Crash Landing

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by Jessica E. Subject

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Crash Landing

  Copyright © 2012 by Jessica E. Subject

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-388-4

  Cover art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Other Stories in the Edge Series

  Unwanted Mate by Rebecca Royce

  Smut Therapy by Stephanie Beck

  Zombie Lovin’ by Olivia Starke

  Lipstick & Jazz by Leanore Elliott

  Carnal Attraction by D.L. Jackson

  Night of the Doms by Erykah Wyck

  Beautiful & Strange by JoAnne Kenrick

  Alana’s Surrender by KT Grant

  The Vampire’s Plaything by Ashlynn Monroe

  All the Pretty Faces by JoAnne Kenrick

  Beautiful Ink by L.C. Dean

  No Strings Attached by Jennifer Labelle

  The Milkman Cometh by Kate Richards

  The Hypnotist by Virginia Nelson

  Tied Down by Kacey Hammell

  Also by Jessica E. Subject

  Never Gonna Let You Go

  1Night Stand Stories

  Celestial Seduction

  Beneath the Starry Sky

  Unknown Futures

  Satin Sheets in Space

  Sudden Breakaway


  An Unexpected Return

  The Edge

  The Power of Three

  Crash Landing

  The Edge Erotica Series


  Jessica E. Subject


  To Kate, for planting the idea in my head.

  Crash Landing

  Cael gripped the cushioned arms of the captain’s chair as his ship tumbled bow over stern. The console flashed a blinding red in front of him. Piercing alarms drilled into his mind, and he lost focus. The seconds raced by as he plummeted toward Earth. He’d fucked up this mission of peace. Contact with his home planet had ended months ago. No one from Narien could save him now. His death was imminent.

  The water below wouldn’t soften his landing. At its current speed, his ship would disintegrate on splashdown. The planet’s gravity pulled him down faster.

  He coughed; the acrid scent of fried electronics stung his nose and the back of his throat. Please let my death be quick.

  A rattling to the left caught his attention above all other noise. The handle on the cabin door shook. Freedom. It wasn’t his time to die, if he could get out.

  The altimeter on the dashboard read six thousand meters, high enough to jump and land safely with his chute. Only to land in frigid water and die of exhaustion or hypothermia from treading without any hope of a rescue.

  “Shit.” But he’d die for certain if he stayed. He had to take the chance. Yanking off his safety harness, he pulled himself to standing and strained to reach the recess where his pack hung. Stretching up, he fingered the cloth strap. Not close enough to grab hold of it.

  The ship jolted and flung him to the stern. He weaved his arm through the straps of the pack on his way past, dislodging it from the hook. Yes.

  His triumph was short-lived as he flew starboard, smashing his shoulder against the wall. He groaned when an electrifying spasm shot down his arm to the tips of his fingers. The ship lurched again, and he tumbled back toward the console. He grabbed the door, his feet dangling in mid air. If he didn’t get out now, he’d forfeit any chance to survive.

  The ship righted again. He planted his feet against the bottom of the door and twisted the crank. The latch snapped open, filling him with a sense of hope. Careful to keep at least one hand on the handle at all times, he slung the pack over his shoulders.

  All set. Time to jump. Pushing off the floor, he slammed his uninjured shoulder against the door. It blew open and tore away from its hinges, lost to the sky.

  Cael teetered on the edge before plunging out of his failing ship. Wind whipped all around him as he twisted to catch his bearings during freefall.

  Glancing down, he spied a crystal blue lake, much closer than he’d expected. Too close.

  He jerked the cord on his chute—several hundred feet lower than he should have. At least. His feet skimmed the cold waves just as his chute caught the current and heaved him back into the air.

  The ship splashed into the water beside him, disintegrating into millions of pieces. He raised his hands in front of his face as shrapnel flew at him. Tiny shards sliced into his arms and legs, but the extreme heat from the cloud of steam billowing up at him stung the most.

  From the moment his toes touched down in the once frigid water, his skin sizzled. He screamed in agony. His death would have been quicker and less agonizing if he’d remained in the ship.

  A hard piece of his spacecraft smashed down on his head, and he welcomed the darkness.


  Cael flicked his eyes open and stared at his surroundings: a room made from timber, like some of the Terran dwellings he’d studied before travelling to Earth. Did the afterlife resemble the blue and green planet?

  Sitting up, he yelped in agony. No, he was very much alive. He glanced across his body, naked except for white gauze covering his dark blue feet, arms, and a patch on his lower abdomen. Someone had rescued him and bandaged his wounds. But who? And why? He didn’t look like anyone on the planet, his skin a foreign color. And laboratories were supposed to be cold and smell of cleaners. This room smelled organic, and he had no complaints about the temperature.

  He swung his legs over the edge of the platform. More pain shot through his body. Lying down again, he hoped the soreness would lessen. But no.

