Wolfe Wedding

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Wolfe Wedding Page 12

by Joan Hohl

  His laughter ringing joyously inside her head, Cameron returned her kiss with interest.

  All together in one room, the Wolfe pack were more than a little overpowering.

  Naturally, Sandra immediately took a liking to each and every one of them; how could she not? Though distinct and individual, each and every one of them was very much like Cameron. Tall, muscular, blond and blue-eyed, the four brothers presented a formidable, devastatingly handsome picture to the world in general—and four vastly different females in particular.

  But there was one woman in the room who appeared neither impressed nor intimidated, Sandra noted with an inner smile.

  Maddy Wolfe was decidedly the unopposed leader of this particular pack.

  Sandra had liked Maddy from the moment Cameron proudly introduced his mother to her. Maddy was warm and welcoming, and had opened her home, and her arms, to Sandra, bestowing a brilliant smile and a quick hug on the younger woman. That had been two days ago.

  At the time, Maddy had been alone in the house, which had afforded Sandra some time to get to know the other woman. It hadn’t taken very long for Sandra to realize from whom Cameron had learned to be a many-faceted person, as well as a man.

  That evening, Sandra had met Cameron’s youngest brother, Jake, and his prospective bride, Sarah, a lovely young woman of keen intelligence and humor.

  The following day, Eric had arrived, escorting his lady, Tina, who also was lovely, and intelligent, with a different, but obvious, sense of humor.

  The day after that, Royce had appeared, with yet another lovely and intelligent woman in tow. Her name was Megan. She was flat-out gorgeous and intelligent, with a lively sense of humor.

  Since it had turned out that, whenever they were confined together, the four brothers happily traded gibes, quips and dryly delivered insults, Sandra had decided that it was a good thing that their respective female companions all possessed a healthy sense of humor—seeing as how she couldn’t imagine how they could survive otherwise.

  Laughter, feminine and masculine, rang through the house. Through it all, Maddy’s eyes danced with pleasure at the antics of her tall sons, and at the gentle ripostes of the younger women.

  Being the only child of parents cool to emotional displays, Sandra soaked up the roisterous exchange of love and laughter like a dry sponge. She couldn’t help but notice that Sarah, Tina and Megan were likewise basking in the warmth freely given by the Wolfes.

  Sandra was glad she had agreed to come east with Cameron, for several reasons, the uppermost of them the whole new look and perception she received of him as he related with his family.

  The Cameron she had come to know was shrewd and tough and passionate, with moments of tenderness and gentleness. The man she observed in his mother’s home was the same, but with a larger, fuller personality. He was caretaker and caregiver, the son who had stepped forth to fill the gap when his strong father, Justin Wolfe, died in the line of duty.

  Sandra already loved Cameron. Yet, though she would not have believed it possible, after she saw him in the role of loving son and supportive brother, the love she felt for him deepened, expanded, became all-encompassing.

  Here was a man to hitch a life to.

  Within two uproarious days, the assembled men and women were all chattering together like a bunch of magpies, as if they had all known each other for years.

  Sandra was enjoying herself so much, she barely noticed the continuing off-and-on moments of queasiness in her stomach.

  But when the nausea struck at quiet times, when she and Cameron were alone in the room they had taken in a motel just outside of town, it was a stinging reminder that she had not as yet shared her secret with him.

  Although she no longer felt so much as a qualm concerning his reaction to her suspicion of pregnancy, she held off, waiting for the perfect moment to tell him he was going to be a father.

  The Sunday before the wedding, they all gathered at Maddy’s house for dinner. The men insisted on doing the cooking. The younger women insisted on helping. Maddy serenely directed the riotous proceedings.

  It was great fun; Sandra enjoyed every minute of it, and happily raised her glass in a toast when Eric announced that he and Tina had decided to take the big step. Jake followed the announcement with one of his own, that he and Sarah were thrilled with Eric’s suggestion to make it a double wedding.

  After dinner, the men retired to the patio, ostensibly to discuss the new arrangements, but in reality to share a beer and rag each other.

  It was late when Sandra and Cameron got back to their motel room. She was tired, but pleasantly so. He was amorous, but tenderly so.

  Their loving was slow and gentle, sweet and endearing. When it was over, Cameron continued to stroke Sandra, loving her in a different way.

  It was the perfect moment to share secrets. But, even as Sandra was again forming the words in her mind to tell him, Cameron confided two secrets of his own.

  “It’s going to be a triple wedding, you know,” he said in an amusement-laced tone.

  “Triple?” Sandra angled her head to stare up at him. “You mean Royce and Megan?”

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “He asked Jake and Eric if they’d mind while we were guzzling Mom’s beer and lying to each other out on the patio after dinner.”

  Bemused, she laughed with him. “Does your mother know?”

  He canted his head to give her a wry look. “Of course. Mom knows everything.” He chuckled. “She also knows that all three of my future sistersin-law are pregnant.”

  A thrill of sensation shot through Sandra. “All three of them?” she repeated, thinking the time had most definitely come for confession.

  “Yes, and Mom’s near delirious with excitement about it.” He hesitated, stroking her hip. “Er. Sandra?”

