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FLESH Erotic Short Stories Page 5

by Ava Jean Hall

  —I complement you on your abilities. Without that blood, I would not have known you were a virgin.

  —Perhaps that is testament to your abilities with a woman. Have you had many?

  —No. My wife and family were taken from me many years ago. I have not seen it necessary to replace them.

  —You will, one day, Diego. I am certain of it. It is my job to know these things.

  —Perhaps you are right. Now come, let us proceed to my bed. The sheets are clean and unstained. I made certain of that myself earlier in the day.

  He lifted the woman off the bed and deposited her on his.

  —I think yours will be stained before much longer.

  —If it is you who will be doing the staining, I will be happy.

  —We will both be doing the staining, Diego.

  —In that case, you will make me very happy.

  It was in the dim light of early morning when the horn sounded.

  —We are close to home. I must go. Remain here in my bed for as long as you wish.

  When Diego left, Dany-Et searched through his chest for a longer skirt that would reach to her ankles. She donned it and went on deck. The wind blew her hair and held the skirt tight to her lower body. The rising sun filtered through the billowing skirt, making her appear as a shadow.

  —You were right to come up to stand with me. I want those onshore to see us together.

  Dany-Et put her arm around Diego’s waist. She remained at his side until the ship docked.

  Diego slowed his walk to turn and look back at the woman following behind.

  —Your walk is slow and labored. Are you in pain?

  —Yes, Diego. You are a strong man for a woman such as me. I am sore on the inside. The outside is fairly brimming with questions that I would like answers for after I have rested.

  —It is not so far. We merely have to climb that hill in front of us.

  He grinned as she looked up.

  —Come. I will help you as best I can.

  She hesitated.

  —Come. It is not as bad as it looks.

  At the house, Diego picked up Dany-Et and carried her across the doorway and into his house. His mother and his sister were both shocked at his action.

  —Have you forgotten about your wife and family so soon?

  —Yes, brother. You are disrespecting their memories. Have you no shame? Who is this foreign witch that you bring into our house? Shame on you.

  Diego put the woman down.

  —You will speak to this woman as you do me. You will treat her with respect. You will speak Latin, for she understands that language. Furthermore, it is not our house. It is my house. And it has been too long since I have had a good woman in it to make me happy.

  —Do we not make you happy, son and brother?

  —That is not the happy I speak of. Now be gone. You both have places you should be. When I want you here, I will send the woman to get you.

  Dany-Et watched as the two women hurried down the hill. They turned and gesticulated, yelling at each other. She only knew that they were talking about her.

  —If you want them back, I think tonight would not be a good night to send me for them.

  They laughed.

  —Perhaps not. The tub is in that room. The water should be hot. If not, I will heat more for you. When you are finished, you may wear my wife’s clothes. We will find new dresses for you tomorrow.

  —Will you be joining me in the bath?

  —If that is what you wish, then yes.

  —In that case, perhaps you should start the hot water now.

  It took only minutes for Diego to join the woman in the warm water. As he watched her naked body climb in, he also made certain to watch Dany-Et’s naked body climb out.

  Her body glistened in the light. She held out her hand for him.

  —You are ready for me again, I see.

  —It is not necessary.

  —If I am to be your wife, it is necessary.

  She got on her knees and took him in her mouth. Diego came quickly in short, sharp bursts. Her mouth overflowed. His seed covered her breasts. She had never experienced anything like it.

  —You are much better now, I see. Was I helpful?

  —Very, Dany-Et. Very helpful. Your future as my wife is secure.

  He grinned and carried her into bed.

  —Even before you become a wife to me, if that is what you want, you will sleep here, with me.

  —I will. Every night.

  —In that case, I think you will make some man a good wife.

  Dany-Et bit Diego’s ear and slipped beneath the sheets.

  —In that case, I shall begin my wifely duties.

  In six months, Dany-Et’s stomach was plainly showing evidence of pregnancy. Diego’s mother was finally happy that he had found a woman to replace his deceased wife. She was happier that she was with child to replace the children he had lost.

  —You have won my mother over, finally. Even my sister has seen the error of her ways as far as you are concerned.

  —Perhaps you will not be so happy to learn that there will be two children taking over the household, Diego.


  —Yes. A boy and a girl.

  —How do you know such a thing?

  —It is one of the things I was trained to do.

  When Dania - for that is what Diego called her - went into labor, two babies eventually made their way into the world. A boy and a girl. They looked alike.

  The girl, especially as she got older, began to resemble her mother.

  —We have done well, Diego. Our children are growing wonderfully. You haven’t been to sea more than half a dozen times. I worry each time you do go.

  —It is my wife and my family that keeps me home. Were it not for finding you, I would still be wandering the known world in a search for something I would never have found.

  —You found me. That is all that matters.

  His arm went around her.

  —Yes. That is truly so.

