Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5)

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Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5) Page 5

by Perez, Nina

  “Girl, it’s New Year’s Eve. There’s no such thing as too much silver. I’m just proud of you for going out like a grown-up. Even though I still can’t believe they’re having a launch party for some damn lipsticks.”

  “They’re not just any damn lipsticks. They’re Raven Cosmetics’ signature line of social media-inspired colors. Did you get the samples they sent?”

  Myra sighed. “Yes. I’m wearing Tweet Me. It’s a bit pinker than I normally wear, but it’s cute. What about you?”

  “I’m going with WTF. It’s a bright red. I figure if I’m already dressed like a hooker—”

  “What-the-hell-ever. I picked out that dress. You do not look like a hooker. If Patrick has any sense, he’s going to love you in that dress.”

  My stomach flipped at the sound of his name. We’d only exchanged a few texts over the last few days. He went out with Max and Paul the night before and, even though I was glad he’d gotten out of the house and that things between his friends seemed to be getting back to normal, I was a little worried that he hadn’t called or texted me since. I just kept telling myself that he promised he’d be here.

  I put Myra on speakerphone while I peeled myself out of the dress and slipped on a tee shirt and shorts. In the time it took her to tell me all the things wrong with the current guy she was seeing, I had applied two coats of OPI’s An Affair in Red Square to my nails. They were just about dry when there was a knock at the door. I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. If it was Patrick, he was early. He’d also forgotten his key. I told Myra I’d see her at the party and went to the door.

  I checked the peephole before answering, then checked again to be sure I’d seen what I thought I saw. Then I opened the door and let Patrick’s mother inside.


  She refused any offer of something to drink and wouldn’t even remove her coat. We sat at opposite ends of the sofa in an awkward silence until she was ready to get down to business.

  “Patrick doesn’t know I’m here. No one does.”

  “Okay,” I said hesitantly.

  Her red hair was tied in a loose knot at the nape of her neck. A white scarf was knotted at her neck and tucked into her black wool coat. She sat with her glove-covered hands folded in her lap.

  “He should be home soon if you want to see him, but I thought he was at your house.”

  “He stayed at Paul’s house last night. They had too much to drink. They don’t think I know, but I always know.”

  “Do you want to wait here for him?”

  “No. I actually came to see you.” She reached into her coat pocket and handed me a small white box. “They gave us Charlotte’s belongings at the hospital. I still haven’t been able to get the things from her dorm room, but … anyway… those belong to you.”

  I removed the lid from the box and placed it on the coffee. When I saw what was inside the box, I gasped. Resting on a white tissue paper were the diamond earrings my mother had given me. The ones I thought I lost at Thanksgiving.

  “How did you—”

  “We think Charlotte must have… stolen them from you when she was here. She tried to sell them the night she got hurt.”

  Mrs. Murphy’s face was covered in pain and shame. She reached into her pocket again, retrieved a tissue, and dabbed at her nose.

  “Mrs. Murphy, I am so sorry. I didn’t know. If there’s anything I can do, just tell me.”

  She looked me in the face for the first time since arriving. “You can leave my son alone.”

  I’d heard her just fine, but in the interest of giving my brain time to process it and formulate an appropriate response I asked, “Excuse me?”

  “Patrick,” she said, like I was dating more than one of the Murphy boys. “You can leave him alone. That’s how you can help me. Help my family.”

  “I’m not trying to be rude, but not only are we dating, but we live together.”

  “He’ll come home.” She nodded confidently. “If you break up with him. He’ll come home where he belongs.”

  “Mrs. Murphy, your son is a grown man. If he wants to move back home, that’s fine, but I’m not going to break up with him because you have a problem with the fact that I’m black.”

  She blinked twice and her mouth opened and closed before she finally found the words. “I don’t have a problem with black people.”

  “Really? Because I heard you at Thanksgiving and it sure sounded like that to me.”

  “You and Patrick both misunderstand. I don’t care that you’re black. I care that he loves you, would do anything for you. I saw that the moment he introduced you to us. I know my boy. I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. And that makes me happier than you can ever imagine. You’ll only know that feeling when you have children of your own. And because of that, I care that other people will care that you’re black. They’ll care that Patrick is white and that you’re together. I can’t see any more pain or hardship brought to my children. I can’t.”

  “I would never hurt Patrick.”

