Voyagers of the Titanic: Passengers, Sailors, Shipbuilders, Aristocrats, and the Worlds They Came From

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Voyagers of the Titanic: Passengers, Sailors, Shipbuilders, Aristocrats, and the Worlds They Came From Page 34

by Richard Davenport-Hines

  Jones, Thomas (Titanic seaman), 230, 253–54

  Joseph, Catherine, 165, 269

  Joughin, Charles, 231, 250

  July, Serge, 10

  Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosser (Norddeutscher-Lloyd ship), 13, 197, 282

  Kaiser Wilhelm II (Norddeutscher-Lloyd ship), 13

  Kaiserin Auguste Victoria (Hamburg-Amerika ship), 52, 58

  Kantor, Sinai, 169

  “Karain” (Conrad), 15

  Karajic, Milan, 181

  Karun, Franz, 161, 181, 237

  Karun, Manca, 161, 237

  Katavelas, Vassilios, 12, 23–24

  Keane, Nora, 130

  Keeping, Edwin, 96

  Kekic, Tido, 157

  Kelly, Annie, 173–74, 175, 237

  Kelly, Mary, 242

  Kent, Edward, 111

  Kerr, Archie Clark, 100. See also Inverchapel, Lord

  Kerr, Lord Alistair, 55

  Kimball, Edwin, 226

  Kimball, Gertrude, 226

  Kinsella, Leonard, 19

  Kipling, Rudyard, 52

  Kirkland, Charles, 140–41

  Kleber, Herman, 81

  Krikorian, Neshan, 156, 177, 303

  Krin, Georges, 292

  Kronprinz Wilhelm (Norddeutscher-Lloyd ship), 13, 200

  Kroonland (Red Star ship), 259, 260

  Kurunfuleh (Lebanese woman), 171

  Kylsant, Lord, 49

  La Provence (French ship), 58

  La Touraine (ship): weather warning to Titanic from, 200, 201

  Labrador Current, 3, 306–7

  Lacey, Polesden, 17

  Lafargue, Juliette, 129

  Lahtinen, Anna, 141–42

  Lahtinen, William, 141–42

  Lambert, William, 275

  Lamson sisters, 117. See also specific sister

  Laroche family, 233

  Laroche, Joseph, 129

  Larsson-Ronsberg, Edvard, 165

  Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 93

  Le Matin newspaper, 264, 292

  Lebanese League of Progress, 276

  Lebanon: Titanic passengers from, 24, 157, 165–66, 170–72, 238, 242, 243, 276, 301. See also Hardin, Lebanon; specific person

  Lee, Reginald, 202, 206, 207

  Leeni, Fahim, 227, 244

  Lehmann, Bertha, 145

  Leveson-Gower, Lady Rosemary, 55

  Lewis, Sinclair, 71–72, 167

  Leyland, Frederick, 45, 46, 47

  Leyland Line, 45, 46, 47, 201

  lifeboats: Board of Trade regulations concerning, 57–59, 182–83; drills for, 188; fears concerning, 67, 219–20, 225; Oceana collision and, 67, 219; on Olympic, 219; revision of regulations concerning, 297; testing of, 182–83, 219

  lifeboats, Titanic: Board of Trade regulations concerning, 57–59; crew members in, 226, 228, 230, 232, 236, 237; and deception of passengers by officers and crew, 213; dogs in, 98n; drills for, 188; first-class passengers and, 223–26; and initial reaction to collision, 210, 212, 218; loading and launching of, 214–15, 218–31, 296, 297; men/boys in, 220, 224–25, 228–29, 230, 236–37, 239–45, 248–49, 254–55, 262, 281; number of, 209–10, 218–19, 222, 228, 233, 258, 261, 266; as partially filled, 210, 213, 229, 232, 233, 241, 244, 297; passengers refusal to enter, 210; readying of, 209–10, 212; rowers in, 253–55; social class tensions in, 254–56; third-class passengers and, 222–24; views about crewmen in charge of, 258; and women and children first, 220, 223, 224, 227–28, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236–37, 239, 240–41, 243, 253–55, 262, 263, 280–81