  * * *

  DANY-ET BROUGHT HER feet up off the sweat-soaked mattress. Her knees touched her shoulders. She was wet and open for her husband. She felt the firm length plunge into her. She gasped once, for she always did when he entered her with such force.

  —That is how you took me, the first time, on board your ship. Do you remember?

  —And you were just as wet then as now, were you not?

  —Yes. Yes. Oh, yes.

  She was unable to separate then from now in her mind. Her hand reached for his balls. She liked to feel him becoming more aroused as he thrust into her.

  —But you never did that to me.

  Her lips brushed against his ear.

  —I would have had I known the pleasure you took from me. It took me time to understand.

  —You understood well enough the night you seduced me with your undressing.


  She grinned and began to rock her hips to meet his thrusts.

  —Your hard member scared me, but only for a short while. I couldn’t take my eyes from it. When I gripped you for the first time I was surprised at how hard you were for me.

  He flexed inside her. She moaned.

  —And you understand even better now.

  Dany-Et came hard under him. Her flow of moisture increased. Her hips struggled against his. She opened even more of herself to him as he continued to plunge into her.

  —Stay in me. Perhaps I can get pregnant again for you.

  —I will need a bigger house.

  She felt him come again in her. She reached around to grip him. Warm juices flowed out onto her hand.

  —And this is big enough, as it always has been.

  She tugged at him. He came again with her encouragement.

  —Enough, woman. You will kill me.

  —It would be a good death, would it not?

  —Let’s wait until tomorrow. Perhaps it would be better then.

  They laughed. Diego slippe
d out of her. She went beneath the sheet and took him in her mouth. She cupped his warm balls in her hand and tugged quickly to hurry him along.


  She slipped a moist finger between his cheeks, searching. She found the spot and he hardened, almost instantly.

  —How do you do that to me?

  She finished him and pulled the covers down. Come covered her lips and chin. She licked, and licked again before wiping her face.

  —The question is, how do you keep doing it for me?

  Dany-Et threw her leg across his waist and sat up on his stomach.

  —Your nipples are still tense. Slide farther up on me.

  She grinned in anticipation.

  —And what purpose will that serve?

  —You know well, woman. My face has the scars to prove it.

  She laughed. By the time she managed to slip and slide herself onto his chin, she left a trail of wet running behind her.

  Diego’s tongue worked its magic on her middle as it had many times before. Her knees clenched his head. Her middle rocked back and forth to keep time with the tongue flicking at her.

  She leaned back to grab his hard cock. She began to come in a powerful orgasm that lifted her off of Diego’s face. She bounced uncontrollably down his chest onto his stomach.

  She managed to get his cock straight up, did a final bounce to land on it, and swallowed it between her legs in a last, fast, hard landing.

  Diego’s hands locked her onto him. She kept her hips rolling, swallowing and re-swallowing his cock in her middle. Finally, she settled, letting him remain deep inside her.

  She reached to grip his balls. She knew every time that would force him into her. She felt the huge vein begin pumping. Her insides began to contract to match the spurting.

  Dany-Et came in a glorious explosion of man and come as their juices married and consummated.

  In nine months, she produced another daughter for Diego.

  Less than a month after Dany-Et had conceived on that night, Diego provisioned his ship, loaded his men, and headed south and west to new fishing grounds.

  While en route, Diego’s ship was overcome by a freak Mediterranean storm. Windswept waves crashed over the ship. Diego attempted to make leeward of a small island on his course.

  He was too late. The storm was too strong for his ship to escape.

  Wind gusts never before experienced tore through sails, ripped rigging, and forced masts to blow overboard with sails still attached. In their attempts to save the ship and their lives, men were swept into the sea, never to be seen again.

  Adrift with a broken wheel and uncontrollable, minus masts, rigging and sails, the ship turned broadside to the wind. A huge wave whipped up by the storm crashed against the ship and overwhelmed the vessel. It overturned and sank in minutes. No trace remained.

  Nothing was ever found to indicate what had become of Diego’s ship, the captain, or his crew.

  He never knew that his wife had produced another daughter from his seed.

  Dany-Et spent ten years waiting for the love of her life to return to her. She had the undying support of Diego’s mother and his sister during that time. While she waited, she dedicated her life to educating her daughters as she had been educated.

  Finally, reluctantly, she gave up the wait. It wasn’t sudden. For her, it just was. She allowed it to become her new reality. In her heart, she knew that Diego had been lost at sea with his only son while trying to provide for his family and his people. That no one had come with word of the ship and crew only confirmed it for her.

  She began to make plans for her future. Those plans didn’t include spending the rest of her life isolated and on an island.

  She gave her daughters the choice of coming with her, or staying behind. The youngest chose to stay. The eldest chose to remain at her side, following wherever her mother would lead her.

  Dany-Et and her daughter Dania, so named by Diego, her beloved father, packed only so much of their belongings as they could carry. Together, they walked the long path downhill to the pier, and boarded a ship bound for the mainland.

