Blood Born

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Blood Born Page 10

by Catherine Wolffe

  Dorran’s hand settled over her belly. The warmth and weight of his touch eased some of the anxiety building in her and stirred other areas of her body. He made sure his voice was threaded with patience. He needed to sooth her nerves. “Meagan, tell me. What did the dog say?”

  Closing her eyes, Meagan tried to remember the exact words. “I need to get this off my chest,” she admitted. “I’m figuring you can relate. The dog’s shelter name is Sally. She told me she was really Mrs. Abernathy. She was trapped inside Sally’s body.” Unable to continue lying still, Meagan rolled over to examine his reaction.

  Dorran knew she would see the flicker of disbelief in his eyes. A sigh escaped as his eyes registered concern mixed with his bondsman tight-assed seriousness.

  “You’ve got that look I saw the first night I laid eyes on you, Dorran O’Hare.

  “Okay, from the beginning, tell me word for word what Sally said to you. Don’t skip anything.”

  Swallowing, Meagan repeated all she remembered. “She said someone came up from behind her and soon everything went blank. When she woke, she was looking through the bars from the inside of a kennel. Her hands and feet were covered in fur. She told me she lost it then.” A huff of breath came next as Meagan shook her head. “The whole thing sounds ridiculous now. I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

  “No,” Dorran said. “Don’t say that.” Sitting up, he crossed his legs and ran a big hand through his hair.

  Meagan watched his muscles strain and relax.

  By the gods, he wanted to reach out and touch her.

  “The scenario fits with intel I’ve been given.” His bicolored eyes remained steady on her even though they narrowed in consideration.

  “Scenario?” Her voice ended in a break. “You don’t believe me, do you?” Her voice cracked over the last word. Meagan fisted her hands. She didn’t remain still any longer. With the onset of anger gleaming in her eyes, she got up, snatching up her robe.

  “Wait.” His hands were on her shoulders in two seconds flat. “Meagan, let me explain.”

  She rolled a tight shoulder and stepped out of his reach. “There’s nothing you need to explain. I know I sound crazy. Don’t you think I know that?”

  Dorran shifted to block her escape. His fingers pressed into the flesh of her shoulders giving her a shake. “Look at me,” he commanded.

  Megan stilled under the pressure of his grip.

  “It took a lot for you to share such an off-the-chart encounter with me. Now I’m asking you to trust me when I say I believe your story is viable.”

  Maybe it was the contact – maybe it was the vulnerability in her face, but when Meagan met his gaze, Dorran knew she believed him. “I wouldn’t lie about such a crazy thing.” He grinned that lopsided grin she enjoyed. “I know you wouldn’t. Look, sources report some of the same phenomena recently. I can’t tell you much more except that we believe the Sultan’s behind the reports.”

  “The Sultan?” Meagan shivered. “I was afraid it was him.” She dropped her eyes. “A dog speaking to me in Mrs. Abernathy’s voice was straight up creepy.” She went into his arms. Dorran made sure his warmth enveloped her there. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not labeling me crazy.”

  The smile that crept across her mouth felt good against his bare skin. He eased her back to look at him. “You’re a lot of things, Meagan Christiana but crazy is not one of them.” Dorran lowered his head, so their breaths mingled. His mouth hovered near hers. The heat of her exhale felt good against his skin. Dorran wanted to kiss her. The why didn’t matter. He knew if she did kiss him back, she would give herself to him without hesitation. He willed himself to take a step back. “It’s almost dawn. I need to go. Can I reach you later?”

  The spell broke with his words. Things were back to neat and tidy. “Yeah, sure.”

  He sensed Meagan had been affected though. Glancing sideways, he smiled. “I want to come by the shelter later. Will you be there?”

  Meagan huffed out a breath. “Where else would I be?” Her hands landed on her hips. “I work at Katie’s pharmacy until noon. I’ll be there around one.”

  “Good,” Dorran said as he gathered his gear. Slinging his leather satchel over his shoulder, he headed for the front door. “I’ll see you there.”

  Meagan watched him go before returning to the bed. There she reached out touching the sheets where Dorran had laid next to her. If she closed her eyes, she could feel the warmth of his skin as his leg touched hers. So heated yet so chilled at the same time. Probably another condition of his being a hybrid. No two were alike, and each garnered their own traits. Starring at the ceiling, she wondered how much more weirdness she could stand.

