In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3)

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In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3) Page 23

by Maeve Christopher

  He picked up the phone, and a few minutes later his partner came through the door.

  “What are you doing here?” Jimmy asked.

  “I need you to take care of Glori. Make sure she’s okay.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  David was back to work as usual the next day, and Debbie planned to spend some time working on our “Watercolors” ads. The people in New York had been really impressed with her work, and wanted her to come up with some ad ideas, like she had for Glori Cosmetics.

  I got a weird feeling as I walked into my office, like something was different. Maybe that was because I was followed by Cin, Debbie, and three squirmy boys and their nurses.

  I sat in my executive chair and rolled around. I put my hands on a couple of sample swimsuits and some initial sketches Debbie had done. She and her helpers dragged out toys and little crackers for the babies. They were content for maybe five minutes.

  My fuse was pretty short. I still hadn’t recovered from the General’s statement the previous day. So Sally and Shirlene packed up the boys and their stuff and headed up to Papa’s apartment. Debbie tried to concentrate on the Watercolors.

  Cin rolled over some crackers with her chair and apologized for the mess. I didn’t care.

  “Glori, I think Debbie’s ocean pastels are perfect for this background.” She held up a photo of some of the coordinated beachwear.

  It looked cool. “Yeah. Debbie, this line is gonna make you filthy rich, you know that, don’t you?”

  She looked up at me with wide eyes. “I hope so. I don’t want David to be a secret agent anymore. Maybe if we make enough money, he won’t want to go back there. They’re coming to interview him tomorrow, and he’ll be gone all day and night. I don’t want them to blame him for shooting Tamara’s father. It wasn’t his fault. They made him do that.”

  “They’re interviewing him? About Everett?”

  “Yes. There’s a big investigation now, and they wanted him to go to Washington, but he refused, because we… I need him here.”

  My mouth hung open. “My mother?”

  Cin jumped in “Your mother wouldn’t—”

  “No.” Debbie pushed off from the table and tried to get up. “David said Tamara has some very aggressive lawyers, and they started the whole thing.”

  Cindy gripped her arm and handed her a tissue.

  “I bet her lawyers are just like Daddy’s lawyers. They can do anything. But David promised me he’s not going to jail.”

  “Feel those feelings.” I couldn’t help it. “And Alain, did he have anything to do with it?”

  Debbie blew her nose. “I asked David that, and he said no. Alain wasn’t even there. But David said he doesn’t think he’s coming back, and he wouldn’t say why. I’m not even so sure he knows.” My stomach twisted and Debbie let the floodgates go. “I just wish everything could go back the way it was.”

  “Yeah, me too.” But I wasn’t going to let myself travel down memory lane, and I couldn’t afford to worry about where Alain would end up. I couldn’t go there. “That’s why you need to stop the tears, and get to work on this. When you’ve got your millions from Watercolors, you’ll be in a much better position to demand that David get the hell out of that job.”

  Cindy nodded her agreement.

  I wondered if this Everett investigation would be his undoing. Would this be when Aubrey and Jimmy would attend his funeral? Tamara wasn’t out of the picture yet. She could still get her revenge. I didn’t dare ask Cat.

  Debbie took out some chalks and went into action. Thirty seconds later she had a fantastic logo for the Watercolors beachwear line. Cin and I sat there with our mouths open as she displayed her effort.

  “How’d you do that, hon?” I beamed from the inside out. This was it. This was really it.

  “‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.’ That’s from Psalm 118, and I read it this morning. And I thought that was written for me.”


  Work pretty much consumed me. I only came up for air to help Cindy, Cat, Nita, and Aubrey in their efforts to keep Debbie sane. The “interview” David had to go through went on for well over a week. Not that we had any idea what the upshot of it was. If Cat knew, she wasn’t saying.

  Even Nita didn’t have a clue, and they questioned Eduardo, too, because he had been involved somehow. Eduardo did know how to keep his mouth shut when he wanted to.

  If Aubrey knew anything, she would’ve spilled it, but Jimmy wasn’t involved either. It always sounded like Alain and Jimmy were partners, and David and Eduardo were partners, and most of the time they worked at opposite ends of the globe. Until they all took this training job.

  I decided to focus on something I could do something about. So I arranged to introduce my new shoe line for the holidays, because women were going crazy for “Glori’s kick-ass shoes.” The retailers were clamoring for them, so we decided we could accommodate some of the more exclusive stores. The press was more than willing to listen to any little thing I had to say, so I figured now was the time to capitalize on all the buzz and free publicity.

  Diana kept me posted daily on the progress with Glori Cosmetics, which was breaking sales records. I did some telephone interviews about the tour I did, and I spoke about the products and charities they supported. Of course, I always made sure to tell them about the Christina Fund, and people started sending checks, without even buying cosmetics.

  Then I had the opportunity to preview my swimwear line, “Watercolors,” at a show in L.A. the beginning of November. In my mind, that was perfect timing. After the concert in Salzburg on October thirtieth, I could escape to the U.S. for a bit.

