Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Chamberlain Affair Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 18

by J. H. York

  And with another click, she felt her hands release.

  And whirling away from her on his heel like a thief in the night, he vanished.

  And those tiny fibers that indeed wove together to form the blanket of silence that filled the room did not provide warmth. In fact, she felt cold, so very cold.

  And like a bird cocking its head to one side, Kayla listened for any sounds that could comfort within the falling of her tears.

  If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed

  Sylvia Plath


  Kayla knew she had to escape.

  How could she have thought she could ever love such a man?

  Whatever haunted him had eaten away at him a long time ago, and he was indeed a monster of his own making. His was a hopeless case, there was no way he could be saved. His soul was rotting from the inside with fear and self hatred.

  Kayla felt stupid for even thinking she could try to heal him.

  She climbed into bed, exhausted. Instead of the feeling of slipping into a clean envelope, she could not shake the feeling of having climbed into a blue satin-lined coffin.

  * * *

  The days passed. Still Sir Chadwick Wadleigh refused her presence to dine with him. But each night he stole into her bedroom by way of which she did not know, taking her body as his own and ravishing every bit of her physical being and soul.

  One day as Tilda was serving Kayla a steaming hot cup of fragrant and luxurious Darjeeling tea, Kayla could not help but strike up a conversation with the young girl. “Do you know anything about the man you serve?” she asked.

  The young girl's pure, unlined face went pale. “Um, not much, miss. Yes, not much at all. I have served him for many years, but he has never bothered to talk to me much. He is a most introverted soul who keeps to himself.”

  Kayla could feel the falseness in Tilda's speech; her nervous evasiveness was palpable.

  “You know something. Tilda, please, tell me what you know. I am afraid for my life.”

  The young girl stared at her with mournful eyes. “You may think me mad, Miss Kayla, but I care deeply for my master. He is not only scarred physically, but his soul bears the most terrible wounds as well. They run deep, you see, they are indelible.”

  Kayla paused. The gravity of what she would hear she knew of beforehand. She took a deep breath. “Tell me about him, Tilda. Please. From one young woman to another.”

  The young girl sighed. “My family was very poor. But the master saved me from poverty and took me to live with him and his family. He had a beautiful family, a wife named Sheila and a precious daughter named Memory. I was happy in his home, I felt part of a loving family for the first time in my life, as if I were truly wanted and not an accident and another mouth to feed.

  “But Sir Wadleigh's wife became very ill. She had esophageal cancer. It seemed she was always choking to death, especially on her food. The coughing persisted like a death rattle throughout the days and nights. My master's face was drawn all the time, ashen and dead, and it only grew worse as the time passed. And I believe his lack of faith and belief in himself, as he questioned himself eternally as to why he could not save her, eventually caused my beautiful sister Memory's death.”

  Kayla was shocked. “You mean, the child died as well?”

  “Yes. The roads they were driving on were icy. But I believe he was not truly there that day, if you know what I mean. It was the day of Sheila's funeral, on the drive back home. I had remained behind because I was very ill myself with pneumonia. I suppose I was lucky I did not attend. For the car accident instantly killed the young girl.”

  Kayla felt tears brim behind her eyes. How could she have been so unforgiving? A man who had suffered such unfortunate circumstances in his life... She could see easily how some people gave up when pummeled with too many ill fated occurrences.

  But she knew she could not give way to her sympathy for her master. Though she loved him, and realized she loved him deeply and passionately, she knew her determination to live and be free had to take precedence.

  “Is there a way to escape?” she demanded softly of Tilda, who was then weeping quietly.

  The young woman's face grew firm, even though sadness still danced its melancholy waltz across it. “That is one bit of information I am not at liberty to share with you, Miss. Sometimes you must tell yourself a simple sentence, and that is, 'It is what it is.' We have no control over our fate, and choice is illusory. This is your home now. You must learn to find happiness within its walls.”

  And the young girl rose from her seat, and without a backwards glance, left the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Find the continuation of Wounded Heart…

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  Did you love Wounded Heart?

  Then you should read:

  Rebecca’s Awakening, Complete Book Series

  by Jessica Hart and J.H. York


  All is fair in love and war... Twenty three year old Rebecca, feels left behind after she’s dumped for her inexperience in reaching orgasm. She gets advice from a group of friends during a one-week get away.

  Rebecca begins by looking for some tender romance but her search quickly turns into some hot Lessons of love. She runs into a childhood friend, he’s older, movie-star handsome and successful, and finds her young and enticing. She expands her limiting lack luster horizons and follows her newly aroused sexual fantasies to overcome her inhibitions and solve her shortcomings in the field of love.

  Jefferson is the flame that draws in the moth instincts of Rebecca. Wanting to burn them up, she embraces his invitation to get to know him in the most hot and delicious ways.

