Vonnegut, Kurt - Player Piano (v5.0)

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Vonnegut, Kurt - Player Piano (v5.0) Page 29

by Player Piano [lit]

  "How many do you suppose will follow?" said Paul.

  "As many people as are bored to death or sick of things the way they are," said Lasher.

  "All of 'em," said Finnerty.

  "And then what?" said Paul.

  "And then we get back to basic values, basic virtues!" said Finnerty. "Men doing men's work, women doing women's work. People doing people's thinking."

  "Which reminds me," said Lasher. "Who's going to do the job on EPICAC?"

  "Last I heard D-71 say was, it's between the Moose and the Elks in Roswell who's goin' to do it," said Luke Lubbock.

  "Put them both on it," said Lasher. "G-17, any bright ideas on how to knock off EPICAC?"

  "Bes' idee," said Bud, "'d be to put some kind of bomb in the coke machines. They got one in every chambah. That way, we'd git all of him, not just part." His hands were working in air, fashioning a booby trap for a coke machine. "See? Take a li'l ol' coke bottle, only fill her full of nitro. Then we run a li'l ol' -"

  "All right. Make a sketch and give it to D-17, so he can get it to the right people."

  "An' balooooooowie!" said Bud, bringing his fist down on the table.

  "Great," said Lasher. "Anybody else got anything on his mind?"

  "What about the Army?" said Paul. "What if they're called out to -"

  "Both sides had better throw in the towel if somebody's crazy enough to give them real rifles and ammunition," said Lasher. "Fortunately, I think both sides know that."

  "Where we stand now?" asked the nervous man.

  "Not bad, not good," said Lasher. "We could put on a pretty good show now, if they forced our hand. But give us two more months, and we'll really have a surprise for them. All right, let's get this meeting over with, so we can all get to work. Transportation?"

  On and on the reports went: transportation, communications, security, finance, procurement, tactics . . .

  Paul felt as though he'd seen the surface scraped from a clean, straight rafter, and been shown the tunnels and flimsy membranes of a termite metropolis within.

  "Public information?" said Lasher.

  "We've mailed out warning letters to all the bureaucrats, engineers, and managers with classification numbers below one hundred," said Professor von Neumann. "Carbon copies to the news service, the radio network, and the television network."

  "Damn good letter," said Finnerty.

  "Rest of you like to hear it?" said von Neumann.

  There were nods around the table.

  "Countrymen," the professor read -

  "Admittedly, we are all in this together. But -

  "You, more than any of us, have spoken highly of progress recently, spoken highly of the good brought by great and continued material change.

  "You, the engineers and managers and bureaucrats, almost alone among men of higher intelligence, have continued to believe that the condition of man improves in direct ratio to the energy and devices for using energy put at his disposal. You believed this through the three most horrible wars in history, a monumental demonstration of faith.

  "That you continue to believe it now, in the most mortifying peacetime in history, is at least disturbing, even to the slow-witted, and downright terrifying to the thoughtful.

  "Man has survived Armageddon in order to enter the Eden of eternal peace, only to discover that everything he had looked forward to enjoying there, pride, dignity, self-respect, work worth doing, has been condemned as unfit for human consumption.

  "Again, let me say we are all in this together, but the rest of us, for what we perceive as good, plain reasons, have changed our minds about the divine right of machines, efficiency, and organization, just as men of another age changed their minds about the divine right of kings, and about the divine rights of many other things.

  "During the past three wars, the right of technology to increase in power and scope was unquestionably, in point of national survival, almost a divine right. Americans owe their lives to superior machines, techniques, organization, and managers and engineers. For these means of surviving the wars, the Ghost Shirt Society and I thank God. But we cannot win good lives for ourselves in peacetime by the same methods we used to win battles in wartime. The problems of peace are altogether more subtle.

  "I deny that there is any natural or divine law requiring that machines, efficiency, and organization should forever increase in scope, power, and complexity, in peace as in war. I see the growth of these now, rather, as the result of a dangerous lack of law.

  "The time has come to stop the lawlessness in that part of our culture which is your special responsibility.

