Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 2

by Royal Blue

  Kyle moves into the room, squatting beside his nephew’s desk. His cologne is the second thing to engulf me, after his overwhelming presence. I watch silently, as Mason jumps into his uncle’s arms.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mess things up,” Mason sobs into Kyle’s neck.

  “You didn’t mess anything up. I’m proud of you for trying to be the bigger man. You did what you needed to defend yourself in the end,” Kyle says softly.

  “She’s not going to come back. I was a bad boy,” Mason whimpers.

  Kyle’s dark eyes lift to meet mine, his thick brows knit. I can feel my eyes soften. Clearly he didn’t hear the beginning of our conversation. I place a soothing hand on Mason’s small back, as he sobs on his uncle.

  I’ll explain, I mouth, not wanting to repeat the conversation in front of Mason. I think it’s something Kyle should have time to digest.

  “Hey, buddy, I want to talk to Mr. Connor,” Kyle says. “Emma’s out in the hallway. Why don’t you go and say hi?”

  I’m surprised by the feeling of irrational jealousy that hits in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know where it comes from. I mean this is Kyle Tyson, NBA player. I’m sure he has plenty of women in his life.

  “Okay.” Mason sniffles, before taking off.

  I shove my feelings back. Straightening in the little chair I suddenly feel ridiculous for sitting in, I turn my attention to Kyle.

  Only you can manage to look silly in front of a god like this. Just great, Andy.


  I’VE SEEN Mr. Connor a time or two, and each time I’ve thought the same thing. This man should not be teaching children. He should be on someone’s magazine cover. He has the most striking blue-gray eyes. His square jaw is the only thing that keeps him from tipping over into pretty. His dark hair contrasts against his lightly tanned skin that yields to those full pink lips. There’s something about the way his long lashes cast a shadow over his cheeks, even with his lids open. His straight nose that’s slightly pointed at the tip. He’s a work of art.

  Pushing that observation to the side, my mind turns to Mason’s words. My brows furrow. Mason hasn’t smiled as much as he used to in a long time. Still, the image of that long face and his sad eyes peering nervously at me tells me I’m going to be gutted when I get the answers I’m seeking.

  “Just give it to me straight,” I blow out.

  “Mason feels if he’s a good boy his mother will come back,” Mr. Connor says slowly.

  I stagger to the side, bumping into the tiny desk next to my leg. It’s like I’ve just had my soul torn out. I’ve been trying to do everything I can to ease things for Mason.

  “I… I don’t know what to do.” I voice the secret I’ve been holding since I lost my sister.

  “You’re doing the best you can. He’s five. In time he will learn to understand she’s not coming back. I can suggest a counselor or two, if you like. I think the best thing you can do for him is be there,” he says soothingly.

  I snort, drawing my hands down my face. “I’ve started camp for the season already, and preseason starts next month. I’ve thought about a traveling tutor and homeschooling, but he’s so little he needs friends, he needs to socialize. What was my sister thinking?”

  I purse my lips, biting back the rest of my words. This man doesn’t need to hear my life story. I don’t know why I’m telling him all of this.

  “It sounds like she was thinking of her son and who would care for him best. You sound just like a good father. Those are all the right things to be concerned about.”

  Mr. Connor’s eyes light up as he looks at me. I tell myself he must be a fan. There’s no way that look is the type of admiration it feels like. I’ve been lonely and confused the last few months.

  “What kind of trouble is he in?” I clear my throat and ask.

  “Mason doesn’t give us any type of trouble. From what he tells me, it’s Sean’s parents that we need to have a long talk with.” His face tightens. “In all honesty, I think you should take Mason and go home. You don’t need the stress of dealing with the Novaks. I’ll handle things from here.”

  “Are you sure? Can you make that type of decision?” I ask cautiously. “The principal called me personally.”

  This is one of the top private primary schools in New York. Michael pulled all kinds of strings for Savanna to get Mason in here. I don’t want to do anything that could jeopardize his enrollment.

