Crystal Bella

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Crystal Bella Page 7

by Marty Christopher

  It gave Elisabeth joy to have her own shop and to make it exquisite and beautiful. Having Ethan around doing odd jobs made her feel so at home and the sweetness of that joy and the love she felt made her highly content. She needed nothing more. Elisabeth was one of a few in this world who was truly content. The fact that she was single made it even more profound. She knew most people were never content, it was rare. She saw a card reader once. A medium that she knew was highly gifted, wise and talented. She had heard a lot about this woman and one day decided to go and see her. The psychic had a wonderful energy about her, a calming presence. She worked from a cozy little room above a cafe that was always humming below. When she met her, the encounter felt good but there was an unknown element that just seemed to add up, like a wall between them was building, at the same time there was sweetness in the feel with how they were interacting with each other. Elisabeth didn’t know what to do.

  The medium pulled out her cards but was vague with her descriptions. Elisabeth just sat there unsure how to respond, she didn’t really know what was happening. Then the medium had a slight teary eye, the water ever so slight came to her eyes, then it seemed to disappear, a quick breath and she looked suddenly alert again. It was all quite rapid and gave Elisabeth a moment of wondering was she okay. Then she broke the ice.

  “I get it now,” she said. “I couldn’t read you in the way I usually can. You are sweet, beautiful and open and I felt comfortable in your presence but there was a block, and then it just came to me.”

  She looked at Elisabeth with her beautiful, blue eyes and said, “You are content. You don’t want for anything and that is so rare. My guides just went quiet on me, but they are talking now.” She laughed. “They wanted me to see this and show me something different and new. I can’t really read for you as you are already fulfilled and achieving all you desire. You are content.”

  It was true Elisabeth was content. Most humans would say they were, but they were not really being true to themselves, most longed for something different. Even with being single Elisabeth was content as she loved herself deeply and that took away any longing or need for another. She knew she would find a loving man, though the only desire she had was for it to be her soul mate.

  Elisabeth moved some flowers and a Parisian looking table to a different part of the shop. It flooded more light in and that was exactly how it was meant to be.

  “What do you think, Ethan?”

  “Love it, mom blossoming perfect. It does bring more light in too”

  She walked up to Ethan, her shoes making a noise on the wooden floors. The mixture with this shop on the slope, flowers everywhere, the dark wooden floors in this 80’s chic store with this woman all quite captivating, gliding over to her son made anyone looking in well aware something was unique here. The two customers in the shop could feel it, the electricity of them both. When she glided over to Ethan, she did just that, she flowed like an immortal, and when Ethan looked at her in this moment of serene purity he looked immortal, or a teenage version of this vampire like woman who glowed with this edge appeal. One of the customers could not quite figure out what it was, but something was different and even though he was a happily married man he could almost smell her potent power and the delivery of her beauty, but it was not human, somehow it spell bounded from somewhere else and he couldn’t quite figure out why he felt the way he did. He bought some flowers and left and for a moment he felt incredibly intimidated by Ethan and Elisabeth, until he said goodbye. Elisabeth looked at him and when he looked into her soulful eyes, they were warm and loving and he knew he was safe and okay.

  Another man walked into the shop, his name was Leroy. He also has a slight glide to his walk. Shoulders were upright with a walk that was subtly dramatic. Not extreme but just enough to know this man was gay. Handsome with a very clean, cut look. He wore his clothes detailed with their designs and everything seemed to be new and shiny. He looked around the shop clearly enjoying the ambience and the style of the place. He saw the flowers he liked that were already bundled together. It was like the flowers were already waiting for him. He grabbed them and with anticipation of seeing Elisabeth headed towards her.

  “Lovely shop you have here, so femine and divine,” he said to Elisabeth.

  “Thank you and I love your choice,” she replied.

  “Yes I know, they are so beautiful, it was like they chose me...I was wondering though, what about a gold ribbon instead?”

  The flowers had an arrangement with lots of color’s, the flowers were bright with a background of semi color with some touches of 80’s hip themes intermixed.

  “You could go gold without losing any effect with the arrangement. It would just make it a little more, hmm, shiny perhaps? It would add to the color and glam of it all. I had the light purple on to just play it down a little.”

  “My man likes gold,” he said with a glow.

  “I thought so.”

  “But in a refined way, never ostentatious.”

