Crystal Bella

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Crystal Bella Page 15

by Marty Christopher

  “No ring today?” he said.

  “I had to take it off.” Her stare was strong.

  “First thing I noticed when I saw you today.”

  “Pretty good eyesight.”

  “I was just staring.”

  It went quiet where they could both hear each other’s breath. Kali opened her mouth just slightly, then caressed her lips together. It was a motion that just flowed, just matching how she was feeling and it made Ethan look at her in that way again, and it made her stare back in the same manner. Ethan leaned forward like he may kiss her.

  “I will see you tonight,” and he leaned in and gave her the softest kiss on her cheek. When he did it, he opened his mouth slightly and he was slow and felt her soft skin, her breath, close to him and as he leaned back he knew the time had come to be more than friends. His desire for her was becoming insatiable and he needed her. His heart was speaking to him and his heart needed to touch her.



  Carl was at Christian’s place. They were dressing up for the party. It was a heaven, hell theme and they were looking forward to the night. It was going to be a big night. It just had that feel and they were looking forward to it so much.

  Christian was in his bedroom getting ready for the party. He had his costume all ready. He had found it the previous weekend at a garage sale. It was one of those unusual gems that he had found. He remembered going into the place where the garage sale was at. The couple there were ultra friendly and helpful. They had greeted him like an old time friend. Christian knew he may need a costume that could fully disguise him and he had found it.

  It was a bird costume, lots of feathers with a head that could be pulled over and attached, a bit like a helmet. It had a long beak and it was cute looking. Christian loved it and had purchased it. They were selling two of them and he was keen to buy the other, but he only needed one and didn’t really need to spend his money on something unnecessary. Christian remembered handing the couple their money and they looked so happy for him. He left and thought, man they are so friendly and nice. They had a funny accent, the way they said certain words, it made him laugh, who were these people and where did they come from? They had a similar accent to how Ethan sounded when he first returned from New Zealand after going there for two years as a teenager.

  Christian now had the bird suit on and he put the head on to show Carl his look.

  “What do you think?” he asked Carl.

  He had an echo in his voice, slightly muffled from having the bird’s head on. It didn’t match the look of the bird, it made him sound like a mean bird.

  “I like it, but the voice doesn’t match the bird,” Carl said. Christian pulled the head off and looked as if he had just surfaced from the water from a deep dive.

  “I can’t help it. It just makes that sound when you have the head on.”

  Fair enough they thought and Carl continued getting his gears on. He had a skinny, hugging outfit. It had a skeleton on it. He had gone really Goth with the extra pieces, black eyeliner, a few chunky chains, some rings.

  “What do you think?” he asked Christian.

  “Very cool. You just need to gel up the hair though. You look good but then you have the fluffy hair, it looks half done.”

  “Fair enough,” Carl said and headed to the bathroom. He went crazy with the gel and found his hair going straight up in the air with the application. It straightened his curls out a little. He then he returned to Christian’s bedroom and they were now both finished and ready for their big night.

  A few neighborhood’s over Ethan was getting done up. His theme was a future, 90’s angel. He had wings on, he had his usual eyeliner but he was far more heavy than usual and had mascara on too. He also had rep lipstick, a pair of cool pants and a skirt wrapped around it.

  Ethan was feeling nervous about the night. It was going to be huge, he could feel it. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge. He gave his mother a soft kiss on the cheek trying not to smudge his lipstick and headed out the door.

  Ethan jumped into his car, blasted some music and headed into the night. He arrived at Christian’s place, knocked on the door and Christian’s mom answered.

  “Hello, Ethan come on in I think they’re all ready.”

  “Thanks Mrs. Amy,” Ethan said and entered the lounge where they all were.

  “You look pretty cool, Ethan,” Christian’s younger sister Talia said.

  “Thanks, Talia. In a couple of years you’ll be going to a party like this.”

  “I already go to some cool parties, Ethan.”

  “I’m sure you do. I sounded quite old when I said that didn’t I? I didn’t mean too. Yeah I bet your friends are cooler than us.”

  “Just a wee bit,” she said confidently, “we could hang out sometime but if any of my friends saw us I would have to say you are a friend of my mothers.”

  Ethan laughed. He had known Talia since she was a child and now she was a confident 16 year old girl and enjoying that male attention. Ethan knew Christian wouldn’t want to hear it but she was turning into quite a looker and she would be getting a lot of attention from guys.