  “It will all fall on me. I got this. Go home,” Mr. Connor replies with a warm smile.

  Gratitude washes over me. I nod my head, holding my hand out to shake his. When his tanned fingers rest in my palm a spark shoots between us. Our eyes meet and hold. The moment is arresting, leaving me speechless.

  “Kyle.” Emma’s voice breaks the connection.

  I turn to find my assistant holding a sleeping Mason in her arms. She silently tells me it’s time to go. I have an interview in an hour. I blow out a breath and send her a nod.

  “Thanks again, man,” I say to Mr. Connor, backing away from him slowly.

  I look him over, frowning to myself. His fine ass has a shorty laid up somewhere. There’s no way he’s down for this D, but he’ll do for a few of my fantasies. That’s for sure.



  I’VE BEEN making as much of an effort as possible to be there more for Mason. It’s been brutal on my schedule, but I make it happen whenever I can. Which is the reason why I’ll be taking a red eye to meet my team tonight. I had to be here for this.

  “You look so nervous,” Emma whispers.

  I turn to her and frown. She’s stating the obvious. The sparkle in her eyes and the teasing tone in her voice aren’t not helping.

  I am nervous. Mason is going to sing a solo in front of his entire school. Emma made his little costume, and he asked me to listen to him rehearse every time he got a chance to. I can tell this means a lot to him.

  The kid can sing, I know that. Singing has always been a thing in my family. I think we get it from my mother. However, this is different. He’s about to sing in front of a bunch of strangers.

  “Man, he’s a better kid than I was at his age. I would never have done this,” I murmur back.

  “That’s because you’re not awesome like he is,” she says.


  Emma nudges me with her arm and winks at me. I’ll admit, I’m glad she’s here. Emma goes above and beyond being an assistant, but I know that’s because of our family bond.

  “Stop stressing. The kid’s got this,” Jordan, one of my closest friends, says, drawing my attention.

  “Yeah,” I huff the simple reply.

  Looking down the row at the men I consider my brothers, I’m grateful for my support system. The fact that they’ve taken time out of their busy schedules for Mason means a lot to us both. I’m sure he’ll be excited to see so many of my friends here to cheer him on.

  “Daniel, you all right, bro?” I whisper over Jordan to my other friend frowning down at his phone.

  He looks up with clouded-over eyes. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  I can tell he’s not from the dazed look on his face, but this isn’t the time to pry. Making a mental note to check in on him later, I turn back toward the stage. My knee bounces with nerves.

  I spot Mr. Connor in the corner of the stage. He’s squatting while talking to someone out of sight. Again, I note how attractive he is. The fact that he’s so good with the kids makes him more alluring.

  It seems he’s been giving Mason extra attention in the past few weeks. My nephew can’t stop talking about him. I’m still grateful to him for all he did the day Mason got into that fight.

  “Oh, I think they’re going to start,” Emma says, pointing to the curtains that begin to open.

  Sitting up straighter in my seat, I watch as the first group of kids comes out. They all look so nervous. I can only imagine how they feel.

  I spend the next hour on the edge of
my seat, waiting for Mason to appear. My row roars to life when Mason steps out dressed as a Greek god. I chuckle to myself—him and his mythology. It didn’t matter what he chose to sing he was going with that costume.

  “He changed songs,” I mutter when the music starts and Mason begins to sing.

  “Yeah, he wanted to surprise you,” Emma says.

  I swallow the lump in my throat as Mason’s voice carries the lyrics to “Wind Beneath My Wings.” He sounds amazing. I’m so proud of him. So many emotions overcome me, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat; my chest swells with pride.

  “Wow,” I hear Jordan breathe.

  All of my friends are aware of my ability to belt out a tone, but not many know Mason can as well. My chest puffs out some more. That’s my little guy up there.

