In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3)

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In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3) Page 5

by Maeve Christopher

  I nodded. “It’s a win/win for everyone, Diana.”

  “I’m sure it is, Glori. We… well… we just have one or two problems. Minor, I’m sure.” Diana rose from her seat. “Would you like some wine, or a cocktail?”

  “No thanks.” I furrowed my brow. “What minor problems?”

  Diana stretched her lips over her teeth. “Well, Maria Lambrecht’s skincare products are exceptional, really. They… they’re simply chock full of all the very best natural ingredients. Rare… precious… ingredients. And few, if any preservatives. Luscious… absolutely luscious.”

  I could see her gulp. Cat’s blue eyes seemed to bore right through her. “You know, Cat, I spoke to Joe Harris about offering you—well—a lot of money to endorse some of our products. You have lovely natural blonde hair and glowing skin…”

  Cat raised her hand as if to stop this nonsense.

  Diana almost fell backward. “Joe told us you would never consider it. No matter what we could pay. I know you’re shy. Oh, and of course, very—very busy.” She took cover behind her desk, and grabbed a handkerchief to dab her brow.

  Cat spoke in a soft firm voice. “Diana, I am not one to put myself in front of the camera to advertise any product. It’s difficult for me to go onstage and perform. I do it because it serves a purpose. I feel I’m using my God-given talents to help make the world a little bit better place—through words and music, and using the money it generates to assist worthy causes. We all have our talents, our purpose in life, and I’m sure you will find others can do a far better job in terms of selling your products. Glori is a remarkable promoter. You’ve made an excellent decision in recruiting her.”

  Diana leaned over her desk. “Well thank you, Cat. I know we’re lucky to work with Glori. And I am open to this wonderful idea...”

  I had to interrupt. “So why don’t you tell us why you got your knickers in a twist over all this. Just spit it out, Diana. What’s the big problem?”

  I watched Diana watch Cisco rub a smirk from his face. She trilled a fake-sounding laugh. “Glori, you’re funny. I know we’re going to get along famously.”


  Diana shot up from behind her desk. “The cosmetics business is a tough one, as you know, Glori. We sell more products in one day, than Maria Lambrecht would make in one year. We need to concern ourselves with profits, with the shelf life of the products, the availability of ingredients, and the consistency of the products. Can we make the exact same product the exact same way over and over again? That’s very difficult to do when you are using such natural ingredients. As you may know, Mother Nature doesn’t always make every crop consistent. The scent of an essential oil, the color… there can be so many variations from one season to another. Growing conditions can influence the availability of ingredients. What happens if the price of lavender skyrockets because it was too rainy or too dry and the crop failed that year? And then when you finally do make the product, how long will it last on the shelf? Natural ingredients are nowhere near as stable as many—well what you would call chemical ingredients—that we use in traditional cosmetics. Do you see where I’m going with this Glori?”

  I was crestfallen. “There’s gotta be some way around it. This project is do-able. Cat knows.” Cat was known as Cat the Prayer Warrior, after all. She had real clout with God. If anyone could make it work, it’d be Cat.

  Cat removed a folder from her briefcase. “I think this will explain more thoroughly, what we’ve been talking about, Diana.”

  Diana took the folder and flipped through as Cat continued. “Auntie’s products do vary slightly from one batch to the next, for the very reasons you mention. Also, she customizes the essential oil blends for the individual. It’s very labor intensive, quite different from traditional cosmetic manufacturers. That is why we are proposing a structure similar to cottage industries. You would set up delicatessen-type shops. They could be adjacent to, or inside, your Uptown Spas if you choose. The staff would be trained to create these products and customize them for the individual if they so desire. Products would be freshly made in small batches. Your customers would be very involved—personalized cosmetics and service. The products would be priced accordingly. You would be able to extend the business through online and mail order sales. Each item would be marked with instructions and a freshness date. Glori has come up with some wonderful ideas on packaging and promotions.”

  Diana considered. “It’s possible. It is possible.”