  She allows his control and dominance to take her to high peaks of arousal. The clock begins to tick away during her fantasy vacation. Will her affair with Jefferson end well, or will she just end up heartbroken all over again?

  Rebecca’s Awakening






  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.

  Rebecca’s Awakening Complete Love Story


  Book Series


  “I'm leaving you Rebecca.” Phil said as he started to pack his overnight bag. “I just can't take it anymore.”

  Rebecca felt her cheeks turning crimson, and the heat that coincided with the blush. She fought hard to keep her composure, and stuffed her hands into her jeans pockets to hide the trembling that would be apparent to Phil if he were to see them.

  “Why?” She whispered and hated the smallness of her voice. “Why? WHY?”

  Phil was visibly agitated as he continued to cram shirts and pants into his bag. He stopped and looked at her. Crimson rushed over her cheeks again, and she felt a slight, cold sweat start to break over her body. I hope I don't faint. She thought.

  Rebecca went shakily to the chair next to the bed and sat down. “I mean I...I know we have been off a bit...but I think we should...”

  Phil cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Just...STOP.”

  He shook his head and turned to the closet to get out his bigger luggage case. Slamming it to the ground loudly he turned and stared at her. “Do you really want to know? Wouldn't it just be easier if I just left?”

  Rebecca felt a tear fall slowly down her cheek and she hated herself for being so emotional. Absentmindedly she wiped at the tear, and she saw Phil's shoulders loosen slightly. He shook his head and bent down to pick up his luggage case.

  “I just don't know how to get you to...loosen up.” He said as he started putting clothes into the case. “I mean we go out, I get you to loosen a little...but then we come home and...” He trailed off as he held a shirt up for inspection. Turning he
looked at her as he tossed the shirt into the case. “You're just such a goddamn prude. I mean it's always the same...missionary style. I mean, Christ I don't even have to do an abs workout because I know that all I have to do is have sex with you and I can pump away for a half hour and ... presto! Six Pack!”

  Rebecca felt her rage rushing upwards and knew she was defenseless to stop it. It wasn't just rage at Phil, but at herself also. He was right, she was a prude. Scared to experiment, or go out of her comfort zone. Even when he would go down on her she would cut short of having an orgasm for fear of what he might think. Truth be told she had never had an orgasm with anyone other than herself.

  Phil continued his tirade. “On the rare occasion you give me head, I have to concentrate hard to even cum at all...and don't get me started on when I go down on you...It's like I'm torturing you or something.” He shook his head again and zipped up his luggage. “Anyway...You're a real sweet just suck in bed. Sorry...but I'm not trying to be a trainer or anything.” He picked up his overnight bag and slung it over his shoulder, and grabbed the handle of his luggage case.

  Rebecca couldn't stop the welling up inside her and stood up in a rage. “Well FUCK YOU! Maybe if you would take the time to wash your stupid ass I would be better at going down on you!” Unable to restrain herself she continued. “And I'm sorry that I have only been with two other men and I'm not as experienced as you would like...maybe you can go buy a FUCKING WHORE and get your rocks off! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!!! Bursting into tears Rebecca picked up a pillow from the bed and threw it at Phil. Startled by her outburst he took a step backwards.

  Steadying himself Phil adjusted the strap around his shoulder from the overnight bag, and started to walk out the door dragging the luggage case behind him. Rebecca had thrown herself on the bed, and was quietly sobbing into one of the many pillows she kept there.

  “You know...if you had that kind of passion during sex you wouldn't be single. Anyway I've met someone else…” Phil said quietly as he walked out the door, and out of her life.


  “Who fucking cares babe? I mean you only went out with him for like...what? Three months?” Jill said as she took a sip of her drink.

  “ seven months...and 12 days.” Rebecca looked down at the bar as she stated the facts.

  When it was said out loud it was even more embarrassing that she was such a failure at her relationships...and sex.

  She turned and looked at Jill who had an incredulous look on her face. “I mean...what is wrong with me?”

  Rebecca looked at Jill waiting for a reply. Taking another sip of her vodka tonic Jill kept her eyes on Rebecca. Putting her drink down Jill gently smoothed out her cocktail napkin edges under her drink. She turned to Rebecca and sighed. “How.... How IN THE FUCK did you go out with him for seven stupid months!!”

  She picked up her drink and started to drink, at the same time motioning to the bartender to bring another round for her and Rebecca.

  “I mean WE ALL told you he was a complete LOSER.” Holding her hand up in an “L” to make her point, Jill nodded with satisfaction.

  The bartender started to place the drinks down, and Rebecca looked at him. He was a handsome 20 something with short brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and muscles that he clearly spent time building. She absently let her eyes wander down to his crotch and was pleased to see a nice bulge behind his tight pants. She looked up quickly and he smiled.