  From my seat, I can see his eyes searching the crowd. Placing my fingers in my mouth, I whistle through the crowd. His little eyes find me and light up. I know he didn’t think I would make it.

  The look of joy on his face is priceless. I haven’t seen him smile like that in so long. Mason’s voice grows clearer, and he begins to loosen up. He takes the crowd by storm, earning a standing ovation.

  “That was phenomenal,” Jordan says, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, Savanna would have been proud,” I say, clearing my throat of emotions.

  The recital ends after Mason steals the show. I’m still in awe of him as we start to file out of our seats. The families are invited to stay for an after-party. I know all of my friends can’t stay. I’m not the only one in season. They’ll be rushing off to catch flights as well.

  “I hate I have to go. Tell the little guy how proud we are of him,” Jordan says, patting me on the back.

  “Sure thing. Thanks for showing up.”

  “Always,” he replies.

  My other friends begin to say their farewells as the crowd shifts around us. I can’t wait to get to Mason to give him a big hug. Emma grabs my arm, leading me to the cafeteria where they announced the repast would take place.

  Mason locks on me the moment I walk in. He flies across the room into my arms. Lifting him into a hug, I put everything into the embrace.

  “You were amazing, buddy,” I croon.

  “Thanks, Uncle Ky,” he chimes. “Did you like the song?”

  “Yeah, it was great. You’re amazing, little dude.”

  “That was so awesome,” Emma says. “So proud of you, squirt.”

  “Thank you. Everyone loved my costume,” he says to Emma with bright eyes.

  “Why wouldn’t they? You’re killing it.”

  Mason makes a muscle and wiggles his brows at me. I throw my head back and laugh. He’s a trip, but it’s good to see him showing so much personality tonight.

  “You have to say hi to Mr. Connor.”

  Looking around for Mason’s teacher, I find him midconversation with some of the other families. I decide to wait our turn. Mason’s little tummy rumbles, confirming that decision. He looks at me sheepishly, giggling when I tickle his belly.

  “We’ll get you something for that monster in your stomach first,” I tease.

  “There’s not a monster in my stomach,” he says.

  His stomach growls again, causing me to lift a brow at him. He tucks his head into my shoulder and his giggles fill my ear. I breathe a little easier seeing his happiness.

  “Excuse me.”

  I turn to find Mr. Connor at my side. Damn, he’s just as fine as the last time I saw him, if not more. I don’t think I got to appreciate him as much then, with Mason in the middle of a breakdown.

  At the moment, I take it all in. From his eyes, his hair, and those lips—it’s a package worth admiring. There’s something about him I can’t put my finger on. I don’t realize I’m staring until he clears his throat nervously and continues.

  “I just wanted to come over and say I thought Mason was extraordinary,” he says.

  “It was a great show. All of the kids did amazing,” I reply, placing Mason on his feet.

  “That’s nice of you to say.” He lowers his voice and leans in. “But you and I know he was the star of the show.”

  We both laugh. I like a dude with a sense of humor. Mr. Connor is checking off a lot of boxes. That shyness that exudes from him is a turn-on, all day.

  “Hey, Mason. Let’s go get something to eat,” Emma says.

  I know that sound in her voice. I’m here for Mas, not to hit on his teacher. That’s not my style anyway.

  I watch Mason and Emma walk over to the refreshments table. Again, I note that Mas seems to be having a great day, causing my smile to grow. This will be worth the late flight out.

  “He adores you.”

  I turn back to Mr. Connor to see his eyes glued on me. I’d like to stare into those eyes while finding out what that mouth tastes like. I shake off my lust-filled thoughts and focus on what Mason’s teacher is trying to tell me.

  The last thing I need is to drool over my little guy’s teacher. Besides, I believe the thoughts I had the last time I was here. He has to have a girlfriend at home.

  “He’s a great kid. I adore him too,” I reply. “I wanted to thank you for all you’ve been doing for him. He talks about you nonstop.”