  So Dorran wanted to check out the talking dog. The good news was he would witness the phenomenon for himself. That much she appreciated. She wouldn’t find herself in the difficult position of defending something no one had ever seen or heard before. Right now, a talking dog or more correctly a person imprisoned inside a dog’s body was merely a tale.


  The wolf stalked her. Meagan fought to come back from the dream. The damn thing held her tight. She could hear his growl even when she could not see him. He appeared and disappeared at will. Fear edged up her throat and yet she could not cry out. Struggling to put one foot in front of the other, she willed herself to move. A soft, almost tender finger touched her in the middle of her back. She screamed, but no sound came out.

  “Wake up!”

  The small voice in her head yelled loud enough, she obeyed. Bathed in sweat, Meagan sat there in the middle of her bed gathering air. Raking a trembling hand through her damp hair, she closed her eyes against the pain in her chest. “It was just a dream. Just a dream,” she repeated. A bird chirped outside. She glanced toward the sound and found comfort in the semblance of reality. It was still dark. Morning wasn’t too far away. The headache needed tending to, but she closed her eyes and laid down once more.

  The morning broke sultry with high humidity. Meagan’s head still hurt as she got up. She had managed to get another couple hours of sleep, but now wished she had stayed up after Dorran left.

  The Curs greeted her with tails wagging ready for their breakfast. “You guys are sure eager this morning. Just wait a minute.” Yawning hugely, she tightened the belt around her robe and padded to the pantry for kibble. “I’m on it. Give me two seconds.”

  Glancing at the clock on the wall, Meagan decided last night could have been a dream. Everything felt surreal in the light of day. “Got to get to work,” she murmured under her breath. When had the house become so lonely? Even with the dogs as company, she wished for Dorran’s touch. “Got to get moving,” she growled at the face in the mirror. Makeup, jeans, and a t-shirt were donned before Meagan ran a quick comb through her length of hair. Giving the woman in the mirror a final check, she headed out.

  Katie Tibideaux’s sign above the Cheniere Station Apothecary cheered the faded bricks of the small storefront. Deep blue lettering stood out against a blush backdrop. Not her color choices but a grecian urn filled with a deep green arborvitae flanked either side of the doorway. Katie’s flair for design usually ruled when it came to any type of marketing scheme.

  The door’s bells jingled as she entered. “Hey, Katie.” The old-fashioned counter stood at the end of the first row of first aid supplies. Tidily organized by type and alphabetically arranged, the isle held everything from isopropyl alcohol to ointments.

  “Hey, you.” Katie held up a finger without her attention leaving the customer at the counter. “Got a minute?”

  Meagan slowed. Katie’s move, as well as her tone, became signals Meagan recognized well. She loved Katie to pieces but wasn’t prepared for a Q&A session. “Sure.”

  Katie finished ringing up the customer she was helping. “Take two of those at bedtime. Your insomnia will disappear like a bad dream.” The wink made Meagan grin. Katie enjoyed her wry sense of humor. Turning to Meaga
n, she smiled wide. Trouble was the smile didn’t show in her eyes. Something was up. “I’ve got a project for you in the back.” Motioning Meagan to follow she headed for the backroom. “Here’s a shipment of medications that need sorting and stocking out front. Then there’s the prescription stuff for back here.” Indicating a set of tall, metal shelving units stationed in the middle of the room.

  “Got it.” Hoping to change the subject, Meagan smiled as she cut open one of the boxes. “There’s a storm brewing in the west. The Weather Channel says we’ve got a 40% chance of rain later today.” Maybe small talk would curb Katie’s curiosity.

  Katie smiled as she concentrated on the box before her.

  Gathering up a handful of generic diabetes medicine, Meagan headed for the front.

  “Say, Meagan?” Katie stood, giving her lower back a kneading.

  Meagan stalled out.

  “How’s the house sitting going?”

  Meagan had a glimpse of Katie’s facial expression. Simple and to the point. Katie didn’t seem to have an ulterior motive for asking, so Meagan shrugged. “You know, keep it tidy, and things work out.” With a sigh, she slowed and faced Katie. “I haven’t had any major problems come up yet.” She hoped Katie would stop there. But no, she kept going.

  “Pilot was in yesterday.” There was a pregnant pause.

