  Drawing back, I let Vruksha through. Daisy shakes her head. “I am, thanks to Zaku,” Daisy says. “Destroyed? We saw the smoke. What about Shelby? Where’s Shelby? Have you been there?” Her voice quickens.

  Gemma faces Vruksha. The look they share isn’t good.

  It’s then I notice how disheveled the other female is. There’s dirt over her cheeks and hands. Her clothes are dirty and sweat stains on the front of her shirt. She carries a wooden spear with jagged metal plates at the end. A weapon to defend herself with, I presume. I glance at Daisy, realizing I have not given her such a thing. It is something I must remedy, and soon.

  I cannot keep her contained in my home forever. She is a creature from the skies. She will not be content to hide behind walls.

  I decide right then and there that I will not only make her bigger, but stronger as well.

  Vruksha looks just as bad.

  They have been traveling. Hard.

  “Tell me!” Daisy demands when Gemma and Vruksha continue looking at each other. Gemma turns and walks to the seating area, sitting down and rubbing her hands all over her face. She peers at me.

  “Can I have water, Zaku?” she asks.

  I nod and move toward the kitchen. Vruksha stops me and pushes past me, retrieving the water for his mate instead.

  Returning to Daisy, who’s followed Gemma to the seats, I pull her into me, knowing what’s to come isn’t going to be good for my mate. Vruksha joins us after handing Gemma her water. She gulps it quickly and swipes the back of her hand over her mouth.

  “The facility is gone. The transport ship is...gone.”

  “Gone?” Daisy asks, confused.


  “There’s no ship exhaust in the sky. We would’ve seen it.”

  Gemma shakes her head. “I don’t think it went back to The Dreadnaut.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Whoever took it, if someone did, they’re still here. That’s my only guess. Ship’s don’t just vanish.”

  “And the facility? Shelby? The smoke?” Daisy asks quickly.

  Gemma’s eyes flick to Vruksha briefly. “We were wondering if you guys might have…if Zaku...”

  I hiss. “We have been here. If you think I went back to destroy the humans who have caused my mate so much pain, I have not. Daisy is my priority.” I don’t say that I haven’t thought about it, a lot. About slipping out one night and traveling to the facility and breaking all of the humans’ robots and machines, burning their ship, and killing those who try to stop me. I have fantasized about it.

  When I thought Daisy and I were not meant to be, it was all I wanted to do. I have not thought about it since my queen has proven me so very wrong...

  Gemma nods.

  “You’re dodging the questions,” Daisy snaps. “What did you see?”

  Vruksha growls. “Ruins and dust. Smoke and fire. There was only blood by the time we got there—”

  “But Shelby could still be alive? She could be in the ship, right?” Daisy looks between Vruksha and Gemma. “Right?” She asks again when neither answer her.

  “There’s a hole, a giant pit where the facility used to be,” Gemma breathes.


  “We searched everywhere we could. We couldn’t find her. I know she’s alive, I’m certain of it.”

  I coil my limbs closer to my mate. “And what do you want us to do about it?”

  The other female sighs. “I was hoping you could tell me.”

  Daisy steps forward. “We need to find the ship.”

  “I don’t think Shelby’s on the ship.”

  “Where else would she be?”

  “We talked briefly, Shelby and I. That’s how we knew something had happened. She somehow connected into one of the orbs.” Gemma reaches into the bag on her shoulder and pulls an orb out.


  “She said she was trapped with someone. That she’s under the facility. Except there’s nothing there. We searched the pit. She sounded desperate, Daisy, scared. Shelby doesn’t get scared.”

  My gaze cuts to my mate. She’s gone stiff, her face white. I tug her back to me. “We can’t help you,” I fire to the other female.

  “Vagan…” Daisy whispers. “I should’ve forced Shelby to come with me.”

  Gemma stands. “Vagan? Who’s Vagan?”

  “Another naga male. He was on the plateau with Zaku and I.” Vruksha answers. Gemma nods in remembrance. “He took part in the hunt.”

  “He was here,” Daisy whispers. “He was crazed. I thought I’d killed him. I had hoped…” She trembles. “We h
ave to help her, Zaku,” Daisy looks up at me, her eyes fearful and pleading. “It’s my fault.”



  “No.” I lower and place my hand on her stomach. “Remember the risk.”