  "Without regard for the wishes of men, any machines or techniques or forms of organization that can economically replace men do replace men. Replacement is not necessarily bad, but to do it without regard for the wishes of men is lawlessness.

  "Without regard for the changes in human life patterns that may result, new machines, new forms of organization, new ways of increasing efficiency, are constantly being introduced. To do this without regard for the effects on life patterns is lawlessness.

  "I am dedicated, and the members of the Ghost Shirt Society are dedicated, to bringing this lawlessness to an end, to give the world back to the people. We are prepared to use force to end the lawlessness, if other means fail.

  "I propose that men and women be returned to work as controllers of machines, and that the control of people by machines be curtailed. I propose, further, that the effects of changes in technology and organization on life patterns be taken into careful consideration, and that the changes be withheld or introduced on the basis of this consideration.

  "These are radical proposals, extremely difficult to put into effect. But the need for their being put into effect is far greater than all of the difficulties, and infinitely greater than the need for our national holy trinity, Efficiency, Economy, and Quality.

  "Men, by their nature, seemingly, cannot be happy unless engaged in enterprises that make them feel useful. They must, therefore, be returned to participation in such enterprises.

  "I hold, and the members of the Ghost Shirt Society hold:

  "That there must be virtue in imperfection, for Man is imperfect, and Man is a creation of God.

  "That there must be virtue in frailty, for Man is frail, and Man is a creation of God.

  "That there must be virtue in inefficiency, for Man is inefficient, and Man is a creation of God.

  "That there must be virtue in brilliance followed by stupidity, for Man is alternately brilliant and stupid, and Man is a creation of God.

  "You perhaps disagree with the antique and vain notion of Man's being a creation of God.

  "But I find it a far more defensible belief than the one implicit in intemperate faith in lawless technological progress - namely, that man is on earth to create more durable and efficient images of himself, and, hence, to eliminate any justification at all for his own continued existence.

  "Faithfully yours,

  "Do ctor Paul Proteus."

  Professor von Neumann took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and stared at a paper clip before him, waiting for someone to say something.

  "Yeah," said the transportation chairman tentatively. "Kinda long-haired, though, ain't it?"

  "Sounded purty good," said the security chairman, "but shun't there be sumpin' in there 'bout - Well, I'm no good at words, but somebody else could fix it up. I don't know how to say it good, exactly."

  "Go on, try," said Finnerty.

  "Well, it just don't seem like nobody feels he's worth a crap to nobody no more, and it's a hell of a screwy thing, people gettin' buggered by things they made theirselves."

  "That's in there," said Lasher.

  Paul coughed politely. "Uh, you want me to sign it?"

  Von Neumann looked surprised. "Heavens, they were signed and mailed out hours ago, while you were asleep."

  "Thank you."

  "You're welcome, Paul," said the professor absently.

don't expect that they'll really go along with us on the new controls, do you?" said the nervous man.

  "Not for a minute," said Lasher. "But it will certainly get word around about us. When the big day comes, we want everybody to know that ours is a great, big bandwagon."

  "Cops!" cried someone from far away in the network of chambers.

  Gunfire boomed, echoed and crackled in the distance.

  "The west exit!" commanded Lasher.

  Papers were snatched from the table, stuffed into envelopes; lanterns were blown out. Paul felt himself swept along through the dark corridors by the fleeing crowd. Doors opened and shut, people stumbled and bumped into pillars and one another, but made no outcry.

  Suddenly, Paul realized that the sound of the others' feet had stopped, and that he was following only the echoes of his own. Panting, stumbling in a nightmare of the policemen's echoing shouts and running footfalls, he blundered about the passages and chambers, coming again and again to barriers of dead rock. At last, as he turned away from one of these, he was dazzled by a flashlight beam.

  "There's one, Joe. Get him!"

  Paul charged past the flashlight, swinging both fists.

  Something crashed against the side of his head, and he sprawled on the wet floor.

  "Here's one that didn't get away, by God," he heard a voice say.

  "Really socked him one, didn't you?"

