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Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle

Page 24

by Champagne Jackson

  Then, he turned on the other boy, the one still holding me, whose dick I had punched.

  “Run, you fucker,” he growled. That’s all the boy needed: he took off through the cornrows, never to be seen again.

  That left only Tom. Rogue rounded on his last enemy, his fingers outstretched and flexing as if he were already fantasizing about wrapping his fingers around Tom’s neck and squeezing till he popped.

  “What are you?!” Tom screamed. He backed away from Rogue and tripped over something, falling to his ass and scrambling along the ground frantically.

  “I’m the thing your mother warned you about,” Rogue growled. “I’m what goes bump in the night. I am a motherfucking werewolf.”

  A stiff, bracing late spring wind blew across the fields in the wake of his revelation. I saw Rogue, outlined by the moon, standing over Tom’s trembling form.

  “A what?” Tom breathed after a second, almost panting.

  “Did I stutter?”


  “Did I stutter?”


  “Then,” Rogue asked, calmly but firmly, fire blazing in his eyes and his words. “What am I?”

  “A… A werewolf?”


  “A motherfucking werewolf?”


  And then, Rogue grabbed Tom around the throat and lifted him up into the air, squeezing hard. Tom grabbed at Rogue’s hand, tearing and scratching at his flesh but it was useless. Rogue squeezed until Tom passed out and then dropped him like a useless pile of bricks.

  Now, finally, he turned to me. I knew, logically, that I should be scared, but honestly, I wasn’t. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I can’t explain how I knew it but I was positive he wouldn’t hurt me in the slightest. I felt totally safe.

  “Are you all right?” he asked me softly, coming towards me. He picked me up, his strong arms incredible gentle around me, and set me on my feet.

  “I’m… I’m fine. Now,” I said. I leaned into his arms, inhaling his musky, masculine sweat—he smelled vaguely of wheat and corn and pine needles.

  “Good,” he said, stroking my hair.

  “Rogue… How? What?” I asked, looking up at him, having more questions that I could ever possibly ask him. He smiled at me as sweetly as he could.

  “I… I am a werewolf, Shaniyah. I’ve always been one. Ever since I first met you.”

  The Truth

  “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t really know myself. I… Where do I begin?”

  He sighed, and placed his face in his hand before focusing on me. It was just then that I realized he was totally naked. I glanced down. And my god, he was packing.

  “I was born in 1827. My family, we were settlers who arrived in this area from Boston. I was attacked by wolves when I was nineteen and my father took me to the old Lakota medicine man who lived on the outskirts of town. The only way he could save me was to turn me into what had attacked me… But I was an outcast once my family saw what I had become. And so, I’ve lived in the forests and the fields here ever since.”

  “Rogue… How am I supposed to believe that?” I asked, my head feeling dizzy from the revelation.

  “Shaniyah, how can you not believe that? You just saw me transform.”

  “So, you’ve been… A person… This entire time? You slept in my bed. You watched me change. You’ve watched me grow up.”

  He nodded. “That’s right. But the truth is, Shaniyah… I’ve loved you ever since I saw you in this very field, in this very spot, on that night all those years ago.”

  My heart just about stopped. I looked around. Yes, he was right—it was this very spot!

  “Rogue… No… It can’t be…”

  “But Shaniyah, it is. It was this spot. And you’ve been all I could think about ever since.”

  I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t. How could this be my dog, my wolfdog Rogue? Tears started to drip out of my eyes. Rogue wrapped his strong arms around me.

  “Shaniyah, Shaniyah, Shaniyah… I know… I’m sorry. I didn’t know how I could tell you. I wanted to be near you. To protect you. That’s why I said nothing.”

  “But… You could have let me know… Once I was old enough to understand.”

  Rogue shook his head.

  “It’s not that simple. I… Shaniyah, I don’t age. I look the same as I did when I almost died and when my father took me to the Lakota medicine man. Do you know how difficult it is to build a relationship when you live forever, when you never age? I couldn’t take it, Shaniyah. I couldn’t deal with seeing you grow old and die without me.”

  “Rogue, what do you want me to say? What do you want me to do?”

  He shrugged and gave me a smile, a simmering, shimmering smile that sent shivers through my body.

  “Let me come with you to college,” he whispered. “I can’t stand it any more. I need to be with you. I’ll come with you to college. I’ll live around the campus, outside, running free, and I’ll come and share your bed whenever you’ll have me.”

  Share my bed. What did that mean? Rogue had always shared my bed… Most mornings, he’d come in around five or so, curl up next to me with his head on my chest, snoring softly, and when I finally awoke, I’d have to ease my way out from under his snout so I didn’t wake him.