  I feel the others staring at us. Daisy clenches her hands, closes her eye and then stares deep into mine. “You’re right.” She faces Gemma. “We can’t go with you. I’m sorry, but Zaku’s right. We can give you supplies, though, and food, water, a place to rest before you head out. If Shelby sounded scared, I would start with this Vagan.”

  “I know where his den is,” Vruksha says.

  Gemma continues to stare at my hand on Daisy’s stomach but rips her gaze away when her mate speaks. “We’ll go?” she asks.

  He hisses. “Yesss, because there will be no peace unless we do. Peace is what I want.”

  Peace? My brow furrows, bending my scales.

  Peace. I like this word.

  It is what I want too, I realize. Peace, with Daisy. Peace in my land. Just… Peace.

  “Thank you,” Gemma whispers to Vruksha, reaching out and placing her hand on his arm. She faces us. “Thank you. We’ll take those supplies if you’re offering.” She glances at Daisy’s belly again. Her fingers touch her own stomach before they fall to her side.

  “Save her,” Daisy says. “Please. Do what I couldn’t.”

  Gemma straightens. “We will.”

  The next night, when I have my mate back in our new nest by the pod, after Vruksha and Gemma have left, and my den is our own once more, I pull Daisy to my side where she likes to burrow against me. Because it is her favorite place to be, it is my favorite place to put her.

  “You are worried,” I say. “Do not worry any longer.”

  She sighs. “I can’t help it.”

  “Vagan will not hurt this Shelby.”

  Daisy tilts her head to look at me. I brush my fingers through her short hair when she does. “How do you know? He tried to kill you, tried to take me. How can you say that?”

  “I just know.” Speaking of other nagas, especially males, is not something I often do. “He is...not a bad male. He can be trusted. He was not himself when he came here.” My fangs drip when I remember how he attacked Daisy and me. “Though I will kill him if he ever comes near you again. Do not think of it any longer.” I do not want her thinking of other males. “I have a gift for you.”

  Her lips flick upward and some of the worry leaves her face. “Another?”


  She perches on her elbows as I reach under the blankets where I have hidden her stolen gift. A prize I came across during my hunt this evening when she demanded apples. A craving, she said. Perhaps the first of many.

  A symptom of gestation she has told me…

  “I hope it will ease your mind,” I say, bringing my gift forward from its hiding place. Handing her the delicate trophy, I know I won’t get the same reaction as the head, or the jewels, but I am looking forward to it, like I’m looking forward to what happens next.

  Daisy gently cups the gift between her hands. “A flower?”

  “A daisy.”

  Transfixed, enchanted, her face lightens. Her eye clears, the scars smooth out. Her luscious lips part slightly and a whispering breath slips through them. I don’t move, terrified if I do, she’ll remember I’m here. I have not always been my best with her, I have failed a lot, but I am evolving and will continue to do so. I may not be a king in this world, but I am a king to her, and that is enough.

  “Peace,” I form the word with my mouth, uttering it in the silence.

  She gently touches the petals with one of her fingers, feeling them, then feeling the fuzzy center at the flower’s middle.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispers, smiling.

  I pull her close, because I can. Because she’s mine and I am hers.

  Beautiful. Like you.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading King Cobra, Naga Brides Book Two. If you liked the story or have a comment, please leave a review! Continue onto Blue Coral if you want to learn more about the ferocious naga males who rule Earth and all its secrets, and the strong women who love and worship them.

  If you adore cyborgs, aliens, anti-heroes, and adventure, follow me on Facebook or through my blog online for information on new releases and updates.

  Join my newsletter for the same information.

  Naomi Lucas

  Turn the page for Blue Coral, Naga Brides Book Three!

  Blue Coral Blurb

  Naga Brides Book 3

  When I see her, I have to have her.

  The one they call Shelby.

  But the humans have not given her to us. She remains behind the walls of the facility they have reclaimed. She remains with a male that does not DESERVE her.

  This beautiful, enchanting creature with long black braids and bright eyes needs a real male, a master, a true protector. She needs me.

  I will do whatever it takes to claim her.

  I’ll kill.

  I’ll cheat.

  I’ll steal.

  No human, naga, or otherwise will keep us apart. Tonight, Shelby will be in my arms whether she wants to be or not.

  To hell with the rest.

  Click here to view more, or turn the page for chapter one…

  Blue Coral Teaser

  Blue Coral, Chapter One:


  “Why aren’t you showing?”

