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Ladies Prefer Champagne Alpha Male Romance Mega Bundle

Page 46

by Champagne Jackson

  I couldn’t help but feel a little disheartened by that. So, I was good enough for Mr. Wilson’s creepy advances but not for Stu? Back in my room after dinner, I took stock of the situation: I had my thick, nappy hair pulled back.

  My school uniform didn’t exactly show off my generous chest but it did reveal my long dark, muscular legs. I was definitely a bit curvier than Cassie but not in a bad way, or so I thought. Or maybe I was just desperate? Regardless, I couldn’t see any reasons why Stu shouldn’t be taken in by my bountiful bosom, or my full butt—not to mention my dark brown eyes.

  Of course, things would be better in college, I was sure—there’d be smart boys, boys who liked a girl who was a bit curvier, who was witty and intelligent and wanted to be treated like an equal and not just a pretty little doll…

  But maybe I didn’t want that. Oh, sure, I wanted to be treated like an equal and all that feminist stuff, but did I really want the kind of boy who would do that? Or did I want the kind of boy who’d ride a motorcycle, reeking of tobacco and whiskey, who’d fight for me at the drop of a hat instead of just “agreeing to disagree,” all afraid to rip his skinny jeans? I wanted both, really—a bad boy who respected me. Couldn’t I just have my cake and eat it too?

  With these thoughts in my head, I stripped down and got ready for bed. As I brushed my teeth, I heard the roaring of motorcycles in the distance.

  They were probably charging down the rural back roads now, I thought wistfully. What could possibly have brought them to our sleepy town—and why were they still here? Maybe they’d stay for a while. It was a nice thought but I was sure they wouldn’t, sure they’d be gone before morning like so much dust in the wind.


  The next morning, I padded downstairs to find my mother glued to the TV, mouth agape. My breakfast—a plate full of eggs, French toast, and bacon—stood forgotten on the table.

  “Londyn, they’re holding their convention here!”

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “The… The bikers! They’re holding some sort of convention here. They’ll destroy the town!”

  Good, I thought ruefully.

  “They released a statement this morning, saying they that they’ll be holding their yearly convention at Brigg’s Woods next weekend.”

  She fixed her steely grey eyes on me.

  “You are to go no where near those woods, young lady. Do you understand?”

  “Um, I wasn’t planning on it…” I said, rolling my eyes as I tucked into the food. “I never go to the woods. I’m not exactly the camping and hiking type.”

  “And you are to be inside before dusk every day they’re here. In fact, come straight home after school. You could get abducted!”

  Again, did my mom even know me? Did she really think I led such an exciting, social life?

  Had she not noticed Cassie and me arriving home after 3:20 PM every single day for the past few years, our backpacks sagging with homework?

  “Just think of what they’d do to a young girl like you…”

  Oh, I had been thinking about it, all right, mom…

  I imagined how they would take me, make me one of their “old ladies”—something like a sex slave, maybe?

  They wouldn’t trust me at first but then, they’d realize how useful I could be—how smart I was. Slowly, they’d come to respect me, put me in charge, even give me my own bike. And then they’d all be putty in my hands…

  “No, I don’t even want you on the streets after school. I’m going to call St. Benedict’s and see if they’ll arrange some sort of after school care for you girls. You can stay there until your father can pick you up.”

  “After school care? Mom, I’m eighteen—I’m not a toddler! And if you’re so worried, why don’t you come and pick me up yourself?”

  “Because I have work! You know that,” my mother sputtered lamely. Sure thing, mom—worried enough to tell me not to walk the mean streets of Windgale alone but not so worried to give me a ride herself.

  But, before I knew it, she was on the phone with the principal, voicing her shrill concerns over the nubile young student body’s safety. I couldn’t take her seriously—not in the slightest. I slunk upstairs to shower, her panicked voice fading as I went.


  Little did I know that after school care would be arranged by that very afternoon.

  Those of us who didn’t have rides home—sixteen girls in all—found ourselves confined to a classroom with our favorite perverted staff member: Mr. Wilson.

  “Well, ladies…” he began as we all filed in. “This should just be a temporary measure. There’s no need to worry. Just do your homework as you normally would. I’ll be checking you out up here when your ride comes.”

  This was humiliating. I mouthed as much to Cassie who just rolled her eyes. Even she wasn’t concerned about the bikers to this extent.

  But some of the other girls were truly frightened. They huddled together, mostly freshmen, glancing out the window every time a car went by, looking for Harleys or Molotov cocktails or god knows what.

  They began to trickle out, starting shortly after four, as older siblings and parents came to pick them up. Cassie’s brother even showed up to get her and offered me a ride. As much as it pained me to, I had to decline—my father was to pick me up.

  Finally, it was just me and Mr. Wilson.

