Over the Edge: The Bridge Series: Book Three

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Over the Edge: The Bridge Series: Book Three Page 17

by Meredith Wild

  He ignored the papers and drummed his fingers on the table. “Give me a few days to think about it. I’m sure we can come up with an arrangement that we can both be happy with.”

  “No,” I shot back firmly. “You’re smart enough to have seen this coming, which means you’ve thought it through already. Yes or no.”

  He pushed up out of his chair and paced the length of the table and back again.

  “Okay, Will. I see your point. I admire your tenacity. I certainly know where you get it from.”

  Hope flickered, but I kept my cool. I knew we weren’t done yet. No doubt he still had terms, and I still had to navigate my way through them to a favorable end.

  “If you’re going to strip me of my shares, I can at least ask for a small concession.”

  “Depends on the concession.”

  “Obviously.” He slowed and placed his hands on the table. “Jia Sumner. You know her.”

  “I know her well.” Better than he probably realized.

  “She’s a hard worker. Highly intelligent. She’s on the fast track with the firm she’s at, but last time she tried to make a jump, she was passed over. We’d been in loose discussions to hire her on as the COO when the investigation brought things to a halt.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “Good. I still think she’d be an excellent fit. I trust you’re capable, and I believe she’d be a valuable resource for you to have by your side. Secure her position here, and you and I have a deal.”

  His was a small concession. I didn’t plan on fighting him over it, but there had to be a reason.


  His expression was unreadable. “I owe her a favor. It’s the right thing to do.”

  I hesitated, enjoying this last moment of watching him twist in the wind. I clicked the pen and placed it on top of the papers that would sever his last ties to the company.

  “Consider it done.”


  I stepped through the doors of the gym, which still smelled new. Regret mixed with pride. Today could have been different, but dwelling on the past wasn’t getting me anywhere. We needed to move forward. All of us.

  I hadn’t heard from Darren since the ribbon-cutting, and despite Maya’s efforts to keep tabs on my delicate emotional state, Cameron had managed to carefully avoid running into me.

  For me, the initial shock of them knowing the truth about my relationship with Will and Ian had worn off. The spontaneous bouts of crying had stopped. The future seemed manageable, if a bit messier than I would have ideally wished for. But I felt secure in my choice. Both Ian and Will had secured a place in my heart. Nothing could change that.

  I’d lived my whole life with convenient, proper, and socially acceptable behavior. I’d never burned the way these two men made me burn. I wasn’t ready to give up.

  Having a break from their intensity, however, had given me the clarity I needed to feel secure in that choice. Too easily I became a slave to their passion and possessiveness. Owning my choice was more important than the comfort they would have given me after falling out of favor with my brothers.

  I held my head high as I approached the front desk. Tori, the college-aged girl who normally manned the front of the gym, waved when she noticed me. Other patrons meandered in, sliding their passes through the scanner that confirmed their membership with a pleasant beep.

  “How’s it going?”

  She beamed. “It’s going great. Still getting things organized here and there, but so far no glitches. Everyone’s happy.”

  “Has it been busy?”

  “Swamped. Local members seem psyched about the extra location, and the marketing push you organized for the new member promotion seems to have worked. We’ve had a bunch of new sign-ups since the opening.”

  “That’s awesome. Have you seen Cam?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah, he’s been around. Maya was here earlier, harassing him to talk to new members and schmooze a bit, so he’s either in the gym following instructions or hiding out in the office.”

  I laughed and thanked her.

  I found Cameron talking to a member I didn’t recognize. I approached slowly so I didn’t interrupt them, but Cameron noticed me immediately.

  “Hi,” he said, but the greeting seemed awkward and forced.

  The guy he was with stopped talking and fixed his gaze to me. He was good-looking, heavily muscled. Definitely a gym rat. Another time I might have given him a second glance, but my brothers were always around, giving guys the death glare if they got too chatty with me at the gym. Today didn’t seem to be any different. Beyond that, I wasn’t interested.