  Lightoller, Charles Herbert (Titanic officer): admiration for Smith by, 188; concerns about speed of ships by, 68; deception of passengers about collision by, 213; initial reaction to collision by, 212; initial tour of Titanic by, 182; jumps overboard, 249–50, 251; lifeboat fears of, 219; lifeboat testing and, 183; loading and launching of lifeboats and, 220, 221, 228, 230, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 244–45, 246, 304; memories of, 303; and night of collision, 206; post-sinking treatment of, 302; promotion for, 184; recollections of voyages by, 64–65, 66–67; stowaway and, 227; as survivor, 250; U.S. Senate inquiry and, 294, 295; warnings about weather conditions and, 201, 202

  Lindell, Edvard, 248

  Lindell, Elin, 248

  Liverpool Daily Post, 269–70

  Liverpool, England, 12, 13, 14, 33, 269–70

  Livshin, David (aka Abraham Harmer), 178–79

  Lloyd (Titanic black gang member), 19

  Lodge, George Cabot, 268

  London & South Western Railway (L&SWR), 12, 13, 17

  London Globe, 262–63

  London Times, 289

  Long, Clyde Milton, 245–46, 275

  lookouts: on Titanic, 184, 202, 206, 296

  Lord, Stanley, 209, 256, 265, 295, 296

  Louch, Charles, 141

  Lowe, Harold (Titanic officer), 63, 201, 234–36, 252–53, 295, 302

  Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 279

  Lucas, William, 182, 207, 210, 220, 241–42

  Lulic, Nikola, 18, 180, 181, 237

  Lundahl, Johan, 224

  Lusitania (Cunard ship), 33, 47, 52–53, 56, 58, 199, 280

  Lymperopoulus, Panagiotis, 23

  Lyons Corner House (London, England), 120–21, 148, 189

  Mackay-Bennett (White Star chartered ship): search for bodies by, 297–98

  MacNeice, Louis, 50

  Madison Square Presbyterian Church (New York City): Parkhurst sermon at, 292–93

  Maggie (lost schooner), 4

  Mahon, Delia, 175

  Maine, 140–41

  Maioni, Roberta, 253

  Maison Lucile, 105

  Majestic (White Star Line), 38, 39, 125, 193–94

  Mangan, Mary, 169–70, 174

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 197, 198

  Marconi operators/messages, 184, 185, 197–201, 209, 260–61, 273, 282, 297

  Mardirosian, Sarkis, 177

  Marechal, Pierre, 210, 224, 251

  Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso: Futurist Manifesto of, 26–27