  I figured by that point, I could fly under the General’s radar. The craziness over the Everett incident would hopefully die down, and I could get around without arousing as much hysteria. Since Paulo would be at home recording, Cisco offered me his bodyguard, Klaus. Like I said, that guy’s neck was bigger than my waist, so I expected to be just fine with Klaus by my side.

  No one knew or would say where Alain was, or if he would ever be back in town, so I sure didn’t need to worry about avoiding him. I sort of wished I did. But I presumed he was still alive because the bills on the house were paid on time. Not that I lived there. But I kept an eye on things.

  Yeah, I thought I had everything under control. Until it was late at night, and Cindy and Raphael were happily tucked into their bed, probably screwing their brains out.

  And I was tucked into my bed with my phone wondering who I could call to take my mind off Alain. Tamara was off the list. I sure wasn’t going to call my mother.

  The best days were those when I exhausted myself so completely, I was out before I hit the pillow.


  When I checked in to the Ross Hotel in Beverly Hills, I felt the loneliness return like a ton of bricks. I treated myself to a spa treatment with Glori Cosmetics products, and generally tried to pamper myself.

  Then I visited the boutique that was sponsoring the swimwear show. When I saw how the line had come together, I almost cried. The “Watercolors” were gorgeous. I felt relieved, and excited to show the world. I was positive this venture would make Debbie a very rich woman.

  According to Cat’s prediction, Debbie and the babies would be fine. The jury was still out on David—it didn’t sound like anything I did had any impact on his untimely demise. The last time I spoke to Cat about it, Jimmy and Aubrey were still at his funeral. And Cat seemed to hint that there was nothing anyone could do to prevent it, except maybe David himself. So I consoled myself with the thought that he could go a little bit happy that his wife and kids wouldn’t starve. And they wouldn’t have to rely on George Aldridge for a handout.

  I thanked everyone at the boutique for all their hard work and finalized plans for the show. The day was sunny and spectacular, as only California can be. So I dressed in my favorite “Watercolors” jogging suit, and took off for the beach.

  Yeah, guess which be
ach I had to pick. I stood at that same rail staring out on that same water and that same beach below. My mind couldn’t help but return to those chilly nights on this beach with Alain. How he kept me warm and safe and happy and so satisfied. At least until one of us ended it one way or another.

  The memories were so vivid I could sense his presence beside me.

  “You know that job Pearson offered you?” That voice.

  I turned to face him, and my heart climbed into my throat. “Yeah.”

  “You probably don’t want to take it.”


  “Too predictable. You’re just a bit too predictable.”

  I nodded. “Yeah.” My voice would barely work.

  He leaned on the rail and looked at the sand below. I imagined he was reviewing the same memory I was. Silently.

  We both stood there quietly for a while, watching the waves lap the shore. My eyes were filled with water, but I wasn’t about to wipe them. Thank God for these nice, dark glasses.

  He rubbed his nose and eyes with a weird sneezing sound.

  I let out a laugh. I don’t know where it came from. “What was that?”


  I couldn’t stop another giggle. “Alain Dusseault, you’re as fuckin’ emotional as I am.”

  I watched him process that one.

  “Emotional?” He finally got a word out.

  “Yeah.” It seemed like a victory to me. He did miss me. Eduardo was right. Alain did still love me. I always knew it was true, somewhere deep down. But I couldn’t go there now. Not this minute.

  I had to get a grip. “So, predictable me, I was here on your birthday, old man. How does it feel to be thirty?” I gave him my movie star smile.

  He grinned. “It feels better than the alternative.”

  “I guess. You’re always such an optimist.” I had to be sarcastic.

  “And you? Are you still an optimist?”

  “Depends on the issue. When it comes to my career—yeah. I am so optimistic.”

  “When it comes to us?”

  Damned if I could read into his voice or his face. He was back in secret agent mode.

  “I don’t know, Alain. I’m still in so much pain. I can’t believe what I did that day, but I did it, and it was the worst mistake of my life. All I can do is tell you: I am so sorry. I regret my actions that day with every bit of my being. I love you more than anything or anyone else in my life. But I know I hurt you bad, and maybe you can’t get over it. But I wish you could. That’s all I can say.” I swallowed hard.

  He was quiet for a minute or two. I had no idea what was going on between those handsome ears.

  He turned to look up at the small hotel where we stayed when we first met. “Do you think our room is available?”

  I might have known.

  “I sure hope so.”


  It was like the first time we were together. We crashed through the door of the very same room we had a year and a half ago. New door, I’m sure.

  Yeah, and it was like our last, “last night.”


  There was no better feeling in the world than sitting on the warm sand, in the arms of the man I loved. We were huddled against some boulders, watching the ocean in the last light of the evening.

  “You know that job I offered you? The official seam tester job?”


  “That’s a nice, predictable job. What do you think?”

  He was amused. “I might get used to predictable.”

  “Yeah, right.” I wondered at what point he was going to announce he had to leave on a mission for parts unknown.

  And would my heart finally give out from the grief? How crazy dumb was I for falling right back into his arms time and time again? Only to be left in the dust. Feel the feelings….

  He pulled me tighter into his arms. “Glori, I’ve treated you badly, and you didn’t deserve that. I apologize. I hope you forgive me.”