  His ears rang, and the hollows behind his eyes ached, echoing the throbbing in his head. Would the beings in this place make him suffer through the hurt?

  Hands pressed down on him, against his legs and across his forehead. He struggled against them, but the suffering had left him weak. He’d been warned some Terrans would not welcome a space traveler. Glancing from side to side, he only saw shadows, no features on the faces staring down at him. Maybe he’d been wrong in believing Earthlings would bring him no harm. He needed to get away, escape before they killed him as the pain intensified. But his body remained out of his control. He couldn’t focus on anything. Voices spoke to him through the pounding in his head, but he couldn’t comprehend their words. Something sharp pierced his arm, and a warm liquid emptied into his veins. This was it. His end. Again.


  Cael gasped, bolting upright. He peeked around the room, the same place he’d woken before. He swept off the sheet covering him. All of his bandages had been removed, leaving only slight scarring on his blue skin. He stretched his arms into the air, surprised by his lack of discomfort. Had his captors healed him? Why? And how long had he been out? He needed to escape before they ca
me back.

  His semi-hard cock strained for attention and with the need to urinate. One thing at a time.

  Bracing his hands on the table beside him and the platform where he’d slept, he rose to his feet. He waited for the dizziness to take over, as usual when he sat up after lying down for what seemed like forever. But it never came. All his grogginess and aches had dissipated. His limbs no longer throbbed. Had whatever they injected into his veins helped to cure his injuries?

  He shuffled toward the nearest door, hands extended, ready to catch himself if he stumbled. He didn’t believe he could come as close to dying as he had and not be attached to medical equipment to keep him alive. Unless he’d been unconscious for weeks, or even months. Maybe Terrans had extraordinary healing abilities his people were not aware of.

  When he reached the door, he pushed it open, finding fixtures of white porcelain. A bathroom. From the images he’d studied, he found the toilet and relieved himself, thankful that part of his anatomy still worked.

  Something thumped against the wall behind him. He spun around. No one else occupied the room. Strange. Was he about to meet the Terran who had rescued him?

  “Oh, God,” a woman moaned. “Harder.”

  English. A language he recognized. He stood up straight and listened for more. What kind of place is this?

  “Fuck me harder, Mare. Make me come.”

  He pressed his ear against the wall. His cock went rigid in anticipation. Yep, no damage there.

  When another cry of pleasure penetrated through the wall, he spun around to find out whose voice he heard.

  Creeping back into in the first room, he glanced around for another door, a way out, a path to the female receiving pleasure from somebody named Mare.

  He found an opening in the wall—unnoticed earlier when he’d been in a rush to relieve himself—leading to a narrow hallway with a door at the end. Turning the handle, he rejoiced he hadn’t been locked inside like a prison, and set out in search of the fucking couple. No one would have rescued him or treated his wounds if they wanted him dead. At least he hoped.

  Slinking through a wider corridor, he peeked to his left and right, waiting for more noise to indicate which direction he should go.

  “Oh yeah, baby. You know how to suck it.” A man this time, his words coming out as a long sigh.

  Cael grabbed his own dick and squeezed. He wanted to at least watch the couple before he jizzed. On his planet, sex was limited to mating couples and confined to the cubiculums at Narien Stadium. But the security posted outside hadn’t stopped him from sneaking through the vents to watch the fornication.

  He rushed to the right, his rod too hard to wait. The slurping, sucking, and cries of pleasure continued as he reached the entrance behind which the action took place. The door ajar, he dared a quick glimpse into the room. With a gasp, he stepped back into the hall, but could not take his eyes off the sight in front of him.

  With her rounded pink ass and swollen sex folds in full view, a woman went to work sucking off a man. The musky scent of her desire wound through his nasal passages and drew him closer. She rested on her hands and knees on a platform, while the guy kneeled in front of her. But unlike any beings he had ever seen on the vids of Earth, the guy had blue skin. Not his deep, almost indigo shade, but lighter, closer to the color of the water he’d landed in. Long blond hair flowed over his shoulders, onto his muscular chest.

  The man held the woman’s shoulders with his webbed hands—yes, webbed hands—drawing her on and off his dick. “You have the mouth of an angel.” He threw his head back and thrust faster and faster between her lips.

  The sight stimulated Cael. They weren’t trying to make babies; it seemed they were having sexual relations for pleasure. He yearned not only to bury his face in the wet pussy in front of him, but to taste the man’s blue dick, feel it inside of him. Back on Narien, he’d crafted his own devices made from the soft, flimsy bark of the totmos plant, to experience the pleasure both men and women felt in the stadium, why they cried out during mating, but never seemed injured. And learn he had, anxious to be ready when he reached his thirtieth year and was allowed to mate. He’d turned that age a half year ago, with no one on his ship to be his partner. Would he finally have an opportunity?

  When the man lowered his head again, his brilliant blue eyes flashed open, fixing on Cael.