  Markov, Marin, 175

  Marrington, Joseph, 275

  Martin, Margaret, 255

  Marvin, Daniel Warner, 86

  Marxism, 10

  Masefield, John, 14–15, 259

  Maugham, Somerset, 124–25

  Mauretania (Cunard ship), 33, 47, 52–53, 56, 58, 191, 199

  Maxtone-Graham, John, 193

  Maybery, Frank, 124

  Mayné, Berthe (aka Madame de Villiers), 79, 227

  McCoy, Bernard, 237, 244

  McCrae, Arthur, 129

  McCrie, James, 129

  McCumber, Porter, 280

  McDermott, Bridget Delia, 169, 175

  McGough, James, 225

  McGowan, Annie, 173, 174

  McGowan, Kate, 174

  McGrady, James, 298

  McHugh, Kate. See Bourke, Kate McHugh

  Meanwell (Lincolnshire man): canary of, 22

  Mellon, Thomas, 68

  Merchant Shipping Act (1894), 58

  Mersey, Lord, 59, 296, 297, 302

  Mesaba (steamship): warning to Titanic from, 201

  Messemaeker, Guillaume de, 237

  Mewès, Charles-Frédéric, 17, 52

  Michael Joseph (Lebanese child), 242

  Millet, Francis “Frank,” 60, 97–102, 109, 221, 245

  Minia (White Star chartered ship): search for bodies by, 298

  Moen, Sigurd, 165, 214, 238, 256

  Montvila, Juozas, 142

  Moody, James (Titanic officer), 19, 182

  Moor, Beila, 180

  Moor, Meier, 180, 304

  Moore, Clarence, 75–76, 210

  Moore, Marianne, 173

  Morgan, J. Pierpont: Asquith relationship with, 289; banking activities of, 42–43; cancellation of reservation on Titanic by, 74–75; Carnegie views about, 30; charity of, 98; childhood and youth of, 41; collections of, 16, 44–45; concerns about sinking of Titanic of, 264; control of White Star Line by, 17, 36, 46; death of, 30, 42, 49, 301–2; Fry comments abou
t, 49; Harland & Wolff and, 46; health of, 41–42, 301–2; IMM and, 45–50, 91, 95, 128; Ismay (Bruce) and, 46, 48; leadership abilities of, 43; luxury as moral necessary for, 41–42; and New York liner ownership, 13; as owner of Titanic, 34, 49; patriotism of, 43; personality of, 42, 43–44, 45; Pirrie and, 36, 46; power of, 34; sailing interests of, 46; Smith (William Alden) dislike of, 294; successes and failures of, 45; Titanic suite for, 55–56; wealth of, 30. See also International Mercantile Marine

  Morgan, John Pierpont Jr., 283

  Morley, Henry, 145–46

  Mount Temple (steamer): receives distress message from Titanic, 209

  Müller (Titanic interpreter-steward), 160

  Murdoch, William (Titanic officer), 63–64, 183–84, 202, 206, 207, 208, 220, 225, 229, 243, 297

  musicians, Titanic, 185, 291, 292, 299–300

  Myles, Frederick, 285

  Myles, Leo, 285

  Myles, Thomas, 124, 285

  Nakid, Mary, 238, 301

  Nakid, Sahid, 238, 301

  Navrátil, Edmond “Momon,” 145, 242

  Navrátil, Marcelle Caretto, 145

  Navrátil, Michel (aka Louis Hoffman), 144–45

  Navrátil, Michel “Lolo,” 145, 242, 243

  Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 279

  New York City: Astor role in development of, 85; Carpathia arrival in, 265, 269, 281–86, 289, 290, 293; Morgan funeral in, 302; Olympic in, 53–54; reactions to sinking of Titanic in, 272–75, 276–77

  New York (Morgan liner), 13, 20–21, 137

  New York Times, 261

  Newfoundland: relaying of wireless messages from, 260–61

  Newsom, Helen, 226

  newspapers: American reports about sinking of Titanic in, 270–77; Butt praised by, 267; Carpathia arrival in New York and, 281–82, 289; European reports about sinking of Titanic in, 262–64, 269–71, 280; false reports in, 261, 262, 264–65, 269–70, 282; Franklin statements to, 261, 262; reports about Titanic deaths in, 262, 263, 264, 265; stories of Titanic survivors in, 291. See also specific newspaper

  Nicholls, Joseph, 152, 233

  A Night to Remember (movie), 303

  Nilsson, Berta, 165, 242

  Nixon, Richard, 305

  Nomadic (Cherbourg tender), 22

  Noordam (Dutch liner); weather warnings to Titanic from, 200, 201

  Norddeutscher-Lloyd Company, 12–13, 40–41, 58, 99

  Norman, Douglas, 139, 154

  Nourney, Alfred (aka Baron von Drachstedt), 82, 210, 224

  Nutbean, William, 18, 19

  ocean liners: con men on, 115–16; design of, 52–53; hotels compared with, 194–95; interior styles on, 52; lifeboats on, 57–59; officers/sailors on, 63–64; as paradigm of Western society, 9–10; size of, 58; social class and, 10–12; speed of, 40, 53, 279–80. See also specific shipping company or liner