  “So, all alone, eh? The last little Indian?” he said, coming out from around his desk and approaching me. I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could.

  “Yep. I guess that’s me. Only, you’re not supposed to call them Indians anymore—Native Americans, right, Mr. Wilson?”

  He grinned—what a creep.

  “That’s right, Londyn. Such a good student.”

  He was standing right next to me now. He reached down and began to unbutton my cardigan, button by button. I blushed but I couldn’t will my legs to move.

  “Mr. Wilson… We… We shouldn’t be doing this,” I finally stuttered out. I was afraid—afraid of what would happen if I didn’t let him touch me. Even though I tried not to care about the things that Mr. Wilson and school represented—the prestige and good future that my parents insisted I pursue—I couldn’t help but be seized by a cold shot of terror when I thought about being robbed of those very things if I didn’t give in to him. Maybe, just maybe, I could convince him not to do it but still give the sense that I was willing…

  “Oh, it’s all right, sweetheart,” he said coolly, starting to undo the buttons of my blouse. “No one will know.”

  I tried to shy away from his hands but that only made him more aggressive. I gasped as his big, rough palms closed over my breasts.

  “Mr. Wilson…” I whimpered. “Please…”

  “Just close your eyes and enjoy it,” he whispered into my ear, bending down to kiss the side of my head. “I know you’re a good, good little girl and I know you would never, ever do anything that would… jeopardize your future, for instance? Get you into trouble? Make your parents ever so disappointed in you? You’d never do anything like that, would you?”

  In the distance, I heard the roar of a motorcycle.

  Mr. Wilson didn’t seem to notice it but I sure did.

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” I whispered. “I would.”

  And with that, I drove my fist into his crotch.

  Break Out

  Without even bother to button my shirt, I grabbed my bag and dashed out of the room. The school was dark and empty, fortunately—there was no one to see my boobs bouncing as I charged down the hall and crashed through the front door.

  Finding myself on the front lawn, I looked left and then right. I had left Mr. Wilson crumpled on the ground, clutching his family jewels but now, I could hear him coming down the hall, taking heavy, unsteady steps.

  “Londyn, get back here! Goddammit!”

  “Fuck you!” I screamed, my voice faltering mid-sentence. I didn’t think I had that in me. I was just full of surprises today!

bsp; Without another thought, I set off running down the road—away from town and towards Brigg’s woods.

  A few cars flashed their lights at me as I plunged into the growing darkness, obviously wondering why such a normally put together St. Benedict’s girl would be running around in the half-darkness with her chest displayed for the world to see.

  Eventually, I stopped to button my shirt and sweater, as much because it was getting cold as because I didn’t want to attract attention.

  I came to the edge of the forest. I couldn’t go home—at least not right now. If I went home, my parents would almost certainly be wondering what was going on—why had I dashed out of school so suddenly and walked home?

  On the other hand, I couldn’t go back to the school—Mr. Wilson was there and who knows what he would do when I got there?

  I needed to clear my head. I needed to get away—get away from this town, from this school, from everything.

  I waded deeper and deeper into the forest, picking my way through branches and pulling twigs out of my hair.

  Soon, the forest enveloped me and I found myself surrounded on all sides by darkness. Had this really been such a good idea?

  Click. A flashlight clicked on.

  “You’re an awful long way from home, girlie,” a voice, smooth as silk wrapped around your neck and twice as dangerous, carried itself over the breeze blowing through the forest.


  “Okay, little red riding hood,” the voice continued. I connected it immediately to the light that was drifting closer and closer to me. “What in blazes are you doing out here?”

  What was I supposed to say?

  “I… I ran away from home.”

  There was a questioning silence that lasted several moments. Then, laughter.

  “You… You ran away from home? Seriously? Shit, I didn’t know kids still did that.”

  The light was close enough that I could see who it was. It was a biker—the very same one who had flipped off the school not too long ago. He drifted closer to me and I saw him holstering his revolver.

  The sight of the weapon made my heart seize up in my chest. He must have noticed my discomfort because he grinned at me.

  “Now, don’t you worry, baby girl. I’m not exactly in the business of plugging holes in sweet little things in the middle of the night, off alone in the woods… But you can understand my caution.”

  “Caution? Why caution?”

  “The town—Windgale or whatever the hell it is—they don’t want us here.”

  I shook my head.

  “They sure don’t.”

  “And, I mean, I don’t give a flying fuck whether they want us here or not,” the man continued. He was close enough that I could see what he looked like in the dim glow from his flashlight. He was tall, well over six feet, with a short, unruly beard and long-ish brown hair that hung down to his shoulders. He was handsome too, in a rugged sort of way. He was clad in a leather biker outfit, with his chest bare—except for the tattoos splayed over his taut flesh. “But the cops will use any excuse they can find to come after us…”

  “Yeah, I know what that’s like.”

