Mad for the Billionaire

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Mad for the Billionaire Page 8

by Charlotte DeCorte

  I listened, finding it incredibly erotic to obey Alexander without subterfuge or coaxing. I wanted to obey him forever.

  Alexander moved his hips in small circles, watching me avidly as I shuddered. “You like that, do you?”

  “Yes!” I hissed, clenching hard around him in an effort to draw him in deeper.

  “I feel that, Sophia.”

  I immediately froze. His lazy smile made my stomach flutter.

  “I didn’t say to stop.”

  I loved his wolfish grin and told him so.

  “Good.” Alexander kissed my shoulder. “Don’t feel anything other than my cock, Sophia.”

  I understood the command. I only wished I could fully obey it. “I’m trying, Alexander, it’s just that—”

  “Look at me.” The stern command received my complete obedience. “I’ve loved you my whole life, Sophia. I always knew somehow, someway I’d get you back. Wouldn’t that also count as obsession?”

  My legs tightened around his waist. I responded like a parched plant to life-giving water. Hope unfurled. “Did you ever stop loving me?”

  “Never.” Alexander’s lips pressed against mine, slowly kissing me into total submission.

  I pressed my palms against his face. The love I felt for him overflowed. “I’ve loved only you, Alexander Monroe Draven II.”

  “You’re only one of two people who still calls me that. I love it!” He moaned and wrapped his strong arms around me tightly. “If you’re obsessed, Sophia, then I’m absolutely insane because I won’t go back to a life without you. I’m not letting you go this time, Sophia. Ever.”

  There it was. Everything I had ever wanted from him, given to me just like that. Raw. Honest. Permanent. A normal woman would be afraid of his declaration, feeling hemmed in and threatened by his ardor.

  Not me.

  I rejoiced in the iron conviction of his words. The self-destructive part of me wanted to test him, to push and prod and have Alexander prove his words true.

  I reined that part of myself in. Instead, I smiled and kissed him gently. Staring into his dark gaze, I saw myself exactly where I wanted to be. “I love you so much, Alexander.”

  “I love you too, Sophia. Always.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”


  “I love you.”

  His lips worshipped my neck. I sighed long and loud when he slid fully back inside me. Clinging to him, I chanted his name, increasing in pitch when he quickened his speed. He was so close. I could feel it in his straining muscles and the rasp of his voice against my ear.

  Just as he had done with me, I encouraged Alexander. I whispered how excited he made me. How empty my body had been without him all these years.

  Alexander responded wildly before he slammed inside a final time before flooding my core. I ran my hands across his shoulders, kissing every part of his beautiful face my lips could reach.

  Alexander arms became bands around my satiated body. He was as if he was worried I would bolt again once the lush languor of our lovemaking evaporated. I collapsed against him and admitted, “I don’t want to spend the night alone, Alexander.”

  “It was never an option, little chick.” He exhaled loudly and kissed the top of my head. “I can’t wait until you’re on your hands and knees for me, Sophia. Be prepared to be made love to so often this weekend that you won’t even be able to walk Tuesday. I’ll just have to carry you wherever you go.”

  The imagery made me moan through my smile.

  “But you know what I want most of all?”


  Alexander nuzzled my cheek with his. “I want to hold you.”

  “You’re holding me now.”

  “No, not like this.” Alexander kissed my earlobe. “Tonight, Sophia. I can’t wait to hold you tonight in your bed.”

  “Oh.” Girlish glee took hold of me. I mentally ran through my apartment, trying to remember if there were any large messes left out during my early morning rampage. Other than several skirts and dresses draped across my unmade bed—no.

  I blushed, amazed at how frantic I was compared to the present moment. “I can’t believe I’m here with you right now.”

  “Believe it, baby. Or do I have to prove it to you again?” Alexander rocked against me, still-hard shaft setting my nerves aflame once more.

  “Maybe we can take this elsewhere?”

  “We probably should. Eventually the cleaning crew is going to arrive and I’d hate for them to find us in such a compromising position.”

  “Your modesty comes a little too late, Mr. Draven.” I wiggled my hips and drawled, “I’m naked on your executive desk. Every time you sit here, you’ll remember what you did with me.”

  “Vixen! Where’s your shame?” he teased in mock censure.

  “Left somewhere on the floor with my clothes.”

  Alexander lifted me up and settled my legs firmly around his lean hips. “You always were a naughty girl.”

  “Only for you.” I kissed him while he carried me to the bathroom. My heart was so full of joy I idly wondered if I’d die of happiness.

