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Ex-Con Times Two

Page 34

by Jay S. Wilder

  “Do you lawyers always answer a question with more questions? I see a pattern, Rebecca.”

  I turn to look at him. He’s got a smirk on his face I’d like to wipe right off. Maybe I’m touchy about lawyer jokes. The profession gets dragged through the mud enough, and I swear, if he makes it a habit, I may end up decking him.

  “Did I hit a sore spot?” he asks. The smirk is still there.

  “No,” I answer. “Well, maybe. Just go easy on the generalizations and I’ll be fine. Oh, and the answer is yes. I’ll come by.”

  “Good. If I knew you’d be this excited to come to my place, I’d have played hooky with you this morning when we were there.”

  “That may not have been the best idea, given the circumstances.”

  “Oh yes. That eager beaver cop who was at my door,” he says, looking at the road again. “Rob, was it?”

  There’s a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. Or is that jealousy? I don’t know him enough to tell. I assume I didn’t hear it.

  “He’s an old friend,” I offer, and nothing else. “You don’t have to worry. He won’t approach you anymore, not without our firm’s consent. If he does, be sure to let me know.”

  “Are you on edge, Rebecca? Because I can help fix that when we get in.”

  He places a hand on my knee, and my breath hitches. I’m positive he heard it. I wish I could have more control when I’m around him.

  “We’re here,” he announces. He turns into his condo parking garage. Thank God he needs both hands for that. I’m already wet with need, and with any more stimulation, I’m liable to climb over to his side and straddle him. When he parks, he gets out and comes around to help me up. He takes my hand and pulls me into his body. He cups my chin, and presses a hungry kiss on me. It overtakes me. We stand there with the passenger side door still open, tasting each other’s lips, blissfully unaware. He pulls from me when we hear the slam of a car door nearby. He locks his car and takes my hand to lead me to the elevator.

  We’re barely off the elevator for a second, and I’m up on my tiptoes, my lips on his again. He kisses me back, and pulls away. “Let’s get inside.”

  We walk through the front doors, past his front doors and through the vast living room. He turns a corner, and there are stairs up to another hallway. The place is sprawling. I’d never find my way back to the front door if there wasn’t a two-level wall of glass windows near the stairs. All of this is in my periphery. I’m zoned in on Jonathan. We get to his massive bedroom. It’s decorated in neutral tans and browns, well suited to his masculinity.

  He pulls me inside and closes the door. “Where were we?” he asks, wrapping me in his embrace again.

  I don’t answer. My body does that for me. I turn my back to him and signal to my dress zipper. He leans down to my neck. Hot kisses trail from behind my ear, down the side my neck, to the top of the zipper. He grips the zipper with his teeth and tugs down, breathing a hot breath as he goes. The sensation warms me to my core.

  He stops where the zipper ends at my lower back, and drops to his knees. Reaching his hands up, he peels the dress forward and off my shoulder. It’s in an untidy bundle around my hips. I shift my hips to get it off. He stays where he is and kisses the base of my tailbone, just above the line of my panties.

  He palms my ass cheeks, massaging and stroking each one as he kisses and licks my lower back. I’m dripping wet from raw need. I want to turn so he can ravish me where he kneels, but I’m curious. This spot he’s giving attention to has never been touched this way—not by the lips or tongue of any man.

  His arms slide slowly down my legs to my ankles and up the front to my mound. By now I’m sopping wet. He touches my clit and my knees buckle. He growls, finally getting to his feet behind me.

  “I want you just like this, Rebecca. I want you from behind.”

  Jonathan undoes the clasp of my bra. As it falls to the floor, his hands reach forward and cup my breasts. He circles the nipples with his index fingers, and I arch my back into his chest, and tilt my hips back to feel his hardness against my ass. He’s still fully dressed, and all I have on are my heels and my soaking wet panties. I want him inside me now.

