Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 11

by J. H. York

  “So you're a ninja or something…” He said with his face in the sink. The echo made Lindsey smile. “I mean you FUCKED him up! What the fuck Lindsey?”

  Laughing Lindsey looked at the wounds that Evan had suffered. “I kinda know how to handle myself...” She acknowledged.

  Turning his head he looked at her and she laughed. She turned his head back so she could check for any other wounds. “I don't like bullies...” She shrugged. “Got any hydrogen peroxide?”

  Evan pointed at the small closet in the bathroom. “In there.”

  Patting him on the back she started toward the closet. “Sit on side of the tub and I'll patch you up.” She said as she opened the closet door.

  Evan moved over to the tub and sat down slowly. “Where did you...where did you learn that stuff?” Lindsey closed the closet door and walked toward him with the bottle of peroxide and some cotton balls.

  “Holy Shit!!!” Evan exclaimed.

  Lindsey stopped in her tracks and looked at him with curiosity. “What?” She asked and started toward him again.

  He pointed at her left leg. “Look at your fucking knee, that's what!” Lindsey looked down and saw that her jeans were ripped to shreds around her knee and shin, and the knee and shin were a mixture of blood, asphalt, cuts.

  “Huh...” Lindsey laughed. “Guess I didn't feel it.” She looked at him and shrugged. “Better than a pipe to my head and whatever else he had planned.”

  Evan grinned and looked at her. “You're swell.” He said with child like honesty.

  She laughed and opened the bottle of peroxide. She was standing in front of him and gently began to dab at the gash on his head with a cotton ball.

  “Thanks.” She whispered. “You're swell too.”

  Evan brought his hands up and held her waist. He leaned his head against her tummy and sighed. Lindsey continued to dab at his wounds, and smiled at his innocent display of affection. “You smell good.” Evan mumbled.

  Lindsey laughed and shook her head. “Well I will certainly take that as a compliment considering the vicinity that your nose is in.”

  Evan laughed loudly and looked up at her. “No... I mean on a regular basis. You smell good. I like how you smell...” He trailed off and sat looking up into her eyes.

  She touched his face and smiled. “Gotta clean this blood off...” She whispered and broke out of his loose embrace. She walked over to the sink and started wetting a washcloth. Looking at Evan through the mirror she saw he was staring at her backside.

  Grinning she shook her head and turned off the water. “You get knocked upside the head a couple of times but still can't help checkin’ out my ass, huh?” She turned around and walked over to him.

  “Hey...when you got it, you got it. And baby...YOU got it!” He proclaimed and she started laughing.

  He was looking up at her again and she began to clean the dried blood off of his handsome face. He had a cut under his chin from where his head hit the pavement. He had closed his eyes as she gently cleaned his face. He winced a little when she wiped the cut on his chin.

  “Oh don't be a baby...” She whispered. “Done!” She proclaimed.

  Evan opened his eyes and smiled. “Thanks...” He said and then looked at her leg. “How about that?” He pointed.

  Lindsey looked down and nodded. “Yeah...I guess we should get to that, huh?” She took a step back and looked at him. “Can you handle it? The blood and all?” She asked with a sly smile.

  Shrugging Evan nodded. “Sure...I can if you can. It'll probably hurt though.”

  Turning back to the closet Lindsey reached in and grabbed a box of gauze and some tape. “Probably will need this....” She went to the sink and turned on the water, soaking the washcloth again. Turning around she looked into his eyes. “Ready?” She asked as she slid her sneakers off.

  Evan nodded. Still looking into his eyes Lindsey undid the button at the top of her jeans. Slowly she pulled the flaps causing the jeans to unzip. Sliding the jeans slowly down her thighs she continue to look at Evan. He sat on the side of the tub and caught his breath. She gently passed the jeans over her cuts and winced a bit. Dropping the torn and bloody jeans to the floor she stood in front of Evan in her panties and T-shirt. Evan fell in love as he sat looking at the angel that stood in his bathroom, bloody knee and all.

  Chamberlain Affair 4

  Soulful Desires



  Copyright © 2017 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.



  0 ABOUT chamberlain affair4 , SOULFUL DESIRES

  This story began with dirty hidden secrets of love in Chamberlain Affair – Part One, A New Bride... and continued in Chamberlain Affair – Part Two, A Turn of Events. Chamberlain Affair – Part Three, Secrets Revealed begins after an attack on Lindsey and Evan’s lives and Chamberlain Affair – Part Four, Soulful Desires unites the two marked for murder.

  The story began with Evan. He was the bad boy that everyone loved. Though he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he’s learned a thing or two in all the right ways. He set his sights on the one woman he couldn’t have, his stepmother, Lindsey. She stirred a desirous, possessiveness in him that made his insides churn and twist.

  Lindsey was the young, blonde beauty married to the bad boy’s stepfather. Lindsey figured out fast that everyone felt she was the gold digger. Even Evan, whom she couldn't stop thinking about.