  After settling me on the counter, Alexander reverently cleaned me before cleaning himself. I watched him with a tiny smile of satisfaction. He reflected that smile.

  “Are you happy, Sophia?”

  “Yes.” For now at least. My fears were silenced but I knew they’d come back louder than ever. I would do better to contain them, but only time would tell how successful I’d be.

  Alexander lifted me off the counter, strong arm slung under my legs, and kissed me gently. “I’m happy too.”

  We both laughed the giddy laughter of newly anointed lovers. Alexander carried me back into the office. “One more thing before you can get dressed…”

  “One more, huh?” I skirted my fingertips over his jaw. “Would that happen to involve keeping me naked?”

  “Just for a bit.”

  “Ooh, I’m excited!” I pecked the corner of his mouth and leaned my head on his shoulder.

  “It’s just one thing, Sophia, but a big one.”

  “Big? Mmm, tell me more about it.”

  His demeanor instantly hardened when he set me down on my feet.

  All flirting and innuendo gone, I swayed towards Alexander, afraid that something had changed again and I had been wrong to let my guard down. His gaze softened for a moment before shuttering.

  “Kneel for me, Sophia.”

  A small side of me balked, uncomfortable with the command. I hushed that side up. Mouth parted and gaze lowered, I obeyed far better than I did last time. Alexander crouched down in front of me. He smoothed his palm down my hair.

  “Such a good girl I have here. Even though you were scared, you still did what I asked. I’m so proud of my Sophia. Really I am.”

  His praise meant the world to me. Calmed by it, I relaxed and waited for his next command.

  “This is just a taste of how it will be between us, Sophia. Sometimes I’ll have you do things just because I want to see you do it. Other times will have a purpose. Either way, it’s not for you to question. You’ll just need to give yourself over to me and obey. Understand?”

  I looked up at him, brows furrowed as the word hovered on the tip of my tongue.

  Alexander took mercy. “Ask me anything you want, Sophia. I won’t punish you for asking questions—not at this junction.”

  The implied threat that he would punish me in the future hung heavy and full of potential.

  “Why do you need this kind of control over me?” Alexander had always been bossy. I couldn’t help but wonder if wealth and status had changed him into discovering enough to turn it into a kink. After all, no one really said “no” to him anymore, did they?

  He smiled and shook his head. “You need the control. You need me to show you my devotion through that control. You’re like an unruly child throwing tantrums because she so badly wants attention.”

  I didn’t like the
comparison at all. Worse, I couldn’t really argue it.

  “I see.”

  “Aww, don’t make that face. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I promise. You need this, Sophia, and I need to be the one to make you happy. And I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you everything you could ever want or need. All you have to do is let it happen. No guilt. No over-thinking it. Just let it happen, baby.”

  Alexander made it sound so reasonable that I couldn’t help but believe him. I stared into his striking eyes. Their darkness reminded again of the night sky and a thousand stars.

  Different worlds to discover, different lives to aspire to, and Alexander being at the center of it all.

  I shifted closer to him. Sensing my need for contact, Alexander enfolded me in his arms. I sighed, soothed by his touch. “I should just let it happen like this?”

  “Just like this.”

  I burrowed closer to him and admitted, “I’m scared of what this all means. Is this how it’s going to be between us from now on?”

  He answered immediately, words soft but confident and sure. “It’s going to be a significant part of us but not the whole. I won’t have you on your knees all the time and I won’t spank you all the time—”

  “But you will spank me?”

  Alexander reached around and lightly smacked my bottom. “Don’t interrupt and yes.”

  It stung which caused me to press even closer to him. Alexander whispered, “Over time you’ll find how much comfort this arrangement will bring you. Just like now. Look at how easily you came to me for comfort. You never could do that before, could you?”

  No, I couldn’t. Our last time around, I was too embarrassed to admit I needed his hugs and affection when I felt so damned scared of what was happening to us. Instead, I had always opted for going out of control.

  I shook my head in answer, too unsettled say a word.

  Alexander sat down and brought me onto his lap. His heart beat steady beneath my ear. It soothed me, lulling me out of my unhappy memories.

  “You like black and white, Sophia. It gives you a measure of control over your world. There’s nothing more black and white than following the rules I’ll set for you. And that’s okay, little chick. There’s nothing wrong with working with who you are. You don’t have to suppress that side of yourself when you’re with me.”

  He was right. Something dark and unnamed delighted in exploring his parameters.

