Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 17

by Michael Berg

  “Awakening? I have heard some about this. Tell me more.” Jonathon kept the weapon aimed at the men as he and Bobby allowed them to their feet and then sit at the table. Bobby pulled two chairs in without taking his eyes off either of them as Jonathon maintained a threatening look. He was wise enough to know allowing your guard to slip for a second could spell the end of your days.

  “You must know the legend of how Vindor was once ruled by a queen who lived in a place where the water flowed with gold.”

  “Everyone knows the old tale. It is a myth.”

  “Then explain why there is a similar feeling all over this planet coinciding with the warnings many speak about indicating a new queen is on her way.”

  “You believe the stories of all to whom you speak?”

  “Of course not, but my friend and I know enough to be on the lookout now. Times are changing and the feeling about is nothing like any of us have experienced before.”

  “Moon shadow fall has disappeared for the past ten days too,” the other man looked keener to discuss the details of the legend than his counterpart who was obvious with his aggressive side.

  “The daily eclipse? How do you know this?”

  “I watch out every day for where the shadow falls on this planet. There have been no sightings for ten days.”

  “It could just be at places where nobody lives.”

  “There are devices to monitor each day. They are blank as well. If it does not happen tomorrow, then the legend of the spring is looking very real.”

  “How will we know?”

  “Only when the new queen rises from the chrysalis and begins to act, will we know for sure, and then not all. It will take her a few days to reckon with self and make her presence felt around Vindor.”

  “You seem to know a lot about this legend.”

  “He likes ‘stories’ as you put it. I am not a dreamer like him. I prefer hard tangible information…or gold.”

  “Where is the spring then?”

  “Who knows? It takes only those who are selected to find it. Anyone else could search for years, even a lifetime and be no closer to the spring than when they started.”

  Jonathon considered this for a moment before he asked the man whether or not he had any ideas on how to find out who was selected to find the spring. The man had no knowledge of how it was done other than to say it was a spiritual connection able to be falsified for gaining access to the spring, but once found out, those who laid bare themselves falsely, would thus be delivered their destiny based on their lies.

  “Some rumor the spring is not on Vindor at all and is located on Planet Dealas.”

  “How could a spring on another planet be the catalyst for changing Vindor?”

  “They say it is a place for many planets to seek their divinity. Dealas has an inter-dimensional portal where those who gather to manifest their futures, can travel to in a mere instant based on an authentic need to be there.”

  “Has anyone ever been there to find it?”

  “Some have tried but never returned. Dealas doesn’t like unwelcome visitors. Anyone who interferes with their lifestyle soon pays the price.”

  “You seem too interested to be innocent travelers to me,” the more aggressive of the two looked Bobby and Jonathon up and down long enough to show them he disapproved of their presence.

  “No matter what you think, we have the upper hand here. I suggest you keep to yourself. We are only interested in what your friend has to say. Perhaps you want the gold spring for yourself.”

  “Ha, there is very little chance of it becoming real. There isn’t a person on Vindor who would not want the gold it has to offer. Imagine the power and glory, but finding it if it actually exists, is an entirely different reality.”

  “Then why bother us with suspicion? If the spring is almost impossible to reach, then what do you have to worry about?”

  “I’ll tell you. Like you said, almost impossible. There is still a chance of it being possible. The last thing I want to see is Vindor taken over by someone who steals the wealth of this planet to run it like a tyrant.”

  “It is already run by tyrants.”

  “Yes, but not as powerful as one who could influence the queen should she come to fruition.”

  Miss Candice caught Bobby’s eye just then. She had such a look of both excitement and confusion on her face and he felt drawn to attend her. Without word he left Jonathon at the table to see why she beckoned his attention. It was Mister Weston who spoke first though.

  “Miss Candice has suddenly been taken by something Mister Regal. She appears to be struck a little dumbfounded.”

  “Is this true Miss Candice.”

  “Yes Bobby…I feel awash with some type of feeling as if I am being called.”

  Mister Weston noticed this was the second time he had witnessed Miss Candice using just Bobby’s first name. It was indicative of her wandering mind as if she was entering some period of medial trance state mixed with normal awareness.

  Bobby noticed her eyes being somewhat distant, looking far away through, beyond, and within him. She was in all places yet in none. It was as if she was to transition time and space – herself opening a place into which she looked happy to pass.

  When he went to take her hand, he noticed it was as if it had taken to a lighter density, somewhat dissolving or disappearing. He turned to Jonathon who was still asking questions from the co-operative man, trying to catch his eye. When he did, he indicated to Miss Candice with his own eyes, telling Jonathon it was time they should go back to their lodgings.

  “She’s feeling unwell,” he said in a normal tone of voice. Jonathon barely heard his words but could read his lips.

  “Well thanks for your help, and no hard feelings about our introduction…considering you asked for it.”

  “Just watch your back.”

  “Why? Are you going to try it on again?”

