Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle

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Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle Page 38

by Champagne Jackson

  Chad rolled his eyes at me, mouthing the word “boring” as he flipped my eggs.

  “—no, it’s not. China wants foreign investors like us. Their economy is slowing down and they want to be seen as still able to attract robust investments and so—“

  “Okay, okay, let’s sleep on it and talk about it first thing Monday morning, is that cool?” Chad finally declared.

  “Chad, I’m not going to let you throw away this opportunity!” Rick declared with increasing urgency. Chad just laughed.

  “The thing about opportunity is,” and now he shot me a glance. “…that there’s always another one just over the horizon.”

  And with that, he hung up, the phone clicking off and Rick’s voice disappearing into nonexistence.

  “Uh, that sounded important,” I said lamely, not really knowing what else to say. Here I felt so out of my league… Chad was a powerful man, a smart man, a man with money and connections. What was I compared to him? I mean, sure, he was obviously attracted to me—I didn’t have a problem with that. But there was no way he could find me attractive… intellectually.

  And so I suppose I would just have to resign myself to being his fuck buddy, his toy, a place to put his cock and satisfy his desires. It didn’t sound so bad, I guess, but maybe I would have liked something more…

  Well, I guess for girls like me, this is the best I could hope for? There was nothing else to do…

  “Important? Psh,” Chad shrugged. “You know, I started my first business when I six years old and had a lemonade stand. By the end of the summer, I was making five hundred dollars a week and I had forced all the other lemonade stands in the neighborhood out of business or tricked the other kids into franchising for me. I was the wealthiest kid in the first grade. And it’s all be uphill since then.”

  He plucked the skillet off the flaming stove and heaved my eggs onto a plate—a fine china looking plate, which already held a massive stack of bacon and sausage. I wasn’t sure what kind of appetite Chad expected me to have but there was no way I could finish this spread…

  “Well, still…” I said, taking up my fork and moving a piece of egg around lazily, not able to bring myself to meet his eyes. “It sounds like you’re busy. I can leave, if you need me to…”

  I felt his hand on my chin, tilting my head up.

  The Spider’s Web

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he said with a toothy grin. A shiver went down my spine. I felt… So many things. So many things spoke to me in that grin. There was a sense of possession. Of domination. A sense that he had already decided to own me, to use me, to make me his… And did I have any change to say no? Of course not.

  But that was how Chad worked, I was starting to realize… Make you think you have a choice when really, you didn’t. It wasn’t a matter of me seducing him, me, the little girl seducing a big, rich billionaire, taking advantage of him and all of his money… It was a matter of the spider seeking out a fly, trapping his innocent prey in his web, tying her up, exploiting her weaknesses…

  Sucking her dry. He was the spider. I was the fly. I felt it in his touch, which might as well have been the fangs of a hungry spider, seeking my blood…

  “Eat up,” he said suddenly, stepping away from the counter. “We’ve got a full day ahead of us.”

  “We do?” I asked as he glided over to the refrigerator and produced, as if out of nowhere, as if magically, a bottle of champagne. Dom Perignon. Oh shit.

  “We do,” he said with a smooth grin, popping the cork and pouring out a long, tall glass of bubbly. Once more, he disappeared into the fridge, bending over, showing off his tanned, tight, muscular ass. I resisted the urge to sidle up behind him, to lay my hands on his hot flesh and feel it move beneath my fingers… Mmm…

  He returned to me, only to drop a handful of raspberries into my glass and then disappear into another wing of the palatial apartment.

  There was little for me to do besides tuck into the breakfast he had prepared, savoring the eggs, the bacon, the sausage—god, but it was good, and as soon as my fork touched my lips, I was reminded of how hungry I was… and how hung over I was as well.

  I slurped sloppily from my glass of champagne, swallowing heavily. That took the edge off too—almost instantly my headache started to disappear.

  Now, I found myself caught up in gazing at his magnificent apartment… The floor to ceiling windows, providing an almost totally unobstructed view of Central Park on one side and a view of Midtown’s glittering early morning glory on the other. It was breathtaking. I constantly found myself getting distracted from my breakfast by tiny details… Here and there, I would notice a sparkle over the horizon, or a balloon lifting off from the park below or maybe a flock of seagulls flying in a curious, peculiar pattern… How could he ever get anything done in this place?

  Away from the windows, there were paintings—paintings that looked suspiciously like those of Picasso and Miro. In fact, I felt like I recognized one from an art history course I had taken last semester… The paintings too seemed to glitter in the morning light, just like the silent city outside.

  A fireplace in the corner, gas apparently, since it turned on automatically, without Chad being anywhere near it, cast a slight, pleasant fiery orange glow on the mid-morning scenery, its light uniting with the sun light filtering in from the city, reflecting in glints and blinks off the silver buildings surrounding us.

