Love and War

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Love and War Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  Her eyes shined bright as they parted. He could have sworn he could see constellations in the blue.

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you soon,” she whispered. She pulled from his grip and scurried out the door.

  Mack followed as far as the porch to watch her join the soldiers surrounding the wreckage of the jet. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes thinking about the fight contract sitting on the end table. She was right. She would see him soon.

  He just didn’t want her to go now. He wanted to keep her forever. The curse he was afflicted with promised that. With a growl he stepped back into the cabin, slamming the door shut behind him.

  * * * *

  Athena wandered from the kitchen of her condo to her living room with a bottle of wine in tow. She glanced at it before she jabbed the corkscrew in and twisted. It was a housewarming gift from Dionysus when she’d first gotten the place. Knowing it came from him meant she was saving it for a special occasion. It was likely to get her plastered drunk.

  The way she felt now, she needed to get drunk and fast.

  She plopped on the couch, wincing as she landed. It hurt to walk, and it hurt to sit. Having Mack between her legs all night had left her that way. That and extremely tired. She yawned as she poured herself a glass. She was tempted to start chugging it from the bottle. She hadn’t fallen so far not to have a touch of class. She’d spent the last day of her existence surrounded by a woeful lack of it.

  She sighed. Not that she minded. She couldn’t stop thinking of Mack, his touch, his kiss, the feel of their bodies joined together as they came in unison. She even missed his gruff attitude.

  It took everything in her to walk away from him and meet the recovery crew that found the jet. She needed to get back to her life in DC. The longer she was gone the more likely that the government would stop looking for her and Olympus would start. She wasn’t ready to tell Mack that her real name wasn’t Anna Lynch but Athena, the Greek goddess of war and wisdom.

  How did you tell a mortal that you were an eternal being anyway? She shook her head at the thought then took a long sip of wine. The thick, sweet liquid went down smooth. “Thank you, bro,” she stammered to herself.

  She set the phone down as it rang. She swiped the screen and put it up to her ear. “Anna Lynch.”

  “Ms. Lynch, this is Senator Lynch’s office calling.”

  Athena frowned. Her father didn’t have a problem calling. In fact, he called at least once a day to chat for a minute or two. That’s what happened when she was her father’s favorite child. She cringed when she remembered Mack’s words. Daddy’s girl.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” Athena asked.

  “The senator has asked me to schedule an appointment with you to discuss what happened to the Air Force prototype that crashed in Georgia. He asked that I arrange the meeting soon. Can you be here in an hour?”

  Athena let out a shaky laugh. “Try two at least. I just got home. I’m not even out of my flight suit yet.”

  “I will let Senator Lynch know that you’ll be here in two hours. Good day, Ms. Lynch.”

  The line when dead before Athena could object. She moaned as she covered her eyes with her hand. Her date with the wine bottle would have to wait. For Zeus to have his secretary call and schedule an appointment to see her was bad. He’d never done that before. He always called or took her to dinner and they talked it out.

  “Shit. He’s pissed,” she muttered to herself. She pried herself off the couch and made her way upstairs to the shower. She didn’t have much time to make herself presentable before she had to leave. She stopped halfway up and rolled her eyes. She would have to call a cab to come get her. It wasn’t like she could ghost her car out of the base’s parking lot. “Peachy. Even less time. Fuck.”

  Athena breezed through her bedroom into the master bath and unzipped the flight suit. She flipped on the hot water to the shower before she stripped herself out of the garment. She smiled fondly to herself at the purple mark formed on her hip bone. It wasn’t a bruise. The blemish was left by Mack’s mouth before he slid into her the multiple times they’d had sex. Part of her wanted to keep it forever.

  Her eyes trailed down her body to her right thigh. She frowned. At first glance the perfect skin looked unmarred. She tilted her leg into the sunbeam that streamed through the window into her bathroom.

  In the light a prismatic design appeared on her flesh. Had it been black it would have looked like a tribal tattoo. She slumped onto the edge of the garden tub in the corner of the room then tilted back until she balanced on the edge. She lifted her leg into the sunlight. The design wrapped around her leg and bloomed on her skin in a brilliant combination of color.

