Secret Bet (The House of Morgan)

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Secret Bet (The House of Morgan) Page 9

by Victoria Pinder

  She crossed her arms and brushed against him. "Em's not interested in a man for his wallet size. She's like me."

  Everyone has a price. The thought hit him hard, and he flinched. He hadn't quite figured Belle out yet. He cupped his chin and leaned closer. The smell of apples grew and wet his appetite.

  "This is why I find you so attractive. You think everyone is good and kind."

  She dropped her hands to her side, but didn't push him away. She swept a piece of hair behind her ear. "She's my friend. I know her."

  He shrugged and leaned away from her. "Then you'll come and let her enjoy herself. If she hates all of them, we'll send her to a dive, and she can meet poor men to her heart's content."

  His brother, John, and his wife, Alice, both flashed him the thumbs up sign. His skin heated as Alice said, "Bets are for children. I can't believe you'd do that John."

  They began to weave through the crowd closer to them. He licked his lips. Belle might hate him if she found out, and he never should have made a bet about her price. He had to act fast.

  He stood and held out his hand, "Does that mean you won't dance with me again?"

  John and Alice were closer. His heartbeat grew erratic, but then Belle squeezed his arm as she stood. "Of course I will, but your sister is getting ready to throw the bouquet."

  He turned and saw his sister motioning with the bouquet. "All the single ladies please step forward."

  His hands brushed against her side as she walked away, he said, "Come back soon."

  Belle hid her smile and walked into the crowd of women on the dance floor.

  His brother and his wife were close. As he turned to sit, Jennifer bumped into him. He swallowed as she whispered in his ear, "Are you enjoying your little date?"

  Again he glanced at Belle as she hung toward the back. She had no intention of catching the flowers. He inhaled, but her apple scent was quickly replaced with perfume.

  He grimaced. "She's different than anyone I've ever met."

  Jennifer practically purred like a cat as she stepped in front of him to block his view of Belle. "Peter, I was hoping, after all the hoopla is over that you might take me to Paris. We can get coffee in that café we liked."

  Her hands pressed against his, but he pulled his hand away. "Jennifer, you have a boyfriend.”

  “He’s not...”

  No. He didn’t need to know. So he interrupted. “I am happy for you. You should go and catch the bouquet with the rest of them."

  Thankfully his brother and Alice came. He instantly shook his brother's hand.

  "Peter, what's happening?" John asked.

  "Is she gone?" He mouthed to Alice. She nodded, and he took a deep breath. "She caught me by surprise."

  Alice peeked around Peter and smiled. "Belle caught the bouquet."

  "What?" He turned to see Belle. She stood there with her mouth open, and her skin was alabaster white.

  "Belle's perfect. Go. Talk to you later."

  He walked toward Belle, and then picked her up and spun her around. Belle pressed her head into his chest for a second, and the smell of apples came back. Her natural beauty outshone everyone here.

  After everyone clapped for Belle, the music started again. Couples came forward to dance. He held out his hand and offered to dance with her. She held the bouquet in the hand she placed on his upper arm.

  "The rest of the night, I'm all yours, Belle. All my duties are complete."

  She averted her gaze and stared out at the ocean beyond the stone patio. He twirled her around, unsure what she thought.

  Then she said, "As you were dancing, another senator slipped me his card and told me to fit him into my schedule once Congress is back in session."

  She must be shy right now. He held her in the dance and spun her around. "That's great."

  She swallowed. "Were you talking to Jennifer?"

  Caught. He sucked in his breath at the question about his ex-girlfriend. "She came over."

  Her big brown eyes then met his, and she never blinked. "And?"

  He tightened his hands in the frame of the dance. "I told her I was happy with you."

  With a lift of her chin, her gaze had the ability to silence a school boy or anyone that crossed her path. "That must have gone over like a bag of rocks."

  "I don't understand."