  His lids lower, and I think I even see a blush forming. However, before I can see if it forms fully, Mason’s squeal draws my attention across the room. I turn to see him running around with some of the other kids. Emma is busy stuffing her face and making new friends.

  A hand touches my forearm, causing my head to snap back in Mr. Connor’s direction. He pulls the hand back quickly. From his reaction he felt just what I did.

  Electricity zapped up my arm, warming my body from the touch. I look down at my arm—the hairs are standing up. Forcing myself to ignore the humming that’s spreading through me, I lift my head and I clear my throat.

  “I only wanted to say have a good night. I need to go say something to the other parents,” he rushes out.

  My eyes run over him. I tell myself I’m tripping. I think to press him and see if he reacts, but I remember myself and where I am. Letting the thought go, I nod.

  “Right, thanks again,” I reply.

  “No problem, anytime,” he says and takes off.


  I CAN’T stop look across the room at Kyle. He is magnetizing. My fingertips are still sizzling from touching him earlier.

  I’ve dared a few times tonight to imagine that he felt what I did. I’ve also brushed those thoughts away. I’ve seen Kyle in countless photos with nothing but gorgeous women surrounding him.

  The brunette with him tonight being one of them. She’s the same woman that accompanied him the day he entered my classroom. Clearly they are an item or something.

  “Mr. Connor,” a voice says, finally tearing my attention away from Kyle.

  “Oh, hello, Mrs. Stevens,” I say with a smile.

  “You’re doing such a lovely job with the children. I think your future here at the academy is a great one. You keep up the good work, dear,” the older woman states.

  She’s on the board of directors and pulls a lot of weight around here. Her sons and grandchildren were all once students here. Her approval is golden and goes a long way.

  “I love what I do. Glad things turned out so well,” I reply.

  She leans into me, beckoning me closer with her hand.

  “You’re a fine young man. We could use more role models like you. Don’t say I told you, but you’re in line for the vice principal position. You already have my vote,” she says and winks.

  My chest expands. This is just what I’ve been working for. I put my application in for the promotion, but I didn’t think I had a serious shot. Some of the older teachers have their hats in the running.

  “Wow, thank you for your vote.”

  “It’s time for new blood. I know what’s going on with the Tyson boy. That performance was amazing. I don’t think he would have done something like t
hat a few months ago,” she says with a bright smile. “You’re a keeper.”

  Mrs. Stevens walks off, leaving me smiling from ear to ear. When I look across the room and see a smiling Mason waving as his uncle carries him out, my heart is full. I’ve come a long way.



  “YOU KNOW you guys are going to eat our dust this year,” Ray taunts. “I can’t wait to hand you that ass on the court.”

  “Here you go. Always talking shit.” I shake my head and take a pull of my beer.

  I look around the backyard of Javier’s home as Ray and I stand poolside. Smiling faces can be found everywhere. A few of my friends have gathered around with partners, engaged in animated discussions about this or that. Tons of laughter flows, while music plays in the background.

  It feels good to be out with friends. Emma insisted on taking Mason for the weekend so I could come to this barbecue to relax with familiar faces. I’d been reluctant at first. When Michael and I dated, this would have been the type of event we could chill and be ourselves at. Javier has these inclusive parties just for that purpose. Sort of like a monthly gay pride event as Javier calls it.

  I wasn’t sure if Michael would be invited or if he would show up. Javier assured me that not only would Michael not be here, he wasn’t invited in the first place. I should have known I could count on my friends.

  “I talk shit because I back it up.” Ray shrugs.

  “Fair enough, but I’m not going to make it easy on you,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Never that. I don’t expect you to. I live for the challenge you bring. I swear you need to leave that weak-ass team and come play with some winners. You’re a free agent next year. You know we’d take over the league on the same team.” I see the same spark in his eyes that he gets every time we have this conversation.

  “I might have thought about it a year or two ago. I don’t know now. I don’t want to change anything else in Mason’s life,” I grumble.


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