  His hands stray back to my hips, and I feel his fingers loop under the thin straps of my panties on each side. With a sharp tug, he rips them off me, and the fire in my belly has mounted to a new level. Throwing the scraps of my now unusable panties off to the side, he walks to his dresser drawer. He retrieves a large box of who knows how many condoms and throws it on his king-sized bed, then starts undoing his shirt buttons as he returns to me.

  I’m facing him now. I’m helping to undo his belt buckle while he works on his shirt. His pants drop to the floor and I reach into his boxers to cop a feel. His thick cock in my hand makes me wetter. I’m holding on to his power now. His face has an expression of abandon when I slide my hand up and down the shaft.

  He tugs off his boxers. We’re naked, and I can’t stop admiring the god standing in front of me. He pulls me over to the bed and he sits, bringing me in to stand between his legs. He’s in the perfect position now—his head lines up with my breasts. He cradles my flesh and leans forward to one nipple. His tongue circles around it, and then he blows cool air on it. I could sit on his cock right now, I want him so bad. He has my body on fire with the way he touches me so tenderly.

  I pull away from him. I need him inside. I can’t wait. I capitalize on what he just told me. I pull him to stand and turn my back to him. My ass is directly in his groin. I reach up and seductively pull out the two pins and clips holding my bun up. My hair falls down my back, and I turn my head to make sure he’s looking. Oh yes, he is. I turn away again. I run my hands down from my breasts, past my waist and hips, down my sides along my legs, and all the way down to my ankles. My head is down to my knees and my ass is in the air.

  He tears open the box of condoms and rips one open to slip it on. I’m glad he is still thinking responsibly, because my mind is only on one thing. I feel his hands grasp my hips now. He lines up his cock to my opening. God I hope he can keep me steady, because if I lose my balance, I’ll do a face-plant right into the floor.

  “Come inside me, Jonathan. Fuck me hard.”

  “Oh. God. Fuck.”

  He tilts his hip and at the same time, pulls me back into him. His cock impales me so hard, I could black out from the pleasure. He plunges in and out of me, hard and fast, just that way I asked for it. I moan and bite down on my bottom lip from the sensation that’s unleashing wicked pleasure all through my body.

  “I’m coming,” I manage to get out through clenched teeth, so filled with the desire his manhood is delivering inside me with every plunge.

  As my climax gives way, I scream. He slowly follows me to ecstasy. His hips thrust wildly into me, and the grip of his hands is powerful. They hold me in place just before he groans through his release.

  I can barely hold my body up after we finish. Jonathan pulls out slowly and stands me up so he can help me into his bed. I collapse on one side, and he discards his condom and crawls in from the other side. He pulls the cover over me, kisses my cheek and we fall asleep.

  Chapter 21


  I manage to have an entire night’s sleep, and I believe it was restful and free of nightmares. I don’t think I’ve had that luxury in at least nine years. Definitely not since dad’s unusual and disturbing behavior started. I’m equally shocked that I was able to have that night sleep with a woman beside me in bed. This is a first.

  I get out of bed to start my day. By the time I’m out of the shower and putting a shirt on in my walk-in closet, I hear Rebecca get out of bed. The bathroom door closes shortly after that. When she comes out to get dressed, I offer her some spare clothes in the guest room.

  “It’s okay. Can you drop me off at home so I can get a change of clothes before work?”

  “Of course.”

  It’s all business again this morning, but I’d like it to be more. I understand
we both have to get into work, so I let things be. Rebecca puts on her dress, and by then, I’m ready too. We leave, and are walking toward the elevator when I see Claire stepping off. I don’t want to rehash what has happened, and the only thing she should be here to do is apologize and leave. I lead the way and we walk toward her.

  “What are you doing here, Claire?”

  Claire looks at Rebecca briefly before looking at me. “Can you spare a few minutes to talk,” she asks.

  “I really can’t right now. We have to leave, and I have to get in on time for a meeting this morning. Can this wait until the weekend?”