  I purse my lips and switch off the feed from my eyes. Wiping away the sweat gathered on my brow, I turn to Peter. My captain. Except he’s not my captain anymore. He’s the prick who’s working me to the bone.

  “I’m still in my first trimester, Captain. Most women don’t show until the second. Your question is inappropriate,” I say, unable to keep the hatred dripping from my voice. Glancing at the sentinels behind him, on either side of him, and the ones now circling me, I try not to shake. Peter has them guarding me night and day. Ever since a deal was struck with the locals—locals who shouldn’t be here—and gave Gemma, The Dreadnaut’s Communications Director and team’s liaison, and Petty Officer Daisy to them. Daisy, our transport ship’s pilot. The only one we had. Dead...

  He’s a fucking psycho. How are we going to get back to the main ship now that she’s gone?

  He wanted to hand me over to the locals too—for his precious tech, so he can please his bosses—but Collins, his second in command, wasn’t about to have that.

  Peter eyes me up and down. “I want another test done.”

  “I’ve already done three. I’m not doing another.”

  “This evening, come back to the ship and get it done.”

  Fisting my hands, I stop from hitting him. “Is that all, Captain?”

  Peter glowers. His face is blotchy with sunburn, his eyes are red, and there are dark smudges beneath them. He hasn’t shaved in weeks, and a beard is forming upon his once smooth jaw. His usually short hair is tousled, sticking up from grease. He hasn’t showered in days, weeks maybe, and it shows. Then again, neither have I. He’s not wearing his captain’s uniform correctly. His blazer is off, and the top of his shirt is open, revealing the hair on the top of his chest.

  If Central Command saw him, they’d dock his pay for the crime, maybe even replace him. He looks tired and weak and not like a leader at all.

  He’s not, not anymore. At least not to me. He’s a piece of shit criminal who has bad karma coming for him, and as far as I can tell, he knows it. I hope. Part of me wants to empathize, part of me wants to help, but then thoughts of Gemma and Daisy arise and all I want is to see Peter burn. I think of what I’ve done and what my lies are going to cost me, and I hate him even more.

  Because I’m not pregnant. I can’t even get pregnant. It was part of the procedure done to me, a sacrifice I made for my work. No one seems to know that, though, and I’m glad. It’s saved my life. For now.

  I think.

  It hasn’t done anything for the guilt th
at’s plaguing me. Guilt that keeps me up at night. Guilt that whispers in my ear and hisses, telling me I should be out in the forest like the others. I should be suffering like they have, like Gemma still might be. Like Daisy did...

  “What have you discovered?” Peter asks. “Any closer to the source of the electrical spikes?”

  “Not yet. The diggers are excavating slower now, so I believe we’re close to something. Besides that, I’ve discovered nothing new.”

  “You said we’d have something by now.”

  “I can’t crack the data cube your friend gave us. Not without access to the ship’s terminal. And you’ve taken away my access to the ship,” I scowl back. “I can’t ramp up the diggers without compromising what we might find beneath the ground. If it’s what we’re searching for, Central Command will kill us all if we deliver them broken tech.” I turn on my eyes and the blue light they cast falls upon Peter’s face. “Tell me to ramp up the diggers. Go ahead.” My eyes aren’t just implants; they’re implants with a purpose.

  He scowls. “Your insubordination is tiresome. You’ll be doing double shifts until your baby pops if you keep this up.”

  “It doesn’t change the facts.”

  Peter takes a step towards me. I brace. Is he going to hit me?

  “I want an update this evening, and that test,” he says, keeping his hands at his sides. “Central Command wants an update and they want it now. Keep the diggers level, I’ll let them know I am trusting your expertise,” he spits. “They put you on my team for a reason. But remember, Shelby, your circumstances will only get worse if you don’t deliver. If you think I’m bad, you have no idea what can be done to you. I’m trying to be nice here, supportive even.”

  Right. Like trading me to one of the locals so they can eat me, or worse? Being raped? hurt? I keep the thought to myself. Saying it aloud might send him over the edge. And a man as desperate as Peter is frightening in itself. “Is that all?” I ask. Talking to him makes me tired. I’m already exhausted enough as is.

  “Tonight, Shelby,” he warns, eyeing me once more. “I want something to give to Central Command tonight. You hear me? You better come up with something.”


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