  “You wouldn’t have to. The world will hurt you both enough just for being together. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t say anything? They all think I’m so weak, that I don’t know. I know my children. I knew that Charlotte was in trouble, but I didn’t want to know. Do you understand the difference? As long as I could pretend, it was fine. Until it wasn’t. And now she is gone.” Tears ran freely down her face, but she didn’t bother to wipe them. “I have lost so much because I failed to do my job.”

  My heart broke for her. I thought about how Crystal had reacted when Uncle Troy was in the hospital and how my mother still mourned my father, even now. I believed her when she said this wasn’t about race, but that didn’t mean I could do what she wanted me to.

  “If you won’t break up with him, can you at least encourage him to come back home for awhile? We need him. My family has been fractured and I just want to put something back together.”

  “You mean you want me to ask him to move out?”

  “Just for a short time.”

  “Mrs. Murphy, even if I wanted to, it doesn’t work like that. He’s on the lease. I can’t just ask him to move out. We could break up tomorrow and he still has a legal right and a financial obligation to live here.”

  “If you tell him you think it’s a good idea for him to spend a few months with us, he’ll do it. Convince him it will be helping his family and he’ll listen to you. He’s a good boy.”

  I just wanted this woman out of my apartment. “Fine. I’ll talk to him. But I can’t make any promises.”

  She stood to leave and, when I rose, she actually hugged me. I returned it with one arm and followed her to the door.

  “Do you want me to help you hail a taxi?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. I made it here on my own. I’m a lot more capable than my family gives me credit for.”

  That wasn’t hard to believe at all.


  “I can’t believe he stood you up.” Myra pressed a drink into my hand.

  I took a healthy sip and then put a fake smile on my face. We were in the main ballroom of the swank hotel hosting Raven Cosmetics’ event. There were dozens of media outlets in attendance, as well as famous fashion bloggers. There was no way in hell I was going to be caught with a scowl on my face.

  “Well, believe it,” I said, faux smile beaming.

  I’d already done the obligatory round of schmoozing with the Raven execs, and they all praised me on the stellar performance of my online campaigns. Our latest Facebook contest collected video submissions from young women all over the country explaining what it meant to be their true selves. Three finalists were flown out to New York with a guest to attend the party and would be receiving a year’s supply of makeup. The irony wasn’t lost on anyone in our company that these girls were being celebrated for their “true selves,” and then given a shit-ton of makeup to cover them up.

  I finished my drink and set the empty glass on a
nearby bar. It was almost ten-thirty and there’d been no word from Patrick. I’d waited as long as I could before heading out. I refused to call him again or send another text.

  I turned to Myra. “I’ve taken enough pictures, shaken enough hands, and my feet hurt. I’m going home.”

  “Um. No you’re not.”

  I looked to see what had her attention. Kelly Kennedy had just arrived wearing a hot pink strapless gown. She smiled brightly as the flash of a dozen cameras danced across her face. She smiled adoringly at the man on her arm, Patrick.


  I stared in the bathroom mirror and counted to ten. That didn’t work, so I tried twenty. My hands shook as I turned on the faucet and I let the water run over them. Myra came stomping into the women’s room and went stall to stall, opening the doors and checking for occupants. Satisfied we were alone she walked over to the sink and our eyes met in the mirror.

  “I know this is a big client for you and she’s the talent so you can’t do it, but do you want me to go out there and tell that bitch to have several seats?”

  I let out a laugh that sounded like it was on the verge of hysteria. “I love you for offering, but no. I just need to get the hell out of here.”

  “Why the fuck did he come here with her? He’s not a client. I can, and will, go out there and put my foot—”

  “Girl, no. I don’t know why or how… I’m going home.”

  I dried my hands and left the bathroom. I had to pass through the ballroom to get to lobby and front door. As soon as I entered the room my eyes landed on Patrick. It was like my body and mind automatically sought him out when I knew he was near. He was standing next to Kelly, scanning the room. She was chatting with one of the contest winners and managing to pose for photos at the same time. I wanted to throw my shoe over there.

  Instead, I walked as quickly as my silver stilettos allowed towards the exit. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Patrick notice me and do a double-take, but I didn’t slow down. I walked faster.

  “Leaving already? It’s not even midnight,” the doorman remarked as he held open the door to a taxi at the curb.

  “Afraid so. I’m about to turn into a pumpkin.”

  He laughed. “Well, have a happy new year.”

  As the car pulled off I saw Patrick running out of the hotel. I gave the driver my address and only then did I realize I’d left my damn coat at the coat check.