  They all kept talking in the lounge with Talia purposely making conversation with Ethan, enjoying all the attention he gave her. Mrs. Amy asked Ethan about his studies and was her usual sweet self and a concerning, caring mom telling Ethan to drive safely.

  They eventually got going and walked to the door. They all said bye but Talia wanted a more direct acknowledgment and stood there in a coy fashion and defiantly said, “Bye, Ethan.”

  Ethan smiled.

  “Bye, Talia.”

  She wanted to come, she wanted more attention.

  They jumped into the car. The roof was down. They all decided to drive with the roof down and didn’t mind the wind messing up their hair a little. They all had their beers in hand, they put on their favorite sounds, had it loud and Ethan applied the accelerator a little harder than usual and off they went into the night. Ethan turned the volume down a bit so he could speak to Christian, who was next to him in the front seat.

  “I love your costume, Christian, heaven perhaps?”

  “I know what you’re getting at, heaven, hell and a bird.”

  “Kinda cute, so could be heaven.”

  “I just liked it, a good camouflage and surprisingly I’m very flexible in it.”

  “Where did you score it from?”

  “I got it from a garage sale from this really nice couple who were ultra friendly with these funny accents. There were actually two outfits and I did consider getting both of them, one for me, one for you, but what about Carl? He would be the odd one out, so I just got the one bird suit.”

  “Thanks for thinking about me,” Carl said, “you could’ve got it and given it to your sister, then she could come with us under camouflage.”

  She would look pretty hot in a bird’s suit, Ethan thought, but was more diplomatic with his words.

  “That wouldn’t work. Christian might get hit on, in a mix up.”

  That was the closest they got to the conversation about Christian’s little sister becoming attractive, just one of those subjects that could never really be entered into. Ethan found it funny, he could tell how it made Christian uncomfortable when someone noticed his little sister’s attractive looks.


  They arrived at the college campus and headed to the party. It was in one of those old looking buildings, Goth like inside, especially with how they had arranged it. As they opened the door to the hall the music hit them and they were in heaven. It was a party with all unusual types floating around.

  They walked through and headed to the bar. There were a few people dancing, it had dim light and the hall was filled with a few angels, a lot of vampires and some others that were hard to describe with their crazy looks, but were in the theme of heaven and hell.

  They got through the dance floor and Ethan ordered their beers. He got three cans
. He passed them over, they opened them up and they all said cheers to the night.

  They drunk their beers and faced one another and knew life was good like this. The buzz of the drink, the night, the venue, it was like putting venom into a mix but the venom didn’t sting, this night had that kind of edge; sweet venom. Christian kept his birds head on, mainly because he knew what would happen tonight. He needed a disguise. He was still in a party mode but the chance of picking up a girl tonight was looking slim. He could take the head off but he needed to be unrecognizable tonight.

  Carl lit up his rollie and offered one to Ethan, it had been a while for him so he said yes. Christian could really feel the buzz of the place, so much so that he almost forgot his mission for the night, his purpose. He did just want to party like the rest of them and felt annoyed that he had to get on with something else, something that had plagued his mind. Ethan seemed to pick up on his thoughts.

  “Just remember to always stay in the moment, enjoy what is, and if you have to briefly move away from that place of peace or the joy, remember to go back to the peace,” Ethan said, as he took a sip of his beer, followed by a drag on his rollie.

  Ethan was right, Christian was going to party and have fun and when he had to, he would apply his plan and do it, but only then, not now. Right now he was with his two best friends and life was full, fun and so it was, for this moment at least.

  The three of them stood there in their group just humming with the beat of the place. The party had a heart and so did the building. They all had smiles on their faces, but of course we couldn’t see Christian’s. Ethan hopped over to the bar to get some more beers. He returned to Christian and Carl and then realized it was time to find Kali.

  “I’m going to have to leave for a little bit and find Kali.”

  “All the best with that,” Carl said.

  They hit their cans together and away went Ethan.

  Ethan walked around looking for Kali. A few people came his way, a demon bumped into him but like pinball machine he moved away fast, a couple of angels went by, then a couple of people that just seemed to melt to the right and left of him and then Kali appeared, just there, like she had been waiting, moving gently towards him.