  I removed a portfolio from my briefcase and opened it on Diana’s desk. I invited her to take a look. “This is a drawing of me done by Debbie Lambrecht. She gave it to me for my birthday. I had her add the ‘Glori’ at the bottom. It’d be a great logo for Uptown Cosmetics. She’s got it perfect—the way I do my eyes and makeup. Plus, I had her do some quick packaging—and even some ad ideas.”

  Diana studied the drawing. “This is great. It gives me a sense of style and elegance. And at the same time—freedom. Freedom to be your own person. Attitude—to go for it. Everything life has to offer. It does capture—the essence of Glori.”

  “And I got Debbie on board with us. Whatdaya say Diana, are we gonna do some business?”

  Diana flipped through the portfolio, nodding. “This is great. Yes, Glori, let’s do some business.” She smiled.

  “Cool.” I shook her hand. “Now Cisco can show you the numbers. He’s worked everything out. It’s gonna blow you away.”

  “Just let me call my CFO.” Diana picked up her phone.


  I bounced out of my room into the hotel suite’s sitting area, and thrust my arms victoriously into the air. “Wahoo! This is the coolest. Alain even said he’s proud of me. He said I’m a real business woman. Wheeler-dealer, he really said.”

  I plopped onto the couch beside Cat and Cisco. “Now, I’m ready for dinner.”

  Cat smiled. “He should be proud. This is a huge project, and you’ve already done a marvelous job.” She looked at her watch. “You must have woken him from a sound sleep.”

  I checked my watch. “Oh, I never thought about the time. Six hours ahead? Oops. He didn’t sound mad.”

  Then my phone rang. It was Aubrey, so I returned to my room and shut the door. “Are you okay?” I heard heartrending sobs on the other end. “Aubrey?”

  It was a while before I could make any sense out of what she was saying. Or trying to say.

  So I interrupted her blathering. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in Chicago. I’ve got a commitment here I can’t get out of. I’m flying out to Salzburg tomorrow afternoon. Will you meet me at the Monchsberg Hotel?”

  “I’m in New York, hon. I’m booked solid all day tomorrow. I’ll be back in Salzburg the day after. Did you talk to Jimmy?”

  “No! He won’t take my calls. I’ve left hundreds of messages on all his phones. I even called the General’s secretary. She told me she’d personally have him call me. He never did.” Aubrey’s sobs intensified.

  “Maybe you just need to give him some time. Lay off the phone calls for a while. I know he’s crazy about you, hon. Give him some time to cool down and then show up in Salzburg.”

  Aubrey let out a gut-wrenching cry. “The Weekly World Gossip just came out today. He’s on the front page coming out of the restaurant we always go to in Salzburg—with some brunette…”

  I couldn’t make out the rest of her words. “Aubrey. Listen to me. That Weekly World Gossip is such a rag, you can’t believe them. Plus, you know those guys can be vicious. I mean, I know I’m engaged to Alain, but I know what he’s capable of. It’s a little scary. They might’ve set it up themselves—put that picture in the paper just to get you all worked up. Who knows? But you gotta calm down, girl.”


  Friday morning, I woke up in my bed beside Alain after a night of celebrating. He seemed truly thrilled with my new project and my growing success. Just as long as I would spend most of the time close to home. I agreed to minimize trips to the
U.S. After all, the great cities of Europe were within a day’s range. I could handle it.

  When he left for work I called Cindy to fill her in. “Cin, I need to meet with you and Debbie and Maria. Without babies. Maybe we could meet again in Debbie’s studio. Then when we get everything squared away, and Cisco and Cat get out from under the pile that happened while we were gone, well then we can all meet together. It’ll be great.”

  “Sure. When did you want to get together?”

  “I gotta go into Salzburg now to meet up with Aubrey.”

  “Aubrey? She’s in town?”

  “Yeah, I told her not to tell anyone she’s here or do anything till I see her. She’s a basket case over this thing.”

  Cindy said, “Well she’s all over the TV—all the entertainment shows—with Tommy Cross at his latest movie premiere. Then they flash back to video of her and Jimmy and the picture of him and his new brunette friend. They go on and on speculating. Why is she still dating Tommy Cross?”

  “I dunno Cin. She told me it was over almost as soon as it began. I don’t have to tell you how the media blows everything outta proportion.”