  “What the fuck is that?” she gasped in horror. She shook her head in disbelief. She crashed into the swamp then had a long night of sex with the most magnificent man she’d ever met in the eternity she had been alive. Which one gave her this?

  She shook her head and stood up. She had to get showered and dressed in a matter of minutes. The King of the Gods was waiting for her.

  Chapter Four

  Athena strode down the halls of the office building wearing her dress blues. She held her hair back as dictated by her department with her cap tucked beneath her arm.

  She sucked in a deep breath as she stared at the door. Her gaze wandered over to the brass nameplate beside it. Senator Alastair Lynch. Closing her eyes, she twisted the doorknob and shoved it open.

  The secretary sat behind the desk, her cream-colored blouse a stark contrast to her caramel colored skin and almost black hair. She straightened herself on her chair and glared at Athena. “May I help you?”

  Athena huffed. “I have an appointment with the senator.”

  She stormed past the woman at the desk towards the door of her father’s office. Athena knew she was the voice on the other end of the earlier call. There was little love between the two women. Athena suggested that Zeus fire her but, of course, he refused. It only confirmed to Athena that the secretary was more than his employee.

  Athena twisted the knob and pushed the door open. Her gaze met the cold steel gray one of her father sitting behind his desk. His tailored suit sculpted his body like the Greek god he was. His salt and pepper hair was perfectly combed. His chiseled features gave off the movie star vibe that easily drew women to his bed. It was just too bad he was married to her step-mother.

  He sat back as he glared at her. “Anna, thank you for meeting me. Please close the door and have a seat.”

  “Yes, sir.” She nudged the door closed, not moving until she heard the telltale click of the lock. She settled into a chair across from him and crossed one leg over the other. She tugged her skirt down then set her cap on it. She didn’t need him seeing the mark she now bore.

  Zeus stood up and planted both fists on his desk. It was the first time Athena had seen him this furious at her. He snarled. “Do you have any idea how much that jet was worth?”

  Athena swallowed hard to find her voice. She half expected a thunderbolt to come down from the sky and strike her. “Yes, father. I do. I was looking at the requisition when I made my decision to fly it. Give me time and I will figure out how to make it right.”

  “Don’t bother. I already did.”

  Athena’s eyes grew wide. “I didn’t realize you had a couple billion dollars lying around.”

  Zeus relaxed his stance a little then picked up something on the floor. He set her purse on his desk before he sat back in his seat. She tugged it off the desk and laid it in her lap. “I don’t. I reassembled the jet and wiped the memory of anyone in the Pentagon who knows you flew it. I even moved your car from the airstrip parking lot. You’ll find it right outside. Did any civilians know about this?”

  Athena’s thoughts flew to Mack. It wasn’t hard for her to do. The man was constantly on her mind. “No,” she lied. “I put it down in the middle of a swamp.”

  “Good. Athena, you have no idea how disappointed I am in you. I�
�m starting to believe Ares is rubbing off on you.”

  A laugh escaped Athena’s lips. “No, Ares is not rubbing off on me.”

  “You are becoming reckless like he is. What possessed you to take a billion-dollar prototype jet for a joyride anyway?”

  She looked away from him, her gaze directed out the window. “I was trying to escape a little bit of jealousy. I felt inadequate.”

  Zeus sat back in his chair as he pressed his fingers together in a point over his chest. “What could possibly create jealousy in my beautiful, intelligent, perfect daughter?”

  She shook her head. “It’s not my place to say.”

  He sat forward to lean against his desk. “Athena, you can tell me. You tell me everything. Why would you hide something from me?”

  She turned towards him. “It’s not my news to share.”

  “Whose is it, then?”

  Athena sighed before she answered. “Ares.”

  Zeus’s countenance grew dark. There was a faint rumble in the distance. “What did he do this time?”

  “It’s not bad, Dad. It’s good actually. I’m happy for him and Juliet.”