  The bad boy didn’t trust her but he didn’t want to bury her like the circumstances that revealed that someone does… Someone, perhaps her stepchildren want her six feet under, in fact…

  Evan uncovered Lindsey’s secret in Part Three unbeknownst to her. Since the accident, Lindsey is completely available and granted the interest and control of the Chamberlain estate and multi fortune enterprising business… Someone close to her wants to unseat her from her newly acquired fortune and Evan is both executor and protector as assigned by his stepfather… In Part Four, the killer is finally revealed but will it be in time to save Lindsey and Evan’s lives?

  The content is recommended for 18+ due to mature themes and sexual content.


  Lindsey stood in front of Evan in her panties and “Giants” T-shirt, with the cuts from her leg bleeding. Evan didn't think that she could be more beautiful. She had gotten the cuts when she slid on the pavement to avoid getting hit with a lead pipe. The pipe carrier had tried to assault both he and Lindsey, but she had stabbed him four times and sent a knee to his chin that had knocked him out. After she had cleaned Evans wounds on his head and chin, they had decided that they needed to tend to her leg.

  She reached down and pulled the knife and Shea's wallet out of her jeans pocket. Walking toward him she opened the wallet.

  “Let's see who this guy is...” She muttered. Quickly glancing at Evan she smiled. “If I keep my mind preoccupied I won't feel the pain when you clean my leg.” She explained.

  Standing up Evan grinned and nodded. “Totally.”

  She sat down on the edge of the tub and looked at the license that was in the wallet. Evan went to the sink and grabbed the washcloth, gauze and peroxide. He walked over to her and knelt down. Her leg was scratched up pretty good, but as he gently cleaned it he saw that it was mostly “burns” as opposed to deep cuts.

  “Jeffrey Thomas Shea. 27 L St., South Boston.” she read from the license.

  “Not surprised at that...” Evan mumbled as he looked closely at her leg.

  There were some bits of asphalt that he was going to have to tweezer out.

  “Not surprised at what?” She asked as she placed the license back into the sleeve in the wallet.

  Standing Evan walked over to the little closet. “I gotta use some tweezers on that...I'm not surprised that he's from Southie and that he's Irish. Kinda goes hand in hand.”

  Walking back with the tweezers he saw that she was counting the cash. Her ey
ebrow went up as she counted.

  “How much is it?” Evan asked as he began to gently remove the bits of asphalt.

  She finished counting and sat silent for a second. As he wiped the cuts again Evan looked up at her. “Well?” He inquired again.

  “Two grand...” She whispered and looked down at him.

  They sat for a minute in silence and Evan nodded. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” he asked looking into her eyes.

  She nodded and smiled a dry grin. “Someone paid him to attack us...” She whispered.

  Evan nodded and poured some peroxide on her cuts. She sucked her breath in and winced, then went back to the wallet.

  “Sorry.” Evan said. “Yeah...either he got paid...or he's really good at Keno.” Smiling at his joke he looked at her.

  She was thumbing through the wallet and occasionally would pull out a credit card or piece of paper. She was a model of concentration. Evan gently placed the gauze over wounds and put the tape on the edges to keep it fastened.

  “There you go...” He said and stood up.

  Looking down she smiled. “Good job...we got a whole role reversal thing going on. I protected you, and you got to be the nurse to me.” She looked at him and winked. Laughing Evan put the items back in the closet. “Yeah don't get to used to that.”

  Turning around he saw that she had closed the wallet and was examining her knife. He leaned up against the closet and watched. She picked up the cloth and quickly cleaned her knife. A moment later she started sobbing. Evan quickly rushed over to her and held her as she cried.


  Trevor hung up his phone with a frown. It had been weeks since he had spent time with Bethany, and days since they had talked. This time he didn't bother leaving a message. “Fine Beth...if you don't want to talk or see me anymore that's your fucking problem!” He shouted.

  Immediately he felt shame and embarrassment wash over him. If she called right back I'd run over like a puppy... He walked over to his window and looked out. It was a beautiful day, and here he was cooped up in the condo. I could just walk over Beth's. It's only a few blocks. Quickly he dismissed the idea. He had “popped in” on her one time, just once. The reaction from her had been venomous.

  Something was up, and he knew it. Ever since the reading of the will, things in the family had changed drastically. He was aware that Evan and Lindsey were spending a lot of time together, and that worried him. If Beth caught wind of the two getting close, she would surely cause a stink. To what extent though? She had a mean streak, but would she do something completely irrational? The thought made his stomach queasy because deep down he knew the answer.

  Looking at his phone Trevor thought for a minute, then dialed the contact that read “Estate.” The phone rang for a couple of times, and then Rita answered. “Chamberlain Estate, how may I help you?” Her slight accent always made Trevor smile. “Hello Rita, it's Trevor.”

  “Oh Mister Trevor! How are you? It's good to hear your voice!” Rita exclaimed.

  The two had always gotten along, and it felt good to hear a friendly voice. “Oh I'm fine Rita...Is Evan there by chance?” As he asked the question he wondered why he didn't just call Evan's house.