  “Maybe or maybe someone else. Something about you and your friends tells me you are up to something, and considering the feelings around here of late, I suspect I am right.”

  “Then you had better watch out for if we are and it works, you could be in for a rough time.”

  “Did you glean anything further Jonathon?” Bobby asked as they walked Miss Candice back to their room. He was met with silence though. Jonathon refused to speak aloud until they were safely out of earshot. Mister Weston had gone on ahead to prepare a place for her to rest, and when they arrived, there was a comfortable bed neatly arranged for her to lie down.

  “Something is calling to me Mister Bobby. It is wonderful and so golden I cannot look away.”

  “You can see it as you speak with us?”

  “Oh yes. It is a place of love. I wish we could go there together. Something is happening though and I am being called to make it right.”

  “What does it look like?”

  “A lovely fountain with such green grass and plentiful fruits. It is wonderful.”

  Three loud knocks then sounded on the wood panel door to their room, prompting them all to fall silent.

  “I know you are in there. I told you to listen to her at the stones. My words are your proof. The place of gold beckons her to its waters. Within is the essence creating this planet and yours, for without it neither would exist.”

  “Who are you?” Bobby called out.

  “You know who I am. Follow your intuitions and you will be guided. Be quick. Time is short and there is so much danger for you and others already. You must go and you must watch for the deception.”

  Jonathon could no longer resist. He went to the door and flung it open expecting to see the same woman they had met at Stonehenge. He and the others who expected the same, were then baffled to see nobody was present. It was as if she had never been there.

  “We have to find a way to this place of gold Mister Bobby. I fear I will be torn to shreds if I cannot place these feelings I am having.”

  “Finding out its location is…”

sp; “Trust Mister Livingston. He has the fortitude to find our way. It is strong within him and he must too realize this for us all…and many others.”

  “Where are your words from Miss Candice?”

  “I cannot say Mister Weston. They are becoming part of me…it is, and I am seeing my way to my rightful place.”

  “How is this possible Bobby? How can she be involved?”

  “We have no answers other than to rely upon intuition as the woman said. Fear nothing Mister Livingston. Mister Bobby and Mister Weston trust you. It is up to your deliverance.”

  The men from the bar were leaving when Jonathon and the others retired to their lodgings. He had eliminated the idea of returning to the bar to see if he could source more from them. Bobby sensed his momentary displacement. The gravity of Miss Candice’s words was weighing on Jonathon as he struggled to reach a conclusion for their next plan.

  “Jonathon, why don’t we and Mister Weston come up with a plan together whilst Miss Candice has a rest? You do look tired Miss Candice.”

  “I feel it and I don’t Mister Bobby, but I think some moments to myself would be best.”

  “We have to look past the how and see the why Jonathon. Trying to place evidence for Miss Candice’s situation really points back at us to see it in connection with how our mission to Vindor has taken shape since before we left Moon Base.”

  “Both her and my journey though time and space, do give rise to circumstances out of the ordinary Mister Livingston. We have been forced to accept the merits of moments defying our senses considering our origins in the nineteenth century.”

  “Mister Weston is right. All along we have been cast into events unexpected…even you reassured me of this during our flight.”

  “Yes I know. If we take on the more mysterious approach, perhaps we could find some way of knowing the process of this awakening. It might give us a direction to look for an actual place.”

  “Find us a soothsayer Mister Livingston… our source of oracle before it is too late.” Miss Candice had propped herself up on one elbow to speak to them, before lying down again and falling asleep.

  “You stay here with her Bobby. Mister Weston and I are going for a night time walk.”

  “Good idea. It sounds as though we need to move on this immediately.”

  “I’ll gather our coats Mister Livingston. It appears to be damp outside. A remarkable clear orange rain has begun to fall. All three men looked out through the old glass pane to see a glittering orange tinged rain strike against the window. Accompanied by a wind, it appeared as though the weather had turned and Masquerdon was in for a storm this very night.

  “Aright Bobby, we’ll be back before too long, depending on our successes.”

  “Take it easy both of you. As mission commander, I want to see you back here with reports in our favor and not some missing in action statistic.”

  “We understand the drill Mister Regal.”

  Jonathon led Mister Weston towards the area he thought most likely to provide them with a lead. Masquerdon’s alternative to the alternative area, was a place of mystics, criminals, psychopaths, and dreamers. Neither man knew entirely what was in store for them for murderers could linger at any corner within the smallest of shadows, or madmen could suddenly leap at them proclaiming some ideology akin to a god delivering them reparations.

  “We must not be tempted Mister Livingston. Seduction is the trade for places like these. We have them on Earth.”

  “We can be seduced Mister Weston, so long as we are the ones who control the play. The key is to let them think they are on top. It gives us the option to find more than some may be willing to share.”

  “We could search the darkest lanes. In such places you find those of the occult. Their dark ways often know those of the light, for it is the light they oppose and in understanding with whom they contest manifestation, they become familiar of intimacies within.”

  “You know a bit about it then Mister Weston?”