  I’d only just made it inside the apartment, kicked off my shoes, and tossed my clutch bag on the sofa when Patrick came rushing in behind me.

  “What the hell?” he asked.

  He was in a black tuxedo and breathing heavily. Even when pissed off at him, he took my breath away.

  “Yeah, I could ask you the same thing.” I removed my bracelet and sat it on the coffee table. Then I put my hands on my hips and waited for an answer.

  “I’m sorry I was late. I was out last night with the guys and I had too much to drink—”

  “And you couldn’t call?”

  “I lost my phone last night. Probably at the football field.” He noticed the look of confusion on my face and continued. “It’s a long story. Anyway, I thought about going to the Apple Store and replacing it, but I would have been even later. I came straight here, changed into my tux, and headed for the hotel. I must have just missed you.”

  “So, how the hell did you end up walking in with Kelly?” So far, his story was plausible, but I didn’t even care that he was late, but I sure as hell cared that he was with her.

  “She got there at the same time. Some of the magazine photographers asked us to pose for pictures and then we just walked in together. That’s it. We just walked in.”

  I sucked my teeth.

  “You don’t believe me? Why would I lie?”

  “Hmm. How about for the same reason you failed to tell me you used to fuck her?” Being so vulgar about it wasn’t like me, but I was pissed—and leave it to Myra to hand me the strongest drink she could think of. Liquid courage for the win.

  Patrick bowed his head and at least had the decency to look scared. “She told you about that.”

  “Yes. I’ve known for weeks. And she was all too happy to rub it in my face, all the great, casual sex you guys had. She was even happier to know that you never mentioned it.”

  He took a step closer and I took one step back. “Chloe. I didn’t tell you because it didn’t matter. She didn’t matter. It was long before I met you.”

  “You still should have told me. I work with her and she doesn’t like me. She made me feel stupid. You made me look stupid by not telling me.”

  “Baby, I am sorry. Truly. Forgive me?”

  He looked too damn sorry not to be forgiven. Just the way he looked at me melted the last bit of anger I’d been holding on to, but I wasn’t quite ready to kiss and make up.

  “You stood me up. And it’s New Year’s Eve.”

  “I know. But not on purpose. I was so hungover.” He took a step closer and this time I stood my ground.

  “I wanted to be the one on your arm tonight.”

  “And you’re the one I wanted,” he said, moving closer still. “Chloe, do you really think you have anything to worry about when it comes to Kelly?” He placed his hands on my waist and then ran them down my hips.

  “She’s very pretty,” I said.

  “And you are gorgeous.” He kissed me on the lips. “And sexy.” And then my neck. “And you’re the only woman I want.” Both of his hands cupped my ass and squeezed. I moaned, but he cut it off with another kiss.

  As we kissed we moved backwards until I was pressed against the wall between the living room windows. Patrick pulled back and looked me up and down. “As good as you look in this dress, I’ve been wanting to take it off of you from the second I got home.”

  He kneeled in front of me and lifted the skirt. He didn’t have to move it too far before my black panties were exposed. He peeled them away from my skin, moving them down my legs, following the path with this tongue. I stepped out of them and he tossed them aside. He kissed his way back up and I parted my legs to receive his tongue.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, clutching his head as he found the rhythm that almost brought me to my knees. He stopped only to insert two fingers and I felt myself close around him as if my body knew that every part of him was a perfect fit for me. He worked his fingers and my body rocked in response. Just when I thought I was going to explode he removed them, licked them, and then kissed me.

  “I love the way you taste, Chloe.”

  Our lips met over and over, tongues probing. As we made our way to the couch, his jacket, bow tie, and shirt joined my panties wherever they had ended up. I fell back on the sofa and just took him in as he stood over me.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said.

  I reached up and helped him remove his pants and, when he pushed into me, I had to bite his shoulder to keep from crying out. I had missed him. Inside and out. I met his every thrust like my life depended on it.

  “Chloe, I’m going to—“

  “Me too.”

  Our eyes met and he said, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  After, we lay in each other’s arms naked and content. There was still a lot to talk about, but in that moment I was content to rest my head on my man’s chest and listen to his heartbeat as the sound of fireworks ushered in a new year.

  The love story of Chloe and Patrick concludes in book six, which will be available for Kindle download by mid-January 2014.

  In the meantime, you can follow Nina Perez on Facebook, Twitter, and her websites to stay updated on the six-book Sharing Space series, The Twin Prophecies books, and more.

  Nina, Winter Wishes (Sharing Space #5)




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