  Oh shit. But he couldn’t move. He couldn’t stop watching.

  The man slowed his movements to long drawn out strokes, but didn’t stop. “It seems our guest has finally woken up.”

  “And?” the woman mumbled around his cock.

  “He appears healed.” The man winked at him. “And from the hard-on he’s sporting, very anxious to join in.”

  Cael stood in the doorway, no longer hiding, but hesitant to enter the room. Would the woman wish him to stay?

  She swayed her ass, releasing the dick from her lips. “I want him, too. Would you mind, Mare?”

  Shoving his rod back in the woman’s mouth, the man—Mare was his name—ran his webbed hands down her sides. He parted the cheeks of her ass to expose more of her pussy, smiling at Cael’s shuddering breath. “It seems Tara wants you to fuck her, too. Ever been with a woman from this planet?”

  “This planet, as in Earth?” What a strange situation. Sex had been the last thing he’d expected during the mission. Yet, he refused to pass up the opportunity, because he might not get another. With his ship destroyed, he couldn’t return to Narien to experience procreation, and it would be years before a rescue team came for him—if one came at all—returning him well past the mating age.

  “Yes, and don’t try to convince me you’re Terran. No one on this planet except the two of us has blue skin. Lucky for us, Tara’s favorite color is blue. Now, are you willing to give her what she wants?”

  Gods, yes. He nodded, anxious to get started.

  Mare drew his hand across her swollen folds, the skin between his fingers rippling as he cupped her heat.

  Her moan filled the room, leaving Cael weak in the knees.

  “Well, get over here and give her a try,” the man said. “Trust me, once you go Terran, you never go back.”

  Even in his feeble state, Cael scampered toward the platform. He grasped Tara’s hips, but instead of shoving his dick deep into her, he leaned down for a taste. Lapping his tongue across her pink flesh, he relished the taste of her juices. Sweet, like the dimdom fruit back home. He sank deeper into her, anxious for more. She pushed her ass against his face and continued to suck off Mare.

  His dick strained against the soft material draped over the love platform. He needed to experience the real sensation of fucking a woman rather than the bark of a plant. Rising to his feet, he ran his fingers across her wet heat. So warm and ready. Before he could enter her, the other man handed him a circle of latex. “Roll this on first. It’s protection.”

  Protection? “From what?” Was her pussy filled with poisonous fluids?

  The other man chuckled. “Generally from diseases, though I don’t believe you have any from what I’ve seen. And from pregnancy. It would not be wise for Tara to give birth to a blue child. Once doctors from this planet realized the baby wasn’t dead, they would whisk it away for experimentation. No child deserves that.”

  Cael grabbed the thin material, and gulped. So many dangers on this planet. As soon as he wore the translucent covering, he lined up the tip of his cock with her opening and plunged into her.

  She moaned at his invasion. He gripped her hips, and a wave of intense pleasure rushed from his dick, all the way through his body. Being within her was nothing like the totmos. She was wetter, smoother, and her walls clenched around him in waves. So much better.

  He drove in and out of her with blinding force. She bucked against him, urging him on. Pressure stirred in his groin. He recognized the sign of impending release. Gods, he wanted to last longer.

  He pulled out and squeezed his cock, but his efforts failed. Liquid heat shot like li
ghtning through his veins. The head of his cock swelled, and he came into the foreign covering.

  “A newbie, eh?” Mare asked.

  He glanced away, embarrassed by his performance. Even during mating, his people fucked all night. The couple would probably throw him out of the room.

  Mare pulled out of Tara’s orifice. He slid off the bed and sauntered toward him, resting his hand on Cael’s shoulder. “Hey, no worries. I was the same in the beginning. Why don’t you lie down for a bit, relax, and let Tara take care of you.”

  He couldn’t respond, his attention on the massive blue rod bobbing in front of him. The man, whatever he was, and wherever he hailed from, had been gifted with size. And he wanted the other man’s dick in his mouth, and maybe buried in his ass.

  When Mare placed his hands on Cael’s chest, he expected the man to caress him, fondle his cock, not to shove him back on the platform. He flailed, preparing for a hard landing. But the platform cushioned his body, absorbing him into it. Much different from where he’d awakened.

  The other man removed his protection and wiped the sweat off Tara’s back. She stroked the side of Cael’s face, a sultry smile playing on her luscious lips. What would they feel like sucking him off? Gods, he wanted to experience both the fine creatures he’d met, discover every position they could get into.

  “How are you feeling?” She ran a hand down his chest, all the way to his still pulsating balls. “You were in rough shape.”

  She fondled him, and he gulped, trying to form a coherent thought. “I…. Fine, I think. Thank you for saving me.”

  Crawling between his legs, she shook her head. “Mare saved you. I only treated your wounds.”

  He glanced at the other man, ready to thank him, but Tara grabbed hold of his rod, and, licking the tip, left his mind blank.


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