  “I have studied only at leisure, the ways of the occult. They were around even for a long time before me Mister Livingston. By no means would I say I am an occultist. It was only ever research.”

  “This world like ours and probably many others, have a similar crowd Weston.”

  “It is of sentience, of question, and of seeking where life forms bequeath a proportion of their populace to such endeavors. It is a natural flow in alignment upon geometries they use to tap the unseen energies.”

  Masquerdon rapidly confirmed their thoughts and more. As they walked further into the unlit sector of town, the air about them seemed to become a dense heavy mist. There was no actual mist aside from a slight haze hovering in the air – a haze of mind, of placement, and of heart. The men had journeyed to streets even more languid than any place on Earth, yet within the darkness there was spirit in manifest, attempting definition mostly in vain.

  After trying half a dozen doorways, Jonathon knocked on an ornate door with purple paint faded and peeling. No answer came, so he knocked again. He tried a sequence of knocks this time trying to communicate in some way beyond just a normal call to the door. It changed nothing. He then knocked loudly only three times, finishing with a thud as he turned and put his shoulder against the wood. Nothing happened. The door neither moved nor opened. For a brief moment he was disappointed knowing the urgency of their situation, before his senses took hold. It was then he came to realize there was one more method he could try for he felt certain there was information they required inside.

  Whoever was behind this door, in all their mysticism would seek the intentions of anyone who came and knocked. It was not merely to demand attention through knocking, but to seek it through the ethereal or spiritual pathways. Mystics responded in deeper senses than most ordinary people and luckily, Jonathon had an idea on how this meant feeling through intention. He must show this within his knocking. He tried again as Mister Weston silently waited in patience.

  Within a few seconds, the door did open to only a few inches. A man spoke, “Many seek the spring but very few are worthy. Like I have told others who have bothered me these past few days, go to the next street and look for the eagle motif. There you will find answers.” He closed the door and Jonathon knew they had all they could gather from this place. He was surprised at how well he had communicated intention as the messenger clearly knew why he was at his door.

  “As you said Mister Livingston, it is a matter of intention. I expect the intuition we just witnessed is something to do with those geometries where energy does flow. This would give rise to the outcomes sought. Outcomes created through intention communicated on another level and giving rise to a physical moment.”

  When Mister Weston quietly pointed out the eagle above the doorway in the next street, Jonathon approached with the same intent as before. The door opened before he had a chance to knock. They were ushered in – it was the old woman they had seen at the stones.

  “How come you are on this planet and ours old woman?”

  “Have you not determined my place in this? I am your oracle….your future. It is obvious but perhaps you are not the ones to take…though your intentions are strong and this is why you are being lead directly on this path. There are many consequences depending now upon these times.”

  “We are the ones kind madam. Please excuse our ignorance as we have all been thrust into circumstance beyond any expectations of previous consideration.”

  “You speak of manners from ages past. Are you the one who has been through time…with the woman?”

  “I am.”

  “Then listen closely because you have traveled time for more than just helping your commander return to his own. Your co-incidences finding me and this…it is all as such but not, for co-operation has arisen to bring these incidents favoring your pathway to the spring. You have been chosen not by any mere mortal, but by those who are beyond time and scale. It is how I come to be here and also on Earth. It is not by my choice but it is by my doing…a
s they wish me. Do you understand?”

  “I am at liberty to reckon with your advice dear madam. I am well beyond anything I could have considered as my presence of place amongst stars I could not even see in my years to this time, so I consider myself adept at accepting the previously unacceptable.”

  “Perhaps you could teach this one a thing or two, or the commander of yours. He is too entwined with logic to be useful aside from flying your rocket. He directs you yet he waits for you to deliver to him. Of all, your steward is a mere babe in application to the reach of this cosmic play you are involved with.”

  “He is sound of heart and intention.”

  “An asset you will need.”

  “Is there anything you can tell us?”

  “Only if you feel it as well. This place you seek is where it will unfold for you, for us, and for many outside this dimension of reality. Energy in one place affects energy of others and so this journey is beyond what your mere minds can deliver as concept, but…upon the stars you must ride. Find what strikes the chord deepest in the heart of your Miss Candice. She will guide you. In the place you will find passage to the spring, but nowhere else.”

  “Why her?”

  “Is it not self evident. She has a vital part to play.”

  “What part?”

  “You cannot know and she will not know until she finds it. All I can say is return to your rocket ship…Eagle of Space as you so name it. Take flight and find the place to forward your journey. You have no time to spare. Walking the forests will do you no good. You require speed and then some, and it will be perilous and you might not return. Consider this and your own planet. You must decipher the meaning to then be permitted.”

  “You told us of the water with gold…”

  She cut Jonathon off abruptly, “For your own good, otherwise some burning desire would be in you where you could not answer to yourselves. You are part of this. Go, and take her advice. All will be revealed when the time is right, but only if you hold these intentions you show now bringing us together, otherwise you will find nothing and will be lost.”


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