  “Really?” Meagan’s grip on the medicine slipped, sending pill bottles everywhere. She swore under her breath. How was she supposed to tell Katie, who was like a big sister to her that she had met someone and allowed him to spend the night?

  “Yeah, he said you had an intruder the other night. Turns out it was a bounty hunter after the Sultan.”

  Meagan winced inwardly. No retreating now, she murmured. “Oh, that. It was nothing. The guy was lost and figured we might have a place he could crash.”

  Katie’s jaw worked. Her mouth set in a thin line. “Don’t play games with me, Meagan. The guy’s one of Logan’s men. Dorran O’Hare. He’s a bit of a loose cannon. What did he want?”

  Meagan’s stomach churned. “Pilot didn’t tell you?”

  “No, Pilot didn’t have a chance to tell me.” Katie stopped and stared at Meagan. “Let’s have it. Tell me what he said to you.”

  Busted. “All right. Mr. O’Hare said he had tracked the Sultan to the property. I mean it makes sense because the entrance to our local alternate universe, the Veil is located there.” Meagan threw up two fingers of each hand in air quotes. “He was going to try and take him before he had a chance to escape beyond the Veil. Guess he was too late.” She shrugged. Please let that be enough for Katie.

  “So why was he there last night?”

  Screwed. “Pilot spied on me?” Incredulous indignation bubbled up inside her. “What right do you guys have to spy on me like that?” Dropping the bottles on the nearest shelf, Meagan headed for the back door leading to the ally. She needed some air. The sun’s rays warmed the wall of the building and felt good against her chilled body. Something wasn’t right when you had those you cared about spying on you. Meagan glanced up and down the alley’s walls. A small parking lot opened outward from the pharmacy’s back entrance. For a split second, Meagan wanted to run. Just race across the gravel and keep going. Instead, she leaned against the warm bricks and closed her eyes. There he was leaning over her in the bed the night before grinning that wicked half-smile. The talisman around her neck heated against her skin. She opened her eyes.

  Katie stood a few feet away, her hands on her hips in an authoritative stance. “We aren’t spying on you, Meagan. It’s just that we care about you. So many things can happen to a young woman, and we know better than most just how many things that list includes.” She took a couple of steps toward Meagan before stopping once more. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just that I care about you and yes, I’m kind of looking out for you. That’s all.”

  Meagan sucked in a breath. She might as well fess up. Katie was not going to leave her alone. To withhold intel would not go in her favor at a Tibideaux inquest. “He spent the night.”

  Katie’s eyes widened.

  Meagan sought out something in middle-distance to concentrate on. “It’s not what you think. He asked if he could sleep there. He needed some company is all.”

  “Is all – are you sure that’s all? What do you mean by company?”

  Now she was irritated. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m going to be twenty-one soon. I’ll be an adult legally. “If I have an orgy to celebrate, you won’t be able to stop me.”

  Katie’s eyebrows winged up, and she took another step closer before turning. Striding in the opposite direction, she stopped abruptly. Pivoting, she glared at Meagan. “I believe you. You can take the stick out of your butt now. I didn’t ask because I thought you had slept with him. You realize he’s several years older than you? He’s been around some. The truth is we don’t know a lot about Dorran. I asked out of concern for your safety. End of story.” Wheeling, she went back inside. The door slammed behind her.

  The sound of the slamming door echoed through Meagan’s brain. “Now you’ve fucked up.” Feeling like a heel, Meagan slid down the bricks to rest on her butt. Her heart hurt and for a good reason. “Well hell.” Muttering to herself, she decided she had come off as a defensive twit when she should have waited to hear everything Katie had to say. But no, she went off on a drama queen binge and showed her ass. Now she would have to make up for the mistake. “No time like the present,” she murmured as she stood. The door creaked on its hinges as she opened it. It took a minute to get used to the lighting after sitting in the sunshine. “Katie?”

  There was no sound.

  “Katie, where are you?”

  Still no response. Meagan stilled and listened. The sound of items being arranged up front drew her closer. On isle three she found Katie lining up nasal spray in military straight lines. “Katie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off like a jerk back there. It’s just that I guess I’m a little out of sorts. Can you forgive me?”

  Glancing up, Katie shrugged. “I shouldn’t have drilled you about Dorran. He’s a good guy. It’s just that…”

  Meagan knew so little about him, her ears perked up. “It’s just what?”