  “He and Juliet? Did they get married? Did he knock her up?”

  Athena blinked at him dumbfounded. He stared at her in silence then relaxed against the back of his chair. “Don’t tell Hera. Every time one of you kids tell her she’s going to be a grandmother again she goes on a rage. This one will be worse, since she despises that girl,” he instructed.

  Athena cocked an eyebrow at him. “And you don’t?”

  He huffed. “You chose to change her. She lives according to your will. I trust your judgement for doing so. And your half-brother has been easier to deal with as of late. He obeys what I tell him with less attitude now. So, no. I don’t despise her. I’m still not entirely pleased but she is growing on me.”

  “Maybe a new grandchild will change that.”


  The buzz from the intercom interrupted them. “Senator, your next appointment is here.”

  He leaned towards the phone on his desk. “Yes, Maria. Give me just a moment to finish up with my daughter.”

  “Yes, sir.” The static on the intercom went dead, leaving them alone once more.

  “Dad,” Athena began.

  “Don’t start, little one,” Zeus interrupted, raising his hand to stop her. “I told you I appreciate her services.”

  “I bet you do.” Athena rose to her feet with Zeus following suit.

  He rounded his desk to press a kiss to her brow. “Lunch later on this week?”

  “Of course. Just let me know when.” She gave her father a quick squeeze then turned for the door, not stopping her pace until she was out in the hallway. She slipped out her cell as she fumbled for her keys.

  It seemed her father was appeased. It was time to find someone who could tell her what the mark on her thigh meant.

  * * * *

  Athena took in the historic plantation house as she stepped out of the car. The building was the size of the block she lived on and was surrounded by lush, colorful gardens. The fields in the distance were still in full use, tended to by a full employment of field hands. That’s what happened when the place was owned by the goddess of the harvest.

  She sucked in a deep breath and started up the walk to the front door. She just hoped Aunt Demeter had an answer for the pattern on her leg. If anyone would know, it would be her.

  Before Athena knocked on the door it flew open. Demeter met her, arms wide open, dressed in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and cowboy boots on her feet.

  She wrapped Athena in a big hug. “Sweetheart, it’s good to see you. It’s been ages.”

  Athena squeezes her back. “It’s good to see you too, Aunt Demeter.”

  Demeter motioned her inside. “Come in. I have coffee on. We can sit at the table and talk about whatever this blemish is. Okay?”

  “Sounds great.”

  Athena followed her down the hall of the massive house towards the dining room. For being a house built in the early ages of the American colonies, it had the feel of a Texas ranch. Demeter would have been far more content roping cattle in the Wild West. Had Zeus not encouraged the Pantheon to stay close to Washington DC, the goddess of the harvest might have done just that. Zeus’s order didn’t stop all the gods. Ares and Hades have no problem scattering to the four winds. Demeter, however, stayed true to her brother and King and stayed put an hour outside of the capital.

  Athena took a seat at the table while her aunt hurried off to get the coffee. She glanced at the sitting room across the hall when she heard a fit of giggles. All she saw was a foot lolling over the back of the couch with a flip-flop dangling precariously off a baby pink manicured big toe.

  Demeter scurried back with a tray and placed it in the middle of the table between the two women. A carafe and a decadent chocolate cake topped with strawberries sat in the middle surrounded by two mugs, plates, forks, a bowl of sugar and a small pitcher of cream.

  Athena took a mug and filled it with the dark, hot liquid. She doctored it with a little cream then took a sip. She watched as Demeter cut each of them a slice of cake then scooped it onto the plates.

  She pointed to the sitting area. “Seems Persephone is busy on her phone. Is she texting friends?”

  Demeter took a sip of her own brew with a snarl. “No. She’s texting her husband. The old coot finally gave up his flip phone for a smartphone.”

  Athena bit back a laugh. “Dad finally talked Hades into embracing modern technology?”

  “Persephone did so they could message each other all the time. Granted, I think he did it out of revenge also.”

  Athena frowned at her confused. “How so?”

