
Home > Nonfiction > Enchanter > Page 7
Enchanter Page 7

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Silvie.” Guy’s deep voice rumbled inside my head.

  “Let me guess. Faith just spoke to you?” She and I really needed to have words. That’s if she’d ever listen to me.

  “It’s just as well she did.” His words held a lethal undertone. “Are you seeing Zayn?”

  “He’s a protector. I need his aid.”

  “That’s my job.”

  “Not since you’re the one who said any time we spend together should be kept to the bare minimum.”

  “I can’t talk about this across a distance. Give me a second.”

  “A second for what? Guy?”

  “I’m here.”


  “Outside. Which window is yours? There’re balconies everywhere.”

  “I’m about to go to sleep. Go back home.”

  “No. Tell me where you are before the guards catch me. I don’t need to end up in the cells like my father has.”

  “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re as bad as Faith at listening. Second floor. North terrace.” I shoved back the golden covers and raced to the balcony doors. Holding the thick golden curtain to one side, I found the door handle and pushed it open.

  He shimmered into view, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. Then he strode toward me and pulled me into his arms. “Don’t ever say that to me again.”

  “Say what?” I mumbled into his chest covered in soft blue cotton.

  “That he’s a protector and you need his aid.”

  Territorial mate was back. “Then you shouldn’t have opened our link.”

  He kicked the door shut and walked me backward. “Nice room. It’s all yours?”

  “Yes, and what are you doing here? This is crazy.”

  “No. What’s crazy is, I’ve gotta kiss you and it can’t wait.” His mouth descended onto mine, hot and heavy as he explored every inch like a man on a mission.

  Oh boy. So good. No. So bad. Where was my focus?

  He tumbled me onto the bed, and I pushed him back to get some space. An inch, but one valuable inch. “You need to go.”

  “After we talk.”

  “On my bed?”

  “It’s a nice bed.” He arched one very cute eyebrow.

  “It’s late.” Great. How was I to enforce some distance when he was like this?

  “I was up working for Donaldo.”

  “So that makes it okay? Sure, why don’t you just make yourself at home then?” I was aiming for sarcastic, but didn’t quite pull it off. Part of me still longed to have him here.

  “Thank you. I will.” He unbuckled his sword belt and propped his blade against the headboard. “I realize I shouldn’t have come.”

  “Totally.” I shuffled to the top of the bed and stuck my feet under the covers.

  “Let’s sort the girls’ dilemma. We’ll make it a top priority.” After toeing off his boots, he rolled into bed.

  “All I know is, I have to figure out a way to stop an impending courtship. I have no idea how to go about it, Guy.”

  “Neither do I, but you’re the key, and I can’t aid you from a distance, no matter what I said.” He eased his head onto my pillow and slid a hand around my waist. With a yank, he toppled me against him.

  “Oomph. You’re getting far too comfortable.”

  “Because I can’t get one fiery redhead out of my mind.” He nuzzled into my hair, inhaling slowly. “You smell delicious.”

  “Then stop smelling me. So, how are you going to aid me?” Oh boy, he smelt good too, of fresh air and sunshine, two things I could never get enough of.

  “In whatever way you need.” He stroked my back.

  “That’s not aiding.” Although, his gentle caress relaxed me further, and I couldn’t hold back a soft sigh.

  “Then let’s brainstorm.”

  “It’s almost midnight. My brain is ready to shut down. It’s certainly not thinking straight.”

  “Then we’ll talk in the morning.”

  “I have school.”

  “What about after school?”

  “I have training, and we’ve already agreed to meet tomorrow evening.”

  “We should meet sooner. You’ve gotta make some time for me.”

  “No, what I’ve gotta do is make some time for sleep.” I rolled to my side, turning away. That’s better. Instill some distance. “We’ll chat tomorrow night. Now go home.”

  “I’ll leave once you’re asleep.”

  “You should leave now.” I tried for a stern tone, but a yawn escaped me. Maybe it was best just to ignore him.

  I drifted as the minutes ticked by, him so deliciously warm behind me. Then he wrapped his arms around me. Oh, blisss.