  Oceana (P&O ship), 67, 219

  Oceanic House (London White Star office), 277

  Oceanic (White Star liner), 37–38, 130, 150, 153, 188, 300

  O’Driscoll, Bridget, 242

  Oelrichs, Hermann, 40, 41

  officers/sailors, Titanic, 182–202; characteristics of, 194; and coordination between radio room and bridge, 201; deception of passengers about collision by, 213; fears concerning lifeboats of, 219; number of, 184; reshuffling of, 183–84; training and background of, 63–69; treatment of surviving, 302–3; U.S. Senate inquiry and, 294–95. See also specific person

  Olympic (White Star liner): Abbotts as passengers on, 168; activities for first-class passengers on, 109; Adams (Henry) as passenger on, 268; amenities on, 54–55, 59; building of, 53; catering on, 192; coal strike and, 183; crew members of, 188; design of, 59; Drews as passengers on, 153; as expression of racial supremacy, 12; and Franklin search for news about Titanic, 262; Ismay proposes building, 33, 47; launching of, 53; lifeboats on, 219; maiden voyage of, 21, 53–56; safety measures on, 56–59; size of, 53; Titanic compared with, 183, 239; “Turkey Trot” party on, 109; White Star–L&SWR relationship and, 13

  Omont, Fernand, 210, 224, 251

  Oxenham, Percy, 236

  P&O Cruises, 36n, 67

  pack ice, 4–5

  Pain, Alfred, 154

  Palmquist, Oscar, 305

  Pålsson, Alma, 166–67, 248, 286

  Pålsson, Gosta, 248, 286, 298

  Pålsson, Nils, 166, 248, 286

  Pannonia (Cunard ship), 157

  Panula, Eino, 298–99

  Parisian newspaper, 261

  Parkhurst, Charles, 292–93

  Parrish, Lucinda Temple “Lutie,” 125–28, 217–18

  Parrish, Samuel, 126

  Parton (White Star manager), 263

  Pascoe, Charles (Titanic seaman), 230, 254

  Pasic, Jakob, 181

  passengers, Titanic: deception about collision of, 213, 215; first-class, 73–119; as jumping from decks into ocean, 245–47, 249–50, 251; rescue of, 256–58, 261; second-class, 120–54; third-class, 155–81. See also specific person

  Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909), 16

  Payne, Vivian, 94, 275

  Peary, Robert, 2

  peerages, 40

  Peñasco y Castellana, Maria de Satode, 86, 230

  Peñasco y Castellana, Victor de Satode, 86

  Percy, Lord Eustace, 294

  Perez de Soto Valleja, Maria Josefa, 86

  Perkis, Walter (Titanic quartermaster), 254

  Pernot, René, 90

  Perrault, Mary Anne “Annie,” 93

  Persia (P&O ship), 144

  Peruschitz, Joseph, 138, 142

  Petrov, Nedialco, 175

  Peuchen, Arthur, 214, 227, 255, 302–3

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 287

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Titanic passengers and families from, 268–69, 275, 287

  Phillips, Alice, 130

  Phillips, John “Jack” (Titanic Marconi operator), 199–200, 201, 209, 289, 291

  Phillips, Kate, 146

  Phillips, Robert, 130, 217

  Pinchot, Gifford, 112

  Pinchot, Mary Eno, 112

  Pinewood Studios, 303

  Pirrie, Lord: charity of, 53; financial affairs of, 29; IMM and, 47, 49; Ismay proposal to build Olympic class liners and, 33–34, 47; Kylsant as successor to, 49; as L&SWR director, 13; learns about sinking of Titanic, 264; and lifeboat provisions, 57; management style of, 34, 35–36, 51; Morgan and, 46; patriotism of, 46; perceptions of, 36–37; personal and professional background of, 29, 34–35; personality of, 34; power and reputation of, 33–34, 36; Stead profile of, 36; as White Star director, 46