  Katie’s hands paused among the items on the shelf. “I don’t want to see you get hurt, Meagan. You’ve had enough pain in your life. He’s been through some things that most wouldn’t make it back from. Dorran has struggled.”

  Meagan blinked. “What things?”

  Katie stood up and then shoved her hands into the back pockets of her distressed jeans.

  Meagan recognized the defensive move and raised a hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find out myself. You can release that breath you’ve been holding onto so tightly. I’m not mad at you. I know you’re only trying to help.”

  Katie nodded, though her face still showed signs of strain. “Good.” Her eyes darted to the shelves and back. “You’re like the kid sister I never had, you know?”

  Meagan grinned. “Really?”

  The laugh was audible. “I love you, kiddo. Simple as that. Just don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Meagan nodded, a little uncomfortable. “I’m a big ‘kiddo’ now, Katie. I’ll manage. Don’t worry. Nothing’s going to happen. I’ll be careful.”

  Reaching for her, Katie gave Meagan a hug. “I know you will. We’re all a little hypersensitive these days. That’s all. The thing with the Sultan sightings has got us all on edge. If he’s roaming around loose in Cheniere Station, then none of us are safe. I guess if you have to hang out with anyone, Dorran is a good candidate.” Leaning back, she grinned. “At least he’s tough as nails. Nothing gets by him either. Two qualities you’ll need for protection.” The huff of breath came out shaky.

  Meagan nodded. “Katie?”


  “I think I found out a couple of his hybrid traits last night. He can read my mind. Oh, and his skin is always warm.”

  “Really?” Katie’s hand
stilled over the decongestant bottles she was lining up. “You two have a kind of kinetic connection then?”

  Meagan shook her head. “I wouldn’t say that. I recognized his ability is all.” She didn’t want to explain how she discovered his talent, but the thought of his knowing her thoughts didn’t bother her either.

  Katie turned to face her. Her eyes grew concerned as she took a deep breath. “Just a thought! Let’s not tell Uncle Duke about this discussion, okay?”

  Now Meagan’s eyes narrowed. “Duke?” Shaking her head, she frowned. “Why?”

  Katie’s expression mirrored the concern in her words. “It’s just that he worries about you. That’s all. Seems he sees you as family too.” She shrugged before returning to the job at hand. “Come help, me. Later we’ll have Chinese takeout for lunch. Right?”

  Brightening over the idea of food, Meagan remembered she hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning. “Super. I’ll get the next box.” Glad the awkward discussion was over, she headed to the back for more stock.

  Chapter 12

  “There’s my two favorite girls. Duke Taylor strolled into the pharmacy after giving the door’s bell a good jingle. “You ladies ready for lunch?”

  “Hey, you.” Katie caught Duke in a hug following a decent kiss. “We think Chinese is a good idea.”

  “Well, Chinese it is.” Reaching for Meagan, Duke planted a noisy kiss on her temple, a move he’d perfected after years of practice. “How’s our youngest doing today?”

  Meagan didn’t see any inquest in his face, so she worked to keep the look of deceit off hers. Meagan gave Duke a sisterly punch in the shoulder. “I still have a mean right cross. You better be on your toes, cowboy.”

  The laugh came from deep in his gut. Plainly enjoying the jab, Duke playfully returned the punch. “We’re feeling feisty today, huh?” He put up his fists in playful imitation of a boxer and shadow boxed a couple of steps back and forth in front of her.

  Meagan rolled her eyes skyward. “Always,” she retorted with more humor than taunt. “I’ll get my phone.”

  Following Katie and Duke, she smiled after the two. The connection she shared with them was as close to a family connection as Meagan could remember having with her own parents. The word grateful came to mind when she thought of how Duke and Katie had taken her in after her parents’ abduction. They both had covered some of the same ground Meagan faced in those days leading up to the attack on the Sultan’s lair. Their love for each other showed through during the fight with the evil one. She remembered their bond then in the face of insurmountable odds and wondered if she would ever find something like that, a comfortable kindred spirit shining through the darkness. It gave Meagan the support and hope she desperately needed during those days. She was forever grateful. A twinge of guilt solidified in her gut as she rode the short distance with them in Duke’s beat up old Chevy. They meant well by her. Sliding into the back seat, she decided to give them a break.


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