  How high up were we? How much had this apartment cost? Did he even own it, or was it owned by one of those shadowy front organizations I had read about in the New York Times last week? My mind was full of questions—almost as full as my mouth was of breakfast.

  “Now, my dear, I have some presents for you…” came Chad’s smooth, deadly voice from behind me.

  I turned with a gasp to find him almost on top of me.

  “You scared me!” I whimpered, startled, almost choking on my champagne.


  I felt something slide around my neck. I gagged initially, though it wasn’t particularly tight. I looked at my reflection in a large mirror across the room, flanked my two canvases on either side, both appearing to be signature works of Spanish modernist painting…

  It was a think, jeweled leather collar. The leather, as far as I could tell, was black, but it was covered by sparkling stones. Were they…

  “Diamonds,” Chad confirmed. I could hear his voice dripping with smugness, with satisfaction. “You’re wearing about $75,000 on your neck right now—just so you know.”

  I gasped, reaching a hand up to touch it.

  “It’s… it’s beautiful.”

  “It’s for you.”

  “No… No, I couldn’t…” I whispered, running my fingers over it. The diamonds were so small, so fine, so intricately integrated into the piece that they felt almost like liquid beneath my finger tips.

  “Yes, you can, Kenya,” he whispered back, resting his head on my shoulder. “I want to make you mine.”

  “Y-yours?” I stuttered. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I want to posses you… Body…” he whispered, running a hand up my belly to between my breasts, and then up my neck, grasping it gently but firmly, crushing his hand against the diamond collar. “And soul…”


  “Like… boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked lamely. This was incredible. Way too much for me to process at once. I knew, of course, that he didn’t just have some sort of boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in mind…

  He all but burst out laughing. “No, no, no… Not quite… I want you to be my slave, Kenya. I want you to do whatever I say. I want to dominate you… To discipline you… To make your flesh scream and sing for me… And in return, you’ll get whatever you want.”

  I felt his lips slide up to my neck, and then work their way up to my ear, biting me, nibbling on the sensitive part of my lobe. God, but I loved that… That always drove me wild…

  But wait… What was he proposing? Some sort of… Som
e sort of Fifty Shades of Grey arrangement? I had to admit, it didn’t sound half-bad… What girl didn’t want to be whatever the girl’s name was in that book? But on the other hand, the way he described it… It kind of sounded like I’d just be his… His whore.

  “I… I don’t know… What kind of stuff would you have me do?” I asked uncertainly as his tongue teased its way into my ear. Despite my doubts, I couldn’t help but feel myself starting to give in—I was interested in where this was going, if nothing else.

  And then I gasped. Something sharp and… metallic? Yes, metallic—closed over both my nipples, slicing deep into the flesh. I looked down to see alligator clamps biting into each of my little dark brown nubs. They were chained together by a thin series of golden links, which itself was attached to a single long chain… Which, then, sat comfortably and securely in Chad’s hand.

  He tugged the chain and I gasped as pain ricocheted through my breasts, concentrated in those most sensitive of nubs.

  “Stuff like this?” I asked, still more uncertainly, but unable to conceal how I was rubbing my thighs together, feeling my pussy getting wetter and wetter as I processed the sharp pain… I would be lying if I claimed that it wasn’t delicious, if I claimed that I wasn’t enjoying it on some level.

  “That’s right, Kenya. Stuff like this.”

  He pulled hard on the chain and I screamed, thinking he was going to tear my nipples right off. Instead, I found myself following the chain, sinking to my knees and gasping in pain, my legs spreading involuntarily.

  “Follow me,” he ordered, tugging hard on the chain. I had no choice. He led me along, walking me like a dog. I had to crawl fast on the ground to keep up with him, all but scrambling over my own limbs to avoid the sharp, cutting pain in my nips… To head it off before it arrived, before it shot through my flesh and made me scream once more.

  He led me around the apartment. At first, I thought we might be going somewhere specific—to the bedroom, outside, a different room—but it quickly became obvious to me that he had no other design besides humiliating me, reducing me to a whimpering, obedient wreck. And goddamn, it worked.

  “Ow… Oh god… Chad…”

  “You’ll call me Sir. Do you understand, Kenya?”

  I whimpered but couldn’t bring myself to answer. I was panting from having to run along so fast and my eyes were filling with tears.

  “Do. You. Understand?”

  “Yes! Yes, Sir!”

  “And do you want this, Kenya? Do you want to be my little slave?”