  My soul-bound one held me, and if only for this small moment in time, I’d never forget. “Goodnight, Guy.”

  “Sweet dreams, my mate.”

  * * * *

  I awoke to warm breath fluttering across my cheek and a man’s arms banded tightly about me.

  Oh my goodness. No way.

  Clearing the sleep from my eyes with my knuckles, I stared at him. Guy still slept in my bed, his coal-black hair a rumpled mess and his chin sharp with a razz of stubble.

  “Hey.” I shook his shoulder.

  “It’s too early.” He cupped the back of my head and tucked me back against him. “I’m not ready to wake up yet.”

  “You’re still in my bed.”

  “I know. It was damn impossible to leave with you sleeping so sweetly.” He dragged one eyelid open. “You feel tense.”

  “I’ve got school.”

  “So you said last night. What time is it?” He reached for my wrist and checked the digital display on my Earth watch. “Eight. I’ll drop you off.”

  “Have you been to my high school before?”

  “I’ve never had a reason to, but I’ll follow Faith’s ’porting airstream so I’ll know the way.”

  “If Faith’s going, I’ll catch a ride with her.”

  “In case there’s an emergency, like with your fire skill, I need to be able to get to you fast.”

  “That’s what I have family and friends for. You’re the only one I shouldn’t be calling on.” I wriggled down then crawled out the moment I had enough space. “Don’t worry about me. I have everything sorted.”

  “Like training with Zayn?” He propped himself on his elbows, his expression grim. “You just had dinner with him.”

  “Yes, I did. Get over it.” I snatched a pair of white cotton shorts and a cheery red tank top from my dresser.

  “You turning to another man isn’t right. I don’t care for it.”

  “Of course you don’t, but you’ve given up your place in my life. We’re both moving on, remember?” I headed to the bathroom and closed the door with a loud bang, not waiting for his answer. All remained quiet on the other side. Deep in my heart, I wasn’t ready to move on either, but I wouldn’t tell him that. I hardly needed to lay my heart on the line for a man who didn’t want me.

  Shoving away from the door, I sighed. Those feelings were there, like I’d told Faith, and him staying the night had only made them deepen.

  Still, nothing I could do about it. I pushed on, changed, brushed my teeth and combed my hair, still without a whisper of noise from beyond. Good, he must have gotten the point and gone.

  I snuck to the door and opened it a crack. Yep, definitely gone. I strode out.

  “Those shorts are too short.”

  My heart almost lurched from my chest. He was here. I spun around. And why did he have to look so hot? He’d changed, and his blue jeans clung to his hips. “What are you doing back?”

  He sauntered across, midnight-blue cuffs rolled to his elbows. “Making sure you don’t go out like that.” He pressed me against the wall. “Plus, we still need to talk about Zayn. He’s not training you.”

  “Yes. He. Is. And I like these shorts.”

  He slid his hands over my hips and along the frayed edge of my shorts. “No. He. Isn’t.”

>   I tried to pry his fingers loose, only, his grip remained firm.

  “Silvie.” Zayn’s voice bounced inside my head. “I’m trying my hand at bacon and eggs. I wanted to cook you breakfast as a thank you for last night.”

  “You’re in my kitchen?”

  “Yep. Nothing’s burnt yet, but that could change at any minute. Cooking’s not really my forte.”

  “I’m coming, only, Guy’s here and insisting on taking me to school. We’ll give him anything that’s charred.”

  “Who are you speaking to?” Guy’s gaze narrowed to slits.

  “Zayn. He made breakfast.”

  The muscle in his jaw ticked. “In your kitchen? For you?”

  “Yes, and be nice.”

  “Hah, right.” Everything darkened as he ’ported us.

  We arrived, and I prepared myself for the battle to come.

  Zayn flipped bacon onto a dish next to a mound of scrambled eggs. He appeared ready for arena training with his sword and daggers sheathed in place. “Well, if it isn’t the warrior who enjoys spending a little too much time on Peacian soil.”

  “You look ready to battle.” Guy pumped out his chest. “You want to train with a real opponent for a change?”