  The crossing was smooth, for Dany-Et paired with the captain in his cabin on the first night. By the time she finished with the man, the voyage had ended. She had managed to delay the consummation until the final night at sea, whereupon she collected what was left of her fee for services rendered to the man.

  Both were immensely satisfied. He had never had such a beautiful and experienced woman as she, while Dany-Et had never so much money in her purse as she now had.

  She also had a promise of a reference to the wealthy provider of the ship and its crew. She hoped it would not take so many nights with him to get what she wanted.

  Once she cemented her connection with the benefactor, Dany-Et’s path to the Roman city was assured. Recommendations and reference followed her every step of the way. By the time she and her daughter entered Rome, she had requests from several famous and infamous families to share her treasures among them.

  Dany-Et took her time making the decision. She had to be certain that what she chose would be as good for her as it would be for her daughter and her future. There was no way that she could not consider the girl’s welfare in the huge city.

  With the gold she had secured in her possession, she sought out a fine home close to the wealthy area of the city. It was an area prized for its cleanliness and the wealth of its patrons. Already she knew that she would do well for both of them.

  She acquired two female servants. She would not trust her daughter to any males so young, servants or not. The women were skilled and experienced. They helped her to teach Dania the ways and means around a wealthy household.

  It was three years before Dany-Et and her daughter finally chose a man. In truth, it was her mother that made the choice, for Dania was too young, being only thirteen.

  Her mother was ecstatic. The man was old, but not so old as to be infirm. It was obvious he was wealthy. His home was filled with many items of gold and silver, silks and satins. He was a member of the Senate, powerful, and an able speech-maker.

  Before long, she was at the feet of the senator, where her hands eventually ended up on the tent protruding from beneath the toga. She found that she was able to satisfy him manually for many months before finally ending up in his bed.

  Dany-Et eventually obtained a vaulted position in the household for herself and her daughter. She had pleased the head of the household so well that he honored her with a wedding. He adopted her daughter and treated her as his own.

  It was during this time that Dany-Et re-established connections with her past in the form of passing on to her daughter everything that she had learned in her life at court in Egypt.

  As with her own mother, she too saw fit to teach her daughter the art of massage.

  * * *

  DANIA, DANY-ET’S DAUGHTER, grew as though a weed on the banks of the Nile in her new Roman environment. By the time she turned eighteen, her attributes were known by all who frequented the household ruled by her mother.

  She began working in her stepfather’s stables. She did all the jobs the men did. As payment, she dressed as a man and went often on long rides by herself. Sometimes she would take a stable boy for company in the chariot.

  One day, her regular passenger became unavailable. She brought along a new boy, one who was younger than the rest working in the stable. His foot was bandaged. He walked with a limp.

  She rode the entire distance without saying a word until she stopped under a huge blooming tree.

  —I brought water and something to eat. Will you not join me?

  She took off her helmet and the quiver of arrows. She arranged her clothing to take advantage of the shade.

  —I see that you walk with a limp. Are you injured? Sit down and let me see.

  Dania unwrapped the bandage from the man’s foot.

  —It does not look so bad. I will wash it and then have a better look.

  She poured wat
er and wiped his foot. She carefully examined the injury.

  —Tell me if this hurts.

  She began massaging the foot, taking care to avoid the injured area. He stroked and pressed and squeezed from toes to heel and partway up his calf.

  She couldn’t help notice the effect her administrations were having on the man. His skirt began to form a tent.

  —I think you are well enough that we can continue.

  She reached to grip him.

  —Come here. I want to see what new problems my hands have encouraged.

  The man stood in front of her. She peeled off her top to permit him to see her breasts.

  —You are stronger and I haven’t even touched you. Is it my breasts that excite you so? Then touch them.

  His hands wandered over them, cupping and squeezing. While he was thus busy, she gave him both of her hands on his still growing erection. She examined it carefully. When a drop appeared on the mushroom, she licked at it.

  —So. You like that, I see. There is more of it for me.

  She sucked the member into her mouth. The man gasped and started to come in her. She quickly pulled him out of her mouth and pointed the spurting head at her breasts. In no time, they were covered in his liquid.

  —You are still strong. Would you like to do that again?

  She didn’t wait for his answer. She sucked him into her mouth and began sliding her lips up and down as far as she could.

  —Give me your bath between my legs.

  She fell back on the carriage and lifted her skirt. Immediately, the boy was between her legs. His hand gripped his cock and directed it into her opening.

  Dania gasped and wet flowed out of her. The man climbed on the wagon, positioned his hips between her thighs, and began pumping slowly.

  —I think you have done something like this before.

  —I have. Have you?

  —If you lift off of me and look between my legs, you will see that I have not.

  He did as he was told.

  —Now put yourself back into me and move just as you were. I like it very much.


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