  “No, Jonathan. It can’t wait.”

  I run a hand through my hair and let out an exhausted breath. “Rebecca, do you mind waiting a few minutes?”


  “Okay. Claire, this is Rebecca. She works for Kara. Rebecca, this is my stepsister, Claire Fairchild. Come on inside.” I looked back at Rebecca. “I think you should join us. This won’t be long.”

  Claire seems surprised I’ve invited Rebecca to listen to what she has to say. To be honest, after the stunt she pulled, I don’t trust being alone with her.

  We all get back inside and I ask them both to sit down. “What’s this about, Claire?”

  “I thought we could have a few minutes in private, Jonathan.”

  “This is as private as it gets right now for us,” I answer. “Rebecca’s a lawyer. She’s my lawyer. Anything you need to say, you can say in front of her.”

  Claire shifts around in her seat and seems to prepare herself. “All right, fine Jonathan. First I want to apologize for what happened. It was inappropriate, and I was in a bad place emotionally. I was wrong. I’m sorry, and it won’t happen again.”

  “Apology accepted. Was that it?”

  “No. There is a little bit more. It has to do with mom and Solomon.”

  “What about them?”

  “Are you sure you want to talk about this in front of her?” She asked, gesturing to Rebecca.

  “What about them, Claire?” I repeat my question.

  “Neither of them came home last night.”

  “They’re adults, Claire, and so are you. Is there more?”

  “Fine. Mom found a small locked chest somewhere in Dad’s office. The things inside were alarming, to put it mildly. She confronted him, and plans to go to the police.”

  Part Two

  Chapter 22


  For a split second, I think that maybe I should finish this conversation with Claire in another room. This may be too much information for Rebecca after all. Claire continues her update about her mother and my father, so I let things be.

  “They’re having a divorce too.”

  “Wait. Let’s talk about what Mandy found. What kind of things were inside the chest?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see it myself. I overheard them arguing about it, and she said if he didn’t stop, she would turn him into the police. That’s exactly what she said, word for word.”

  “Why are you bringing this to me?”

  “Mom will listen to you. I don’t know what they were talking about, but I thought you can talk to either of them, or both of them, and get them to calm down.”

  “I’ll deal with this when I see Dad, okay? I think Mandy is fine.”

  “How do you know? Did you see her?”

  “Rebecca, let’s go. Claire, go on into work. I’ll talk to them when I can.”


  “That’s enough, Claire. I said I’ll talk to them.”

  I motion for the ladies to exit ahead of me and they walk to the elevators. Each is silent, neither engaging the other. We take the elevator down to the garage. Claire goes back to her car and leaves.

  “Do you want me to wait for you? When you go up to change at your place?”

  “I’ll be okay. Will you?”

  “Yes. I’ll be fine. There’s never a dull moment in the Sloan-Fairchild household,” I say, not wanting to give too much away. I have no idea what Claire was talking about, so there’s no point trying to explain anything to Rebecca.

  I drive to her place in silence. I think she understands I wouldn’t make great conversation anyway. We get in front of her building, and I get out and walk around to the passenger side. I help her up, and she kisses my cheek.

  “Do you want to meet up later?” she whispers.


  I want to see her, but there’s also a part of me that thinks I should wait a few days. Whatever it is that’s happening between us, it’s heating up fast. I leave after she steps inside. I get into work shortly afterward. My assistant tells me that Mandy’s brother has been looking for me for the past hour, and he wants to see me right away. She has already moved my meetings around so I have time to speak with him this morning.

  I walk into his office. He looks over to me and tells a person on his mobile phone he’ll speak with them later.

  “Jonathan, how are you doing?” he asks, getting the mandatory pleasantries out of the way.

  “What’s going on, Charles? You wanted to see me?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing. What’s going on with Mandy and Solomon?”

  “How would I know?”

