Blood Born

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Blood Born Page 13

by Catherine Wolffe

  The warehouse he had secured for the transfer was tucked away in a remote location where the massive Mississippi spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. On the outskirts of the most active trading port in the United States, the outer banks of New Orleans were a perfect location to house his cargo until transport arrived. No one suspected the animals were anything but what they appeared, and guard dogs were always needed for security along the banks of Algiers, a rough and seedy part of the metropolis region which held untold wealth if only a man had the knowledge necessary backed by the balls to execute such a plan.

  “Our colleague will contact us soon. Make sure the cargo is ready for transport by noon tomorrow. I have business to attend to in Cheneire Station.” Turning from his man, he whirled into mist and disappeared into the night.


  Dorran parked his bike in front of J.T.’s office. He was just in time to greet J.T. who was getting up. “I found her.”

  J.T.’s brows winged up. “You found the Chosen One?”

  “Yes,” he said firmly.

  “Where is she? We’ll deliver her and be done with this whole charade.”

  Dorran shook his head. “It’s not that simple.”

  J.T. shrugged a t-shirt over his chest before cocking his head at his companion. “What are you talking about? You either have her, or you don’t. Which is it?”

  “I have her. But I’m not giving her over to them. Not in this lifetime.”

  “Are you insane? She’s your ticket to a scrubbed record, bro – to a life free of debt and slavery. What’s going on? Why are you reneging on the deal?”

  “It’s complicated,” Dorran muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “No, it’s not. You’re making it complicated, and I want to know why. Of all the bull-headed stupid fuckin’ things you’ve ever done...” J.T. trailed off as he took a step toward him, giving his peck a shove. “What is this about? Sex? Have you slept with the bitch? Is that it? Huh?” His nostrils flared. “Well, talk to me, you moron. I can’t read your mind, or what little there is left of it.”

  Dorran stalled out. He hated keeping things from J.T., but his bud was on a short need-to-know list, one that didn’t include giving away the woman’s name. “I can’t tell you right now. Like I said it’s complicated. You can come at me all badass and glare with those vampire eyes, but I’m not giving up her name until this thing is over with the Sultan. Okay? Got that?”

  J.T. kicked the nearest chair. “I can’t believe I stuck my neck for you. You’re going to get us killed. You know that don’t you?”

  Dorran shrugged. “It’s not like we haven’t faced death before.” Turning, he studied the map of Cheniere Station hanging on J.T.’s office wall. “Give me the three days to fix this, and I promise you, if I’m not able to pull this off, you can hand-cuff me and take me to the council yourself. Deal?”

  J.T. snarled, his eyes growing red with the effort. “No fuckin’ way. We’re putting it to a vote tomorrow night at the meeting. If you want to flaunt the security of the company in front of the council’s noses and mess with our lives, then by the gods, I’m not going to be the one to agree to it alone. Let them all tell you how crazy you are, Dorran.”


  He’d gone in there to face Shadow Company with the sole purpose of refusing to share the name of the Chosen One. Dorran had said his peace and exited J.T.’s office while they went into executive session. Night fell on a world headed toward disaster for Dorran and the company. But giving up Meagan wasn’t in the cards. He would die first – which was the most likely outcome. He flicked the cigarette onto the concrete before blowing smoke into the darkness. “You’ve got your wits and your nerve. Looks like it’s up to you.” A breeze kicked up which had nothing to do with the wind.

  “You’re not alone.”

  Dorran jumped despite the vigil he gave the dark alleyway. Smoking inside Katie’s pharmacy was, of course, political suicide, so here he was alone with whoever this was coming toward him.

  “I too want to save Meagan, Mr. O’Hare. You can call it an obsession if you like, but I will give my undead life to see her live.” Pilot materialized a few steps away. The security light from the street casting an eerie glow around his top hat.

  “Yeah, and just why all of a sudden are you willing to help me, spook?” Dorran dug in his pocket for his lighter. The Bic illuminated his eyes which were focused on the shadow walker. “Last time we talked, you made it perfectly clear where I stood with you. So why the shift to the Dorran camp?”