  “What? You know what that’s like, being at the mercy of the pigs? You know what that’s like, you little Catholic school girl?!”

  I started to argue with him but I cut myself short. He could see my uniform. He could see that I was clearly confused and out of my element.

  What else could he reasonably have deduced from my appearance in the middle of these woods so late at night?

  “Just because I’m not going to shoot you doesn’t mean you’re getting off the hook so lightly, though…”

  My eyes widened.

  “W-what do you mean?”

  His hand shot out and pulled me close. I gasped, feeling his hot, hard body pressed against my own. I was scared but part of me was excited. This was something I had never experienced before—a man pressing himself again me, making his desire known.

  I was a virgin and I had never even had a boyfriend. Sure, I flirted with boys from the public school whenever I saw them at 7-11 or the mall but I’d never even been out on a real date.

  I felt his hand slide down to my lower back. I bit my lower lip.

  “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Vladimir,” he whispered. “And I ride with the Jester Kings MC.”

  The Jester Kings MC. I licked my lips. They sounded dangerous. They sounded wild. They sounded like exactly what I had been fantasizing about all along.

  “What… What do you want me to do, Vladimir?” I asked slowly, carefully.

  “I want you to relax, baby doll,” he said, his hand sliding down to my ass. He gripped it over my skirt and then slid his hand underneath, feeling its fullness in his hand. “Not bad. How many other boys have gotten a handful of this nice little ass?”

  I was a little charmed that he would call me ass “little,” despite the situation.

  “None…” I whispered. “I’ve never had a boyfriend.”


  “Never ever. Never even been kissed.”

  “Well, we can fix that right now…” he growled. He took me by the chin and guided my lips to his.

  We melded in that moment, his power and scent overtaking me. I whimpered into the kiss, feeling his hot, tobacco and whiskey flavored tongue drift into my mouth. Meanwhile, I was vaguely aware of the sound of him unbuckling his pants…

  He took one of my hands and slid it over his crotch. I gasped when I felt it. I realized it was his cock.

  “Do you know what this is, baby girl?” he whispered.

  “Of course I do,” I scowled. “I’m a virgin, not an idiot.”

  He laughed and wrapped my fingers one by one around it. “Then get to know this, baby, because you’re going to become very familiar with it in a second…”

  “And what if I don’t want to?”

  “Then we’re going to have problems.”

  “What kind of problems?”

  He gripped me hard by the back of the hair and I gasped.

  “You talk to much,” he declared, forced my head down towards his crotch. Before I knew it, I found myself on my knees, staring directly at his throbbing manhood.

  I leaned forward slowly, tentatively, and placed my plump, virgin lips on the tip of his cock.

  I could feel his blood pulsing beneath his skin, feel his hunger. He wanted me bad, I could tell. I didn’t need to know much about sex to know when a man was lusting after me.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, I opened my mouth and took just the tip, running my tongue around his throbbing flesh.

  “That’s a good girl,” Vladimir growled, a low murmur of pleasure drifting from his lips. “That’s a real good girl. This is the first cock you’ve ever sucked?”

  Directing my big, innocent eyes up at him, I nodded, the tip of his cock still in my mouth.

  “Then I’ll be real gentle,” he whispered. “Though I can’t make any promises about… Staying gentle.”

  With this warning in mind, I went to work. I swirled my tongue around his turgid flesh, tasting him, suckling him.

  He didn’t taste bad at all—I didn’t know why my friends at school all complained about having to give blowjobs!

  I enjoyed this.

  I enjoyed the way his cock pulsed with desire as my mouth washed over him, the way my tongue could caress and tease him. I especially loved running my tongue over the tip, feeling the pre-cum start to seep out of it, tasting it, and imagining his cock exploding, flooding my young mouth with cum…

  He ran his hands through my hair, gently encouraging me.

  “Yeah, baby doll. That’s a real good girl,” he sighed, thrusting his hips forward gently, plunging his flesh a little deeper into my mouth. “That’s a real good girl. You’re going to grow up to be a grade-a cock sucker, you know that?”

  I couldn’t help but blush in delight at this. I began to bob my head slowly on his dick, sliding it as deep as I cou
ld into my inexperienced throat before guiding him out, letting him savoring the way my slick hole brushed against his flesh.

  Faster and faster, I bobbed my head, working my way over his dick, pleasuring him, servicing him.

  I closed my eyes and lost myself in my work. I loved this—loved the way he grunted and groaned, the way he gripped my hair. I never thought I could do this to a man. I felt like, on some level, I exercised power over him—I could speed up and make his groans come faster or I could slow down and make him savor the pleasure, teasing him with my tongue.


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