  He twirled her again. She didn't back down from what she had to say. "Jennifer warned me that you don't trust easy, but I think she wants you."

  "Jennifer is the past and that's it." Belle's brown eyes didn't blink. He swallowed and finished, "She was in my life when I didn't want to feel anything."

  “That emotion and I are acquainted.” Her eyebrow lifted. "And now? What’s different in your life?"

  Belle seemed like she intended to fight him if he answered wrong. He flashed her a smile. "I’m here, with you, and there is no competition."

  Her face softened. He swallowed. At least she didn't demand his allegiance. He might have given it to her. He almost lost his step.

  Then she stood on her tip toes, tugged his shoulder closer to her, and whispered in his ear. "Take me home."

  He licked his lips. Belle Jordan might be the best or the worst woman in his life at the moment, not that he had anyone else on his radar. She took his breath away. She stared at him like he was an idiot.

  He lingered too long. To cover he said, "What did you have in mind?"

  She rubbed the base of her neck near her chest. The music stopped. "The wedding is basically over. It's time to go now."

  "Of course."

  He led her off the dance floor, and they walked in silence to the door. No one stopped them.

  As they exited through the glass doors that led to the front of the building and toward the limo, Belle squeezed his arm. "And Peter, one more thing."

  He slowed his pace. He swallowed. "What?"

  She said, almost in a whisper, "I'll want another kiss. I was jealous."

  Outside people spoke on the veranda and waited in groups. He wrapped his arm around her waist to ensure she stayed near, and then said, "No one else will be in the room, mentally or physically, when I kiss you again."

  She winked. "Deal."

  It might have been her wink. She was charming and forthright and nothing about her seemed false. She was unlike any woman he'd ever met. Luckily the bet was over now, and she would never be hurt.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The moment the limo door closed, the sound ricocheted through her. Belle folded her hands in her lap. She swallowed as he scooted closer to her. Silence clung in the air until the driver pressed on the gas. She tilted her head and saw how Peter stared at her. Her stomach melted like butter.

  She held her hands firmer and asked, "Is what Jennifer said about you true?"

  His gaze narrowed. "What did she say about me?"

  No holding back. She rubbed the back of her neck. "She told me you have trust issues that keep you from committing."

  His eyes widened. "I don't think any woman should want to be with me long term. I'm pretty damaged."

  This fit with what she thought, but she held her hands firm on her lap. "How can you think that?"

  He nodded. "Most people want the money I can provide for them. If it's not money, it's something else. Everyone has a price."

  "I don't believe that." Her price might be that she wanted a night she'd never forget. She licked her lips. "Even if it's true, how does that make you feel?"

  He lowered his gaze. "I don't want to talk about me."

  Seduction had never been her thing, and they were in a limo. The driver had seemed nice, but he could hear her. She kept her voice soft.

  "I do. I'm interested in you, Peter."


  He brushed his hand against hers. "'Cause I act different with you. You make me feel something and I like it."

  She swallowed and tried to glance away.

  Then he asked, "Did you intend to marry Colt because you felt something too?"

irect hit on his part. Her lips parted. "I almost married Colt because I trusted him. Like you, I don't trust many people, but once people prove themselves as honorable, I open up."

  "How can you say that? He left you for another woman?"

  "But I knew he loved Victoria before we ever dated."

  His hand went on top of hers. Her heartbeat raced as he asked, "And you were okay with that?"

  "We thought she was dead."

  These questions weren't going to lead her where she wanted to go. She swallowed. It wasn't wrong to want fun tonight and not have expectations.

  She massaged her neck and said, "I thought he was grieving for someone he could never have again and that I could help heal him."

  His gaze narrowed. "So you tried to fix him?"

  She leaned forward and then rubbed his arm that held her. "I guess. I'm clearly not in love with him, if I am here with you."

  His Adam's apple bobbed as he asked, "Are you sure?"

  Her hands continued to stroke his arms. "During the ceremony, my eyes were glued on you. I don't know how much surer you want me to be. Now I've answered your questions. Can you answer mine?"