  Or did he mean… Like that? Like what I was going to do with Tom, at least until our evening got derailed…

  “This is too much, Rogue… I can’t… I can’t…”

  And with that, I dashed off, tears dripping out of my eyes as I charged through the corn rows. As I came to the bar, I took pause. I dried my eyes and did what I could to pretty myself up. I didn’t know what was going on. I was a mess.

  As I came back into the party, I realized that hardly anyone had noticed I was gone. So much the better.

  “So, what happened with Tom?” Callie asked, all smiles and grins.

  “He… His present was pretty stupid,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t know. I’m just not that into him anymore. He’s not that interesting.”

  “Really? You were so hung up on him for, like, the past six months.”

  I shrugged again. “I think there’s a new guy I like.”

  “A new guy? Who? Is he here?”

  I paused. I hesitated.

  “He was…. He was here. But now… I don’t know where he is. I hope he’s coming back.”

  Callie giggled. “Let me know when he gets here! I need to meet this guy and make sure I approve of him!”

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure thing.”

  The party continued and I tried to have fun. Still, I couldn’t help but think of Rogue, alone in the fields, wandering about and wondering where I had gone, wondering if he would have a home to go back to. Missing me. But what else could I have said? What else could I have done?

  “Oh my god,” Callie whispered suddenly as I drowned my sorrows in the lightly spiked punch my parents had looked the other way on having at the party. “Who’s that?”

  I turned around and there, there was Rogue. Only he wasn’t naked this time—thank god! Somehow, he had gotten hold of a suit, an incredible, dark mauve suit, with a plaid shirt underneath and a dark, navy blue tie. His hair hung down to his shoulders and it was clear that he had made an attempt to comb it, though not very well. He radiated power, sex, masculinity and desire.

  “I’d love to get a piece of that,” Callie breathed. Other girls had noticed Rogue too and were turning to look at him shyly as he strode through the party. “How do I look?”

  “Fine. But he’s already taken.”

  “What? Wait, him? Is it him?” Callie asked, her mouth dropping wide open. I nodded silently and left my glass of punch on the long table with all the food before going up to the newly arrived guest.

  “I’m sorry I came,” Rogue said and he hung his head. “I just couldn’t stay away from you. Forgive me?”

  “Yes, of course,” I said, standing up on my tip-toes to
kiss him. We shared a kiss, a long, slow, deep passionate one, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I melted into him as we embraced, warmth tingling through my limbs as I draped myself over him.

  The band struck up a slow love song and couples began to pair off to dance.

  “May I have—“

  “Yes,” I said with a grin, looking up at his shy, handsome face. “Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

  He held me around the waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music, drifting through the barn as if we were on a cloud.

  “This is like a fantasy,” I whispered. “It’s like a dream.”

  “I know. I keep worrying that I’m going to wake up and it’ll all have been a dream.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s no dream,” I said, and kissing him again. He had a thin layer of stubble dotting his face. “Where did you get the suit?”

  “I have clothes,” he said with a mysterious smile. “Things I’ve collected over the years. I have some money that I make doing odd jobs. I bought this suit especially for your party.”

  “Were you planning on arriving? Even before… Before the thing with Tom?” Rogue’s eyes darkened at the mention of Tom’s name.

  “I… I had thought about it. If I got up the courage to. I’d arrive and dance with you and then maybe disappear. Never to be seen again.”

  I leaned my head into his chest, his broad, strong chest. I could feel his heart beating, I could hear its slow, steady pounding. It was a seductive drum, one which drew me into its dreamy embrace, pounding out the beat of our passion, driving me further into his arms…

  “That would have been mean.”

  “I know. But it seemed like the only way. The only way I could… Be with you. See you. If only for a little bit.”

  “I know. It’s okay.”

  “Shaniyah, I—“

  I placed the tip of my index finger on his soft lips.

  “No. Don’t speak,” I whispered. “Just… Breathe.”

  He leaned into me as we swayed to the music, his grip around my waist tightening. I breathed in his scent, the scent of the wild, of the outdoors, of freedom. His body fest so powerful, holding me tight, like he could pick me up and whisk me away easily, like we could disappear from this world and no one would ever be able to find us. We could start over, together, living in this dream fantasy for the rest of our lives and no one would bother us.

  Finally, the song ended. We broke apart slowly, reluctantly, my hands still in his.

  “Come out to the fields with me,” he whispered.

  “What if everyone wonders where we went?”

  “Let them wonder.”

  I smiled. “Okay.”

  He squeezed my hands tight and led me out of the barn. Callie caught my eye as we left and gave me a thumbs up, a big, smile on her face. I could tell she was jealous. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything except Rogue.


  We walked for a few minutes in silence, picking our way through the wheat fields, away from the barn, away from the party, the noise from the celebration fading much as it had before. This was the second time in one night that a boy had led me out of the party—maybe I hadn’t learned my lesson yet? Nonetheless, I knew this was different. I knew there was nothing he would do to hurt me. I knew there was nothing Rogue could do to hurt me.