  “I know.” Elisabeth smiled at the same time adding the gold ribbon that changed the package with another shade that fitted the purpose and need. Leroy paid and gave Elisabeth a lovely smile and even though he is gay he couldn’t help but notice her appearance and her effortless charm and sexiness. He walked past Ethan who was on a small step ladder, three steps up adjusting a few things in the store. Ethan turned towards him and smiled and Leroy gave a smile back. As he walked towards the door trying to figure out the connection between the boy on the ladder, the sexy woman and the feeling they both gave him, he was stopped by another customer who walked into him just as he was about to go through the front door.

  The man who bumped into him was Henry. 60’s, conservative and homophobic. With all the people that could collide into each other, these two would be better off left apart.

  Ethan observed from the distance. Briefly thinking why these two would run into each other. He knew sometimes a situation had nothing to do with another individual. It could be the other person’s dynamics and their own contract.

  It was trusting the feeling and being intuitive, not been dragged into anyone else’s drama and remaining detached. Other souls also could see the light in another and naturally gravitate to be close to that warmth.

  “Sorry about that,” Henry said observing who he had bumped into.

  “It’s okay,” Leroy said.

  “Flowers for the Mrs.?”

  “Something like that.”

  Leroy could have kept walking, but his path was slightly blocked by Henry and Henry jumped in with another question.

  “She likes those colors?”

  “Yes very much so.”

  “They are very bright and different,” Henry said, in a slow way trying to figure out what was not quite right to him. Then he continued and snapped out, “some things don’t quite add up here.”

  “I have to go I have a beautiful man waiting for these.”

  And with that statement Leroy left in a walk more assertive and more gay than normal.

  “I knew it,” Henry muttered under his breath.

  Elisabeth wanting to tone down the atmosphere gently asked Henry if he needed any assistance with choosing the flowers. Henry was polite and asked for a bunch of flowers, and suggested nothing outrageous and something suitable for his wife who was not feeling well.

  Elisabeth quietly picked some flowers and got a match that would suit his wife. Pretty, plain within the context of flowers with some warmth in the arrangement to give some hope and spark. As she quickly put them together Henry started talking.

  “I have a good hunch for those odd types. I knew straight away he was a bit different and I was right. He’s about to give those flowers to another man.”

  Elisabeth was unsure whether to laugh or be serious. She was somewhere crossed in between. She would like to take the piss, but knew she had to be nice to her customers also.

  “Yeah he’s probably going to give those flowers to him, then follow it up with a
good bang.”

  This seems to stop Henry as he was uncertain with what a bang meant and he didn’t really want to know. Elisabeth was like a machine today and finished in no time. Henry paid and then noticed Ethan standing around and decided to chat to him.

  “You look like a cool dude, surely you find that kind of thing odd.”

  “I didn’t really notice anything,” Ethan replied nonchalantly.

  “Oh I think you did.”

  Ethan said nothing more so Henry pushed further.

  “Too afraid to call a spade a spade?


  “Then say what you mean.”

  Ethan didn’t really want to say anything more but as he had kept pressing, he decided to say something.

  “Life can be multi-faceted with the people that walk here.”


  “Well, one man is happy, romantic and true to himself.”


  “One isn’t.”


  “Can you stop saying and? The other perplexed guy walks in with a fear, a judgment.”

  “And...which man has the judgment and fear?”

  “You know.”


  “The gay guy was the happy, truthful one. That leaves you as the perplexed.”

  “Come to think of it you are a bit odd too.”

  “It’s cool,” Ethan said taking another step closer to Henry looking directly into his eyes. “I do know this, what you give in life, life gives it back to you. You give judgment, judgment comes back, takes a while sometimes. My prediction is you will come back as a gay man in your next life, which is perfectly fine, could be beautiful. But you will get to see what it feels like…to be judged.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, that would be pretty fucken funny. Hopefully you come back like the guy who just walked out, pretty and handsome.”

  At that Henry walked off, he had heard enough. He left the store and headed towards the water. As he arrived at the waterfront he saw Leroy and his partner cuddling up on a seat across from the water. Henry muttered some bigotry’s to himself and was forced to look away and headed into another direction. He was agitated, his wife was not well and he seemed to be bumping into all sorts of weirdo’s today and getting no support from anyone. What is wrong with this world? He thought to himself. Men cuddling in public, bright flowers for another man and maybe the young chap in the flower store was gay also. All these thoughts went through Henrys head and they attract. Like a negative vault of electricity finding its match, it did just that and connected to the same frequency to some youths on bikes who are feeling angst as well. As Henry crossed the road the two kids nearly run him over. They swerved and only just miss him, and yell out, “watch where you are walking you moron!”