  “I have something to discuss with you,”she said in a rush. “I hope—” that was as far as she got.

  “I have something I want to ask you,” he interrupted her to say in an attention-getting tone of urgency. He drew a breath, and then, staring intently into her eyes, quickly said, “Sandra, you know I love you very much, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but.”

  “Do you love me? Really love me?”

  “Cameron, you know I do!” she cried, made nervous by the intensity of his voice.

  “Enough to marry me?” he asked in a rush, then appeared to hold his breath.

  Sandra went still for an instant. Then sheer joy burst through her, out of her.

  “Yes! Oh, Cameron, yes, yes, yes!”

  He exhaled, grinned, then laughed aloud. “Oh, sweetheart, you can’t imagine how scared I was to ask you, how scared I was you’d say no.”

  Frowning, she levered herself up, unconcerned about her nakedness, to scowl at him. “You, scared? It boggles the mind. Why would you even think I’d say no?”

  “Well, honey, you’re a professional, and all that.” His smile was teasing. “A feminist.”

  She gave him a playful, but meaningful, punch on his bare shoulder.

  He grabbed her and drew her mouth to his for a playful, but meaningful, kiss.

  “We could make it a complete family affair,” he slyly suggested. “I’m sure my brothers would be delighted with the idea.”

  She hesitated a moment longer, then drew a breath and took the plunge. “I suppose we might as well,” she agreed. “Make it unanimous…in every aspect.”

  It took a frowning moment. Then Cameron’s eyes flashed and widened.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Well, I’m not absolutely certain yet. but I’m pretty certain.”

  “Sandra.” He laughed. “Mom’ll freak!”

  “Yes, but what about you?” she asked, in a voice betraying uncertainty.

  “Are you kidding?” He drew her to him, kissed her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, her mouth. “I’m already freaking. Oh, Sandra.” His voice got lost inside her mouth; it found a home in her heart.

  Sandra placed a long-distan
ce call early the next morning, to tell her parents the happy news.

  There was not an unoccupied foot of space in the Sprucewood College campus chapel.

  Resplendent in their bright spring finery, the female guests looked like blossoms strewn amid the more subdued shades of the gentlemen’s suits and jackets.

  Sunshine struck jewel tones of light through the stained-glass windows. A warm breeze wafted through the tilted panes.

  Seated in the first pew, her eyes sparkling, her smile serene, Maddy turned her head to smile at the distinguished-looking couple seated opposite her across the aisle.

  Sandra’s parents, William and Lisa Bradley, had flown in from Paris just that morning. They were the only parents of the brides able to make the wedding.

  Disappointed for the others, but happy for Sandra, Maddy nodded to the couple, then turned her gaze proudly upon her tall, stalwart, handsome blond sons.

  Attired in navy blue suits, pristine white shirts and muted patterned neckties, the four brothers stood side by side in front of the small altar, facing but not seeing the assembled guests. All four pairs of gleaming blue eyes were fixed on the back of the chapel.

  Jake looked nervous—but trying not to show it.

  Eric looked too relaxed—a sure sign of nervousness.

  Royce looked contained—another sure sign.

  Cameron looked remote—a dead giveaway.

  The Wolfe men were getting married—and were anxious about it.

  A rustling murmur rippled through the chapel. An instant before she turned around, Maddy’s eyes misted as she witnessed the blaze of love shining from the eyes of each one of her sons. A tear escaped her guard as she turned to look at the young women slowly pacing the distance along the aisle to the men.

  Sarah was in the lead, her soft eyes riveted to Jake’s.

  Tina came second, her smile fixed on Eric.

  Megan followed third, her face aglow for Royce.

  Sandra was last, a picture of pure love for Cameron.

  It was a beautiful quadruple wedding.

  Every female cried; there were even tears in the eyes of some of the males.

  The reception was more joyous and boisterous than the previous gatherings at Maddy’s home. It was an absolute crush; there was only the tiniest space for dancing. No one seemed to mind.

  Sandra loved every minute of it. But she wasn’t sorry when, after a brief conference with his brothers, Cameron drew her aside to whisper, “Watches have been synchronized. In precisely thirty seconds, Jake, Eric, Royce and I are going to grab our wives and break out of this joint.”

  Sandra was breathless, and still laughing, long after she had kissed, and Cameron had shaken hands with, her parents, and all the others had all hugged Maddy in turn, then, calling their goodbyes, literally run to their separate cars.

  After the four of them had given a final wave to one another, the four vehicles took off in different directions.

  Cameron swept her into his arms the moment he shut the motel-room door. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. Then, in the exact same way he had the day he arrived at the cabin, he swung her around, singing, “Dance with me, I want my arms about you.” He broke off to declare, “I love you, my beautiful wife.”

  “And I love you, my handsome husband,” Sandra vowed, smiling up at him through the tears of happiness welling in her shining eyes.

  Cameron brushed his lips over hers. “Oh, my love, I’m so glad this Wolfe won’t be alone anymore.”

  * * * * *

  eISBN 978-14592-7852-3


  Copyright © 1996 by Joan Hohl

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  Table of Contents

  Cover Page


  Dear Reader

  Title Page

  Books by Joan Hohl

  About the Author















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