  Shrugging, Pilot plucked at the lace on his cuff and pursed his lips. “Let’s just say, I admire your spirit.”

  Dorran raised his eyebrows. “Do tell. Well, I’m so grateful you think me worthy, Casper. I don’t need your help. Got it.” The sneer broke the plain of his don’t-give-a-shit expression.

  “To be sure, Mr. O’Hare. I wasn’t asking, merely informing you of my position. Shadow Company has met, and now, if you are ready, I have intel which I think you’ll find helpful. Ready to listen?”

  Chapter 15

  Gloomy – the one word summed up Meagan’s mood that morning. Nothing had gone right yesterday with Dorran. Nothing had gone right at the shelter. Maybe she had imagined things. Maybe she was working too hard. Maybe something wasn’t right. She would discuss her concerns about the talking dog with Katie at the pharmacy today. Meagan feared she was right about Mrs. Abernathy. What if the old woman was really caged in a dog’s body? She understood the concept and how outlandish it was, but she had seen magic at work. Meagan understood the Netherworld concept all too well. The Sultan existed, and if Dorran was correct, the bastard had set up shop in Cheniere Station. Everything needed checking out, but she would get in so much trouble for trying. Sue would probably ban her from volunteering anymore if she got caught. Being careful had to be her main concern.

  Dorran’s face popped into her head. His green, blue bicolored eyes, the color of an Irish countryside meeting a seashore retreat winked at her. “Men,” she grumbled under her breath as she dressed for the day. “He’s just a man, like any other. Sure, he’s a hybrid thanks to J.T. Sure, he’s hot as hell thanks to…” Her mouth firmed into that thin line which meant she knew she was done for but wasn’t ready to admit it out loud. “Why is he hanging around so much?” she asked the Curs who were resting on the end of the bed. “You guys aren’t very helpful this morning.”

  Heading for the kitchen, she grabbed the frozen fruit she kept handy for a smoothie and dumped a cup into the blender followed by protein powder, a half a banana, and some Greek yogurt. As the blender whipped up breakfast, Meagan gazed out the kitchen window overlooking the pasture. The grasses were still brown from winter’s wrath. Specks of green peered out from the earth in random spots. Most of the ground was still sleeping, she mused. Mother nature waited for the warmth of Spring. “As green as an Irish countryside,” she whispered under her breath. “Damn him to hell and back,” she growled. “He has no business creeping around inside my thoughts. Who does he think he is?” Punching the blender’s stop button, she yanked up the container and threw back the contents. Wiping away the smoothie mustache, Meagan poured the rest into a to-go cup and covered the contents with a lid.

  “Alright guys, I’m off to work. Got to make some dog food money, you know. Be good and watch out for things around here while I’m gone. Okay?” Copper’s ears perked up as she spoke, and Gracie’s tale did a whirly-bird wag in response. The ignition of the truck turned over immediately. Meagan blinked in stunned surprise. “Wow, maybe that’s an omen.”

  A fog had settled over the land, so she drove with caution on the curving country roads as she headed to Cheniere Station. Katie’s business located next door to J.T. Leighton’s Investigations was shrouded in the thick blanket of morning moisture. Parking out back, Meagan dug in her purse for the key to the back door. A rumbling drew her attention as Dorran rode up on his bike. Meagan told herself she wouldn’t react. “Pretend he’s not there,” she
whispered. Her little melt down yesterday didn’t set well with her this morning. The last thing she wanted to do was have to apologize so early in the morning.

  “Meagan?” Gravel crunched under foot as he approached.

  The key jammed in the lock. Great!

  “Can I talk to you?” Heat from him enveloped her.

  Caught! Turning, she glared up at him. His broad shoulders covered in leather looked like a perfect haven. Cowards were the only ones who needed comfort from a man.

  That sweet little voice in her head reminded her, Dorran had asked comfort from her – hadn’t he?

  She pushed back at the reminder. That was before he had assaulted her at the shelter, she argued.

  “Look, about yesterday, I wanted to apologize.”