  Cameron seemed to notice the man’s attention on me. The corded muscles in his neck stiffened. “Let me know if you have any more questions. All right?”

  The man tore his gaze from me and nodded to Cameron quickly. “Cool, thanks.”

  “Sorry for interrupting,” I said. “Do you have a minute to talk?”

  He hesitated a moment. “Sure. Let’s head back to the office.”

  I followed him to the back where a much newer and larger office was situated. Unlike the pokey office at our other location, this one allowed desks for Cameron, Darren, and me. Prior to the ribbon-cutting, we’d moved most of our files and set this place up to be our future headquarters.

  “Looks good in here,” I said.

  “Thanks to you. Maya’s been helping me get things organized, but the layout and everything you set us up with is working well so far.”

  I knew I could decorate a room like a boss, but I warmed at the compliment because it came from Cameron. I wanted him to be happy with the contributions I made to the business.

  He leaned against the edge of his desk, powerful arms folded across his chest and legs crossed at the ankle. He wore his signature black mesh gym shorts and an athletic T-shirt with the Bridge Fitness logo on it. Unexpected pride swelled inside me again. While he cleaned up great in a suit, this is where he was supposed to be. Not at a desk job. Nothing could persuade me to think he’d chosen the wrong path for his life.

  He stared down at the floor, his countenance impassive. Slowly, sadness began to permeate the pride I had for my brother. I’d come here to make amends. I could only pray he was capable of seeing past his disappointment.

  “Cam, I don’t want you to be angry with me,” I said, my voice brittle and small. Already fresh emotion was welling up, tightening my throat. Damnit.

  He didn’t meet my eyes. “I’m not angry,” he said, but the words were flat and lifeless.

  “I can tell that you are.” I fidgeted with my bracelet, pressing the cool metal pendant between my thumb and forefinger. The little diamonds abraded my thumb, but the memento felt like a lifeline right now.

  “What do you expect me to say?” He finally met my gaze and lifted the dark wing of his eyebrow.

  “Darren’s already said most everything I expected either of you to say if you ever found out. But right now, I’d love it if you said that you just want me to be happy. That I have your support.”

  “To date two men at once?”

  I canted my head with a sigh. “To love whom I want to love.”

  He exhaled through his clenched teeth. “You’re asking too much, Liv.”

  “I’m not asking you to agree with my choices, but you’re my family, Cam. You can’t get rid of me. Even if you wanted me to, I’m not going anywhere. So just stop this. Give up the fight because you’re going to drive a wedge between us that doesn’t belong there. I made that mistake once. I’ll always regret coming between you and Maya. I should have had more faith in both of you. I mean, look at you now. It breaks my heart to imagine what your life would be like without Maya in it.”

  I spoke quickly, my heart racing with growing anxiety that Cameron and I might never see eye to eye.

  He pressed at the frown forming between his brows. “Goddamnit, Liv. You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”

  A small smile lifted my
lips. “But you love me.”

  He shook his head. “Can’t quite help it, can I?”

  “Come on. Lighten up. You’re about to be a daddy. Nothing’s worth ruining these precious moments. Not even my totally strange love life.”

  He exhaled with a groan. “Fine. Whatever. Just don’t expect me to smile about it.”

  I smiled broadly at his small attempt at acceptance and the heavy weight that had been lifted from me with it.

  He stood, the tension on his body only marginally eased. It might have deterred someone else, but I didn’t have his resolve. I went to him and threw my arms around him. After a second, he returned the embrace with a sigh. Relief flooded me, washing in over the unconditional love I felt for my big brother.

  “Thank you,” I said in a whisper.

  He rested his chin atop my head. “Just be careful. Please, Liv.”

  I nodded, and we separated. He mussed my hair, and a ghost of a smile passed over his lips.

  I pushed him away with a laugh. “Stop.”

  “Get out of here. We’ve got things under control.”