  “Do you know one?” Zayn stroked the hilt of his sword, a sly smile lifting his lips.

  Grrreat. A warrior and a protector facing off in my kitchen. I stepped between them and grabbed the dish. “Okay, this is ready.” I pressed it into Guy’s hand and urged him ahead of me into the dining room. Cutlery sparkled on the tabletop next to glasses of orange juice and a central plate of buttered toast. Zayn had gone to a lot of trouble.

  “Ladies first.” Zayn pulled out a chair for me.

  “Ah, thanks. It was so nice of you to cook.”

  Guy let out a low growl, thrust out the chair beside mine and plunked himself down. “Has he cooked for you before?” He snapped the words along our link.

  “No.” I served the bacon and eggs, giving the men the largest portions. Hopefully that would keep their mouths busy.

  Guy snatched his fork and dug in. “Do you two eat together regularly?”

  “Sometimes.” I munched on my eggs.

  “I want you to tell him to back off.” He squeezed my leg under the table. “You’re my mate, not his.”

  Sheesh. The males within the bond were overprotective when it came to their females, and it seemed mine was no different, no matter our circumstances. “Right. I’ll get onto that pronto.”

  His gaze narrowed on Zayn. “He believes he can cook for you, and get away with it.”

  “Um, last I heard, cooking wasn’t a crime.”

  “Don’t make light of my words. He has intentions toward you, and it’s completely unacceptable.”

  “What do you care if he has—”

  “Silvie, are you all right?” Zayn took a sip of his orange juice. “If you need a hand to control your warrior, let me know.”

  “I’m good.” I grabbed Guy’s hand and hauled him to his feet. “This impossible warrior wants to know the location of my school. Could you lead the way?”

  “Sure. You’ve only got a couple of minutes until the bell. See if you can keep up, Moyer.” He stood and zipped away.

  Guy ’ported in his wake, and through the dark we traveled. We arrived in a flurry behind a large tree on the perimeter of the school field.

  Shoot. They could have traveled a little slower. I clutched my belly as it rolled. “Okay, thanks for that breakneck trip, boys.”

  “No problem.” Zayn eyed me. “I’ll catch you for training as we discussed. Hopefully by then, you’ll be minus the tag-on.”

  “The sneaky—” Guy heaved past me, grabbing at Zayn, only he’d ’ported and all Guy got was thin air.

  “Okay, you need to chill. You two managed to behave all right in each other’s company yesterday.”

  “Barely, and that’s before I knew of his intentions.” He gripped my hands and pressed my palms flat on this chest. “I won’t have you relying on him, in any way, shape or form.”

  “What are you doing?” I stared at where the heavy beat of his heart pounded against my flesh. No way. Surely he wasn’t— My hands heated and my pulse jumped. It vaulted a second time then beat steadily in time with his. Hell no. He’d aligned our heartbeats as our mated men did in order to strengthen the bond. If I was ever in any distress he’d know, because our hearts would beat in sync. “How could you?”

  “It was my choice.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Don’t fear the change.” His grip tightened. “This way I can come in an instant should you need me.”

  “Aligning our hearts goes deeper than that.”

  “It’s done, and it can’t be reversed.”

  “No, what you’ve done will only add to your frustration, and mine. In the future you’ll feel—” Heck, he’d feel every acceleration in my heartbeat, because it would be mirrored within his. So not good.

  He dipped his head to mine. “I know what I’ll feel, but it’s worth it to know I’ve seen to your safety. You can wield fire, and as your ability grows and you move through your rising, you’ll feel three times its strength. I can’t allow you to go through that alone.”

  “I’m never alone, and my rising could be days or even weeks away. The girls’ problem might be solved by then, and us, apart.”

  “That’s irrelevant. You are my mate, and if you ever need me, whether now or at any time in the future, I’ll be there.”

  “Argh.” I thumped my forehead against his chest. “You’re completely irrational.”

  “Yes, it comes with being mated, or so I’m discovering.” He tipped up my chin and his mouth came down on mine. He took my breath away in a scorching kiss then pulled away. “I’ll speak to you later.”