  "Don't pay to mess around with no stinking sabotoors, by God."

  "Must be one of the small fry, eh?"

  "Sure. Whadja expect? You think this was Proteus walking around in little circles all by hisself, like he don't know which way's up? Nossir, boy. Proteus is in the next county by now, lookin' out for his own sweet tail first, last, and always."

  "Sabotagin' bastard."

  "Yeah. O.K., you, on your feet and shag your tail."

  "What happened?" mumbled Paul.

  "Police. You just got brained for savin' Proteus' hide. Why'n't you wise up? He's nuts, guy. Hell, he's got it in his head he's gonna be king."


  Paul's cellmate in the basement of police Headquarters was a small, elegant young Negro named Harold, who was in jail for petty sabotage. He had smashed a traffic safety education box - a tape-recording and loudspeaker arrangement - that had been fixed to a lamppost outside his bedroom window.

  " 'Look out!' it say. 'don't you go crossin' in the middle of the block!' " said Harold, mimicking the tape recording. "Fo' two years, ol' loudmouth and me done lived together. An' evah last time some'un come on pas', they hits 'at 'lectric eye, and ol' loudmouth, he just naturally gotta shoot off his big ba-zoo. 'don' step out 'tween two parked cars,' he say. No matter who 'tis, no matter what tahm 'tis. Loudmouth, he don' care. Jus' gotta be sociable. 'Cayful, now! Don' you do this! Don' you do that!' Ol' mangy dog come bah at three in the mornin', and ol' loudmouth jus' gotta get his two cents wuth in. 'If you drahve,' he tells that ol' mangy dog, 'if you drahve, don' drink!' Then an' ol' drunk comes crawlin' along, and ol' gravelthroat tells him it's a city ohdnance ev'y bicycle jus' gotta have a re-flectah on the back."

  "How long you in for?" said Paul.

  "Fahve days. Judge said Ah could walk raht out. All Ah had to do was say Ah's sorry. Ah ain' goin' do that, 'cause," said Harold, "Ah ain' sorry."

  Paul was glad that Harold was too bound up in his act of integrity to explore Paul's troubles. Not that it would have pained Paul to talk about them, but because they were extraordinarily difficult to describe. His own motivation was obscure, the cast was unwieldy, and, Paul realized, the denouement was still to come. Through all his adventures, he had been a derelict, tossed this way, then that. He had yet to lay a firm hand on the tiller.

  The managers and engineers still believed he was their man; the Ghost Shirt Society was just as convinced that he belonged to them, and both had demonstrated that there was no middle ground for him.

  When the police had identified Paul, they had been embarrassed by his I.Q., and his rank in the criminal hierarchy: the archcriminal, the would-be king of the saboteurs. There was no comparable rank in the Ilium police force, and the police had, out of humbleness and lifelong indoctrination, sent for inquisitors with adequate classification numbers and I.Q.'s.

  Meanwhile, Paul and Harold passed the time of day.

  "Ain' a bit sorry," said Harold. "Wha's 'at tap-tap-tappin'?"

  The irregular tapping came from the other side of the sheet-metal wall that separated Paul's and Harold's barred cell from the totally enclosed tank for desperados next door.

  Experimentally, Paul tapped on his side.

  "Twenty-three - eight-fifteen," came the reply. Paul recognized the schoolboy's code: one for A, two for B . . . "Twenty-three - eight-fifteen" was "Who?"

  Paul tapped out his name, and added his own query.

  "Seven - one - eighteen - twenty - eight."

  "Garth!" said Paul aloud, and he tapped out, "Chin up, boy." An exotic emotion welled up within him, and it took him a moment to understand it. For the first time in the whole of his orderly life he was sharing profound misfortune with another human being. Fate was making him feel a warmth for Garth, the colorless, the nervous, the enervated, that he had never felt for Anita, for Finnerty, for his parents, for anyone. "You fixed the tree?"

  "You bet," tapped Garth.


  "Boy flunked GCT again. He cracked up."

  "Lord! Sorry," tapped Paul.

  "Dead weight on world. Useless. Drag."