  “Are you saying you don’t need me?” My tone was teasing, but a little part of me regretted that without an enormous design project in front of me, my usefulness had expired.

  “You worked hard on this. You deserve a break. When’s the last time you took a vacation?”

  “You’ve worked hard too. And nice try getting rid of me, but I’m not leaving the city until my nephew arrives.”

  He widened his eyes a fraction and nodded. “Any day now. Maya’s ready. I’m not sure what ready feels like, but she assures me I’m ready too.”

  I touched his forearm. “You’re ready. You’re going to be great.”

  He sucked in a deep breath that seemed to be filled with uncertainty. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am right. In this, as with most things.”

  He rolled his eyes and ushered me to the door. “Out you go.”

  I laughed and gave him a wave as I exited the office and made my way to the front of the gym. As I approached the entrance, a familiar figure caught my eye. My heart sped up.

  Will stood, dressed in a three-piece suit, head-to-toe delicious man. He turned his cobalt gaze on me. I nearly melted. The man could rock jeans and a T-shirt, but the sight of him in a suit had my toes curling.

  “Olivia.” My name left his lips like something sacred.

  “Will Donovan. I’m not going to lie. This corporate look is starting to grow on me.”

  He shot me a wicked smile. “Glad to know there’s at least one perk to this gig.”

  I glanced around briefly and then back to Will. “What are you doing walking into the lion’s den?”

  “I own the building. Did you forget?”

  Will’s suggestive gaze slid over me, reminding me how much I’d missed him. God, the way I felt about him bordered on addictive. I reminded myself that climbing him anywhere near where Cameron might see us was a terrible idea.

  “I was more worried about another awkward run-in with my brothers.”

  “You’re worth the risk.” He stroked his thumb along my jawline. “And I’m done pretending like I’m not completely obsessed with you. On that note, Ian and I were hoping to see you. Tonight, if possible.”

  His offer was beyond tempting. I’d missed them both, but I knew we probably needed to talk, too. If we were going to keep on like this, we had to figure out what that really meant for the long-term.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Dinner. There’s a place I’ve been wanting to take you. Then a couple surprises.” He held a white bag.

  “What’s in the bag?”

  He lifted it and rested the cloth handle in my hand. “We picked some things out for tonight. We’ll pick you up at eight.”

  “I can meet you—”

  “No, none of that. Tonight we’re doing things right. No hiding. No secrets. No regret. Just the three of us.”

  I bit my lip and nodded. He reached out, freeing my lip from the grip of my teeth. A second later, his mouth was on me, luring me away from my worry and into the heaven I found when we were together.

  “Missed your taste,” he murmured.

  I leaned in for more, but he eluded me.

  “Tonight,” he said.

  Without another word, he left me alone with my longing and an unspoken promise that tonight would be one to remember.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Butterflies flitted around in my stomach as I waited for the car to arrive. I paced circles around my apartment, my high heels clicking on the hardwood. Something felt different about tonight, like maybe we were starting over. Pausing in front of a mirror, I triple-checked my makeup and ran my fingers through my hair, which fell pin-straight down my back.

  My ears sparkled with tile chandelier earrings—glittering mosaics of tiny varied blue stones. Ian’s thoughtful gift had accompanied Will’s, a dress I’d unwrapped with no small amount of anticipation the second I got back home. Drawing in an anxious breath, I skimmed my hands down the sides of the sleek fabric. It had come in a silver matte box donning the Alexander McQueen logo. Undoubtedly, the dress had been designed for sex appeal. The plunging neckline was edged with tiny jewels and nearly met my navel, creating a seductive V down my chest. The hem hit at my knees, but like other dresses I’d worn when seeing Will and Ian, this one featured a slit that cut high up my thigh.

  I felt expensive, sexual…and cared for. Not because of the price of the gifts, which were undeniably expensive, but because I was wrapped in expressions of Will’s and Ian’s affection for me.