  His skin grew goose bumps too. She kept that to herself. His gaze lowered, and he stared at her lips.

  "What was that?"

  Take me, right here, right now begged to be said. She opened her mouth, but then she asked, "How does people using you for money make you feel? Does that make you trust less?"

  His face darkened. She swallowed. Serious was not going to get him to go to bed with her tonight.

  He then massaged her knee. "We all use each other to get what we want out of life. I happen to be good at getting others to agree with whatever I want, and I get a good price. It was what my father taught me."

  A simple brush of his skin on hers sent her into overdrive. "Are you like Scrooge in the old story and willing to let Tiny Tim die?"

  "No, I don't want to be heartless and cold." He leaned closer and was only inches from her face. "All my employees are offered full health insurance, even the part timers."

  Insurance had never set her on fire before. She sat back and lowered her gaze. "And your last relationship, Jennifer? What did you get from her?"

  "It wasn't a relationship. She knew where we stood."

  He rubbed his chin as the limo stopped. He got out and held his hand for her to join him. She scooted out the same door and took his offer. He moved her hand to his arm as he led her inside.

  "Plus she was Vicki's friend. She was the only one left that knew my sister and checked on me. She was someone I understood and could be safe with."

  Everyone had believed Victoria dead. She inhaled, and the sweet scent made her lips water.

  She sighed. "Where was John?"

  No one stopped them in the lobby. They walked arm-in-arm.

  Peter said, "In the FBI. He hated me too."

  She tugged on her ear. This was too deep. She'd have to figure out how to ask him to kiss her again. At least she hadn't told him not to, so this time, he might kiss her on his own.

  "We don't have to talk about family anymore. I can see it clearly hurts you."

  "Nothing hurts me."

  Her eyebrows lifted, and a smile widened on her face. "Is that a dare?"

  His dimples grew as he pressed the elevator button. "No. You have better aim than most."

  She squeezed his arm. "I never stopped training, even after I left the Marines. You should give yourself credit. You clearly stay in shape, Morgan."

  As the elevator opened, she went inside to the sweet sound of a guitar playing a romantic medley. He followed her in, and he took her hand.

  "Morgan? Are we using last names now, Jordan?"

  "It's what everyone else calls me at work." His arms leaned on both side of the elevator around her. A hunger grew inside her.

  She panted and said, "Just you and Em and, well, everyone at the wedding, seems to remember my name is Belle."

  His lips almost brushed against hers. The elevator dinged, and they stopped on her floor. He lowered his arms and then massaged the back of his neck.

  "Why did your parents name you that?"

  She followed him into the small hallway outside her door. This night didn't need to end. She licked her lips.

  "I think my mom was into Disney, or she basically knew it was French for beauty. She must have had wishes for me."

  He stared at her. Her skin tingled with anticipation. Tonight she ignored the doubts that plagued her mind and focused on him.

  "You're wistful. You must have had a mother you loved. And I broke my promise to you."

  Her eyes widened. "What promise?"

  He shrugged. "We weren't going to discuss family anymore, were we?"

  As she opened the door with her electric key, she stared into his eyes. This couldn't be the end. She swallowed. "It's okay, as long as you intended to kiss me before we depart."

  "You can invite me into your room, Belle."

  Finally. This night was going her way. This was the night of no regrets. She pushed the door wider and pointed toward the living room.

  "Yes, you're right. I can. Come in for a moment."

  His hand brushed against hers as he did as she wanted. "You are nothing like anyone I've met."

  She closed and locked the door behind her. "Is that a bad thing?"

  His arms circled her waist, and his body brushed against hers. "Absolutely not. Can I kiss you now?"

  She closed her eyes and puckered her lips. "I'm counting on it."

  A fraction of a second later, his hard lips suckled on hers. Her hands ran through his thick, coarse hair. He was perfect. Her toes curled.