  She blinked. That was it? That was all she got?

  He shrugged. “I was off base with the way I came at you. I should have… I’m sorry.”

  There – he had said it. Now what?

  She mimicked his shrug, feeling like an ass. “It’s okay. I was having a bad day, that’s all.” Not exactly an apology, but close enough. Finally, the key turned, and the door opened into the small back storage room. Meagan fumbled for the light switch and stepped inside. Standing in the doorway, she gave him a thin smile. “I’m better today. Hope your gut’s okay.”

  Sounds like a mental case, her little voice shot back. You’re on a roll, kiddo.

  “Yeah, it’s okay.” Dorran rubbed the back of his dark head with the flat of his hand. “Look, I’m an ass sometimes, okay? Listen, for what it’s worth, I wanted you to know I didn’t mean to push – I’d never hurt you, Meagan. It’s just that you push my buttons.”

  Now you’ve gone and done it. The little voice badgered on and on.

  A sigh left her lips before she looked at him. “I’m to blame too. I shouldn’t have hopped on the drama train. I…” She trailed off wondering if she should explain her feelings about not finding Sally and or Mrs. Abernathy at the shelter. “I was upset when I couldn’t find the dog I told you about. That’s all. No biggy.”

  Stop now before you come off as a basket case, my dear.

  Meagan wanted to cheerfully choke her little voice. Standing in the doorway with her purse, smoothie, and umbrella because it looked like rain, she felt perfectly uncomfortable. What did he want?

  “Can I come in a minute?”

  The expression on his masculine face did the trick, a combination of shame and nobleness. Meagan felt her defenses begin to crumble under that totally wicked grin he gave her. “Ah, yeah, sure, come on in.” Turning, she closed her eyes a moment. Now what?

  He tugged at the baseball cap he wore and shook out that mane of dark hair.

  Jez, he’s gorgeous, the little voice whispered.

  Meagan coughed and smirked as he examined her.

  “You look good today.” His hands shoved at the stray lock of hair falling in his face. “I can’t figure out your eyes though.”

  Meagan frowned. “My eyes?”

  “Yeah, their color is green sometimes and brown other times, like now.” His mouth curved upward at the side. You keep me guessing, Meagan Christiana.” He took a step toward her. “I want to remember you just like this.”

  Meagan’s heart thudded in her chest. “They’re hazel – sometimes green, sometimes brown.” What was she saying? Nobody was listening, least of all her. Oxygen was hard to manage as she sucked in air. The room was growing fuzzy. She could hear a heart beating and then two beating in regularity together. Her eyes closed and then opened to find him as close as possible. Her breath mingled with his. His hands sank into her hair, and his mouth was on hers in another beat of those hearts. His lips were warm, persistent without being aggressive. As if he intended to draw her in, he traced a trail of pure pleasure along the lines of her mouth, tasting, nipping and savoring. “You smell so good.”

  Wondering what perfume, she used earlier, it dawned on her she hadn’t used any. Dorran’s werewolf nostrils scented her essence. Something naughty danced in her belly. The idea of being kissed by this man creature warmed her all over. “You’re gonna have to stop,” she said out of the side of her mouth he wasn’t devouring at the moment. “Katie will be here any minute.”

  “I know.” Trailing the kiss down the side of her neck, he bit her on the shoulder in the meaty flesh which sang with the burn of his teeth.

  Meagan moaned, or she thought she moaned. Things were blurring at a rapid rate. No longer able to stand on her own, she leaned into him, giving over to his hold and allowing him to taste and touch her until she felt like butter. His stubble tickled her skin, but she didn’t care. To be near him was all she wanted. Her hips pressed into him and he responded growing hard with need. If only they were somewhere private. “Okay, before we’re caught, stop. Please?”

  Dorran eased back, shoving at the hair falling in his face. “I know. It’s just that I can’t help myself when I’m around you. You taste like sin on a stick. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  Meagan laughed to cover the cough. “No, I don’t think so.” She was already wet between her legs, with talk like that, she would be ready to jump his bones, Katie or no Katie. Laying a shaky hand on his chest, she noticed how his heart beat. “Um, want to come over tonight?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I do. Is that okay with you?”