  On a hunch, I took another peek out the window just as a sleek black limo pulled up. My heart beat unevenly for a few counts until two gorgeous men exited the vehicle. Then the beat pulsed in my stomach. Then lower, between my thighs. Will and Ian were both dressed in suits, Will in a dark gray and Ian in jet black. They looked untouchable, too impressive to be real.

  I grabbed my clutch and left my apartment, feeling a touch less steady on my feet. Ian leaned against the car while Will climbed the steps toward me. When he met me, I ran a finger down the slick lapel of his stylish suit, a different one than I’d admired him in earlier. The black shirt beneath was open at the collar. I bit my lip and imagined kissing him there, tasting and licking up the column of his neck.

  “For a minute I thought I might be overdressed,” I said.

  “Never. You look ravishing, as always.” He thumbed above my knee and marked a trail of fire over my skin to where the fabric split at my upper thigh.

  I feathered my fingertips over his. “You seem to like this feature.”

  He hummed an affirmation, his gaze fixed there. “I need easy access to your assets, princess.”

  I smirked. “Do you?”

  “I demand it.” He ran his tongue over his lower lip and slipped a sly feel up the inside of my thigh, shooting a sharp bullet of desire to my already pulsing clit.

  Before I could catch his wandering fingers, he cuffed my wrist firmly. The slight pressure and hint of restraint made my knees weak. He pressed a hot kiss to my pulse where my bracelet hung loosely. “Are you ready?”

  My breath hitched as our gazes locked. I couldn’t help but feel like he was asking me something else. Even so, I nodded. I was ready. Whatever he had in store tonight, I was confident I wanted all of it.

  Without another word, he brought me down the steps.

  Ian pushed off the car as we approached. Will’s hand was still in mine as Ian looped an arm around my waist and hauled me against his firm body. His other hand sifted in my hair and angled my face close to his.

  A small flash of panic flitted through me at the thought of Cameron catching our embrace. The panic melted under Ian’s lips—warm and tender, yet firm and unmistakably possessive. Warmth hit my heart and bloomed over my skin where he touched me. I sighed against his lips, because I belonged in this moment. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice anoth
er second to worry.

  Tonight and tomorrow and every day we chose to be together belonged to us, only us.

  “I missed you,” Ian whispered, nipping gently at my lips.

  “Come on, lovebirds. Dinner awaits.” Will tugged lightly, his tone teasing but laced with affection.

  Ian released me, and we filed into the limo. On the short drive to dinner, we sipped champagne and made small talk, but the enclosed space after our recent absence from each other seemed to thicken the air.

  I registered equal measures relief and regret when we arrived at Jean-Jacques, a swanky restaurant that I’d heard good things about but never had an occasion to visit. I was already a ball of pent-up frustration, but I was also starving, and nothing hit the spot like gourmet French cuisine.

  The accented maître d’ didn’t blink about my being escorted by two head-to-toe gorgeous men. He seated us in a roomy leather booth around a white-linen-covered table. The subtle light of the restaurant set an intimate and romantic atmosphere. Quiet conversation hummed through the long room, and a nearby group laughed. While I couldn’t help feeling like I wore my love of two men like a blinking sign on my back, no one paid us any mind. I let the thought slip away, shifting my focus to Will and Ian.

  The server brought Perrier and wine for the table, and when it was time to order, Will did the honors, all in flawless French.

  “Show off,” Ian muttered under his breath, his arm draped along the top of the booth. The posture tested the fabric of his suit, which he filled out exceptionally well.

  Will grinned. “When it’s time to put out a fire, I’ll let you do the honors.”

  I sipped my wine slowly, savoring every subtle flavor as the three of us slipped into a comfortable banter. Whenever silence fell on the table though, sexual tension rushed in, thick and electric, like a lightning storm rolling in from a distance.

  I cleared my throat and set my glass down, trying to pull my thoughts away from my primal needs.

  “So, gentlemen, what’s the occasion? I’m feeling thoroughly spoiled by all of this.”


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