  He stopped, finally, giving me a chance to catch my breath. Tears dripped from my eyes. I was already a bit of a mess after last night, not having showered or cleaned myself up at all, but now, I was even worse—sweaty, a bit disheveled, tears leaking from my eyes…

  “Yes…” I found myself gasping as he forced me to my feet. “Yes, I do…”

  I was a little surprised that I had gone ahead and said that… But I guess a part of me didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to see where this life was going. I wanted to see what Chad would do to me, to see how he would push my buttons… It was such a sensual, sexy idea… Being owned.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said, jerking me hard by the nipples, pulling me into him, and pulling my face to his. We united in a hot kiss and I whimpered, gasping into his mouth as our tongues dueled. Before long, of course, my tongue accepted a submissive position, allowing him to explore my mouth at his leisure, taste me, to tease and tickle my lips and tongue…

  “On your hands and knees,” he ordered. Obediently, I knelt before him, only to be face with his cock, growing harder and harder with each moment. I knew exactly what he wanted…

  I leaned forward, giving his cock a slow, tentative lick. In a second, he was fully hard. I continued to trace my tongue along his throbbing length, the tip of my tongue barely touching him. I wanted to tease him, to torture him as much as he was torturing me…

  I even let my tongue drift away from him entirely. Now, I just let my warm breath wash over him. He groaned in pleasure but suddenly jerked my chain hard. I yelped.

  “You don’t tease. That’s not your job. Your job is to open your mouth and do what I tell you. Do you understand?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Do you understand?”

  I whimpered as he pulled my nips hard. They were throbbing now, but the pain had almost ceased—they had become practically numb, and all I could feel was the steady, dull aching pulse of my blood flowing through the abused little nubs.

  “Yes… Yes, I do.”

  He jerked me hard again, forcing my tits up into the air. I squealed and he kept pulling, until I was standing up.

  “Bend over,” he ordered. “Do you do yoga?”

  “Uh… I have…”

  “Downward dog.”

  I knew what that meant, at least. I bent over, my hands awkwardly on the floor in front of me, my generous ass wiggling in the air in front of Chad.

  “Now, do you understand what I want from you?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  He slapped my ass. Hard. I squealed.

  “What was wrong with your answer?” he growled, holding my burning ass with one hand and pulling hard on my nipples with the other. I felt the clip move slightly on my flesh and shocks of agony flashed through my brain.

  “I… I don’t know…” I whimpered pathetically.

  “Then guess,” he ordered. I heard the slap of his strong hand on my butt before I felt it, but felt it I most definitely did. I squealed and shuddered, grunting like an animal in heat, my butt burning and wiggling for him.

  “I… I didn’t say Sir…” I gasped suddenly, realizing what it must have been that had drawn his ire. His hand descended again on my butt, ripping into each cheek twice in steady succession.


  “I’m sorry, Sir…” I whimpered, wiggling my ass involuntarily in the air. “Please… Please forgive me…”


  There was a pause behind me and I shuddered to wonder what Chad was doing now. Suddenly, I felt his strong hands on my ass—not beating me, but spreading me open. Then, his cock at my cunt.

  I shuddered in delight as he entered me, my pussy still sore from last night’s hard fucking. I gasped, groaning as his cock embedded itself completely in my wet, tight depths.

  “Oh, god…” I groaned, my arms trembling from the uncomfortable position I had been forced into.

  “That’s right…” Chad whispered, running his fingers over my burning tortured ass. “I am your god.”

  “Oh, fuck…” I moaned in spite of myself, feeling so naughty, so filthy… I found myself pressing back, driving my ass into him, trying to slide more and more of that delicious dick into my tightness. I wanted him. God, I wanted him bad. I wanted to feel his seed enter me, spill into my tight womb once more, fill me up, even put a baby in my belly…

  “Harder! Harder!” I found myself screaming in spite of myself, in spite of the intense, numbing ache in my nipples and Chad’s hands slapping, ripping their way into my ass. “Fuck me harder!”

  “What do you say?” Chad grunted, his thrusts slowing almost to a stop. I gasped, sliding myself along his dick, trying to get his cock to move again. I was addicted. There was no way he could stop now…

  “No, slut. What do you say?” he growled, pulling hard on my nips. I screamed, positive that I would look down to find them bleeding and raw.


  He slapped my ass harder, I was sure, than he had slapped it ever before.

  “Please what?”

  “Please… Sir.”

  I groaned in delight as I felt his thrusts pick up again.

  “That’s right. Sir. I’m your Sir.”

  “Yes, Sir…” I whimpered, hanging my head in shame as he rode me.

  “Say it again. Who am I?”


  “Once more.”


  “And again…”

  “You’re… You’re my Sir.”

  With that, Chad dug his cock deep into me once last time and moaned, throwing his head back. I felt his body convulse on top of me as his cock unloaded his seed, spraying his essence deep into my tight, swollen hole. I moaned, shuddering in pleasure and pain as my pussy accepted his hot cum, seeming to open up around him in order to gobble it down, to milk him.

  “Oh, god…” I whimpered, collapsing in a puddle of sensual agony as he slid himself out of me.


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