  I heaved a sigh. This fame thing sure is tricky. The media can make you or break you, or both. “Anyway, I’ll call you when I get back. And don’t tell anyone Aubrey’s here, okay?”


  Aubrey Rose opened the door to her suite at the Monchsberg Hotel and practically strangled me in a hug. The suite was the picture of luxury with richly colored draperies and rugs, and opulent furnishings. The doors to the balcony were opened to let in spring-fresh air.

  After peeling Aubrey off me, I peered out to see a panoramic view of the old city. “Are you alone here?” I took a seat on the sofa.

  “Yes. I wanted the suite to myself. My assistant’s down the hall.” Aubrey wiped tears from her eyes as she collapsed into the seat beside me. She looked as though she’d been wearing the same sweats for days. Her normally perfect blonde hair was caught up in a disheveled ponytail. She wore no makeup, her eyes and nose were red from crying, and her nails were in obvious need of attention.

  “So what’s goin’ on?” I got right to the point.

  Aubrey found a used tissue in her sleeve and blew her nose. “Oh Glori, I was so stupid. My album’s coming out and Joe wanted me to do as much PR as possible. Tommy Cross’ agent arranged for us to meet. He’s got this huge movie out now. They really wanted to push it. They thought we looked good together and he’s—well—he is really hot. The paparazzi have been unbelievable.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So if Tommy Cross is so hot, why are you worrying about Jimmy?”

  “I love Jimmy.” The wet tissue gave way as she blew her nose. “I don’t want to lose him.”

  “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”

  She grabbed my wrist. “You’ve gotta help me.”

  “Okay, okay. But are you really sure you want Jimmy? He’s not the pretty face that Tommy Cross is.” Shit. I always managed to put my foot in it somehow. Aubrey suddenly had daggers in her eyes. And I was supposed to be her friend.

  So I had to crawl out of the hole. “But, I mean, he’s pretty amazing. He knows all that martial arts stuff. He’s not anybody you wanna mess with. He could put Tommy Cross through a wall in a heartbeat. No matter how built Tommy is.” And that certainly was true.

  Aubrey sounded like she inhaled a gallon of tears. “I know, I know. Jimmy is… is like this great superhero secret agent… and… and he’s so… so… sweet.”

  I had to laugh. “Yeah, sweet.”

  “What are we gonna do?”

  “We?” I shuddered. Oh brother.

  Aubrey shook my wrist, her face turning beet red. “There—there’s something I didn’t tell you.”

  “You mean it gets worse?”

  Aubrey whispered, “I’m still a virgin. I’m twenty-three years old, and I’m still a virgin.” A deluge of tears flooded her face. “I—I could never bring myself to tell Jimmy. I’m so embarrassed.”

  That did it. I fell back on the couch in rollicking laughter. I tried to stop. It was no use. It was all too funny.

  I know. I know I sound callous. But how could the world’s biggest sex symbol never have done the deed with the guy she was supposedly in love with? Believe me—Aubrey didn’t look like the sort of girl who’d hold out for love.

  I swear it was half an hour before I could settle down, and Aubrey could stop the tears. Every time I’d compose myself, I’d picture Jimmy doing his damnedest to seduce her, and Aubrey the sex goddess without a clue. Then I’d bite my lip, and it was all over. My shoulders would shake, and I’d start another round of hysterics, and Aubrey would do another round of tears.

  Then I’d say, “Okay…okay…” And I’d be pounding the sofa again. Finally, Aubrey left me there and went to make some herbal tea.

  She put the cups down on the coffee table and sat in silence.

  I took charge. “Okay, this isn’t as bad as you think. I mean he knows the way you dance, the lyrics you sing—it’s all cuz sex sells. And you’re incredible at sellin’ the image. Doesn’t mean you have to go out and do every guy you date. And I guess he found that out for himself if you’ve known him a solid year, and he hasn’t gotten any.”

  I gulped down another giggle. “Soo… how’d you manage to go this long without gettin’ on that subject? If you don’t mind my asking?”