  She smiled. “Yeah, it’s okay with me. Bring some wine?”

  He nodded. “I’ll bring some wine.” He took a couple of steps back. “Oh, make sure we’re alone, no Pilot tonight. He can spend the night in the barn if he has to stay.”

  Giggling, she bit her lip watching him slip out the door and disappear down the dirt alley on his Harley. Her heart was thudding in her ears. “God’s breath,” she said aloud. The man did it. He pushed all her buttons too. Meagan peered out the little window and wondered what he looked like naked. It was sex after all. No commitments, just hot, wet sex, she reminded her foggy brain. Her glands were working overtime, and she liked the high.


  The day couldn’t move fast enough. Meagan eyed the clock for the umpteenth time wondering how she would manage to hold it together for another hour.

  Katie saddled up beside her. “Where are you?”

  Meagan jumped and then flushed, a rosy color in her cheeks so fast, she didn’t even have time to realize she was embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I was thinking about something.” The shrug was short and wary.

  “Meagan Christiana. How long have we known each other?” Katie, now with hands on hips, stood in front of her tapping her toe.

  Shrugging, Meagan glanced sideways. “I don’t know. A few years, maybe?”

  Rolling her eyes, Katie sighed heavily. “Three years and three months to be exact. “You think you can hide stuff from me?” Without waiting, she barreled on, “Who is he?” The toe tapping grew louder. “Come on. Spill it. Who’s the guy?”

  “Careful there. You don’t want to blow a gasket or something.” Sure, she was toying with a temperamental woman, Meagan sidestepped Katie to get some air. The backdoor slamming proved defiant at best and childish for sure. “God, I wish she would leave me alone,” she said aloud.

  A repeat of the sound came next. Katie didn’t sugarcoat the notion she was peeved. “Look. All I want to know is who is this guy, that’s all. What’s the big deal?”

  Meagan scowled down at her feet. “Nothing, it’s just that…”

  “Just what?” Katie’s ire was growing.

  “I don’t know much more about him than what you know. I wanted some time to get to know him better – that’s all. Can you give me some space?”

  Katie eyed her speculatively. Her red nails tapping out a rapid tune on the building’s back wall.

  The sensation of being back in grade school worked her temper into a good-sized roll. She stood and stalked to the truck. “I’ll see you later,” she managed through gritted teeth before spinning out in the gravel and barreling down the highway. Katie stood where she had
left her making Meagan immediately feel the guilt of evading the one person who cared for her like a parent. It was hard for them all, not just Meagan. It was difficult to work on being a family bound by grief and pain. The others only wanted what was best for her.


  Dorran’s stoic stance could not be missed. The whole thing was bollocks as far as he was concerned. The council would see his defiance as resistance to their demands. As they liked to remind him, he owed his continued existence to them.

  He waited. They’d been known to take their own sweet time. The aloof continence of the council members grated on his already raving nerves. Dorran wasn’t willing to leave Meagan alone for very long. She was in certain danger, and he needed to get back to Cheniere Station.

  “The council would like to know what’s taking so long, Mr. O’Hare. If you’ve found the Chosen One as you say, why haven’t you started the girl’s training?”

  He peered at each gray-haired member of the council individually, enjoying the petty fact he made them wait. Each one had hundreds of years on him as supernaturals went. That bit of history itself should have weighed heavily in his effort to show some respect. It didn’t. Dorran saw their demands as nothing more than the effort of those who could not use those who could as slaves. In a brief reflection, he saw their efforts similar to those of the Sultan. Money wasn’t the bargaining chip though. The existence of someone he had feelings for was as stake. This created a mercenary monster in his mind. He couldn’t jump head-long into something as complex as teaching a witch how to execute her craft without time.

  The eldest of them stood up at the far end of the table.

  “Mr. O’Hare, need I remind you of your commitment to the task at hand?”

  “No. You do not. But these things take time. I request an extension to prepare the woman properly. Or do you care whether she succeeds or not?”


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