  Demeter gave her a sly smile behind her cup. “I have a tendency to have five-hour mother/daughter chats with Persephone during the winter. Every day. I guess Hades gets a little irritated with that.”

  Athena chuckled. “Can’t imagine why.”

  Both women turned at the ecstatic giggles in the living room. There was quiet for a moment before the goddess of spring spoke.

  “Hi, handsome. I finished our Mad Lib. You have to hear this. It’s hilarious. ‘Mindy wasn’t used to dating beautiful guys.’ That one was yours. Were you thinking of me? Okay, going on. ‘Typically very sexy, she knew she had to do something special to catch Eric’s eye. She spotted him across the room at what she’d deemed the romantic place in town, Mr. Cari’s Bar and Grill. He was sitting alone, thick purple hair and crystal orange eyes sporting a plaid bra and leather thong. He was one smoking guy.’”

  Athena glanced at Demeter. Her aunt just buried her face in her palm and shook her head.

  “She’s reading this to the god of death, correct?” Athena questioned as she fought back a laugh.

  “I stopped asking questions about the two of them a long time ago,” Demeter answered with a sigh.

  Persephone’s voice stole her attention away again. “‘She took a deep breath to slow her pounding elbow, and off she went. She walked right up to him, grabbed his boob and demanded that he spits around with no questions asked. Eric obliged, although he looked like he’d had one too many beers. Mindy couldn’t help herself, she was such a sucker for a wild and lush guy. And Eric was mesmerized by Mindy’s gorgeous boobs and her spicy spirit’. You are thinking of me, aren’t you? Anyway, here’s the end. ‘After only nine days of soft dating, Eric popped the question and Mindy said It’s a trap. And they will surely spit happily ever after till the end of their days’. Isn’t it funny? Hold on, love monkey. I’m going up to my room.”

  They watched Persephone race up the stairs as she chattered away into the phone.

  Demeter took a sip of coffee then set her mug on the table to pass Athena a piece of cake. “So, what was it that you wanted me to take a look at?”

  “It’s a mark on my thigh.”

  “Like a bruise?”

  “Like I have no idea. Let me show you.” Athena stood and
rounded the table to her aunt. Her cheeks burned as she hiked up her dress skirt for her aunt.

  “Athena, I don’t see anything,” Demeter remarked.

  “Hold on.” Athena crossed the dining room to flip on the modest chandelier that hung over the table. The soft daylight wasn’t cutting it. She returned to her aunt and pulled up her skirt again, tilting her leg just a bit in the light.

  “Oh, my,” Demeter said as she sat back in her seat. “That’s...Where did you say you were again?”

  “I was in a swamp. I crashed a jet in Georgia. I was blowing off a little steam.”

  “I heard. Zeus was furious. He vented to a few of us.”

  “Do you have any idea what it might be?”

  Demeter bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t. I can’t imagine any vegetation doing this. If I were you, I’d call Artemis. Nature is her thing. Maybe she’s encountered something like this before.”

  Athena huffed. “You have absolutely no idea?”

  “Honey, if you want my honest opinion, I think you’ve been cursed.”

  Athena’s eyes flew open wide. She let the hem of her skirt fall from her hand then returned to her chair. She slipped her cell from her purse and unlocked the home screen. Her fingers flew across the screen as she fired off a text. “Thanks, Aunt Demeter. I appreciate it.”

  “Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

  “You were help enough. You’re right. I should talk to Artemis. Hopefully I can get to her place before nightfall. Until she texts me back, I hope you don’t mind if I stay here. It’s been awhile since I’ve had the chance to enjoy your company.”

  “Of course, child. I hope you like the cake. I made it from scratch this morning.”

  Athena nudged a piece on her fork and popped it in her mouth. It was sinfully delicious but the thought that Mack had cursed her soured her stomach. After how tenderly he treated her in bed, it looked like he’d condemned her to some evil she couldn’t get away from.

  The text that appeared on her phone lightened her heart a bit. Artemis was waiting for her. “It tastes wonderful. Thank you, Auntie.”


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