  “Huh?” I was practically speechless.

  “I love you with all my heart, and I have to admit something to you. It frightened me. I’ve never loved anyone before. I didn’t think I was capable of loving someone. And when I found you with Carlisle that day, it was a perfect excuse to end it. But I couldn’t stop loving you, and I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

  I clung tighter to him, and I cried tears of happiness that he loved me, too. We kissed and cuddled for a while, until it was dark around us.

  “Glori, that night after ‘the Everett incident,’ as you call it—”

  I pushed back a bit and tried to search his face in the darkness. “What?”

  “When you kissed me, I couldn’t stop myself. I knew I had to leave the next morning. I couldn’t talk to you about it. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “My stepfather passed away.”

  “Oh, Alain.” I didn’t know what to say. I knew he hated the guy. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not that he’s dead. It’s all the memories that surfaced. I was so angry. And a bit overwhelmed. I realized all along I pushed you away out of fear.”

  “Fear of what? I love you, Alain. I know it didn’t look like it that day with Clint, but—”

  “When I saw you with him, I was so angry I thought I’d strike you. That terrified me. I didn’t think either one of us was capable of love.”

  My stomach started to ache. Not too long ago, I would’ve agreed with him. I never cared about anyone but myself. I used men for sex all the time. And then I screwed around and fell in love.

  “I thought if I left, we’d both be better off. I decided to go for a job with the EU. That way, you’d be able to stay in Salzburg without seeing me again.”

  “Ohhh! I thought you loved working with Jimmy and Eduardo and David. Pearson must have been mad as hell.”

  “He was. And those guys are family to me. But I thought it was best. Anyway, they’ve offered me the job, but I’m not sure I want to take it.”

  I put my head on his chest. “Well, saving the EU might be fun, but I hope you’ll seriously consider that seam tester position.”

  I could feel his laughter, more than hear it. His voice blended in with the sounds of the sea. I shivered in the cool breeze. He scooped me up in his arms. “Let’s go and get some dinner.”

  We decided to return to the Ross Hotel. He ordered room service, and we made a picnic on the bed. I loved sitting in his arms. And then there was dessert.

  I woke up around three in the morning, and he was awake. “Alain, are you okay?”

  He kissed my earlobe.

  “Seriously, Alain, where are you headed now? Are you leaving me again?”

  “I won’t be gone long.”

  You’d think I’d be prepared for that shit by now, but I still reacted with tears. Only this time, he tasted them.

  He kissed me, and I stopped him from his dastardly plan of making love to me and waltzing out the door for yet another “last night.”

  I jumped out of bed. “No, Alain, I can’t take another ‘last night’ with you. My heart can’t take it. I need you to promise me you’re coming back. And you can’t do that. You can’t.”


  “And don’t give me that shit about anyone could go out and get hit by a truck. God only knows how many people want you dead in any given minute.”

  He got out of bed, and I ran for the bathroom. He caught me in his arms and returned me to the bed, gripping me to his side. “I promise you I am coming back this time. I promise you.”

  “How do I know that?” My voice was all squeaky again.

  “Because I love you, and I can’t live without you. God knows I’ve tried.”

  I could feel my blood running hot. “Yeah, so just check in for a booty call with Glori every so often.” I couldn’t believe he just told me he couldn’t live without me, and I was giving him grief. Well, he sure gave me enough grief. “You really can’t live without me?

  “It’s true.”

  I let out a sob and quickly inhaled it. Attractive, I know. “Well, I sure can’t seem to live without you. And God knows, I’ve tried, too.”

  He smirked that sexy smug smirk he had. “Then it’s settled. We won’t live without each other. From now on.”


  “Cool,” he said.

  There was one little catch, and I realized it. “So why are you leaving?”

  “I’m going to Costa Rica, a place called Tortuguero, and they don’t even have serviceable roads there. So it’s not a place to take the fiancée I so dearly want to impress. Despite the events of the past months, you’re safer in Beverly Hills.”

  “Tortu—what?” I couldn’t fathom that he was actually giving me a location. “What kind of a secret agent mission is this?” I didn’t really mean to say that out loud, but he had me flabbergasted.

  “It’s a personal mission, Glori.”

  He pushed another pillow to my back to make me more comfortable. Was he going to actually tell me what he was thinking? In more than ten words? This was a new man.

  “I spent some time with my mother. I hadn’t really talked with her—ever. But I wanted to get some perspective, and I thought it would be easier to get to the truth with my stepfather out of the way.”

  I couldn’t help but think of the disaster I had with my mother. “Did you get what you wanted?”

  “I decided to find my biological father. I got some information from her, but she hadn’t seen him since I was born. So it took some time—and some arguments with Pearson.”

  “You found him?”

  He sighed. “I found out that he had been a colleague of General Pearson—a member of our organization. And he had taken the time, years ago, to find out about me. When he learned that I had achieved so much with martial arts, he recommended they recruit me. He never revealed himself to me, and he retired about six years ago.”

  “Oh my—dear God. And Pearson knew and never told you?” We sure could use a prayer at this point.


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