  “ he isn't that I'm aware. Hold on I'll ask Marcus.” There was a sound as Rita held the phone to her chest and Trevor could hear the muffled conversation between Marcus and Rita.

  “Have you seen Mr. Evan, Marcus?”

  “Nope...not today.”

  “Okay...Mr. Trevor was asking.”

  There was more noise as she put the phone back up to her ear, and she spoke. “Marcus hasn't seen him either.”

  Nodding Trevor smiled. Sometimes little things in life bring a smile to your lips. “, can I speak to Lindsey then?”

  There was a long pause and Trevor looked at his phone to see if he had lost connection. Putting it back to his ear he could hear Rita breathing. “Rita? Is everything okay? Can I speak to Lindsey?”

  The shift in the tone of the conversation made Trevor frown. Rita was usually very chatty with him, why the silence?

  “Um. I....I haven't seen Ms. Lindsey this morning either Mr. Trevor.”

  Trevor shrugged. So what? She went out early or something. “Oh...she went out early then?” He asked.

  Another pause, and now Trevor was starting to get a little irritated with Rita. He was about to get stern with her when she spoke in a whisper. Clearly she didn't want anyone other than Trevor to hear her words.

  “She went out last night to watch the Giants baseball game. She was going to “Sully's” she said. She said she was meeting with Mr. Evan, as they have been doing since the Will reading. But when I went to wake her this morning she wasn't in her room, and the bed had not been disturbed.”


  Evan awoke with his head pounding like a drum. Lindsey's head was on his chest and she was sleeping soundly. The fragrance of her hair was a refreshing draft compared to his morning beer breath. Groaning slightly he put his hand to his head and gently massaged his temple. Looking down he saw that she was still in her Giants t-shirt, and had put on a pair of his boxers. Thinking he tried to remember what had happened.

  We didn't sleep wise anyway. After she had started sobbing in the bathroom he had rushed over to her. The emotions of the evening, mixed with the amount of alcohol they had consumed had finally caught up with her. Gently he had led her to the bedroom. She was trying to apologize for crying, but Evan would hear none of it. He had kissed her on the head and stroked her back. They had both laid down and he had gently forced her to lay her head on his chest. Stroking her back he had encouraged her to let it out. “You've been through a rough month, and then what happened tonight...I mean...that's a lot. You know?” He had said softly.

  Nodding on his chest she had snuffled a little and then groaned. “I just got some snots on your shirt...” She said looking up at him, mascara running, tears streaming and a small frown on her face.

  Evan didn't think that he could fall any harder if he tried. Gently he reached down and wiped the tears from her eyes. Smiling slightly he said, “It's okay Princess. I'll just wash it.”

  She was looking at him with those blue eyes, and it took everything he had not to kiss her. Instead he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the box of tissues.

  “Thanks...” She said as she took one and blew her nose.

  She took another one and wrapped the first one in it. Setting it on the other nightstand she laid her head back on his chest. They laid in comfortable silence and Evan thought. Any other woman and I would have her naked by now. I can't do that...not tonight anyway.

  They had fallen asleep shortly thereafter. She must have put on the boxers sometime in the night... Evan looked down and saw that he was still in the same clothes that he had worn to the bar, but he had at least taken off his shoes. He wondered if he should try and get up, but then smiled knowing that he preferred to lay here with her. He looked down at her again and marveled at the display of strength and fight that he had witnessed. I mean that guy...Shea...had to have weighed at least 180. Maybe even close to 200. She had been a tiger!

  Her quiet breathing as she slept made him smile and he gently hugged her tight. She sighed in her sleep and instinctively hugged him back. She just attacked...without fear. Without concern to her own well being. He looked at the gauze bandage on her leg and shook his head slightly. A baseball slide on the f-ing pavement! Brilliant! He did frown as he continued to replay the “fight.” She stabbed him four times and knocked him out with a knee. The knife was a bit disconcerting to him, but what had started to gnaw at him was the revelation that she and he had come to last night. Somebody had paid Shea to attack them. But who? As he asked himself that question, he felt in his gut that he already knew who could do such a thing.


  Bethany drove up the drive to the Estate with a smile on her lips. Soon to be mine... She thought as she looked around and s
lowly pulled up to the door. Okay...get into character. She wiped the grin off her face and got out of the car. The valet rushed over to her and she handed him the keys. “Keep it close, I won't be here long. And don't get a scratch on it, or I'll have you fired so fast your head will spin!” She snapped as she walked briskly to the door.

  Walking inside she looked around casually. “Hello...anybody home?” She called as she laid her purse down on the hall table.

  From the side room Rita poked her head out of the doorway. “Oh! Ms. Bethany! I wasn't expecting you!” She exclaimed and quickly came out of the room carrying a set of sheets. Rita changed the sheets in every room weekly, whether or not they had been used. “Can I get you anything Ms. Bethany? Some tea or lemonade?” She asked as she set the sheets down on a chair in the hallway.


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