  “If I speak to you at all, it’ll be to give you a blasting.” I shoved my shaky hands behind my back. “You’d better leave now before I strangle you.”

  His gaze searched mine. “You’ll ’path me if you need me?”

  “No.” The last thing I’d ever do was ’path him. I stormed away.

  “Then it’s just as well I did what I did.”

  “Sure it was.” Huh, men. I crossed the field toward the path leading to the front of the school. Boy, I needed to calm down. I couldn’t let him get to me like this. I inhaled then let out a long breath, hoping it would help. Certainly, the sooner I came up with the answer to the girls’ problem and kicked my mate out of my life, the better.

  I flicked my hair over my shoulder and marched on. Some students walked in groups, nattering to each other. Others raced ahead to the locker bays. For five years, I’d attended Te Puke High. I had so many friends here, although Faith was the only one who knew of Magio. I passed blocks of two-story high weatherboard-clad classrooms, and eager to get out of their shadow and into the warmth, picked up my already speedy pace. I’d never tried to get to class this quickly.

  Inside my locker, I foraged and found the books I needed. The bell pealed loud and clear, and I followed the other students into class. Faith sat at the back, sitting stiffly with a worried look on her face.

  She rose and snapped out a blue-gray metal school chair. “What was that all about?”

  “You mean on the field?”

  “Hell, yes. I wanted to check on you. You and Guy surely know how to…argue.”

  “What did I say about checking on me, Miss Nosy?” With my elbows on the desk, I plopped forward. “Argh, what am I going to do with him? He stayed in my bed last night.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth.

  “Nothing happened. It was a platonic sleepover. He turned up, and then just didn’t leave. Now those feelings I told you about are harassing me big time. I can’t feel this way about him.”

  “You want him?”

  I dumped my head into my upturned palms. “Yes, but it’s just the bond which drives him, not a desire for me.”

  “This is all my fault.” She rubbed her forehead
on my shoulder. “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have put you in this position.”

  “No, it’s not your fault, it’s Donaldo Wincrest’s. He’s the one who’s about to make the biggest mistake ever.”

  “Hey.” She tugged on my wrist until I lifted my head and looked at her. “I’ve got your back. We stick together. I’ll speak to Guy if you want.”

  The door to the classroom bumped open and Mrs. Gray tottered in, arms full.

  “No, it’s better if I deal with him.”

  She tweaked my chin. “Then cheer up. We’ll talk more about this at lunchtime and see if we can gain some more ground on my problem. That way you won’t have to see your warrior anymore.”

  “Yeah, once I fix your problem, it’ll fix my own.” I straightened as the teacher walked toward me. She was one of my favorite teachers, a kindly older woman, with her salt-and-pepper hair short, straight and styled up higher over her forehead. “Hey, Mrs. Gray.”

  “Silvie, you missed an important class yesterday.” She passed me a stapled set of papers. “With finals so close, I went over some of our previous English exam papers. That one’s for you, but it’ll have to be homework. Hand it in as quick as you can. Tomorrow would be best.”

  I slumped onto my desk. Great. I had extra homework, training for a skill I had yet to control, the girls’ problem to sort and one very frustrating mate. What a super start to my day.

  * * * *

  “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Faith prodded my arm with her elbow.

  “I forgot to bring lunch.” Ankles crossed, I stared at the yellow leaves of the big tree we’d chosen to lie under at the rear of the school field. Bright, dappled rays beamed through the foliage and washed over us. “There wouldn’t have been time with all the bickering between Guy and Zayn anyway.”

  “You want some of mine?” she mumbled as she took a bite of her ham and cheese sandwich.

  I flicked the crumbs off her violet spaghetti strap top, a shirt strikingly similar to one I had. In fact, so were the frayed denim shorts she wore. “Have you been borrowing my clothes again?”

  “Yep, but I found these in Hope’s wardrobe. She must have borrowed them from you, and now I’ve borrowed them from her. You’ll get them back eventually. Here.” She grasped her bag and slung it over. “I’ve got a donut left over from yesterday’s lunch. You know, it’s been ages since you made me rocky road.”


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