  Aubrey sighed deeply. “I don’t know. I kept teasing him, but I’d always make some excuse. He’s such a gentleman. Really sweet. I know he’s kind of shy, underneath all that macho stuff. And we never really spent much time alone together. We’re both so busy. But I really do love him, Glori. This whole thing has made me realize that. I want him back, and I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  I smirked. “And your career?”

  “Since this all happened, it made me see it’s just not that important anymore. I’ve got all the money I could ever spend. I’ve wanted to find a guy I could eventually settle down with, but most everyone I’ve met wants something from me. They like me for my money. Jimmy’s just not like that. He thinks it’s great to have money, but he’s not gonna sacrifice his principles to have it.”

  “Principles, yeah.” I pondered. I picked up my phone and dialed Alain. “Hey honey, I’m in Salzburg. Let’s meet for dinner after work.”

  Chapter Five

  Perspiration beaded on my forehead as that very guard I loathed allowed us through the gate. I drove toward Alain’s office building, and Aubrey fidgeted in the seat beside me.

  “Glori, I’m not so sure this is a great idea. Jimmy hasn’t even brought me to where he works.”

  I was still trying to solidify a plan. This was pretty risky. But if I could get Jimmy and Aubrey together face to face, I figured they had the best chance of reconciliation. I wouldn’t let my lack of confidence show. “General Pearson likes me. He’ll make sure you and Jimmy get in front of each other, if that’s what it takes.”

  Aubrey sunk in the seat. “Great. He has to be ordered by the General to talk to me?”

  I burst out laughing. “Yeah. That’d be a good one. The world’s most famous sex symbol—and virgin,” I couldn’t resist, “and he’s forced to see her.”

  General Pearson’s secretary, Betty, met us at the door. Her eyes popped when Aubrey got out of the car. I rushed to take her aside. “You gotta help us, Betty. If this thing gets messed up, I’m gonna have Alain fuming at me. So we gotta make sure Jimmy and Aubrey make up.”

  “We?” Betty didn’t look happy.

  I wiped the sweat from my brow and called over my shoulder. “Come on, hon, Betty’s gonna take us to his office.” Our procession through the halls brought surprised stares. What would two of the world’s most famous pop stars be doing here? I wondered the same thing.

  Betty gave a cursory knock on the door. Neither Alain nor Jimmy was in. “You can wait here in the office. I’ll go find them.”

  I dragged Aubrey through the door. She was visibly s
haking. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She wandered around and looked through the open door into Alain’s empty office.

  I rolled my eyes. “You gotta be strong. Now sit over here and calm down.” I pushed her into Jimmy’s chair. The place was eerily quiet except for the sound of my spike heels clicking as I paced the ugly gray floor.

  Aubrey took a loud breath. “This is Jimmy’s desk?”

  “Yeah, you knew he’s a slob, right?”

  Aubrey pouted. “Yeah, well Alain’s desk is—is—so neat it’s scary.”

  “You’re not doin’ a great job of keepin’ friends lately.”

  Alain’s voice came from the doorway. “That’s true.”

  I turned on my heel. “Hi honey.” I went to hug him.

  “What are you up to now, Glori?” He sounded so—neutral.

  I took a long moment to regroup in his arms. “I really need you to get Jimmy so Aubrey can talk to him.”

  “I really need you to stay out of this. He doesn’t want to see her. He’s moved on. She should do the same, if she hasn’t already.” His eyes stared sternly into mine.

  Hopeless, it was hopeless for poor Aubrey. But I couldn’t give up. I was too close. I could hear Aubrey squeak behind me, trying to hold in the tears. That was good. That might work.

  “Alain, you know those two were meant for each other. Can’t you help us out here?”

  He smirked. “I suppose that was another of Cat’s predictions?”

  Why didn’t I think of that before? “Yeah! And you know Cat’s always right.” It was just a little white lie. I never heard Cat say those two shouldn’t be together.

  “You’ll have to go back and ask Cat when. Because now, he refuses to see her.”

  I stomped my foot. “Alain. I’ll just have to go get the General. He’ll help.”

  “Pearson left town for the weekend. And Jimmy was on his way out the door when Betty showed up.”

  “You mean he’s gone?”



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