  “Hey…” he said, “My eyes are up here.” He laughed as he pointed to his face.

  Rebecca felt her face flush crimson as Jill and the bartender laughed. “Baby girl were you checking out Matt's pack? Let me tell is ALL that. I should know....” Jill sighed wistfully and took a sip of her drink. “Mmmm....yes ma'am! I'll have another!” She said over her drink. “And I ain't talking about this...”

  Both women sat in silence for a minute as they drank. Jill would occasionally shake her head and make a little noise as she thought back on her sexual escapades with Matt the bartender.

  Rebecca sat thinking of boyfriends that she had had...and failed with. “I mean, why should I sleep with them after, like two weeks?” She blurted.

  Rebecca's outburst had interrupted Jill's advances on Matt. She was rolling her tongue suggestively around the rim of her glass, which had Matt captivated from the end of the bar. Startled she spilled her drink slightly, which made Matt laugh loudly. Jill shot a look at Rebecca quickly and started to wipe up the spill.

  Matt came over and wiped up the spill with a towel. “Funny...I don't remember you being a spitter.” Winking he replaced her drink and sauntered off.

  Jill turned her full attention to Rebecca. “Now. Listen. First. I am going to ROCK HIS WORLD tonight.” She waved her hands at her neck to cool her overheated skin.

  “Whew...Second. You need to stop. Phil was an imbecile, and you are wayyy to good for him. You just have to get this “boyfriend” thing out of your head for a minute... Go bang someone random. Let loose. You know?” Picking up her drink and looking at her, Jill raised her eyebrows.

  Rebecca sighed. “I don't think I could do that. I've only slept with two men.”

  Jill almost spilled her drink again, but was able to contain herself. “WHAT?” How old are you? Like 27 right?”

  Rebecca frowned. “I'm 23...”

  Jill put her drink down and examined her. “Wow...Well you gotta stop dressing like an old maid then. That's first. Second...23? Really? Second. I have an idea! A couple of us girls were going to The Resort Baxter for seven days, but Stace had to cancel. You take her place! Come with us! It's just what you need!”

  Rebecca smiled slightly. Jill was a good friend, even though they had only known each other for a year. “Oh I couldn't...I don't...I don't have the money really.”

  Jill was already shaking her head. “Nope...not getting out of this one. You're going. I'll go havsies with you. I just got a bonus, and what better way to use it than on my close,” Jill put her arm around Rebecca and picked up her drink, “personal, very good friend in need...Rebecca Hollis.”

  Jill held up her drink, and smiling Rebecca held hers up also. They clinked glasses and took a drink laughing. “And maybe when you're down there someone can knock those cobwebs out, old maid.” Jill smiled with a gleam in her eye.


  Rebecca entered her room and smiled. Jill's right...this is good for me. Just to get away. A knock on the door snapped her out of her daydream. Jill bombed in wearing a barely-there bikini, with a mesh “cover up.” Jill was 28, she had dark hair with cat-like green eyes, and a very healthy bosom and butt. Her black and Spanish heritage gave her a year round tan, and she didn't mind showing off her features. She already had a drink in her hand.

  “What are you waiting for girl? Get in your bikini, get a drink, and get freaky!!

  Rebecca smiled and nodded. “Okay, okay...give me a minute.”

  Shaking her head, Jill swished over to the mini-bar. “Don't be all Ms. Teacher and start organizing shit. Just grab your skimpiest suit and let's go! I'll make your drink.”

  As Jill grabbed a glass and tossed ice into it she glanced back at Rebecca who had placed her luggage on the bed and was slowly picking through it, looking for her bathing suit. Finding her suit she gently pulled it out, making sure not to disrupt the neatly folded clothing in the case. Jill poured a vodka mini bottle into the glass, thought for a second, then poured another one in. She topped of the glass with a splash of cranberry juice and turned to Rebecca.

  Rebecca was sliding her panties off to put on her bathing suit bottoms. “Holy Shit!” Jill exclaimed. Rebecca jumped and looked at Jill, while covering herself with her hands and the bathing suit.

  “Why are you smuggling ferrets!?!” Jill exclaimed.

  Rebecca looked around confused. “What?”

  Walking towards her Jill held out the drink. “That bush girl! What the hell is that?”

  Crimson flooded into Rebecca's fac
e. She hastily pulled on her bikini bottoms as the blush remained on her cheeks. “I don't know...” She trailed off.

  Jill handed her the drink and sighed. Rebecca took a sip and coughed as the extra strong drink burned her throat. “Did you even add cranberry...?” She gasped.

  “Don't worry about that...we have more important things to discuss.” Jill said taking a drink from her glass and motioning Rebecca to do the same.

  She did, and this time the burn went down a little smoother. She smiled slightly as the warmth of the liquor coursed through her body.


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