  "Not so."

  "But only God can make tree," tapped Garth.

  "Blessed are fetishists. Inherited earth," tapped Paul.

  "Rot, corrosion on our side."

  "What next for you?" tapped Paul.

  Garth tapped out the story of his being discovered as the criminal at the Meadows, of the furor, the threats, the actual tears shed over the wounded oak. He'd been locked up in the Council House, and guarded by dozens of angry, stalwart young engineers and managers. He'd been promised grimly that he would get the book thrown at him - years of prison, fines that would wipe him out.

  When the police had arrived on the island to pick him up, they'd caught the hysteria of the brass and had treated Garth like one of the century's most terrible criminals.

  "Only when we got back here and they booked me did they wake up," he tapped.

  Paul, himself awed by Garth's crime, was puzzled by this twist. "How so?" he tapped.

  "Ha!" tapped Garth. "What's my crime?"

  Paul laughed wonderingly. "Treeslaughter?" he tapped.

  "Attempted treeslaughter," tapped Garth. "Thing's still alive, though probably never have acorns again."

  "Proteus!" called the cellblock loudspeaker. "Visitors. Stay where you are, Harold."

  "Ain' going nowhere, 'cause Ah ain' sorry," said Harold. " 'Cayful, look out, now. Walk facin' the traffic.' "

  The cell door buzzed and opened, and Paul walked to the green door of the visitors' room. The green door opened, whispered shut behind him, and he found himself face to face with Anita and Kroner.

  Both were dressed funereally, as though not to compete for glamour with the corpse. Gravely, wordlessly, Anita handed him a carton containing a milkshake and a sheaf of funnypapers. She lifted her veil and pecked him on his cheek.

  "Paul, my boy," rumbled Kroner. "It's been hard, hasn't it? How are you, my boy?"

  Paul stepped back out of reach of the big, sapping, paternal hands. "Fine, thanks."

  "Congratulations, Paul, darling," said Anita, her voice tiny.

  "For what?"

  "She knows, my boy," said Kroner. "She knows you're a secret agent."

  "And I'm awfully proud of you."

  "When do I get out?"

  "Right away. Just as soon as we can transcribe what you found out about the Ghost Shirts, who they are, how they work," said Kroner.

  "Home is all ready, Paul," said Anita. "I let the maid off, so we could have an old-fashioned American homecoming."

sp; Paul could see her creating this old-fashioned atmosphere - putting a drop of Tabu on the filter of the electronic dust precipitator, setting the clockwork on the master control panel, which would thaw a steak dinner and load it into the radar stove at the proper moment, and turn on the television just as they crossed the threshold. Goaded by a primitive and insistent appetite, Paul gave her offer cautious consideration. He was pleased to find a higher order of human need asserting itself, a need that made him think, if not feel, that he didn't give a damn if he never slept with her again. She seemed to sense this, too, and, for want of any proclivities to interest Paul save sex, her smile of welcome and forgiveness became a thin and chilling thing indeed.

  "Your bodyguards can eat later," said Kroner. He chuckled. "Say, that was quite a letter you wrote for the Ghost Shirts. Sounded wonderful, till you tried to make sense out of it."

  "You couldn't?" said Paul.

  Kroner shook his head. "Words."

  "But it did one thing I'll bet you never expected," said Anita. "Can I tell him - about the new job?"

  "Yes, Paul," said Kroner, "the Eastern Division needs a new manager of engineering."

  "And you're the man, darling!" said Anita.

  "Manager of engineering?" said Paul. "What about Baer?" Somehow Paul had expected the rest of the world to hold firm while his own life went spinning. And of that rest of the world nothing had seemed more firm than the union of Baer, the engineering genius, and Kroner, the rock of faith in technology. "He isn't dead, is he?"

  "No," said Kroner sadly, "no, he's still alive - physically, that is." He placed a microphone on a table and moved up a chair, so that Paul might testify in comfort. "Well, who knows - maybe what happened is just as well. Poor Baer never was too stable, you know." He adjusted the microphone. "There. Now, you come over here, Paul, my boy."


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