  As he ended the kiss, he smiled and held her tight. "You even taste like apples."

  That was new. No one ever said she smelled sweet like anything. "You have a strange thing about that fruit and me."

  His quick head nod made him adorable. "I guess I do."

  He then took a step, and she thought he intended to leave. She jumped forward to grab his arm. "Don't go."

  "Are you sure, Belle?"

  Yes. No. Maybe. Tonight with him didn't need to end. She needed more.

  She nuzzled his neck. "Please stay."

  He swallowed then wrapped his arms around her. "Belle, I never want to disappoint you."

  She whispered, "Then we'll not think about anything else other than tonight. We make no promises."

  He closed his eyes and then planted soft kisses on her nose, cheeks and lips. "You're the type that expects far more than I can give."

  She'd be his. Tonight was their’s. "Tonight is just that and nothing more."

  He froze. "One question."

  Whatever he wanted. Yes.

  Then he asked, "Will you be my New Year's date this year?"

  Perhaps he was under some sort of spell too. He didn't understand the one night only offer, but perhaps she might extend it for a vacation.

  She licked her lips. "Okay. I'll stay."

  His hands ran down her spine, and every cell inside her was stimulated awake. He asked, "Is this okay?"

  "Yum. More. I want everything."

  "You're fascinating."

  "Remember what I said about that word."

  "Got it."

  He turned off the lights. Every part of her was alive as his hands brushed against her breasts to take her hand. She focused on their heartbeats, which were in sync. He was everything she had ever wanted.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A fireplace crackled in her ears. Belle swallowed. Her naked body was still warm and tangled with Peter's. This was so unlike her. She sniffed the air, and his oak scent overwhelmed her. Another snap in the air caught her attention.

  She lifted her head and gazed out the door. Her stare stopped as she saw that Peter's big, brown eyes were wide awake.

  He nodded at her and said, "Merry Christmas."

  There was no use pretending last night hadn't happened. For the next few days, she'd live like nothing
mattered. She licked her lips. He was so well-built, everywhere. A prickle of her cheeks made her think she blushed again. She straightened her spine.

  "Merry Christmas back at you, Peter."

  He pointed to her nightstand. "Is this picture of your mother?"

  "Yes. I like to travel with her. I take her everywhere I go."

  "You have her face."

  "No, she's far prettier."

  "Don't put yourself down."

  He rolled on top of her. Her body was so slick from their five times last night. She left her hands above her head and didn't struggle.

  "I have something for you."

  She covered her lips. A tremble inside her grew as he smiled at her. She licked her lips. There was no time for presents.

  "I don't have anything for you. I didn't know we'd do this."

  He handed her a thin, narrow box. Her heart raced. What happened between them wasn't about clothes, and he hadn't had any time to buy anything. Nothing else would fit in the box, though. She bit her lip and opened the box.

  Wrapping paper covered something hard. She let out a breath as she stared at a picture of them dancing together last night.

  "How did you print this?"

  "I told the photographer to wrap it and deliver it your hotel. I heard the knock, and you were sleeping. I hope you like it."

  "It's thoughtful." She dropped her hands to her side. "Peter, you didn't have to. I seriously didn't get you anything."

  "I can think of presents I'd like from you." He inched the sheets lower. "One more peek at your naked body would be the best present."

  Now wasn't the time to be shy. He'd already had his hands all over her. She held steady and nodded.

  "Then unwrap the sheets off me."

  His eyes lit up like he was a boy on Christmas morning as she brushed her fingers against his five o'clock shadow. He then kissed her nipples, one at a time.

  "You're perfect."

  A giggle escaped her lips as she arched to let him touch her again. "I have the same parts every woman on earth has."

  He sat beside her, but their legs stayed entwined. He ran his hand through her hair.

  "It's the whole package Belle. It's your sexy skin, sexy lips, the words that come out of them, and how you radiate warmth from your very soul."


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