  Pitman, Herbert (Titanic officer), 63, 201, 207, 253, 295, 302

  Podesta, John, 18, 19

  Poingdestre, John, 185, 205, 222, 271

  Polk, Anderson, 275

  Portaluppi, Emilio, 300

  Post, Emily, 87, 115–16, 118–19, 195

  postal clerks, Titanic, 184, 192–93, 212, 226

  Powell, Dawn, 116

  property claims, 300

  Quaritch, Bernard, 96–97

  Queenstown: departure of, 31, 188; safety measures on, 56–59; second-class passengers on, 120–54; secrecy about sinking of, 260; sinking of, 242–44, 246–48, 251; size of, 14; Smith damage inspection of, 208–9; Southampton departure of, 20–21, 136, 137; speed of, 188, 200–201, 202, 206–7, 212, 294, 296, 297; stores needed by, 185–86; testing of, 188; third-class passengers on, 155–81; weather warnings sent to, 200–202, 297; White Star–L&SWR relationship and, 13; as world’s worst peacetime disaster, 301

  Queenstown, Ireland: passenger letters mailed from, 98, 103–4, 131–32, 134, 150–51, 195; passengers embarking at, 141, 156; as port for White Star Atlantic routes, 13; Titanic departure from, 31, 188

  Quimby, Harriet, 27

  Quinn, John, 15, 16

  Rayner, Isidor, 266

  Red Star Line, 259

  refugees, political/religious: as passengers on Titanic, 24, 178

  religion, 26, 157. See also clergy; specific person

  Richards, Emily, 149, 288

  Richards, George, 149

  Richards, Sib, 274

  Richards, William, 149

  Ritz, César, 52

  “Ritzonia,” 76–77

  Robbins, Victor, 86

  Robinson, Annie, 305

  Roebling, Washington II, 29, 221, 223–24

  Rogers, Harry, 121–22

  Romaine, Charles, 82

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 101, 266–67

  Rosenshine, George (aka George Thorne), 81, 90–91, 92, 242

  Rosenthal, Herman, 282

  Rostron, Arthur, 59, 64, 68, 157–58, 256–58

  Rothes, Lady, 253, 274

  Rothes, Lord, 274

  Rothschild, Elizabeth, 97

  Rothschild, Martin, 23, 81

  Rothschild family, 43, 91, 98n

  Rotterdam (Holland-Amerika ship), 58

  Royal Mail Packet Line, 193

  Rule, Samuel, 220, 252

  Rush, Alfred, 163, 238

  Ryan, Edward, 235–36

  Ryerson, Arthur, 116–17, 240, 241

  Ryerson, Emily, 116, 201, 208, 240, 241

  Ryerson, John, 116, 240, 241, 245, 304–5

  Ryerson, Suzette, 116

  Saalfeld, Adolphe, 81

  Sage, Annie, 163, 164

  Sage, John, 163, 164

  Sage, Will, 170

  Sägesser, Emma, 90, 232

  Saint Paul’s Cathedral (London): Titanic memorial service in, 288–89

  Salkjelsvik, Anna, 165, 214

  Salomon, Abram Lincoln, 81, 92, 229

  Salz, Herr, 260

  Sandburg, Carl, 31, 161

  Sanderson, Basil, 40

  Sanderson, Harold, 57, 183

  Sangorski & Sutcliffe, 15

  Sargasso Sea, 306–7

  Scarrott, Joseph, 185, 233, 257

  second-class passengers, 120–54; clergy/religious people as, 137–44; deaths of, 290; demarcation between classes and, 122–23; from Hampshire, Guernsey, and Cornwall, 146–54; loading and launching of lifeboats and, 233; lower echelons of, 132–33; recovery of bodies of, 298; rescue of, 257; stewards assigned to, 185; as survivors, 290; Titanic musicians as, 185. See also specific person

  Senate, U.S.: and Duff Gordon rescue, 229; Ismay condemnation in, 266; McCumber comments about speed to, 280; Titanic inquiry by, 59, 126, 243, 293–96

  Senior, Henry, 250

  Seward, Frederic, 225

  Shaw (Titanic stoker), 18–19

  Shelley, Imanita, 126–28, 217–18, 295

  shipboard acquaintances, 115–16

  Shutes, Elizabeth, 206, 221–22

  Silverthorne, Spencer, 211


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