  “She phoned me yesterday, completely frazzled. She told me she’s leaving your father, that she’s had enough, and she’s tired of living out her last days like this.”


  “That’s why I asked you in here. I thought for sure you would know.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the work that I do here, Charles? Are you trying to tell me my job might be at risk?”

  “Oh no. Not at all. I need you here now. Don’t even think of trying to leave at a time like this.”

  “Good to know. The only two people that know about Mandy and my dad, are Mandy and my dad. Why don’t you talk to them? I’ve got a busy day. Lots to catch up on. Call Mandy, okay? Or call Dad. I don’t know anything.” I pause to think. “Hey. After today, I may take the rest of the week off. Thinking of a little trip. A mini vacation.”

  “Yeah? Sure, that’s cool. Where to?”

  “I don’t know. Somewhere quiet.”

  “No one’s at the Bahamas villa right now. Why don’t you go there?”

  “You know what? That might not be a bad idea. I’ll decide later and let you know. Thanks Charles. Let me know if you find out anything about Dad and Mandy.”

  “Will do.”

  He picks up his phone and takes a call from his executive assistant, and I tell him I’ll talk to him later. I leave his office. I have to confess, I’m a little curious about what’s going on. The timing of this doesn’t sound very good. Dad needs Mandy in his corner for this big acquisition he’s working on, but the truth is, they’re grown-ups. I have enough on my plate. I’m not sure I really want to know anything else.

  My day goes nonstop, and after lunch, my thoughts drift to Rebecca.

  Chapter 23


  I have a morning full of debriefs with the team that’s taken all my files. After that, I have lunch alone at the sandwich shop around the corner. I’m glad for the time alone. I need to think, but all my brain cells are wrapped around Jonathan. I give up and go back to the office. My increasingly annoying assistant tells me I have a call on hold.

  “How long have they been waiting?” I ask.

  “A few minutes this time.”

  “They phoned before?”

  “Just once this morning.”

  “You do know I’m off my main assignment, right Louise? Why didn’t you put it through to whoever took over for my case files?”

  “It’s Jonathan Sloan, ma’am. He asked for you directly.”

  “Put him through,” I tell her, puzzled he would phone the office when he can get me on my cell phone. I close my office door and reach over the desk for the phone.

  “Hello?” I answer.

  “Are you sitting at your desk?”
he asks in a deep, sexy tone.

  “Jonathan? What’s up?”

  “Answer the question,” he demands.

  “I’m at my desk, but not sitting. What’s going on?”

  “How would you like it if I were in your office right now, kneeling between your legs, eating your sweet pussy.”

  “I’m at work, Jonathan.”

  “Yeah, and I can just imagine the look on your face if I were there. That skirt of yours would be hiked up past your hips. I’d spread your legs, rip those sexy panties off, and lick you until you want to scream. Are you wet yet?”

  I’m already wet when he mentions dropping to his knees, but I don’t admit it. “Jonathan. I didn’t peg you as a phone sex kind of guy.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then what’s this?”

  “I’m in my office. I have ten minutes until my next board meeting, and guess who’s on my mind? Guess who’s got me hard as a rock thinking about what happened last night?”

  My need betrays me as I think about it, and I let out a soft moan.

  “Are you touching yourself, Rebecca? Because it sound like you just released some pleasure in that moan.”

  “I don’t…” I’m trying to resist him, but I can’t think of what I was going to say.

  “Just do what I tell you. I’ll make your afternoon more fun than it’s been in a while.”

  “I…Jonathan, I have to go now.”

  I hang up the phone, but he’s already affected me. I’m wet and my clit is throbbing. God, what the hell have I gotten myself into? I get back to my desk and continue reviewing the files, but at the back of my mind, I’m still hearing Jonathan’s voice. My free hand makes its way down my legs and up my skirt.

  Less than five minutes later he calls me on my mobile phone. I can’t even talk when I answer.

  “You’re touching yourself, aren’t you?” he asks.


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