  Alexander cupped the back of my head. “You still don’t fully trust me yet, but you will.”

  I suddenly felt so vulnerable and not because I was naked on his lap. I wanted to deny that I didn’t fully trust him, but I couldn’t. Trusting him was what I wanted, what I needed.

  “How can you be so sure that all of this will work?”

  “Because it’s what I’ve worked to learn all these years.”

  He confused me. Alexander’s mouth suddenly pressed against mine, light as a prayer.

  “I was always going to come back into your life, Sophia, but before I could do that I had to understand you and what you needed. Now I do.”

  How could Alexander understand something about me that I didn’t? Memories of how quietly desperate I’d been for the past decade rose up in warning. I didn’t want to go back to that. Not after tasting the sweetness of being by Alexander’s side again.

  “I’ll indulge you, make you happy, and be so attuned to your needs that I’ll know them before you do.”

  That sounded so lovely. I suddenly longed for it.

  “I’ll make you happier than I’ve ever be able to do before. You want that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Alexander. I want it more than anything.”

  “I know you do, baby. I know.” He exhaled hard and tunneled his fingers on either side of my face. I was beautifully trapped. “I want to give it to you, Sophia. I do. But before I can you’ll have to give yourself over to my keeping. Over to my control.”

  “All the time? What about MLM?” How could I even begin to function if I was so entangled with Alexander?

  “You’ll be who you need to be during the day. After work, you become mine. All mine.”

  My heart fluttered with excitement as I began to see the horizon of our new relationship.

  “Can you trust me enough to give yourself over to me, Sophia?”

  The knot in my stomach eased. I still didn’t fully understand how this was supposed to be work, but I wanted Alexander too much to not give it a try.

  Or a thousand tries as it may turn out to be.

  I let out a shaky breath and said, “Yes.”

  Alexander smiled and rested his forehead against mine. “Good girl.”

  “I love you, Alexander.”

  “I love you, too, Sophia. Always.” He touched my shoulder and said, “Now let’s get you dressed.”


  I laughed and felt the weight of our past slide off my shoulders. It was going to be okay. Alexander wanted me and I wanted him. We’d figure out our way through this.

  I picked up my discarded clothes and stood up. Alexander stopped me and said, “Let me.” I stood still, overcome with emotion as he dressed me with tender care. Alexander smoothed down my bra straps and managed the tiny buttons on my shirt perfectly. When he slipped on my shoes, I saw the years spread out before us and it was heaven.

  Alexander stood up and touched my hair. “Do you have a brush in your purse?”

  I nodded. He turned away and walked back to the bag. It had tumbled onto the floor when he pushed my chair down. I watched as Alexander opened my purse, digging through it until he found my small brush. The intimacy of the moment warmed me.

  He brushed my hair until it lay smoothly along my back. “Now you no longer look like I’ve been having my way with you for the past hour. Pity, isn’t it?”

  I grinned. “It is and thank you.”

  Alexander lifted my hand and bowed over it. “You’re very welcome, little chick.”

  His lips kissed the back of my hand before releasing it.

  “You look a little rumpled.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes.” I felt shy all of a sudden. “Would you like me to, ah, help fix it?”

  Alexander’s dimple made an appearance. My stomach flip-flopped.


  I re-buttoned his shirt and re-knotted his tie, all the while feeling Alexander’s intense stare. I bit my lip before giving up and letting my smile through.


  I pinked in pleasure and smoothed my palms down his jacket front. I took the brush from his hand. Alexander bent lower without my asking. I combed his hair, getting lost in my thoughts.

  We didn’t just have obsession or a million memories, good and bad, between us. We had something that could overcome the impossible and improbable. We had love and there was nothing that couldn’t be accomplished as long as we stayed true to our love.

  And if I ever doubted it, well, then I’d just remember this moment.


  “Thank you, Sophia.”

  I walked over to my purse and slipped the brush inside. Alexander held out his hand. “Come here.”

  I walked over to him and took it without hesitation, more than ready to face the future as long as it was with him.


  “Yes, I am.”

  About Charlotte

  Charlotte DeCorte explores dark erotica set in contemporary situations. Her stories are meant to examine the theme of “Punishment is love” through the use of unstable and/or unusual characters. Violent expressions of passion and psychological implications will abound because Charlotte writes from the viewpoint that not all relationships are or want to be grounded in the traditional rules of courtship.

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  Other Works by Charlotte

p; Novellas

  Cry for Me

  Yes, Mr. Collins

  Need Me—Being Trevor’s Toy

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