  Kali was in a short, dark dress, she was a vampire with vampire teeth, she looked absolutely gorgeous, fairytale like but with this outfit she looked highly sexual too. All Ethan could muster was, “Oh my.”

  “I was looking for you.”

  “I was looking for you.

  Kali leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear.

  “I love your outfit.” She looked him in the eyes, her mouth looking so ready to kiss him.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I’m a 90’s Angel and you must be a sexy, too sexy vampire?”

  “That’s right, Ethan and I’m gonna kill or taste what I need.”

  Ethan laughed. She was growing more audacious, more divine by the hour. What would happen at midnight? Then he remembered it was also a full moon tonight, it was actually a blue moon.

  The song then just stopped for two seconds and it went quiet and they just stared at one another. She had a pouty look on her lips. She could sense how beautiful she looked in Ethan’s eyes. It was like a magical, electrical current just coming from the heavens, from her, to him and going around and around. The next song played and it was one of their favorites.

  “Oh man, that song,” Ethan said.

  “Did you do that?”

  “I might of.”

  They were like twins now, their thoughts were being shared. He grabbed her hand and took her to a place in the dance floor that had some people dancing. He didn’t need to tell her, she just knew, they were becoming one and they could both feel each other’s feelings and thoughts.

  They started dancing and Kali immersed herself into the rhythm. She fell effortlessly into the song, her curves and slim figure just eased into the music. She looked so cute. Ethan was in love just with the way she moved. Her smile beamed from her face as she just bobbed up and down. She flowed, she was sexy, fun.


  Back across the other side of the dance floor was Christian and Carl, enjoying their beers.

  “I’ve decided I’m gonna hurt the copper,” Christian said.

  “Really?” Carl said, slightly concerned.

  “I just need him out of my life.”

  “I understand, it’s like your own stalker.”

  “Yep…and if he’s injured, he has to recuperate, then he’s out of my life.”

  “Well, good luck…break a leg, no don’t, just sprain it.”

  “Thank you and on that note I should get going. I have to be on my own now.”

  “Yeah I understand...I might just go and talk to..” Carl looked around and over in the distance he saw Amelia and her friend, “Amelia and her friend.”


  They said bye to one another and Carl wished him well, and Christian reminded him to keep it quite with who was under his costume and Carl headed over to Amelia and her friend.

  Carl walked up to Amelia and introduced himself. She was with her same friend from earlier in the day, Karan. She was a little bit goofy, nerd like but not really. She was sexy, under a package of a big looking mouth with big teeth and Carl loved it. She had teeth braces on and Carl found himself flowing and getting on very well with her.

  Later Carl from his peripheral vision noticed Chuck. He was walking by with a friend. He didn’t seem to be in a costume. He was wearing black jeans and a black top. Maybe that’s his costume Carl wondered. Carl faced away to keep his distance from him. He also knew he would be hard to recognize in the dark with his costume on.

  Not too far away was Christian. From the distance he could see Amelia, her friend Karan and Carl. He didn’t feel pissed off anymore about the night, he felt focused and had to do what was needed. He could chat up Amelia another time and he didn’t feel afraid of her anymore, not now, not with all this adrenaline pumping. He had been here before when someone had angered him and it brought up a feeling of no fear, nothing but calm aggression and the cop was going to be the outlet for this feeling. It charged him, but he felt focused, he had to do this. Then he spotted Chuck, not too far away from Carl. He had seen him earlier and had lost him briefly, but he wouldn’t lose him this time. He had his eyes locked on him and Chuck was not going to get away. The feeling of adrenaline rose again, as he knew he was close to doing what he had to do.

  Christian remained 20 feet away just eying him up, getting ready for the right moment. Chuck was drinking a beer, chatting away to his friend, but he also seemed to be looking around. Looking for me I bet. Then Chuck said something to his friend and headed away and Christian followed. Christian knew he would be heading most likely to the toilet. He followed him as he exited the main party building that went down another corridor that went to the bathroom. As Christian followed Chuck down the fairly empty corridor, he kept a good distance so he wouldn’t be noticed.

  Chuck went into the toilet and Christian waited outside. He realized this was his moment and popped out from within his costume a baseball bat. It was fitted in the front of him, between his skin and the bird’s costume. Christian placed the bat inconspicuously down by his legs of his costume. He looked unsuspecting and Christian was ready.


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