  “Here,” Rogue said suddenly as we stopped somewhere, where we were in full sight of the beautiful, pale-bright moon, glowing perfectly white in the late-spring night air. He was illuminated and gorgeous under the moon and he sloughed off his jacket, loosened his tie, and unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt.

  “I’m not really the jacket and tie type,” he said with a smile which was simultaneously wolfish and sheepish. And cute. Super cute.

  “That’s okay. You can be that type sometimes.”

  “Anything for you,” he said, sliding his hands around my waist and dropping them down to my ass, giving me a firm squeeze.

  “So, you’ve been seeing me naked for years,” I said coyly. “Why didn’t you try anything sooner?”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said simply, with a shrug.

  He unzipped my dress and I slid it down off my body, letting it pool around my ankles. I reached around behind me to undo my bra and let that fall to the ground, revealing my full, heaving breasts. I saw the hunger in Rogue’s eyes and he lowered his mouth, capturing one of my hard nipples in between his lips. I gasped as I felt his mouth on my tender flesh and I pressed my chest forward, running my fingers through his hair, which simultaneously managed to be soft and coarse at the same time.

  “You could never do anything to hurt me, Rogue,” I whispered as he suckled my nipple. He dropped a hand between my legs, rubbing my naked crotch—did I mention that I had never put my underwear back on after the incident with Tom? It just hadn’t seemed important then and I was glad I hadn’t now, as Rogue’s eager fingers explored my nether regions.

  “You have no idea… I’ve been craving this for years. I’ve watched you grow up and I’ve been desiring you this entire time. And now, you’re finally mine.”

  I realized he was right—on some level, now, I felt it—I was his. He suckled my other nipple, his hot, wet tongue twirling around my hard, nubbed flesh and I sighed in delight. His fingers turned wet as my pussy leaked onto his digits, their teasing never letting up. He would come dangerously close to my clit but never touch it, only increasing my desire and my frustration.

  I wanted it. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I spread my legs for him and he took the hint, sliding one of his fingers deep inside of me. I whimpered and closed my eyes—it was incredible! So much better than my own fingers. His hands were big, strong, and I groaned in delight as touched me.

  “Rogue… Rogue… Please…”

  “Please what?” he asked playfully, still lapping at my nipples.

  “Please… Make me cum…”

  Now, finally, he touched my clit. He slid his thumb over it, and I let out a soft shriek of joy as delicious electricity coursed through my body.

  “Rogue… Oh, god, yes!” I whimpered, pressing my hips into his hand. Slowly, we sank to the ground, my legs spreading wide for him, revealing my tight, pink hole, graced with a soft coat of fur. I looked up into the starry night sky, losing myself in the sheer beauty of the dark blue ceiling of stars above me as much as I was losing myself in the pleasure of Rogue’s probing. He explored me, curious and enthusiastic, opening my pussy up and sliding his fingers in deep as he worked my clit. My muscles squeezed his fingers tight as he worked them into me and I let out a steady series of whimpers.

  “Rogue… Please… More… Touch me more…”

  He kept up his steady assault on my clit with his thumb, drawing soft circles around it steadily and I sighed, my body leaking juices, my hips pressing up into his hand and begging for more attention.

  “It’s so good… It’s so, so good…” I whispered.

  “I can’t tell you how long I’ve dreamt of this…” Rogue whispered back.

  “You could have taken me any night if you wanted to. Come into my room, hold me down, rape me…”

  “I wanted you, Shaniyah,” Rogue said seriously. “But not like that. Not like that.”

  I nodded solemnly and he returned to his pleasant explorations, working his fingers deep into me. I sighed, grunting in soft delight as he fingered and stroked me. One of my hands found its way up to my breast, taking hold of my flesh and gripping it as he worked my nether lips, my tender flesh aching for more, more, more…

  I flicked my dark nipples with my fingers, arching my back and pressing myself into his hand. I felt myself getting close but I wanted to prolong this pleasure. I wanted this moment, this first, discrete moment with Rogue to last forever.

  “Your scent is driving me crazy…” Rogue whispered. “As a werewolf, I have an extremely heightened sense of smell… The world is so full of smells and all I can smell right now
is you.”

  On some level, that made me feel very special. It made me want him even more, want him to intoxicate himself with my scent, like I was his mate, the mate for this wolf…

  My climax approached. I began to breathe harder and harder and my hips shook and wiggled.

  “Please, Rogue!” I moaned. “Oh, god, Rogue, I’m cumming!”

  And then it happened, sneaking up on me before exploding, like a dam bursting. I let out a shriek and pressed my hips into his hand, my muscles clutching at his finger for all they were worth.


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