  “Yeah you old fuck,” the second kid said.



  Ethan closed the front door and headed to his car. He was dressed in his black jeans and a designer jacket that he purchased a few months back from his favorite clothes store. It had a hood and sat well with the simplicity and style of it. He was not flashy today, just cool and understated. It was one of his favorite jackets that gave him a glow and he looked very cool doing very little else, just wearing the jacket with the hood. This is what Ethan’s soul chose today, this outfit, as he knew it was an important day.

  Ethan jumped into his car and away he went. He had the stereo playing with a new wave 80’s band. Today he felt chilled and that life was just humming along and this music suited that mood. Today seemed heightened. It was a spring day and it had a feeling of newness in the air. Then for a quick flash after seeing a bird fly past his car he remembered a dream he had the previous night. The bird brought the dream to memory.

  The dream had a bird that was cute and fluffy and across the landscape far away there was another bird. When the fluffy bird saw the other one, a big bang went across the sky in feeling and in sound. Then the fluffy bird looked like it was choking on something or throwing something up, but then it is realized that the fluffy bird was giving birth through its mouth. The fluffy bird gave birth and the most gorgeous looking, tiny creature was born. It was destined to become graceful and large and immediately started growing, then the fluffy bird looked to the open landscape and the other bird was flying now at an incredible speed towards the fluffy bird. It was intense, so much was about to happen, almost like it was too big to happen, that the physics could not handle the power and just as it was all about to happen, it all stops and that moment that was about to eventuate remains untouched, for now.

  Ethan thought about the dream, he knew dreams all had a meaning. This one seemed to imply death or a new beginning. Before he could delve more deeply into his dream he was distracted by some man waving at him. Ethan realized the man has been waving for a while in his convertible car. He was coming towards him and waving simply because they had the same car. He was also in a convertible Porsche. Ethan waved back. The other guy was desperate to say hi. Ethan found it funny.

  Ethan arrived at his college. He parked his car and walked into the grounds. As he came around the corner into the open courtyard that flowed onto an open field there was a bunch of birds that suddenly flew off as Ethan walked into the group of them. He watched them fly into the sky and take on a form almost, then they divided into two groups and one group glided low and past Ethan again. Ethan felt the joy in his heart, he knew the birds were telling him something, they often came in to give good news and Ethan felt touched that he was the receiver of something divine. He used to get images of his guardian angel where she would ride on a bird flying through the sky always there to protect him. These signs made Ethan feel connected to the source of life and that he was special, that he had a beautiful purpose and he was a snow like flake that would fit into the puzzle and complete the universes reflection in the part he was meant to, and then return.

  Ethan went into the corridor and kept walking towards his class. The corridor should be busy, it was just a moment ago but it had gone quite empty. It was just Ethan there for a moment and then he saw her. Coming right towards him was a woman wearing a skirt and a white shirt. She had dark reading glasses on. She had the most perfect skin, greeny blue eyes, big lips and dark straight hair that was wrapped up and then thrown over her shoulder on one side to the front of her.

  She saw Ethan and he saw her. They had about three seconds to look at each other before they passed one another.

  It was the crush, and her beauty that he felt the most. Drawn in by something out of this world. The feeling radiated within him. It was spiritual.

  Then she was gone, she had walked past. Ethan felt like a tidal wave had hit him, but a gentle calm one. It had taken him in and then settled and it was all calm again. But the girl touched his heart somehow. It was like he was remembering where he had came from. He felt love but also power. His mind started to race.

  Ethan still had a while to get to his class and he continued walking down the corridor. Luckily for him he did not bump into anyone. He came to his class and walked up the aisle and found a seat on the left side just a little back from the front. He pulled out his books and looked ahead and waited. Now he felt calm again. He took a big sigh and then starting laughing. Something had to release within him so he just laughed. His soul was laughing, laughing at the mind and life. The girl next to Ethan wondered what he was laughing about.

  Ethan’s heart missed a beat again as the professor walked in. It was the girl who had just walked past him in the corridor. She was the new English professor.


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